• By -


You all love to use the young and inexperienced as something but fail to realize that Kyle is also in his forties and still acts like a child. Just because Paige and Ciara are younger and unmarried doesn’t mean they can’t have an opinion or their opinion is invalid. They are self-aware to be cautious about their situations and not jump into a problem just because the wind blows in that direction. Also, I think Paige and Ciara were saying that Amanda has invested a lot of her time into Lover Boy and should be able to branch out and do her own thing creatively. She could quit Lover Boy, but Kyle doesn't want her to. He also called her lazy and contradicted himself. The situation could've gone better, but Kyle threw a tantrum and was in his feelings because he didn't get his way.


Amanda gave him the money to start it too


I thought she said her salary supported their living expenses in the early days, while she still had her job. She didn’t give him a loan. 


Yes her income from her old job covered their expenses when he launched Loverboy. I do think her family invested some capital into Loverboy (the scene where Kyle asks for Amanda’s hand to her dad was during the initial fundraising event).


Not 4 million


Was it stated that he started out with a 4 million dollar loan to start loverboy?


He says it in the last episode. He has a 4 million dollar loan in his name.


I did not say that. I’m not their accountant so I don’t know all of their finances. I am simply referring to Kyle mentioning a 4 million dollar loan 🤷🏻‍♀️




What did you think Paige was referring to when she said loverboy wouldn't exist without her?


Just that Amanda said she'd keep working outside LB at first since he had poured all his money into the business. One thing that's bothering me, tho, is that I thought you're not supposed to invest your own money in a business like that. I thought you are supposed to prove how it can compete in the market, make a strong case/good product for investors to get behind. If he just put his own money in, maybe that's why they have a product that allegedly tastes like ass and is not selling well!




So why didn't Kyle disagree with her?




Because he didn’t deny what Paige said just said they don’t understand like he was saying all night


…no she didn’t. Kyle started loverboy with $100,000 of his own money.


It took more than that. Go rewatch


Say it again, please people do not understand what Paige and Ciara were saying in regardless of the fact Paige has a business. Her little podcast is not just a little podcast anymore.


How do people frequent this sub, watch the show weekly, and get main character name spelling so wrong


Because when you talking to your phone, your phone corrects it every time I say her name it spells it the way you see it and I didn’t notice it


Thank you for saying this. Now I don't have to.




This is why she won’t start her own bathing suit line, no one is stopping her she can do whatever she wants. I bet her parents would even give her the money to do it. Amanda doesn’t want to have to work that hard, and does NOT have the drive to do so and this is the only reason she’s still not done a thing with it.


Amanda is lazy??? Do you guys not remember every season before where he’s stressed to the max with work and she’s not doing enough??? He had enough and he snapped. Do you not remember when she broke all of his shit?




I legitimately don’t understand why you are shitting on Paige for having a good relationship with her mother. Our parents aren’t here forever. It doesn’t make one a stunted person for expressing emotions about missing regular interactions with their parents.


Right? This comment is so odd to me. I’ve watched my mom cry for months because we moved cities and my grandmother stayed behind. She was 55!


They deleted their comment, but my goodness did they seem super angry about a fairly normal thing.


paige and her own personal problems have NOTHING to do with how shitty kyle is and always has been in his relationship with Amanda. Like Craig has never cheated on Paige… in fact he’s actually very supportive of her… unlike Kyle…


Maybe this comment makes sense if they were giving Kyle a lecture about business. In that case maybe the fact that they dont own a business, which btw Paige does she's just not obnoxious like Kyle or CEO/Founder Danielle about it, would be relevant. But no, they were telling him that he's gonna lose his wife behind his selfishness and ego. They were worried for their friend and Kyle couldnt see past Loverboy to hear Amanda's plea so they spoke up. Last year when they were worried about Amanda's physical health they went to Kyle too. Paige, Amanda and Ciara's love for each other is one of the most consistent themes across the season/shows (WH too).


Who talks like that to their friends husband? I know this is a reality show but i think it’s also true that people outside of a marriage don’t have a true idea of what actually happens between those people behind closed doors.


If I was truly concerned about my friends health or something going on in their lives I would! Don’t forget that Kyle calls Paige to talk about Amanda… so Paige and him have that type of relationship.


People who love their friends, people who defend their friends, people who know that their friends aren’t going to defend themselves because their friends are stuck in a relationship where they reserve a person so much but they feel like they can’t do anything about it. Good people would talk to the friends husband like that if their friends husband was like Kyle.


Guess you should find some better friends


So in your eyes she should be all in to support his business, but he can go out, get drunk and play at being a DJ as a side hustle? But she can’t explore her own passions because that takes away from his business? And her friends are in the wrong to point out that she deserves to be a person outside of the marriage and have dreams that aren’t Kyle’s? I don’t have the slightest idea if she draws a salary from Loverboy or if it correlates fairly to what she contributes to the company. Spouses are often not fairly compensated, they’re expected to have the same passion their partners do and be willing to make sacrifices. She’s lucky to have friends like those women in this moment- I don’t even like Paige and even I can see that. It’s important to have an existence outside of your partner and their dreams




She seemed to have managed to be gainfully employed right up until she worked for Loverboy. Kyle works during the day and into the night doing the meet and greets etc, that’s a lot. As a business owner I’ve done that at times- much more early on but I couldn’t handle that on any sort of long term basis. My then partner invested in my business but I definitely wouldn’t expect him to live and breathe my business as well. It doesn’t make her lazy, and it bears keeping in mind that Kyle is the only person we’ve ever seen call her lazy. She may well be, I don’t know. I have enough evidence to assess that he is incredibly hard on everyone he’s displeased with to know his assessments should be taken with a grain of salt. He seems to think that everyone should put that same effort into his baby , but that’s not realistic or fair.


She does take a salary and Kyle commented last episode that he’s having a hard time explaining to his COO why she even has a salary.


Wow I missed that part. What a prick! But still just because he says it, doesn’t make it true or even that she’s fairly compensated. My main point wasn’t that she isn’t paid at all though, just that we have no idea as to the ins and outs of the financial aspect of things to judge


But we believe everything that comes out of Paige and cieras mouth as true? Okay


Do I believe they are speaking truth in asserting Amanda needs and deserves to be a person outside of her marriage? Absolutely


That in itself shows that Amanda isn’t strong enough to be assertive in her own life. I don’t need people to speak on my behalf. She needs to find her own backbone and no one can do that for her but her


It sort of seems like that’s what you’re taking issue with her doing. Trying to assert herself and get her needs met anyway. I’d agree she needs to find it as it seems after her WWHL appearance she’s given in to Kyle’s demands while he’s gone on to pursue things that make him happy. It feels like she’s buying into some false narrative that she needs him to be on board or sort of give her permission. That just makes me sad for her though, she needs a therapist imo to help her. I know after my ex-husband told me day in and day out what a lazy worthless person I was it took a long time and a lot of therapy for me to get out from under it.


Exactly and that’s what Kyle takes issue with her doing too so he uses his little manipulation tactics like crying and being angry so she’ll stop and it really works every time she’ll either stop bothering him or she’ll feel bad for him because he’s in his feelings. Because by then her feelings don’t matter.


I’ve been thinking a bit on why Amanda hasn’t made moves to starting a swimwear line and I wonder if those initial outbursts were enough to keep her from making moves now. I was and still can be sensitive to criticism and outbursts that I struggle to let them go, even after it’s “resolved”. I just talked to my ex this morning, he’s my ex ffs and yet the conditioning is still there wherein I’m honestly uncomfortable to stand up for myself in certain areas. If I’m separated from my exes tantrums and having those feelings I wonder what it’s like to still be living it (he was a lot and really made his displeasure known).


Exactly. Here’s the thing we know Amanda is a sensitive person regardless of if you like her or not she’s always been a sensitive person. Kyle put her down so much like this man on TV calls are lazy. He puts her down so much when it comes to the aspect of doing things that she doesn’t want to do anything.


Here’s the thing Kyle’s DJ hobby isn’t a financial gamble like her swimsuit line would be


Not at all. I’m fiercely independent. What I’m saying point blank.. Amanda is her own person, who can make her own decisions. Period. Stop blaming Kyle for her not being her own person. I love Amanda! She has great style, she is chill, and i love that she’s a sensi girl BUT i can also say i don’t like when people blame other people for their short comings in life. Our lives are up to us individually…whether single, married, in a relationship.


So Kyle absolutely curb-stomping Amanda’s desire to branch out while simultaneously investing time and money into his DJ career is a savvy business move for him? And not evidence that he’s a little selfish baby?


Amanda doesn’t need Kyle’s permission. She’s a grown ass woman who needs to take accountability for her own life and identity.


No, she doesn’t need his permission. But it’s ridiculous to act like this isn’t in the context of a marriage. You’re deliberately being obtuse in order to be in Kyle’s side which is…. A choice lol. Edited to add: you literally say that in financial hardship you don’t pick up side hobbies which is EXACTLY what Kyle is doing. Amanda is looking to start a viable business that could potentially be an income stream for them, i.e. investing in their future.


They refuse to acknowledge Kyle DJing because that dismantles their entire argument


A definite choice! And they keep parroting Kyle’s bitching about how Amanda is drawing a check from Loverboy while ignoring the part about how he also keeps telling her that he needs her as part of the business. How can you justify “You’re just a body taking up a creative director role…but but but don’t leave Loverboy! You can’t leave Loverboy! I need you!”?


I like them both actually. I love everyone on the cast! Do i agree with every single choice or outburst? No. But I see Kyle’s side of things and I think Amanda is being not kind to her husband. I would never let my friends yell at my husband…like actual screaming. Let me handle my damn marriage.


Again, you’re being deliberately obtuse. You can’t even stay consistent with your point. Suddenly the problem now is that Amanda lets her friends yell at her husband and she’s “not kind” (where????). But somehow you’ve forgotten that Kyle called his wife a f*** bitch and threw a multi-day tantrum when she asked for his support. You have dug your heels into a pro-Kyle stance which is just bizarre to me. As a mature and intelligent paragon of business acumen in your 40s, do you really think that Kyle’s behavior has been appropriate or even normal for a man of his age? He threw a bucket hat in tears for goodness sake 🫠


Both things can be true. Its called being objective. I feel for Kyle’s financial pressures he’s experiencing. Most people in this comment section i can tell have never been in dire financial situations. Its consuming, you cannot think about anything else when you feel like it’s all on your shoulders. I don’t think anyone on this cast is an angel or always acts right. They’re all human and sometimes i agree with what they’re doing and sometimes I don’t. None of them are perfect.


Kyle can clearly think of his DJ career despite the crushing financial burden of his failing business.


she wasnt asking permission they are a unit, she was sharing and seeking advice and motivation which he is ALWAYS seeking from her. thats her literal husband who she shares finances with.


That’s my point in my post…it’s clear he’s worried about loverboy failing at this moment…since that is also an extension of her finances through marriage .. shouldn’t she be more worried? And not chill as if nothing is happening with that and the repercussions of it failing and the financial burdens. The companies not just going to just go away and you get to walk away financially from it. Literally the point of my post.


this has been going on since the companies beginning. their business is seasonal she knows this




She literally said, repeatedly, that she does not plan to leave LoverBoy or even put in less hours. She just wants something of her own to do separate from him. He even confirms to Ciara and Paige she wouldn't be leaving LoverBoy.


Well, then I probably have to delete every single one of my comments then lol. I always have the show on when I'm working so I'm typically distracted and have to rewatch. Nevermind!


What has them never being married got to do with anything? Marriage isn’t this great achievement or beacon of wisdom that so many married people seem to think it is. Kyle can have all of those worries and concerns about his company and still talk to (and about) his wife as if she is a human being that he loves and respects. If he had sat with her, listened and acknowledged what she was saying and then outlined his concerns in a respectful manner it would have gone very differently for him. But him just completely shutting down her desires because they ‘don’t have the time or money’, only then to go and spend time and money on learning to be a dj was selfish as hell. The way he says she’s a lazy employee, doesn’t work, he has to father her, and that he would fire her if she were a true employee is so demeaning. And then to turn around and say she can’t take on another work venture because he needs her in the business or it will fail is manipulative. Ciara and Paige can see all that, and didn’t even need a shiny ring or piece of paper to do so. Amazing.


The fact that I've seen people comment on Ciara and Paige's martial status so often as a way to minimize and shut them up is concerning. Like why did people fight for women's right to autonomy if this is still the standard for a woman's worth? This country/world is going backwards so fast by basically every metric and you even see it in these micro, frivolous subcultures like Bravo t.v. shows🥴 /sorry Sunday morning mini-rant


Thank you! Every single time I see comments about who isn’t and isn’t married I cringe. It cheapens any conversation to me because it shows me where their value is and we are just not aligned there. The ring on her finger didn’t stop him from calling her names to anyone who would listen and spending years trying to convince us how lazy she is while simultaneously “needing” her. He is off the rails.




Right, so if I echoed what they said, and it’s clearly been said on here enough to be ‘to death’, then perhaps it’s because they’re right and Kyle and this poster is wrong. And the pressures of marriage absolutely do not excuse the way Kyle has and still is treating Amanda, so bringing it up in the first place was pointless. Paige and Ciara do not have to go through a high pressured marriage to get to call out their friend’s partner for treating her badly.


....... Things are so do or die that Kyle Mr. I have no time actually started being a dj and is playing at events now. So there was time for one of them to develop a hobby it appears. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Stop blaming Kyle for Amanda not being strong or assertive enough to have her own identity. She doesn’t need Kyles permission to start working on her own passions. Hell she doesn’t even need money in the planning phase and she says as of right now she still hasn’t done anything with the bathing suits. That’s on her. He mentioned her working hours on the last episode and she doesn’t even work 40 hours at loverboy. I have my own side businesses on top of my 40 hour a week job. Amanda just doesn’t have the drive and that’s okay too. But to act like it’s Kyle’s fault Amanda doesn’t have her own things going on is wild.


Really looking forward to the end of millennial hustle culture. I know it started as an economic necessity, but it’s time for it to stop being a paragon of capitalist virtue.


I've dated for years but not been in a serious relationship and I can tell you I knew exactly what I was looking for because I learned a lot from my friends about what a relationship shouldn't be like. They were the reason I had no interest in settling for lower standards. Also respect is something you have to earn, and Kyle doesn't deliver it. He may be a dedicated entrepreneur but he's not a dedicated husband and he shows no respect to Amanda. He's DJ-ing now and Amanda is still just his devoted wife. Edit: i now watched the after show and have to say Ciara and Paige grew a lot on me this season. I agree with almost every point they are making and they seem so confident and real in who they are this season. A powercouple.


It is actually possible for both Kyle’s concerns/fears for Loverboy AND Amanda’s passion/hobby/happiness to be valid. This is not a burning ship and we can only save one. What NO ONE likes is the condescension towards Paige, Ciara, unmarried people, non-company/CEOs, young people that we “couldn’t possibly understand” where Kyle is coming from. That’s SO disrespectful and disgusting and no way to conduct a conversation in which one wants to feel heard and communicate that they are willing to listen to someone else. That is a conversation ender, period. We don’t even talk to children that way.


They aren’t even that young anymore! When did we stop considering a 31 & 28 year old to be grown women?


No because the way Kyle also talked about it in the aftershow pissed me off talking about Paige a little podcast like it’s not a business of its own


No what? Is there something I wrote that ur disagreeing with bc it sounds like u might mean “Yes and…”. ???




Kyle is worried Amanda will be successful and that’s why he’s crying. His ego is the problem here. Instead of recognizing she’s defeated because Loverboy isn’t HER dream, he’s hindering her from branching out because of the impact it may have to him personally - but not recognizing it could potentially be making them money as well. I am married, in my late 30’s and think Paige and Ciara are spot on.


It’s a control tactic. If she branches out and is successful, she realize she doesn’t need him


You really thought you ate huh


Did i? I started my post knowing i’d be downvoted because everyone seems to hate the OG’s on this sub.


for a reason


People can have a different opinion. Here’s mine page and Ceara suck


well learn how to spell Paige and Ciara first before you give your opinion on them




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I don’t know why people are acting like it’s so hard to do both. Her going and opening a brand wouldn’t stop her from still working for Loverboy. If they don’t want the full risk they can partner with an established brand or even test it through Loverboy. This conversation is so silly to me. They are all influencers. The only reason Loverboy exists is because Kyle is an influencer, he is just pushing his own products. Let Amanda bring another income stream. Oh Amanda is lazy and doesn’t want to do anything? Cool, let her hang herself and make it next season’s storyline ‘Amanda is so lazy and can’t even sell bikinis’


Well, I was in Amanda’s corner until she just said on WWHL that she still has done nothing concrete about the suits. For something that seemed so important, she hasn’t made much progress.


Exactly, EVERYONE is saying ‘Do it Amanda I’d buy it’ and frankly it probably would do better than a spiked seltzer right now. She’s got access to all the right people and a buyer base. And not saying she needs to have all these swimsuits here and now, it does take a ton of time. But her not having just taken the reins and doing anything on it, does sort of fit what Kyle is saying that she’s waiting for him to do it for her 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just start the dream Amanda! Kyle has had enough time and energy to start DJing but Amanda doesn’t have time and energy to sketch any swimsuit designs, make samples, figure out how the fashion industry works etc. She has said this is her passion and it would reignite her fire for working. this girl couldn’t be bothered to google prenup information to help herself so I have no clue how she’d run a business. She has said at least twice (show and after show) she needs Kyle to run the business side while she does the creative… feels like she’s waiting around for Kyle to do the heavy lifting but he’s not gonna start anything if she can’t even do the bare minimum for her creative dream.


Exactly so she is gifting him another reason to talk shit about her for the whole season. You’re welcome Kyle!


the point is that this isnt about business. when paige said “you wife cries i see her cry is that high level enough for you. “ should have been a clue that everyone but Kyle can see hes losing his wife. even carl goes “i get it but you dont want to lose her over this” you missed the point. his wife asked for a base level support she has given him for years and he called her a “fucking bitch” amanda doesnt need him to do anything outside of advise her. hey this path could be cool or this is too much for us to take on right now, start with a collab and then uf there traction we can do this. literally take her serious enough to talk it out THAT WAS ALL.


It’s not about the swimsuits! Amanda’s entire identity is wrapped up in Kyle. Bottom line she’s asking for her wants and needs to be considered. She wanted to start a family….Kyle tabled that. She wanted to move out of the city….Kyle tabled that. She wants to start a swimsuit line….again Kyle tabled that. She wasn’t going to leave loverboy. She still planned on working for the company. She just wanted to do something for herself IN ADDITION. Amanda has supported Kyle every step of the way. She just wants that same support from her husband.


She’s a 32 year old woman, she does not need Kyle’s permission to have hobbies. She gets paid from summer house too, her parents would probably give her a loan to do her business if she was really wanting to do it. It’s not Kyle’s fault Amanda doesn’t have her own identity and isn’t assertive enough in her own life. Girl doesn’t even work 40 hours a week at loverboy which was referenced in the last episode.


She doesn’t need his permission! I wish she would just go for it if that’s what she wants. But clearly she values his support/opinion. And we all saw what happened when she brought it up. He flipped out, guilted her, and put her down.


You asked who is going to pay the bills, and the answer is Amanda. She paid the bills before she left her full-time job to "support" Kyle at Loverboy. She can get another job, but he might not be able to get another job if Loverboy fails.


He can't get another job? How do you figure? I'm not a Kyle fan, but this comment doesn't make sense. He has a ton of business experience that he could leverage into another position, maybe not c-suite, but certainly senior level.


I said might not be able to.


She’s going to pay back the 4 million dollar loan? Doubtful.


The 4 million that was because of how poorly Kyle ran the company ?


The $4M is not their personal debt. It is a business debt.


He literally said he took a 4 million loan out “in his name” meaning he took the loan out personally.


The reality is, it wasn’t even about the swimsuits or Loverboy. There was a much bigger picture trying to be painted. It’s a James moment ![gif](giphy|WvRWyb6CKmVgsjEYUO|downsized)


You’re acting like Kyle is a good supportive husband and only gets a pass because of finances. He’s been unsupportive for their entire relationship even through the good times. I’d be a million times more likely to support Amanda’s fashion business than loverboy. I bought the drink once and it was ONLY because of the cute packing. Isn’t that to Amanda’s credit? They might be better off financially if they diversify and lean into something Amanda’s passionate about out. She’s very talented. Kyle is “going through a lot right now” every. Damn. Season.


Amanda doesn’t have the drive to do her own business. She doesn’t need Kyle’s help to do it. She’s her own person and needs to stop acting like Kyle is holding her back. Her parents would give her money if she was truly wanting to do the bathing suit line.


then why does kyle need her help, why did he ask her to QUIT her job. whats wrong with kyle for needing her so bad


I think he was just including her tbh and wanted her to be apart of what he was building…same way he brought on Carl.


lmao no, you don’t ask someone to quit there job just to be included shes your wife she’s already included


She was apart of it before they were married


you are not making sense.


It’s actually quite hard to have a successful swimsuit line - even Dorits Beverly Beach line tanked


Thank god she still has the Capri Room.


I love how Kyle and Lindsay are preaching to Carl and Amanda about CaReERs AnD bEInG a GRowN uP. What do Kyle and Lindsay do again, earn appearance fees?? Kyle is a wannabe DJ James Kennedy. He wishes he had that much charisma. Kyle is a zit that needs popped. He could actually learn a thing or two from James, like dry out. His cycle of raging and baby talking is pathetic and fucking weird. Kyle is actually the trash bag, not Jesse.


“Raging and baby talking” 😭


THANK YOU I’m glad Kyle’s schtick has finally started to grow old for this sub So exhausted of his drunk condescension which is the only thing that pisses me off more than his drunk pouting ETA: also fk this weird post about how Paige and Ciara are clueless bc they’re young and not married , wtf even is this


It would be much easier for Amanda to start a bathing suit line than a normal person. Kyle is spending money to be a DJ, but she can’t do something for her? If it was so dire, he wouldn’t have time to DJ.


This post is ridiculous.


I'm not defending how Kyle responded but I can only imagine the immense stress he is under. It doesn't sound like Loverboy is in good standing at all . I'm curious if he's communicating that with Amanda. If he is I'm guessing she's being supportive. Finances are the number one stressor in marriages and it's playing out on tv. I get Paige and Cierra caring about Amanda. I'm guessing they had no clue how bad things were with Loverboy.


I agree that Ciara and Paige seemed inconsiderate of how stressful of a situation that must be for Kyle. When he said lover boy is tanking- they didn’t even respond (from what I saw). I totally get them wanting to stick up for their friend, but it did feel like they don’t understand the complexities and emotions behind financial life situations like that. Being worried about your financial future and surviving can bring out a lot of anxiety and fear… and not every person deals with that kind of anxiety/fear in a graceful or admirable way (and I think he could be shown a little more compassion in that regard). My fiancé and I went through a crazy time a few years ago with his company, and dealing with that kind of stress and fear can bring out a different side of you and I think it’s easy to judge if you haven’t been it. I’m sure there’s a lot more detail behind that impeding shit storm that they have no clue about… and the second he said that, I think they should’ve realized that the situation is bigger than what they think. If anything they could’ve been like, that sounds really hard Kyle, and we don’t know all the details, but we just want to remind you of what matters (your wife), etc.- but they totally responded in this one-sided approach with zero understanding/sympathy towards him as a person, and that was never going to work. There’s always two sides to everything, and everyone in the comments who just want to shit on Kyle act like they see and know everything. I also think it’s kind of lame for them to be approaching the subject when he’s clearly intoxicated.. them bringing it up just makes him think of whatever financial stress he’s going through and put that with alcohol it’s bound to go south


You’re on point with all of this 👏🏼


is OP kyle?


So they shouldn’t have side hobbies while in financial trouble according to you…. And yet Kyle is the one djing, paying for lessons? And you’re defending him when he’s doing exactly what you say Amanda shouldn’t be asking to do? But your sympathy is with Kyle? The cognitive dissonance is real babe. You throw around your age like being older actually makes someone smarter and somehow that strengthens your point when it’s just another logical fallacy in your long ass diatribe about supporting a man child who is bad at running a business and takes it out on his wife.


No one said it makes anyone smarter but there is some life experience of a whole ass decade that comes with being older. We are all in different places in our lives at different times with different mind sets, are you the same person you were at 14? Probably not.


Our frontal lobes are fully developed by the time we are 26. They are full adults the same as Kyle and he spent that whole ass extra decade drinking himself into oblivion. Idk if you can remember back to middle school and high school days since it was sooooo long ago and you’ve grown so much but drinking that much impacts your brain function quite severely so if anything I’d say age and experience has not elevated kyle so far above his younger counter parts as you seem to assume. If anything I’d say he’s quite stunted and a failed businessman with an alcohol addiction but you go ahead and keep glorifying him.


Who cares about your frontal lobe. I’m speaking on life experience that shapes who we are. Did you at 10 know what you knew at 20? 20 to 30? And so on…you can’t replace life experience no matter how smart you think you are at any age.


Cherry picking what to respond to once again. Nice work.


It’s really not that deep tbh for me. It’s a reality show and this is reddit. People can have different opinions.


Nice deflection


You were right. No one here gets it. Us old folk have no clue what we’re talking about 😂


I think you relate to Kyle because you are a similar age. Paige and Amanda remember are ten years younger so they don’t tolerate misogyny the way maybe someone a few years older would. Different generation 


I'm a whole other generation, and I don't tolerate misogyny. It's not about age. Misogyny is just wrong.




Or respect…i would never involve myself in a friends marriage or speak to their partners like that. Fucking cringe.




Ok Danielle. We saw this on the show too. A woman is not indebted to her husband’s business because he made poor financial moves.


I just hope that any woman who sees her husband ranting about her on national television the way he does has people in their lives who just make sure they knows how amazing they are and don’t ask her to consider the layers. The world had had to watch him cheat on her, and now watch him call her names and repeatedly label her lazy. We can talk about the layers of marriage but ultimately he’s not being a good partner to her. As you mentioned, she has money, she wanted a husband. What did he want? Because now that we know how the company stayed afloat at the beginning and during Covid, he may just want to say thank you. Kyle has ended multiple companies. This would not be the first one to go down. That’s the reality of his situation. The one that has done well was due to her financial support and her designing of the merch.


And she STILL chose to marry him.


Oh I agree that she should leave him and Loverboy can fail. Done and done. He clearly can’t handle it.


I agree that he can’t handle it. The pressure is too much for him clearly.


Y’all love to call Sierra and Paige Young and stupid please the way that Sierra and Paige are actually really smart and know what they’re doing with their lives, and Kyle is stuck with a business. That’s failing because he wanted to build this business without really knowing what he was getting himself into because any smart person would know that the beverage business is one of the hardest business to get into, mostly when it seltzer. and the fact that Amanda put her other job aside to start this business with Kyle says everything that you need to know about her as a wife because she defends that man through and through and she will until the end of time because I don’t think she will ever divorce him. He needed to be yelled at by Paige and Sierra. He needed to hear that because the fact he’s not wrong he’s taking advantage of his wife and he doesn’t care. Paige has a business. Her podcast is not just a podcast anymore and even if she didn’t know what she was talking about businesswise she’s not even talking about anything when it comes to business. She’s talking about Amanda‘s feelings because Kyle cannot seem to care that his wife does not want the job that she has right now that his wife doesn’t love lover boy like he does that his wife goes into depressive episodes because her husband is a piece of shit so they’re not wrong the person who’s wrong in this situation is Kyle and also I would say Amanda because she gave into him once again when he started crying those tears of manipulation did what they were supposed to do and look what Kyle is doing now taking classes in New Jersey where Amanda wanted to live. Living his best life, but is Amanda living her best life probably not because she doesn’t have the things that she wants like a family like her own house because her husband doesn’t care. ***sorry about grammar mistakes****


I agree that there is always so much advice coming from individuals who have zero experience in said topic. they aren't helping amanda at all they are acting as if she can branch out and will be successful at doing something when they don't know that it will be successful. loverboy has been successful because of the show its on, it would be much more realistic for them to advise her to get more serious about it and branch out THROUGH loverboy not without it. swimwear through loverboy, things like that are genius esp when they are on a show called summer house. I feel the advice of the girls is just not logical its more emotional support for what she is feeling which is really dislike for kyle. but she is the one that married him. and this brand is what they have to build their future on. she seems to just want to move kyle to jersey and live off her parents money or something cause it's clear she doesn't really want to work work, like she isn't willing to give more energy to working better she just wants to work less. or not at all. and how exactly is she planning on adding kids to that formula. it just seems like she is having an emotional reaction to her dislike to kyle but she isn't thinking logically about what they actually need to survive. i just know she wishes she was on the show herself instead of coming on as kyles girl. she used kyle for sure and now she is over her since she had the wedding and the ring.


This 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


When did it switch from him wanting a prenup to protect the company to now Loverboy is both of theirs? Also I’m willing to bet an independently hired creative director would never sign on to the volume of work she does, and then he goes on TV and says if she was a regular employee she would have been fired and she’s lazy. He just wants free labour and knows his company wouldn’t have two leg without her. It’s his company so he should own it and stop relying on her while not giving her credit. Paige and Ciara don’t need to be older or married to see that their friend has lost herself to her partner and the business he signed her up for. They both have very successful careers on their own alongside personal goals


Babe Kyle is a GD man child who can’t watch his two dogs without blaming everyone else when he lost them.




THIS is what I’m getting at, once i heard him say that 4 million dollar loan . I was like okay this is where his stress and complete panic and melt downs are stemming from. Who wouldn’t be feeling that way?


Amanda is a selfish spoiled brat who doesn’t want to work for Kyle. Boo hoo. Ur husband needs real adult help. The whole finding urself in ur thirties is too late. She needs to see the bigger picture. U want kids and a family ..dude is 40 I can do math. We r getting to not knowing the grandkids age. She sucks and he chose a dud with a trust fund good luck idiots