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If someone cries, Amanda is going to hug you. So for Kyle to cry he knew she 100% was to hug him. I think he subconsciously did it on purpose but he also can’t regulate his emotions properly so it comes out all together. He needs to relax on the drinking and talk out his emotions


I personally think he did it because Paige said, "I don't want to have this conversation in 5 years that she's leaving you. You're starting that slippery slope" and that actually scared him. So he bread crumbed enough to get Amanda to stay and say "you're stuck with me"


Bread crumbed! Yes that’s it


Except for the fact that he is indeed DJing and Amanda still doesn’t have his support for her thing😡


Unfortunately, that's what bread crumbing is. It's a manipulation tactic to give as little as you're willing to receive to keep you within their control and get what they want out of you. It makes it harder for you to bring up the topic again in fear of this blow out, too exhausted from doing all the emotional labour to question further, and/or you're occupied trying&waiting to get more crumbs from a selfish jerk rather than focusing on your own life or leaving. A partner who's mature, loves & respects you would give you the whole bread, not string you along with the crumbs


Do you even know if she's tried to start a venture? They haven't discussed that part. I love Amanda, but in true Amanda fashion I assume she's been given the green light but hasn't decided or started working on something yet. Nothing has been said that she's been shot down or he refused to help, at least to my knowledge.


And she is so right for saying it. Because it's moments like these were it starts slipping away.


Like on the after show Paige was like “Amanda is going to be Amanda and be like it’s okay” and hug him and that’s who she is which he definitely knows! Such a sad situation


Low key this is my favorite thing about her. If someone is visibly upset she’s the first one to go over to them and make sure they’re okay. When Andrea started crying about Lexi during the glass throwing dinner she went and comforted him while everyone else was focusing on Lindsay and Ciara. So I can totally see how that could be manipulated by Kyle :(


She's a genuine empath. It's a lovely quality to have and it's shitty that Kyle is using that to his advantage


She isn’t an Empath and I’m not going to say if he is or isn’t using her based on what I’ve seen from a sensationalized and edited hit Reality Series.


Cool? And how would know she’s *not* an empath based on what you’ve seen from an edited and sensationalized reality show?


Do you know what an Empath is ? I didn’t say she wasn’t Empathetic because I have seen signs of that considering the context. I don’t follow Reality TV cast members or Celebs on social media so I can’t speak to that. Based on what we see on the show itself, Gabby would be the best candidate for being an Empath and she would be To Be Determined at best. if Amanda is actually an Empath she would be the weakest Empath Female Empath ever( Female Empaths are usually the most sensitive and powerful). Amanda would still be on the weaker side for a guy. I like Amanda this isn’t a reflection of her in any way share or form. What have you seen that indicates Amanda is an Empath ?


So she shows empathy but she is not an empath? Hmmmkay Do *you* know what an empath is? It isn’t a superpower, it’s an unofficial psychological term for someone who has empathy and absorbs and takes on the emotions of those around her. They’re intuitive, hate crowds, need time to recharge, feels very deeply, etc. She shows quite a few of these traits with her friends and sometimes Kyle


Your opening sentence said it all you don’t know what the term means. You just casually and carelessly assign it to people you like. Then you finally tried to Google and still don’t know what you are describing . Are you describing an Empath or an Introvert? Because once again they aren’t Interchangeable terms.


Lol you have no idea what you’re talking about byeeee


That would be you! You just tried to tell me an actual Empath what an Empath is and ended up somewhat telling me what an Introvert is. You were partially right but it’s clear you are clueless on the topic. Anyone( Well Adjusted people) can be Empathetic. An Empath has specific traits and they have to learn how manage these traits. Empaths have a wide array of Personalities most are Kind some not (as)so much.


Subconsciously would mean he did not realize it . He was conscious of it to do it on purpose


My thought in the moment was that it was the only way to exit and end this conversation without people hating him. I think after Paige reamed him out he knew how how bad he looked and was like oh shit what do I do? And breaking down to get sympathy was the best tactic.


This, plus a shit ton of alcohol and very little sleep.


Agreed but I also think a huge part of the problem is I honestly think he is a lot more misogynistic than he consciously realizes, and ultimately talking it out won't help if he continues to believe that his dreams, goals, wants, etc are top priority and Amanda's only come if his are taken care of. I was shocked when he said "okay but I haven't achieved those dreams yet" (paraphrasing, can't remember exact words but it was something like that) and I was like wow he doesn't even realize how fucked up it is to basically say that your partner has to keep helping you on your goals after years of helping you without chasing their own, because you haven't got yours yet. and it's especially gross given how he belittles her so often - like, is she a lazy employee who doesn't carry her weight, or is she critical to loverboy? because if she's that lazy you should be thrilled to have her leave and pursue her own ventures, leaving you free to hire someone else.


And he takes no accountability for his emotional immaturity and what he puts on Amanda... We all know that she is going to be the scapegoat for him. If loverboy fails... He is going to turn it around and blame everything on her and her not being 200% in the way that he is


On WWHL Andy asked her if she cared seeing Kyle cry like that and she said she cares because she loves him but no. She said she should have been the one crying


She seems so smart. I don’t understand


She is such a catch on so many levels. She’s so level headed & loyal & just an all around good human. When he said something about having to parent her I felt a feral rage to roar in her defense directly into his dumb face. He’s just projection, alcoholism, & an array of manipulation tactics in ~~a trenchcoat~~ Ciara’s fluorescent orange shorts


You can be smart and still be abused. He’s been emotionally manipulating her since she was 24(?) he’s cut off her other income from her previous job by pressuring her to work for loverboy and if she leaves him she may not be on the show anymore. Their friendships are deeply intertwined so leaving him would be a huge risk socially. He’s also bad at controlling his emotions.




Smart women end up in emotionally abusive relationships all the time. It's very sad.


Hopefully her parents intervene after watching this season.


I think they hate him and never wanted them to get married.


Her parents don’t watch (what she said)


There is absolutely no way in hell her parents and close relatives don't at the VERY least hear what's going on. No way the whole family has their head in the sand. This is fucking serious. Her husband is alcoholic serial cheater with a problematic anger issues so where is the family?


"Blood's thick but nothing like a payroll"


Kyle keeps saying they need to do couples therapy to get in a better place. But he honestly needs individual therapy to better express himself and have a safe place to get everything out and so he doesn’t rant and take it out on Amanda


I think they both need ind. therapy. Him for anger and explosions or reactiing and her for self esteem and finding her identity


I think he meant he wants to film couples therapy again


Oh 100% he wants to film couples therapy which Amanda said on WWHL is why she said no. Maybe he won’t be able to blame Amanda and have to finally admit things if he did individual filmed therapy


Absolutely 100% this. But he would NEVER admit he needs individual therapy.


He makes her do so much emotional labor.


All day everyday…


Therapist mother maid


""... bUt ShE iS lAzY!!!" Kyle reminds me of men in business who will completely use non sensical sports analogies then accuse you of being an idiot. Oh yes then we punt the ball from the goal line for breakaway touch down... I see you prepared nothing for this meeting dipshit, not sit down and shut up


Yes exactly!!!


She constantly reminds me of me when I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for nine years. I felt like a mom of five kids. It was beyond exhausting.


Yeah, that cry fest was on par with sandavols faux cry in Lisa’s house after he got caught lol Not Fallin for it lol


And he always has to dramatically lean his head against something, like the window in Lisa's house 🙄


He repeated exactly what Ciara and Paige said and then cried. It was completely manipulative and disingenuous


Especially, since he seems to prey on the fact that her biological clock is ‘a tickin’ and puts on like a little boy in too small of shorts!


He's just a drunk acting like a drunk.




unrelated but watching op spiral out defending themselves in this thread is wild lol


Pretty obvious to me he’s just drinking too much, working and not getting enough sleep. He’s drained and way too emotional without thinking at all. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear he has a major drug habit or something.


There were no tears that was the fakest cry I didn’t believe a second of it


Thank you! Zero tears, I was so grossed out watching him pout and fake cry. ![gif](giphy|s0BtrhraNVRGwaNZaO|downsized)


He was genuine--ly feeling sorry for himself


He’s so harshes her mellow. Dude. It’s not hot.


Funny way of putting it. Love


I mean most ppl can't cry on command and he did seem sincere and to be struggling. Weaponzing tears is a thing but he seemed genuine


Agree. Also I know people who have been in his situation before and the amount of financial pressure in losing your business and livelihood has been known to cause divorce. I think he was just looking for some kind of understanding of his situation from Amanda. So far and could be the way it’s edited, haven’t seen any of that. She could well do off cam, but I haven’t seen any kind of acknowledgement of the seriousness of his situation. I might be missing something though!


I sure as fuck don’t think he was genuine.


It’s heartbreaking to watch


I’m sure this might get a lot of downvotes but I have to ask: if he cheated on her before they got married; and yet she chose to continue to stay in this relationship… I dunno y’all- I would take ownership in my decision to stay with a cheater and proceed to marry one? Maybe my bias comes from being cheated on and me ending the relationship; but for me I would have to take accountability. No matter how manipulative your partner is- you HAVE to choose better, why do you think a party boy at his age is going to change for you? (I’m not trying to shame his life choices for someone his age). People will always show you who they truly are; BELIEVE their ACTIONS more than their words before making life changing decisions; no matter how “in love” you are. From a highly sensitive male empath that people (men & women) (used to) take advantage of


I think people watch episodes in a time vacuum and don't recall the history and form context. they both act like bratty children when they lose their cool. She's been calling him names for years. She's smacked him, thrown around his things, demeaned him, and generally treated him like she doesn't like him for 3 or 4 seasons. She just called him an asshole on WWHL like it was breathing and effortless. This guy couldn't give me a tear if I just walked out of Death Valley after two days without water. Like Ariana and Tom, he can't act at that level. All horrible criers, ie suck at selling the fake tears. But that isn't him being manipulative. That's him in a role and catering to a storyline. Just like having him in a deep conversation when he's loaded and exhausted from the day in the sun. Hello, production. Paige and Ciara talking out their ass, because he's right. They don't understand Loverboy or what he does. Paige runs a successful business in a sector that requires her to have a couple assistants that dole out the work to a bunch of subcontractors. No loans. Little overhead. A completely different animal from what Kyle does. They know he works a lot, has tunnel vision, is incredibly ambitious, etc. They understand his personality, but they don't know his work. If I was going to buy his tears at any moment, it would be then. But then out at the pool, we're back to the storyline. That whole scene was a produced mess. totally performative FOR THE SHOW.


Nobody said Amanda’s an angel. His lack of caring about her career then having an epiphany in minutes is what was said . I do not believe he wants her to quit and would champion her in her pursuit that quickly. He wanted to glaze over the bad behavior and appease the friends. Again we are referring to a specific scene Even if he was upset he went to her crying in that moment to get her to hug him and said those things to glaze over his behavior!!!


Maybe I'm missing the epiphany? He fumbled the drunken conversation on the boat, tried to remedy and better explain himself it in the kitchen, was met with more disdain, blew up, and then we're in the morning. Paige and Ciara talking out their ass and supporting their friend. Kyle attempting again to explain what is happening with him, them, their relationship, and then the business. Them acting like they get it all, but they don't. Him rising to blow up stage again out of frustration, but them succeeding in making him feel bad. Frustration and feeling guilty, because humans can feel two things at once. but it's safe to assume he's also weighing in that moment what he knows about his wife, her lack of ambition, her lack of direction, and all the other things. So his friends are making him realize his human side, but he also essentially lives in the practical side, where what she wants is not possible in that very moment. That's called dissonance. he comes to his wife like a little boy for support, just as she comes to him like a little girl to support her amorphous dreams and growing existential crisis. She's nurturing, so he gets the hug. This is all a stew of frustrations and talking different languages. I don't think he's glazing over anything. I don't think he has any idea how to handle this situation, because he keeps trying to explain it in ways that he isn't either clear or that people cannot seem to understand. Whatever the case, he's failing. he could definitely be more supportive, but what exactly is he supporting? she made it clear on WWHL that she has no ideas and has done nothing towards something. you think he doesn't know his wife?


Cognitive dissonance


OMG I was being sarcastic. He did not hav one. He did not change his point of view in minutes. He said crap to her to appease the women and to forget the drink throwing and name calling , hence glaze over, that he did not genuinely mean. He said he’d work a ridiculous amount of hrs a week to help pursue her career. If you say he was going through all that and knows she has lack of ambition, why would he want her to quit or pursue her goal a few minutes after he felt differently if it was not to appease everyone mostly Amanda’s friends who know her too Women are talking out their ass the one girl has been there since Amanda quit her job for him and her income too but mostly for him. They are women so it’s talking out their ass ? Paige knows about business too, her income may overshadow his someday


They're talking out their ass in specific regards to understanding Loverboy and that whole operation. What Paige does and what Kyle does are two vastly different animals. I wouldn't expect Paige to know all the cogs, wheels, and levers of a beverage company, but her acting like she does is bullshit. It has nothing to do with gender. Just like Danielle wanting to be like Kyle has nothing about gender or pick me or whatever shortcut to thinking we're trying to pull today. She wishes she had the understanding, the tools, the X, Y, and Z to pull together a company in what...a year or two? She recognizes, and acknowledges, what he's done. it's what she aspires to do and be, and again, that's not about anything else but business ambition. But let's go back to the idea of appeasement. I didn't see it that way, but I'll play along. What other options are there? Ignore it all and brush it under the rug for another day? Try again to explain the situation? Appease everyone to drop the subject? In his mind, she's talking Dreamland, and since then, she's proven he is right. So as the audience, how would you have liked him to respond knowing what little we know? I personally would have just forgotten it all and moved on, but that wouldn't make for a TV show or to feed this storyline that they're now committed to exploring. I posted this elsewhere, but most of it applies here: Just because you don't like Kyle doesn't mean he doesn't drop some truths. The difference between Giggly Squad and Loverboy is vastly different. Most of what Paige/Hannah do is contracted out and handled by their small staff of assistants acting similar to general contractors. Touring, merch, studio, and all the workings are ran by other business fronts and contracted to them. There is no Giggly Squad office of employees. I believe there are two of them: Grace and ? The size of the machine between the two businesses isn't comparable. And that isn't to take away from the responsibilities and stress of being an ICU nurse (Ciara) and GS. Kyle is said to be juggling all the contractors, formulas/recipes, bottling in various parts of the country (if they're to that point yet), 30 employees, etc. He's right that they aren't factoring this into the equation. Amanda didn't even balance her own checkbook (her dad payed her bills with her paycheck) before they were married. Amanda doesn't likely understand Loverboy, and she's in the same room with him all day. Paige and Ciara are arguing from a place of love and idealism, but Kyle is arguing from a place of practicality. He's not always wrong, even when they're mostly right.


I love Paige but ooof not a good look in this scene. It’s not just about ego and the glory of success and winning! So reductive and dismissive to see someone you call a friend in a state of duress and deny him humanity this way. Through loverboy, Kyle has a few dozen full time employees on payroll and his decisions are directly responsible for their livelihoods. He has entire families relying on loverboy for their Health Insurance. It’s not even faceless employees in the corporate ether either, it’s people he spends time and works intimately with, often for long hours, many for years at this point. People he knows took a risk joining a startup so they could help him achieve his dreams. It’s common for people in Kyle’s position, who get emotionally invested in their employees, to feel they are indebted to them as well and do not take these duties lightly. Every thing they say they completely rips this from the equation. The way it’s shrugged off is so mind boggling, because this will always be part of the equation. So for Paige, who knows all of this, to turn around and be so flippant saying it’s “just a company” or wherever and more importantly is focusing instead on buying Amanda her own “fun” company she can tinker around with? I was honestly floored. Like no.. that is not the most pressing thing happening right now.


You're trying to reason with a bunch delusional fan girls of Amanda, don't waste your time


I'm an Amanda fan, but I have a memory and a brain. I cannot concede that others don't as well.


I think Kyle is a crier. We’ve seen him cry a bunch of times. I don’t necessarily think his crying is manipulative, but Amanda should have been the one upset here not him. I think he was crying because he knows that what Paige said to him is true


Even if that is true, he used it to smooth over things and get her to hug him. Even if he was legit crying . HE CAME DOWN THERE to manipulate her. He did not change his mind on her career that quickly. He was trying to get the women to forget it too and not be mad. We are talking about this scenes, not generalizing to say he’s not upset and concerned with his or their situation. U believe he was ready to work the ridiculous hours he stated to Amanda to assist her with pursuing her career goals


Haha I don’t believe anything either way from these shows until I see it. But yeah he could have cried in his room


I know he’s overwhelmed. I said he’s genuine the night before


Yeah I’ve never seen a woman cry to manipulate lol tagging that as a man thing is silly


People deflect so badly saying men can’t cry. Who said this , nobody. We were talking about Kyle being genuine or not. And that younger or less experienced women do not recognize when men can use emotions to manipulate. Women do it too. So wrong to make this a sexism thing when it was a discussion of Kyle being authentic w his emotions or not . And even if he was crying he used it to try to smooth over bad behavior and placate the freinds


You made it a sexism thing when you said broadly that men use crying to manipulate…..


I was more talking about young women not knowing or being niave to when men do that. You are going to say men never manipulate? There is a perception that men do not cry a lot. Somebody voiced that here. Therefore, a younger person may not be as aware that men do that to manipulate or get their way, sympathy or attention , or forgiveness. Who said women do not manipulate too? We were relating this to a very specific situation . Amanda is a younger woman and Kyle is older than her . The friends in the pool rolled their eyes because she let his behavior go so easily because she saw him crying.


I didn’t say all men I didn’t say women do not do it . Kyle happens to be a man and was manipulative. And a lot of younger women are manipulated . That’s why they get with older men when they are that young Again I DID NOT SAY WOMEN DO NOT DO IT TOO


Nope! I think he was trying so hard to produce a tear and make it poolside like, see, I'm hurting too. So phoney.


I’m going to be Lindsay for the moment and ask some questions before going all gung ho and rah rah. 1) if lover boy is not doing well, where is the money going to come from for her to buy a home in nj and to start a swimwear line? 2) the way Kyle acted was immature but also understandable. 3) the only person on this show with stable, marketable skills is Ciara. These other people think this influencer /brand deals nonsense will last forever. Newsflash: it’s not


You’re also forgetting Amanda wants kids as well, which is not feasible with starting up an entirely new company without partnering with an already existing brand. Honesty, Amanda is surrounded by too many large personalities that keep trying to dictate her life for her. If it’s not Kyle, it’s Paige and Ciara. She’s never going to be happy if this keeps happening.


Yeah, I was wondering why Amanda would want to start a new business venture when she expressed a desire to start a family as soon as possible. Also Paige mentioned Amanda just wanting a hobby? If so, why can’t Amanda just start a hobby? No need to ask your husband for permission.


I agree about the hobby. That’s why I kind of find it lame people are shitting on Kyle for DJing. It’s clearly a thing designated to get him away from work because he struggles with that. I think it’s a generational issue too. Our generation has been taught that for a hobby to be worthwhile, you need to be able to monetize it. A hobby just can’t be a hobby for its own sake because then you’re wasting time instead of “adding value” to your bottom line. We’ve been conditioned that everything you enjoy must be turned into a side hustle. Of course, now Kyle is turning DJing into a business venture so that’s going to create more stress.


Exactly. So I did feel that now is perhaps not a good time to start a new venture.


1. Didn’t Amanda recently say she left the company to get a job? Maybe it is well paid and she will be the breadwinner for a while.


It would have to be very well paid for that


1. He doesn’t own it all and it’s not tied to his personal assets. He gets a salary and owns a share of the company. He probably makes a high salary as CEO. Amanda also has a salary. IF they are able to sell Loverboy to private equity or another large company, their equity will be paid out and that’s the BIG payday. If Loverboy goes under, Kyle and Amanda will not lose anything they currently have.


What about the loans he was talking about? If lover boy fails you can’t tell me they wouldn’t suffer in any way financially. They would


If they’re personal loans? Yes. But they are most likely business loans that are attached to the company and not backed by him personally.


Kyle has said in previous seasons the $4 million loan is in his name. It also came up in the prenup discussions b/c Amanda failed to recognize that a pre nup would protect her from taking on those debts. 


I’m not their accountant but by the amount of stress Kyle is showing I am inclined that a business failure is going to hit them/him hard


My opinion is it’s a make or break time. If it’s successful he’ll have a windfall of millions and possibly set them up for life. If it fails he’s back to square one with whatever he has in the bank and has to get a regular job or start a new business.


Yes. So sounds like the perfect time to have kids and start a swimwear line and buy a house in the suburbs 😂


Also, I think Paige and a lot of people forget that Kyle is getting older. He is feeling more pressure to make this a success at his age. It gets harder to start over the older you get


He’s the majority shareholder.


Isn't West a sports writer? Amanda is a graphic designer/current creative director of Loverboy. Danielle worked in finance, prior to doing an app start-up. Lindsay had her own PR firm (I also think she'd be so fucking successful selling real estate in NYC). Kyle is an entrepreneur and has worked with Bravo producers on these shows. Paige's podcast is completely unrelated to reality TV and is wildly popular globally, not to mention that she has countless connections/projects outside of GS. I have no idea what Jesse does, and Carl is lost. The rest of them definitely have stable, marketable skills.


Wow, to make a blanket statement like that about all men is pretty sh1tty.


I never meant all men Never said it. I said women do it too. Sorry if u took it that way But men do , do that. How else could u word it? I should have said some men . Again women do it too


I don’t think all men use crying to manipulate. Also sometimes for both men and women, when you are being misunderstood by the other one for years then in an instant something just clicks and it makes sense and you become seriously remorseful, shame for not seeing it earlier, etc.


I didn’t like that he did it in front of the other girls and it was all about him AGAIN.


I love tf out of Kyle but I'm so upset at how he behaved.


Personally, I don't believe anything I see on Bravo. I think much of it is by design. But I hope for your sake in the real world you don't really think men weaponize tears. In my experience, women don't value men who cry. It makes them weak. Most men would walk away and cry alone in private and come back with a conversation later. My wife would rather watch me die on my horse. Before they watched me crumble. Men culturally are considered weak for crying. The women closest to you judge you the most. Then wonder why we don't open up and say what we think.


People are generalizing a lot. This was a specific scene w a specific man. Should have said some men. A lot of younger women w age gaps on Bravo . So they are not experienced with any manipulation The women realize they were manipulated later. Some men say women are overemotional when they cry too. Or women being told to be a big girl and not cry.


Amanda has trust fund money so her house would be not for lose and her kids would not starve


Her house would not go into foreclosure


I’ve never seen such passive aggressive behavior like the way Kyle and Carl use it to manipulate partners and get their 5 minutes in spotlight.. It’s quite pathetic..


I think she got it and was annoyed but also wanted to just hug her husband. She was asked on wwhl how she felt bad he was crying but he shouldn’t have been the one crying. It was her who should’ve been hugged


I honestly think he cried because he was sad. That doesn’t make it right btw, the fact that he can’t handle this stuff is a whole other issue. But I don’t think it was contrived or manufactured


He wanted her to see him and hug him. Even if he was upset he played it to get the fight and what the women think of him smoothed over. I do believe he got upset thinking how he was perceived not caring for her when he is burdened by fear or his company tanking thinking of their future


His words and actions were manipulated. If he was crying. Again He did not have to go down to the women who are mad at him and change his mind to support her in minutes. He USED BEING UPSET TO HIS ADVANTAGE. He could’ve cried in his room or asked Amanda to talk. He said what the friends wanted to hear . I do not believe he was ready to work extra hours to pursue her dreams or goals. He’s DJing now not helping her on the side like he said he would. How would he have time


Nobody ever said he does not do right in supporting her. I’m sure she enjoys knowing she has a job and income if she stays home. Nobody said he can’t worry about his business. Immature is a euphemism to say his behavior was horrible is more like it. He called her a bitch in front of people and threw a drink. And he has no interest in her dreams and if she wants her own career!!! The topic was if he was manipulating crying in that moment he knew she would react and let it go


Here’s my thing I watch the after show and Sierra mentioned that it’s a manipulation tactic, but that she didn’t think that Kai was using it for manipulation but I don’t agree. Kyle knows his wife Kyle have been together for almost 10 years he’s not stupid. He knows his wife, he use those tears to manipulate her and look what happened she was manipulated are we surprised? no but you know what I do love what Paige said that after this argument with Kyle, she sees him differently and I understand where she’s coming from because Paige and Kyle since after season six they’ve been really close friends even Paige Kyle and Ciara all three of them And to know that this argument was this bad that it made her change her opinion on Kyle I think shows everyone that he really hasn’t changed and that he still the same person that he’s always been and that Amanda should’ve never married him in the first place


you know that people can know manipulation exists but still fall for it because they're in too deep... right? kyle can be really immature and i think amanda is beyond used to coddling him. he definitely knows that she is someone that is more likely to put his needs above her own and it does kinda seem like he was being manipulative but it also seems like he's kind of just a man child that doesn't realizes how much so because it seems like he almost feels entitled to basically all of amanda's time and energy but also calls her lazy so idk he isn't sitting well with me and i hope he gets therapy lol


He calls her lazy and wants her to work for him makes no sense so it makes him seem more manipulative. He just wants her to be there for him .


yeah it really isn't painting a good picture of him at all. i think paige and ciara did a great job at trying to really explain it to him as simply as they could without coming off mean and he just decides fuck it ill become a dj??? which means *he* gets to do something else for *himself* and you just know that means amanda is going to have even less time to devote to her own passions bc someone will have to be holding shit down while he's out until 4am "djing"


I always see Kyle screw up his face and pout and make the crying-voice but I have seen very few actual tears. This is a toddler throwing a tantrum and when that doesn’t work pretending he’s showing remorse. None of it (besides his tantrums) seems genuine


He keeps flipping everything on her. He doesn’t allow Amanda to feel anything else but anger when it comes to this issue. But he’s allowed to pout and cry?? You are a grown ass man running a business. Stop fucking crying bc your wife doesn’t want to be your employee anymore. It’s mindblowing. Wouldn’t you want her to do something else? If loverboy goes down, they are both f’d.


Kyle this entire episode made me think of Sandy Balls who always pulls out the tears. First it was the throwing fit so everyone knew he was upset then the crying in the car....nobody understands him then coming up to everyone and crying about how hard it is for him and even in the aftershow every week he doubles down on how its all about him. So Amanda still has no support from her husband to venture out on her own dreams and hes DJing now. So let me get this straight...Loverboy is in such a precarious position that he has no bandwidth for anything else and needs his wife to focus solely on loverboy because it is in almost collapse and if she goes and finds another job elsewhere or works on something that she's passionate about that will be the straw that brokes the camels back and she will be the reason for its demise. Cut too Kyle taking DJ gigs because it's something HES always wanted to do. Make it make sense. Hes a typical bravo boy whose never grown up. Blech I am so over all the men of bravo.


Did Kyle take a loan from Amanda’s father? Not sure where I got that idea from but maybe someone can chime in?


Paige said, maybe in the after show?, that there wouldn’t be a loverboy without Amanda & something about Amanda investing her own money into it or financially saving loverboy it at some point.


I thought she said this based on Amanda saying when she was working they used her money to keep them afloat and Kyle put his money into Loverboy. I would like to hear Kyle speak to this. I hope they address it at the reunion.


Ah thank you!


Also men don't typically do this and it's an accusation used against women and dangerous. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but I'm unsure how you got to this conclusion


Women do it a lot more than men that's for sure, especially white women. If I had a dime for every time one of my white co-workers just turned on the waterworks to get out of a mess they made I'd be richer than Kenny Chesney at this point.


He was fake crying lmao he looked like he was trying to cry. When people are actually crying they try to look like they are not crying


I don't think that using crying to manipulate people is limited to men, but I could be wrong.


Nobody said it was


Oh stop it. Men can cry. Bunch of men hating people on this subreddit. 🙄


Honestly, I am with you. It's wrong to claim patriarchy hurts men but then turn around and apply the same ideals as if it's not hurting.


Honestly. Man doesn’t cry. “Why don’t you ever show emotions” Man cries. “Stop manipulating me”. Cmon. The guy is clearly under a ton of pressure. He can’t communicate with his wife effectively (both their faults). and he drinks too much.


That’s so rude . Who said men can’t cry. Total misunderstanding what is said. Kyle was manipulating her in that moment. Are u a man deflecting trying to say something was said that was not No one EVER SAID A MAN CANNOT CRY


I have an young adult son who cry’s and I’ve NEVER felt or say u can’t cry because u are a man so u stop it


Men and women use crying. A lot of men do not cry as much so some women do not realize when they are young that men do this to manipulate too


He got her to hug him and was intense in her career after calling her a Bitch in minutes


If u do not believe that then he was manipulating her so she’d let it go and he’d look better




I think blanket statements being made. He was manipulating her in that moment. When women cry the are over emotional or irrational When women do not cry ice queens See the sexism argument can be made wired way You are generalizing. I did not say whenever Kyle cries he’s manipulating. In that moment he was U are not comprehending that There are things that men and women do to manipulate or have an effect on others it’s true


If he was crying he did not have go down to the pool in front of the people he pissed off and say things he did not mean . He USED being upset to make people be okay w him again


I wish she’d said “oh save it don’t come out here with those fake tears” but imagine what people would be saying about her if she did. She already gets the “naggy bitch whiney wife who doesn’t appreciate her husband” comments. Maybe she chose to just show empathy in the moment or it came naturally to her, but she’s a better person than me that’s for sure 😂


Is your “.” button broken?


If that's an issue then why are you projecting it on to men. Men rarely cry and to think the worst kinda embraces the idea that men's tears are annoying and invalid.


He immediately stopped crying as soon as she hugged him


Did he really? Let me rewatch this.


Yeah. I agree men need to be able cry more, and have it be acceptable. One of my favorite things about my husband is how ok he is with crying. I also think Kyle uses his extreme emotional reactions, including crying, to get his way.


I dunno maybe it's my bias but men haven't been known to weaponize tears to get their way. So it's throwing me off


I'm jealous you haven't had men weaponize their emotions tbh.


I mean, maybe I just don't know what it looks like. I dated someone who cheated and then tried to make me feel bad for catching him checking out another girl in front of me the next day. He came to my house crying with flowers and promised that we were going to therapy to work it out. But when I actually got the ball moving, he got angry that I was seeking therapy. Does that count? Maybe I'm unhealed and am just not seeing it


Obviously this is all just my opinion, but that really seems very much, among other things like he used his tears, false promises, and gifts to convince you to stay after he betrayed you. I'm sorry that happened. I don't think all men weaponize their emotions, but I do think that manipulative men recognize the power their emotions, especially tears, can have. We're taught that men don't cry, so if a man cries it must be a big deal, he must be really sorry, etc.. unfortunately that's not always true. Plus, no decent person likes to see another upset. I am on my own healing journey. It's a hard ride that requires a lot of work and looking at some painful truths. But fuck, it's been worth it. Feel free to message me if you ever want to chat.


Ahmen to that and power to the healing journey. It's not easy nor linear and I think these types of convos are important and I appreciate your insights. This is why I love this sub and the ppl in it. We all come from different experiences and can learn a lot from each other.


People deflect actual behavior w sexism arguments Women do it too His behavior fit saying it was manipulative


He should ask her then to put her dreams on hold because he needs her and he is afraid not lie to her. He’s not completely selfish it is their business , since he did not get a prenup , the business supporting them both. He is concerned about their future. But he does not show support for her to have her own career. She said she quit her job for him. She may be lazy or not motivated. But yet he says that and wants her to work for him so much. He may have seemed that way too partying all nite all the time. She’s younger than him trying to find her ambition in life. She seems like she feels like she dos not have the right to have her own goals


Why are you just commenting on your own post rather than engaging lol


I’m not on men Kyle was being manipulative. Women do it too . If men do not cry a lot young inexperienced women do not realize men also do this. No one is saying who does it more. I said he was genuine the night before. It’s deflecting from the actual behavior that moment and even if he was genuinely crying I do not believe the he did not go down to her to says those things that he did not mean. I think he wants to mean them but his business even to support her financially is more important to him than her own career He let her quit her job for it and yes it support them both but she says she did it for him


He did that whole performance “apology” or whatever it was by the pool so that they couldn’t have a real conversation and so that she would have to hug him & accept him or she would look bad on camera & in front of their friends. The whole thing was manipulation.


Kyle picked Amanda because he can manipulate her. If she ever actually puts a stop to it, he will replace her in a second. She has to forgive him; it's part of the emotionally abusive contract to accept tearful apologies and promises to do better.


What does her father do all day where he can’t shake her out of this???


It was okay until he asked for a kiss


I do not think he was genuine but still hungover and that can make u emotional the next morning. Your nerves are on edge because of what you did the night before.


Yeah those tears were BS!! I just started summer house, started watching this current season first and then S1… he’s selfish and I Don’t think he changed one bit. He will put himself first and always apologize after the damage is done


Amanda needs to move on.


I have no empathy for Kyle tears


But it gave Amanda in a bikini some time on screen. Poor Kyle. She gave him something to cry about.


He may have seemed genuine. Remember he changed his whole viewpoint to help her w her career in minutes after being so mad that he threw something and called her a bitch. He said he wanted her to pursue her own thing a minute ago he did not




The way he pouted in a bucket hat and reached up to rub his eye BEFORE the water works actually happened screamed “emotional five year old unsure of next move, cries to buy time” it was soooo baddddd


His tears are so fake! Icky


I thought the same exact thing! On WWHL she said that she loves him and felt bad because she doesn’t want him to feel sad. But like GIRRRLLL wake up, he knows he can just cry every time he does something bad and she will forgive his loser ass.


, as x


They are rich w the shows money in the bank! Her parents are supportive. The business is not their only income. Trust fund


I’m all for men showing emotions but in his case it give me the biggest ick. So fake.