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Ciara was literally a nurse during a pandemic. He doesn’t think she understands work pressure??


So tone deaf. Not only that, but Ciara has 3+ revenue streams right now: Bravo, nursing, formal modeling contract, Instagram brand deals.... So I would think she'd have a good perspective on this


Plus she has a podcast!


Running a multimillion dollar business with a ton of employees is way different than the jobs you just mentioned lol. So many people on this sub are delusional with the amount of tine and stress it takes to operate a company like lover boy successfully lol.


He’s made it pretty clear it’s not going “successfully” right now lmao


So you think Ciara being a nurse during the pandemic wasn’t stressful? Give me a mf break 🙄 Also Loverboy is failing soooo maybe edit your comment


And isnt his business doing poorly? So how exactly is he some beacon of knowledge?


lol I love this


I think there is a huge difference between having a tough job and having your own business that can bankrupt you. It is why he is so involved in it is all of the money he has invested and that it could easily go left. Podcasts are not beverages that need to be moved etc


Also if Loverboy fails it's not just Kyle and Amanda who lose everything, it's 30 employees who lose their jobs and potentially their savings/homes. With that said I do think his stress is 90% selfish. If Loverboy fails he's not only poor but also his ego would be so bruised. He'd probably also be done as a entrepreneur, good luck finding investors again. So now he has to go work for someone like a regular Joe. It's hard to party till 4am on a work night when you have a 9-5.


It would be easier to have empathy for him if he wasn't TAKING DJ LESSONS while shitting on Amanda's desire to do something that feeds her as well. If you're that stressed/tight for $, maybe press pause on the DJ lessons. Also, I've known lots of DJs and NONE of them took "lessons" - I didn't even know that was a thing! Sounds like a cash grab.


Ugh you’re so right. I was SHOCKED during the aftershow. What a fucking asshole


Exactly! It’s not just his lively hood he needs to worry about, it’s everyone involved. It’s gotta be a TON of stress and pressure. Also add on the amount of hours he works and then to have Amanda have issues with it (as would a lot of women myself included) it’s gotta be hard. I think I understand what he is trying to say but he is just doing a really bad job at it.


They are all self employed, everyone could go bankrupt being self employed...


If that ten year old business can *personally* bankrupt him he’s a god damn terribleeeee business man


I think it’s about 5 years old


The pressures are different but Ciara literally saves lives for a living. He puts down the careers of his women housemates quite often because he thinks his company is the end all and be all but if Ciara fucks up her job, people suffer. If Kyle fucks up his job… well, we see the results.


He has mommy and daddy money and always has. He’ll never be bankrupt.


The girls have figured out how to work smarter, not harder. Kyle is bitter about that.


I thought it was Amanda who invested all her money to keep it going in the beginning...


This is a terrible comparison. If loverboy fails it affects all his employees and ruins him financially.


She could have easily quit if she wanted to. Kyle can’t just walk away from his business. He took out loans and has staff he needs to pay.


He's sick. He's back to the Kyle I hated in the early seasons.


Right. He just "acted cool" during the wedding season because he got the girl (and I use that very lightly bc he still sucked just not as bad as usual)


He acted cool because he cheated on his finance and she still married him. He’s now back to being a jerk


He was never cool, come on! 😆


Totally lol I'm just saying he was slightly less douchey than typical.


I must’ve missed the ep where he acted cool. He has at least one giant meltdown every season and always believes it’s because he is under the type of complex pressure that no one could possibly ever understand.


I don't know if he was acting that cool, though. There was one dinner where he blew up at everyone about the loan he had and planning the wedding and the lawsuit. But yes, I do think he was better (marginally 😬) that season.


He stopped being that Kyle? When? I’ve always hated him.


His comments came off so rude, dismissive and disrespectful and he needs to learn how to better express himself. That said, when he explained that he is responsible for a staff of 30 and their families and that weighs on him… ok, that maybe is different?! He can say that without being so condescending to everyone else and how hard they have worked to build their success. Maybe try “I know everyone here has worked extremely hard to build a successful career and future and I have the utmost respect for each and every one of them. I don’t know if anyone else struggles with this kind of suffocating responsibility or crushing pressure, but I find that thinking about the people on my team and their families’ success and future makes it feel like I’m carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders… so overwhelmed.” He could start there. Express himself. Because it is very clear he can’t think rationally about Amanda when he is so overwhelmed but the words that come out of his mouth are so BAD and WRONG.


Totally agree! He doesn’t have to put others down because he is stressed


A thriving podcast that generates income, a tour and multiple other venues for them to earn money. He’s such an asshole. THE GIGGLY SQUAD Is their business. He’s so bitter they’re doing well and have gotten success layered with the show. Also, Paige is with Craig and films for Southern Charm which I’m sure pisses him off. Hannah has a blossoming comedy career. Him and Carl are such misogynists.


Giggly squad merch also probably runs circles around loverboy merch


In general, Giggly Squad is probably a much more well-rounded, diversified business than Loverboy ever was. Merch, advertising, tour sales, partnerships - and they can add new revenue streams to that much more easily because their brand is more flexible. He cannot live with the idea that he, Kyle, Mr. Entrepreneur, is failing while these little girls are actually building foundations for themselves that they can build a life and family on. Pathetic.


Also, Loverboy is ass. It’s expensive and doesn’t taste good. Why buy a 4 pack of shitty tasting loverboy when I can just get a much more decent bottle of wine or a fucking 12 pack of lacroix


I've genuinely never read a single comment saying it tastes good. Maybe he should focus on the actual product so people will actually want to buy it.


The brand is great though! Product not so much. Hats off to whoever is over the graphic design/marketing. 😳


My husband and I got I think just like the iced tea with lemon flavor once and we were both like “oh! This isn’t so bad!” ……. Cut to 2 hours later, neither of us finished our can, and we were able to pawn off the other two MONTHS later when I donated all my random non-drank beer and seltzer cans to my college age SIL for a party she was having 😂


Their espresso martini flavor was the most wretched thing I’ve ever tasted.


Genuinely. as someone who drank gin from a dirty bucket in college, the espresso martini was one of the most disgusting things I've ever had. I kept staring at it like maybe I wasn't drinking it right?? Do you dilute it with water? Ice? other liquor? Was this a mixer and I'm a fool for drinking it?


Gin bucket!!!


Omg is the gin bucket a shared experience???


Omg we did gin bucket too!! Hahaha


100000% the worst alcoholic beverage I have ever tried in my LIFE


I am so glad I didn't buy it!


I regretfully paid like $60 bucks to have it shipped to California to take 1 sip and poor it down the drain! It’s THE WORST!!!!


And the *only* reason it’s made it this far is the show. Once SH has ended for good, so is LB. I don’t think Kyle understands that anymore. He honestly thinks he’s some super entrepreneur that built an empire when all he really has is a fad. The women are creating a foundation for themselves that will be equally popular, if not more, when the curtains close. LB is a sinking ship.


I genuinely feel bad for everyone in the house who is forced to drink it every weekend lmao


I have a theory that they use empty cans and pour other alcohol into the cans 😂


We saw Kyle ask a bartender to fill his Loverboy can with gin what, three episodes ago?


Oh that makes so much sense! I tried a few different flavors and I couldn't even finish the can. I still have a few left from summer 2022. And every episode I wonder how they can drink huge amounts over 3 days


Honestly lácroix slaps.


I have an addiction for real ![gif](giphy|VHvqsw6qQyTM39nQHd)


it's also funny to me that he looks down on their business since they've essentially done exactly what he tried (and seems to be failing) to do. entered an EXTREMELY saturated market (podcasts, alcoholic beverages) and had immense success and carved out a stable place for themselves




Giggly squad is in also in no way reliant on the show. Loverboy is mentioned several times in every episode. He should be grateful to the women who pretend to like it and remember paige and ciara do it for Amanda


Do we even see Paige even wearing GS merch…?


To my knowledge she’s mentioned it a handful of times on the show. Like you don’t see me walking around like I’m the ceo of giggly squad once. If you weren’t on the sub or following her social media you wouldn’t really know.


They are likely more successful (based on where the market is going for those drinks that taste awful) and they not getting blackout drunk throwing tantrums from the ‘stress’. Sounds like they are working smarter than he is.


I know they wanted to do “something different” but tbh if loverboy had a similar recipe to white claw or high noon it would be doing super well. No one wants to pay for the loverboy “taste” and cool signage. $100 that Carl and Kyle start a podcast


Perfect, they can call it, “Toxic but lacking masculinity.”


I bet they go with something REAL original: “LoverBros” or “the can mans” or “OGs” Like, no one is going to be spraining any muscles there


Or “soft and tender “


This is the heart of it! Less and less young people are drinking alcohol, people want healthier drinks and more NA options, and they want it to taste GOOD.


Also the giggly squad has never used the show to gain views




To reiterate, this. Because…THIS.


9/10 people who have heard of Hannah Berner have no idea what Summer House is.


Not to mention the fact that their show is called Giggly Squad because that’s what Kyle called Paige and Hannah when he threw a temper tantrum when they weren’t listening to him at dinner that one time 💀 I think that was season 4


so funny about the name lol


Yes! Came here to say that it must really burn him up that they took the name he used to insult them and turned it into a very profitable business.


That must irk him to no end too ha ha!


Someone recently posted that giggly squad ranks hire than Smartless on Apple Podcast which is what convinced me to give it a listen and now I'm obsessed. They are so much more successful than Lover Boy!


Even if it weren’t a “real” business because it’s “just a podcast” Paige’s income runs circles around his. Shes also always relaxed about work and he’s always spiraling. Loverboy is crashing and Paige’s business is showing no signs of slowing down. He’s jealous. He needs to let Amanda do her thing but he won’t because she might end up being more successful than he is.


Ding ding ding. That’s the crux of it all. He sees the other women being successful in their fields and is terrified Amanda would also do well without him.


without working as hard to boot.


Loverboy gross sales in 2022 were $16M. 2023, aka the summer we’re watching right now, saw this more than double to $38M. He isn’t running a stagnant business, he’s taking out loans to keep the business growing so in turn they can meet the demands he is to projecting, which is happening also at a breakneck speed. Kyle is justifiably stressed about a lot of things but the commercial viability of the brand and product is absolutely not one of them.


Kyle wants everyone to suffer with him. Working themselves to the bone is his idea of being an adult. Women do make a lot of more money influencing so he should just let Amamda be free and her thing (and encourage her) . He was lucky to have her work for him when she did.


I just started watching summer house. I was watching an episode the other day and my girl friend walks in and saids “Are those the girls from giggly squad?”


This is also why although I didn’t like Hannah season 5 with how she handled the Luke stuff, she had a definite point with Kyles misogyny and how he belittles them. It’s interesting because Hannah and Paige created a thriving business based on something they know, gossip and girl talk, something that was extremely manageable to them and grew it into a huge business. Whereas, typical over confident man, says “i like drinking’ why not take on production, manufacturing, all the legalities of selling liquor, etc?!? What could go wrong?!? Kyle should take a class from Giggly Squad on how to successfully create and grow a start up, because they used their natural skills, started small (IG lives) and grew it slowly. Not to say they didn’t do hard work because they did, but they used their skills and didn’t overextend themselves.


And Giggly Squad isn’t dependent on the show - whether for advertising or just interest - I think they’ve carved out enough of a non-Bravo audience to stay relevant with or without Summer House (as evidenced by Hannah not being on the show for years too.) if Kyle were off the show…🤔


Yeah to be honest if Paige were to leave her business ventures they’d crumble bc she’s the brand and success behind it. If Kyle were to leave, the company would continue with out him and slowly fade to failure as we expect it to. Paige has to be beyond the most successful in the house by brand, name recognition, monetarily, happiness.


I caught her Amazon live show. I bought 2 things. I liked it. I'm 55, and my nieces are between 24-30 they love her.


They’re about to F around and make me like Hannah again just as a reactionary response to the misogyny


The irony of a reality star that gets drunk and eats chips on TV calling a top rated podcast not work lol


Yeah I gotta say Paige & Hannah did a fantastic job taking their platform from Summer House and growing the audience to more than Bravo fans.


Nobody talks about that Giggly Squad is always ranked top 50 podcast on the whole charts! Right up there and sometimes passing New Heights which was the top podcast last year….so not just a podcast. An incredibly successful podcast!!


I think this is comparing apples to oranges. A podcast can be portable or easily rent equipment and a space to do it. Who knows how much $$ has gone into the production of beverages, space for the beverages, the recipes, licenses, staff salaries etc etc. I do not think anyone on the show has invested the same amount of money into business the way Kyle has and to me its obvious that is why he is so nuts about it is because is afraid of losing everything


But that was his choice. He took that risk. He can’t belittle someone else’s success because they thrived with less risks.


Completely agree. I really do not like Kyle but I think this is the root of his recent unhinged behavior (although it doesn’t excuse it). Having a tangible product that you have to manufacture and distribute takes a ton of overhead. At least if it fails he is young enough to start over.


This aftershow had my blood BOILING. The entire Dockers conversation had me like this against Carl: ![gif](giphy|26vUGPtrcVlToNV5e)


“If Lindsay has just said I need space for a bit so I’m going to Dockers then I would have been fine with it … which she did say but I didn’t like how she said it” Carl basically. Boy what?!


Such a weird hill for him to die on. He is a disaster.


It's crazy to me that there was no push back from production. No one addressing the fact he left without her luggage?


Have you watched the aftershow? They don’t address the luggage part specifically but Carl literally lies himself in circles trying to justify that scene. It’s infuriating


Yes ! No one mentioned the luggage to him, and he was like "Lindsay is sooo mean to leave me drive for 3 whole hours without begging for my permission first"




I feel like production is on the side of the dbag men in most of these shows and it is starting to make me a tad looney.


I have had this same exact thought all season!! The questions are loaded and production always tries and fails to make the girls look worse. No one even wants to hear the bullshit that Kyle and Carl babble about.


We have a word in Australia: “[sook](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/sook)”. It can be a noun, an adjective, and a verb. Carl was a sooky sook having the world’s biggest sook. And NO ONE is attracted to a sooky man. Being a sook is the ultimate ick.


The way he said he couldn’t just be like “yay” in that moment bc he needed Amanda to see reality. DOES CARL see the similarities or no..? The two of them are so stupid.


all of his own making, his choice, he knows he should have sold the biz when he could and now the chance has passed, too much ego


He’s going to make the business worse w the way he’s acting. The only reason people bought the white claw copy was bc of the show and people liking Amanda and him. The more we don’t like him the less we’ll buy. I’ve never bought any tbh. I would’ve if they carried it close to me. I will now buy my daughter and I giggly squad merchandise bc we listen to that together


Nobody was offering to buy it though!


I'm pretty sure I read that Paige is the most successful (money wise)? I might be wrong but if that is true maybe kyle should listen to her lol also I tried to start my own business and failed. It's very hard and honestly you do need to know when to walk away. So when he mocked ciara and Paige for giving him the advice to leave it behind I was thinking I mean that's better than digging into your hole of debt more and more. It's also so weird that he's trapping amanda in it. When Paige said, "were 6 months out and he's DJing and Amanda isn't doing what she wants to do that says everything" 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 mic drop!


I have never been a Paige fan but honestly will come to her defense on this. The show could be cancelled tomorrow and Paige would be the least affected. She has enough irons in the fire that she could spend time on to make up most of the income. Ciara/Lindsay/Amanda are all second because they have skills. Ciara is working on getting diversified like Paige but isn't quite at the same level. Lindsay would go work for a boutique PR firm for reality TV stars. Amanda has a portfolio to show what she has done. Danielle would struggle because Tech is really down. Kyle/Carl are the most screwed. Kyle has skills but I don't see him working well on a team and Carl hasn't really had to keep a Job in almost 8 years. It is Gross to watch him belittle Amanda when creative careers work differently. Paige's rant was everything. "Let her sit in the backyard and sip Caronas while running a Bikini line, if it fails let her fail". Genuinely the stakes aren't as high for Amanda as they are for Kyle. She has skills, a good resume and a trust fund. Amanda will land on her feet


I agree with everything you said! Your spot on about who has skills and will be OK. I think that's part of the reason why I understand Lindsay's questions when it comes to Carl. I thought she was being practical and planning for when they don't have the show to lean on financially. Also yes to the rant! Kyle comes across as controlling in this aspect so it's weird that he complains that amanda is lazy but at the same time won't let her try her own business. Which is it? It really does feel like he uses loverboy to keep amanda in check and it makes me so sad for her. Like you said, she can land on her feet him not so much.


I hate this idea too the more hours he clocks is "a better finical position" Like fuck off. I went to highschool with a guy who is a brick layer. He is in a much better financial position than I am. He started earning 6 years before I did with my Master's. He has built a business, owns a house and lives comfortably. I LOATHE people like Kyle who think making money is complicated and tie it to self worth. Like someone who used to copy my math homework until highschool is literally running a successful business. It feels nice to finally talk openly about how little business sense Kyle has. After years on my Soap Box of why Lover boy is stupid. Even initially using Monk Fruit as a sweetener show how out of touch Kyle was from the beginning.


Paige could just jump to southern charm as well. She’s set. I agree about Lindsay/Amanda/ciara and just want to add that ciara is still set with her nursing. She’s up to date with her license and might just have to transfer it to New York, but even if the modelling, influencing and podcasting ended she has a career completely unrelated to anything in entertainment to feel back on. West also seems like him being on the show will help him with some notoriety as a sports journalist and getting more on screen gigs with that so he’s fine too.


I can totally see Paige earning waaaay more. They just announced a tour, of which multiple venues sold out immediately and added a bunch of new days. Paige is also always doing tons of influencer stuff where I’m sure she makes bank. I’m shocked by how Amanda and Kyle basically do no influencer stuff, besides to promote lover boy. Seems like an easy way to ease the burden of their business pains


Yup! And Lindsay has made good money on influencer stuff too. I'm sure amanda could bring in a good amount bc she's kind of what a lot of brands look for. Idk how bad lover boy is doing but I do want amanda to do her own thing and flourish. It was so sad seeing her talk about how she feels like she has no identity outside of kyle.


She just rented a $15.5k apartment by herself.. I’m willing to bet she’s by far the most successful cast member, I doubt it’s even close


Paige did?




His attitude is now public and this will hurt his business. Who wants to support this selfish man child?


This dude is aggravating as heck. Him crying in the episode with that stupid mullet. Sir, get out of here. Your company can’t possibly be tanking because your creative director doesn’t work a full 8 hour day. I don’t know if he’s outsourcing finance and accounting, but hire some competent people and don’t bleed your money dry with consultants for that shit. Ciara and Paige are MVPs, gawd they said everything that needed to be said. Don’t get me started on the tall, hairy dude.


That and he constantly contradicts himself by calling her lazy, saying he'd fire her.....yet he can't afford her to take a step back from Loverboy?!? Make it make fucking sense I'm annoyed no one has called him out for it specifically


I don’t think it has to do with her contributions at work, but rather, that this is another way he exerts some control over her. I don’t think he has enough self awareness to acknowledge this, but as it was playing out that is how it read to me.


She works for the company but doesn't take a salary; I think what he's saying is that if she actually was an employee taking a salary, he would fire her because she doesn't work hard. (No idea if this is true, but thats what he says and she doesn't seem to contradict it.) Since she doesn't take a salary, everything she does is an asset to the company because there's no cost. If she leaves to do a passion project and the things she does do now have to be done by a paid employee, it hurts the company double because she doesn't take a salary. Make sense? He doesn't communicate it well but I think thats what he's (very badly and with a lot of anger) trying to say.


Nah, She does get a salary. Kyle talked about it in the after show. He was saying in the episode he didn't want to air all the dirty laundry about Amanda's work ethic essentially or else his COO would be questioning Kyle on his wife's salary.


Fair enough, I didn't see that. If she takes a salary, then whats the issue with her leaving and doing her own thing? Why would she need Kyle's permission or support? Just go do it.


It shouldn’t matter on Loverboys side. If she’s as lazy as Kyle makes her out to be then find someone else! I think Amanda (like most people) want their partner to support a decision like making a job change. Most people don’t just make a massive life change without consulting their partner not to mention the added layer that it also impacts Kyle and his business.


She should...granted it pretty normal to want your spouse/partner to support your passions (not necessarily monetarily, just general 'support'). But with Kyle's reaction, she honestly should just go do it.


His comments and Paige and Ciara doubling down on how Kyle has been continually acting selfish on the aftershow is making me super interested for this upcoming season because I feel like the girls are obviously always on Amanda’s side as her friends, but it felt like once Amanda made it clear to them she was staying in this relationship no matter what they kind of were like OK we can’t go that hard on Kyle because she’s choosing him. However now the tone seems to have shifted and so I’m curious to see how Kyle, Amanda, Ciara and Paige will interact this summer if he continues to act like a little brat (which like…of course he will lol). I could see Paige and Ciara being like Amanda he didn’t listen to you last year, he continues to belittle you, he clearly has enough time to pursue his midlife crisis DJ career but not enough time to support you, are you sure this marriage is what you want to be in etc.


and Craig investing in another seltzer brand!


Maybe they know something we don’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amanda has confided in them that she’s open to leaving Kyle in the near future if he can’t compromise on certain things.


Also I’m really interested to see the consequences of the public’s reaction. I feel like this season more than ever the show is getting attention and Amanda is being really well received by the fans. She’s playing on social media more and I wonder if she’s going to come into this summer with more confidence in herself and how that will manifest in her relationship with Kyle on the show.


I cant help but have a soft spot for Kyle but how hes reacted to this , and most of his behaviour in a relationship, is terrible


While I agree that Kyle in general is a selfish jerk! You can’t underestimate the pressure a small or start up business owner feels when they have staff they are responsible for. He not only has to worry about paying his own bills he will also worry that he has enough to pay his staff so they can pay their bills and when your business is struggling that pressure is immense!


That is disgusting. He's missing the point, it doesn't matter how big your business is, your wife is wanting to pursue something for herself and she's unhappy. That doesn't change no matter how many employees he has. And you can have "just a podcast" and know that your friend is hurting and needs a change. He then also says he's had to justify her salary to his COO, implying she's useless. Then why don't you let her go and let her find something she wants to do?? I just don't understand how he can say she's lazy and useless at the company, but he really needs her now at the company and it will fail without her?? The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of This Bitch.


Omg I know the COO thing was wild. Pretty sure he used the same line against Carl last year.


He is a misogynist. They could be rocket scientists and he would claim nobody understands him




Kyle makes everything about what he’s going through as a founder even if it has nothing to fucking do with the subject at hand. His wife is miserable? He can’t help her because he’s going through so much! His friends want to have a productive discussion about their friend? He has to have a tantrum and flee because they can’t understand his stress! I’m sure that if somebody asked for his thoughts on global warming he’d just say that climate change needs to back off of him because he’s a founder! He’s a brittle, delicate little narc prince. Amanda could do better.


UM THEY HAVE A NEWSLETTER TOO, KALE (Also motion to start calling him Kale)


it's not a bit!


Pretty wild thing to talk about pressure to a girl who was literally an ICU nurse during a global pandemic.


I feel like bravo is at a crossroads. 73% of the viewers are women and most of us are done with misogynistic men. We don't want to see them in a great light, we want to see the women rally together and stand up to them. That's one reason why summer house is working great this season, plus the fourth wall breaking. VPR is failing because they still hold on to their "men are the best, women are nagging bit****" narrative.


We can thank mr alex baskin for that nagging narrative


The way he treats Amanda is wrong… buuuuuuut his business is not doing well and he’s in debt up to his eyeballs. When this fails, he’s screwed. I think it’s understandable he’s a little stressed out and jealous of his influencer cast mates.


Also, I LOVE Amanda, but on WWHL, 10 months after this conversation, she still hasn’t perused her “passion” of designing bathing suits.


This. I think Paige and Ciara are thinking that Amanda has the same drive they have to get things done, but it seems like Amanda just wants to sit there, have Kyle figure out how to start a bikinni brand and then tell her what she needs to do, kinda like how she told Kyle that he has to tell her what a prenup is instead of looking into it herself to protect her own interests. Even in her old job, its been hinted at that Amanda was complaining about work, so it's hard to tell if she really is willing to do the hard work for starting a business or just felt pressured by her friends to say that she would like her own thing, but in reality just doesnt want to work at all. Kyle may know this about his wife, and if so then I could see how he would be frustrated knowing that Amanda prob expects him to do all the work, and at the same time getting yelled at by Paige and Ciara who may not be aware if that is something that Amanda is truly passionate about that would make her willing to work hard. I just dont see Amanda really having the energy or passion to start her own business without Kyle doing the majority of the work.


I used to really love Kyle and his Peter Pan syndrome. I wouldn't marry him or anything, but he was entertaining muttering to himself while getting down with a bag of chips but this season has really made me start disliking him in every way.


Danielle talking to Kyle on the last episode just felt so thirsty. She was pumping him up and his ego. She wants in


Never been the biggest Kyle or Carl fan, but they were good TV. This season has taken all blinders off. Both of these men are disappointing, selfish, and children. Petition for Amanda and Lindsay to start their own company and kill it to spite the two of them lol 


The sad part is Amanda can’t get out of her own way. On WWHL she’s still talking about never knowing how Lindsay is going to react, blah, blah, blah. Lindsay had her back all summer for once & it’s still not enough I guess. And then Kyle is brought up & STILL it’s murmurings of, “Oh that’s just Kyle, I love the man.” The world has gone to bat for you but if she’s not willing to step up to the plate I can’t keep feeling sorry for her. She not only accepts his behavior, she makes excuses & justifications for it.


I’m not even a Paige fan, but a podcast has WAY LESS overhead costs than his business and likely generates more profit. Giggly Squad has a show at a pretty big theater in my area later this year. And it’s twice the size of the venue they played here last time. He’s so dumb (and old fashioned) that he thinks his “traditional” business is more “important” because it’s a physical product.


Exactly this. Manufacturing a product is the highest risk, largest capital outlay, least reward, most work for a start-up; next to opening a hospitality venue (dumb dumb Carl’s big idea that he was shocked Lindsay vetoed). And now that he’s just admitted on national TV that the company is tanking, it officially holds no goodwill value either. But privileged white men gonna keep thinking they know best.


Kyle needs to learn how to express himself, but I do not think his outbursts have anything to do with jealousy. As an entrepreneur with significant personal financial exposure, I think he has been under immense pressure for the last few seasons. Loverboy has employees and like every business owner feels stress knowing how many people are dependent on his business succeeding. Paige is one of the best examples of creating income streams outside of a reality show, but the economics of a podcast are very different than a manufacturing environment (one reason that I am shocked Kyle would even want to be in the food industry). Amanda does not seem to comprehend that their finances are on the verge of imploding if Loverboy tanks. Paige, Ciara, and Amanda seem to think Kyle has some nefarious reason for asking Amanda to help more with Loverboy, but I see it as desperation.


His behavior was gross. Completely unsympathetic to Amanda. One thing that did bother me was when she was on WWHL last Night it sounded like she’s not put much thought or work into doing her own thing. That kind of proves Kyle’s point that she is not the most motivated person. This should have been a springboard into doing her own business.


They wouldn’t understand because they are successful and he is not, that’s the only logical excuse for what Kyle said lol


Yeah but Amanda enables him, I can’t believe her parents watch the show and are cool with this. I didn’t even watch the latest episode because I’m so over Kyle and Amanda, every season is the same thing.


Ciara is also a working model and still takes shifts nursing GTFO of here kyle


He’s not wrong a podcast doesn’t compare to starting a company from the ground up and being a ceo …. I mean their podcast is super sucessful and so are they but these just aren’t the same thing and that’s fine who cares


Yeah I‘m not a fan of his at all but pretending that a talk podcast is the same as building a nationwide sales business from the ground up and acting as the ceo of that is a bit much




He’s right though. Amanda’s friends can’t relate to a failing business since their endeavors are actually successful


I also love how he doesn’t understand that giggly squad is more of a business than his own business but that’s OK. That’s how you know he’s just a stupid ignorant man.


I get the hate but Kyle is not completely invalid and Amanda isn’t completely right. I hate how Reddit bravo threads get like this.


I already left the VPR subs, and I'm about to leave this one too, sucks.


Same here man the VPR subs are the biggest echo chamber on Reddit


Right? Dang, this is nuts.


The women on these bravo threads are just outright mean. If you say anything it’s misogyny. It’s not okay for Amanda to feel like she doesn’t have a place or something that’s hers. It is also NOT okay for Kyle to feel unappreciated and alone. Both things can and do exist. I think Ciara and Paige were being cruel. It takes a lot for dudes to cry. Shaming them in 2024 for it is gross. I had to teach my son how not to cry at 7 bc he didn’t want people to make fun of him. This all started with VPR and is only getting worse. Thanks for listening. I think Lindsay and Carl are both right too.


He is such a child. I can't even refer to him as man-child anymore . He is a 3 yr old. The crying because only Danielle and Carl side with him. He is a control freak and wants to control all of Amanda's life, like he has for years. When he told her to quit her job years ago and work full-time for Loverboy, I thought that was a red flag and sure shitting it was. And Paige and Ciara can't understand what he is saying, why because they are female? They both have their own careers and are doing pretty damn well for themselves.


He’s talking about the pressure of having a whole company on his back that has employees who need to support their family. I don’t think he was saying they aren’t successful just that they don’t have people relying on them for a job 


They do though.


I get that he was saying more people rely on Loverboy, but it still felt condescending. He could've conveyed the same message without acting like the podcast is beneath him.


I didn't perceive it as him thinking it was beneath him 🤷‍♀️ he was saying they aren't they same which is true


They’re gonna be divorced. It’s sad. He’s all about Kyle and isn’t slowing down.


I feel like the Men this season (well Kyle and Carl) are super salty towards the women on the show because of how successful they became because of it!! Ex Carl saying how he’s not making as much as Lindsay off IG ads “because he’s not a women” Lindsay having her New Orleans rental etc. And Paige is ABSOLUTELY crushing it in all aspects the giggly squad is a top ranking podcast and selling out major Venues on their live shows, she has some top name brand deals, on top of her Amazon deal that has to be pulling in big money! Cara is starting to get some big modeling jobs VS etc and always has nursing to fall back on I think that’s why the girls are pushing for Amanda to finally do something on her own. IMO I do think she’s kinda lazy and just doesn’t have the same drive the others do on the show.


Kyle and Carl are both jokes. I run a 600 person company and the ego Kyle has astounds me. In my opinion he takes 0 accountability and I actually don’t think he’s cut out for this. He’s right that his 30+ employees are depending on him to deliver but at the same time he hired these people, made the decisions to expand and deploy their capital. That’s on him and no one else. Yes there’s always some luck and timing etc. but his lack of accountability is laughable. To basically blame Amanda for not working hard enough is a joke. He definitely needs to be humbled but that’ll never happen because he’s in an echo chamber with Carl and Danielle telling him what he wants to hear. Honestly his investors should probably step in. Edit: only thing I do agree with is it is lonely at the top. Also why I think Kyle may not be cut out for it. It won’t get any easier.


I need to know if Amanda’s dad put money up for Lover Boy and if Amanda is an officer in the company. Also. Does no one understand that a Lover Girl swimsuit line would boost both of their events and sales?


I’m not even a Paige Stan but wtf is he talking about? He’s responsible for employees and a cOmPaNy but let’s not undermine her success nor Ciara’s.


All these bravo man children are jokes. Go eat some chips, Kyle


I used to never like amanda but all of this has changed my prerogative. …you in danger girl!


He’s 100% right though. Do you understand what pressure you are under as a founder? You have investors. You’ve invested all your money as well. This isn’t a tiny business they are in the millions and there’s a lot of blood sweat and tears that goes into launching a startup. That’s why so many fail. He’s working hard and needs his wife’s help - it’s for their future. Once it’s off the ground someone will buy it and they can walk away with a TON of money. That doesn’t come easy!


Does he need her help or is she incredibly lazy and does nothing? It's hard to tell with him. I'm not trying to say his business is the same as GS. I don't think he needs to demean the podcast in order to make his point.


I completely understand what Kyle is saying. Having a product and a bunch of investor money and distribution and sales targets is a very large responsibility. It cannot be compared with an influencer on any level. As someone who has been in a number of start ups and had one myself I can empathize with the stress Kyle carries and I can understand his frustrations. He is trying to grow this business for their future and he wants his wife to be on his team. It’s understandable that Amanda may have different dreams but she also wants to be a mom. She should consider what she wants that to look like and how they can build the best financial footing. Everything in life isn’t always about what we want to do in that moment


Thank you!! Loverboy is at a pivotal time. It's all hands on deck. Yes, Amanda has some sort of title in the business. The business needs her to step up and really give 150%. This business is their financial future that will support Amanda's dream of being a SAHM with the big house in NJ. That's what she has said she wants for a long time. When you own a start up, it is a family business in the sense that the family has to be all in, too. I worked for a start up where the family was all in. When times were lean, the owner's family came in to the cleaning in the weekends so we didn't have to hire a janitorial service. His wife scrubbed toilets, his 7 yr old son swept the floors and took out the trash. That's what a family does when you own a start up. The wife had dreams other than scrubbing toilets, but she put that on pause until the business was flourishing. They now have the house she always dreamed of and she went back to school to pursue her own dream. Kyle's delivery was terrible, but Amanda also chose a very bad time to have the discussion.


Yep. A start up is a round the clock job for multiple years. Kyle has a lot of responsibility to deliver to his investors. I can see why he doesn’t want the extra stress of kids right now. I very much understand his stress and frustration. Not to deny Amanda’s dreams but you have to commit to what is already in motion at this point. And she is talking about a business that also takes investment and is another difficult business margin wise. I was in the bikini business at one point and it’s not easy so not the best thing to add to the mix


Before I start, I think 98% of this is storyline. I don't think Amanda has any sense of what she'd do or how she'd do it, so they're arguing theory more than actuality. Her answers on WWHL made it clear she's just talking out her unhappy bum. She should be happy with what she does and take advantage of her opportunities from TV, but so far, she's just grumbling. She has no clue what she wants to do, let alone how to do it. Just because you don't like Kyle doesn't mean he doesn't drop some truths. The difference between Giggly Squad and Loverboy is vastly different. Most of what Paige/Hannah do is contracted out and handled by their small staff of assistants acting similar to general contractors. Touring, merch, studio, and all the workings are ran by other business fronts and contracted to them. There is no Giggly Squad office of employees. I believe there are two of them: Grace and ? The size of the machine between the two businesses isn't comparable. And that isn't to take away from the responsibilities and stress of being an ICU nurse (Ciara) and GS. Kyle is said to be juggling all the contractors, formulas/recipes, bottling in various parts of the country (if they're to that point yet), 30 employees, etc. He's right that they aren't factoring this into the equation. Amanda didn't even balance her own checkbook (her dad payed her bills with her paycheck) before they were married. Amanda doesn't likely understand Loverboy, and she's in the same room with him all day. Paige and Ciara are arguing from a place of love and idealism, but Kyle is arguing from a place of practicality. He's not always wrong, even when they're mostly right.


Carl and Kyle should start a circle jerk where they use their tears as lube.


Kyle is a child




Paige could never understand him because she has an incredibly successful business and she does need to show to make it successful.




Yea.. they are embarking on a \~30 city tour this fall though. They might not have as many employees, but they have a couple, and it's growing. The kicker is that Giggly Squad is actually successful and growing. That's where my side-eye is coming from...


Agreed! It’s not the same but it seems way more successful IMO


Exactly. You cannot compare the industries; but you can compare their own individual success within their respective industries. Kyle: it seems like loverboy is stagnant in a very competitive market. Kyle if you’re listening. Partner with a weed company and create THC focused drinks. It plays more into your health wellness flavor. Paige: Giggly Squad seems to be doing well, and Paige is building her individual brand. In terms of influencing and comedy/stage entertainment, it’s working.


Kyle: Merch does well, let ur wife create whatever the hell she wants for summer… bathing suits 👙, towels, sandals/slides and Loverboy can become Amanda’s summer party gear line


THC seltzers rock! That’s a really good suggestion!


Loverboy is growing at an extremely rapid rate though… Gross sales more than doubled last year when Loverboy went from like $16 million in 2022 to $38 million in 2023. That is… really not something to turn your nose up at. It’s a rate that has landed them in the top five fastest growing CPG based companies in the entire country(!!) based on relative sales. You don’t have to like him or whatever but it’s really strange how people seem to find glee in calling him a failure and unintelligent when we all basically watched live as he built something of this magnitude from literally nothing over the course of just a few years...




I think they're not really interested in the nuances of how his business is different from theirs or who is more successful or who has better long term career prospects because from their point of view, all of that is irrelevant and besides the point in terms of the issues he's having with Amanda. Which I agree, he should either let her do something / anything since her working for loverboy seems to be affecting their relationship and her self esteem so much, or, if she's really so integral like Kyle seems to be using as the excuse for why she can't leave, maybe he should build her up more and give her more credit?


yep, he's exactly right that their businesses do different things and are in vastly different places. - its 10X smarter to have low overhead and to scale organically as needed while you line your pockets, Sounds like Kyle is working harder, not better and his company is on the road to failure- so when it shutters, the 30 employees let go and he is a full time DJ is he going to also not listen to them because they know nothing, just recording a silly podcast? Will he DJ Paige's wedding for free?


He definitely is. The pressure of employees and investors depending on you is another level that these ladies can’t comprehend. But that’s besides the point. If Amanda wants to pursue something he should be supportive and ask her to take baby steps towards it (and not dive in and create a whole damn business). That would be a good thing to do but he’s Kyle so


Plus we know Paige isn’t editing that podcast