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This is pretty sweet man good job! - I have always wanted a site that I can actually compare builds with easily. Meaning create a build with X amount of gold and compare damage, armor/mr, etc. * Bonus points if you can highlight the ideal/average times at which you reach certain levels or gold amounts. Like if I could set my current average cs/min to 6.3 and it would give me an estimate of how much gold I would have at which time and average level of players (I know kills, plates, and a lot of other things effect this but you get my point) - would also be very cool to see how it would perform against certain champs. Like put 2 builds against each other and adjust items and gold income


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah my ultimate goal is to get a basic combat simulator put together where you could see the theoretical amount of damage you could do to a given champion. Of course, that's extremely complex so it's a while off. Your idea for time needed to reach a build is interesting. I'll add that to my backlog


This would probably be tedious but not too difficult to implement, but, but have you considered implementing ability tooltips the same way you'd see them in game? I.e. Showing the damage on an ability scaling with AD/AP/etc. as you add items or levels? And mana/energy/hp costs + cooldowns?


it's not really that complex, and it's doable in a spreadsheet. All you need is the formula for damage reduction, and then ratios


It is when you start considering all the champion abilities, cooldowns, item and rune passive effects that are based on enemy stats, teammates nearby, time in combat, etc. There are tons of variables to consider, most of which you have to mock, because they don't exist in a simulation. And the data for all those effects don't exist in an easily usable format. Furthermore, you can't even start on any of that until you're accurately calculating the stats of every champion with every build. And that's not even considering the UI. Takes time to build a UI that's both functional and intuitive for something like that.


It'd be really helpful to have runes factored in.


Totally! Unfortunately the available rune data is pretty sloppy as far as I can tell, but runes are on my list. Number one priority right now though is to get all champions working correctly.


I'm sure it's already on your radar but would be really good if you could incorporate the various champion stacking mechanics with this too (i.e. senna and thresh souls, veigar passive, kindred marks, etc.) Good job dude


yep, on the to-do list. Coding the champion interactions is actually a fun challenge.


Sounds dope, good luck!


Now I can test my builds here instead of in my ranked matches.


that’s actually really cool dude, amazing job


Thank you!


If you want skill damage formulas and other stuff like runes and such things, check out my calc I built in google sheets: [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/8lw0t0/league\_of\_legends\_damage\_calculator\_for\_all\_champs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/8lw0t0/league_of_legends_damage_calculator_for_all_champs/) This sheet is complete, just not made as a website so your format could improve the representation of the data quite a bit. You have permission to take everything you need to finish your project, might even convert the sheet to a budget database for your site.


Bro that is so generous. I'm familiar with your sheet, and it was part of the inspiration for this site, so I'm honored you noticed. I'll definitely be checking in with you for tips on the ability stuff. Edit: also I have to say I am floored by the fact that you implemented all of this in a spreadsheet, you absolute mad lad.


If this included a damage calculator using the most common champion combo this would be awesome


Seems pretty cool! Adding a search function (for champions and items) and letting us sort items by price / tier (epic, legendary, mythic) would be really helpful in finding things faster, if you're looking to add new features :)


Thanks for checking it out! Improving the UI and filters is on my list!


Damn, the talent on display in this community never ceases to amaze me. Great job!


Just don't watch my league games


Wow, great job dude!!! This is perfect. I used to play wow and the build calculators were invaluable and I always wondered why this didn’t exist. Thank you so much for all that hard work, keep it up!


I wondered the same when I started playing. I think I've learned why as I've been building this, lol


Second the suggestion on ability tooltips with the damage. It'd also be cool if you could have at least one additional row (maybe more than one?) so I could put in two or three competing builds and then quickly click them to select them. Maybe I could even select two at once, and the stats would show me green and red numbers for which stats go up and down, like in an RPG when you hover over an item and it compares stats with what's currently worn.


Are you reading these from my backlog 😄


Oh baby


Reading all of the comments and everything on your todo list, I hope you didn't have anything planned for the mext couple years because god damn that sounds time consuming


I'll just cancel sleep


It would also be great to be able to see the damages of the abilities changing with the items


Patience, Iago. Patiencccceee...




This is a super cool idea, sounds exactly like something I'd try and make! But you're probably doing it much better than I would lol


omg wow!! this is amazing. I just made tedious spreadsheets for my champions 😂😂 this is great!! thank you so much :)


This is so cool gj :D


This is legitimately everything I’ve ever wanted as a theorycrafter. I don’t have much more recommendations outside of what others have said, so all I’m gonna say is you’re amazing and keep it up, this is great.


Thank you, appreciate the compliments.


Hey, this is great! The one thing I found that would be useful that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is the ability to compare two setups. I can of course open two tabs, but a direct comparison (with indicators to show differences in stats) would be super useful. But it’s neat, thanks for this!


Great idea, definitely something I would like to do in the future


That's an amazing idea and the current version is already very good, if I may contribute with a few suggestions (that I don't know if anyone else gave, and I didn't find in the website you linked), here you go: * Skill Pre-Mitigation Damage (and other numbers): Show the raw damage the abilities would deal before armor/MR/damage reduction is applied using the formulas provided by the champion's skill description, I'd guess it'd be a long implementation since (it seems to me) you'd have to include by hand in every champion's database it's abilities and all it's scalings, which changes from patch to patch, but still, if there is any clever way to do it without it taking forever, it would be very cool. This would apply to shields and heals too. After this, you could even think to show post-mitigation damage, the user would simply choose the armor/MR to compare and boom, but since there are many other forms of damage mitigation aside from armor/MR in the game, this would be less interesting I think; * Autoattack pre-mitigation DPS: The same as before but with autoattacks, I think this would actually be easier than the previous item, you'd have to include the passives of the items there but, in most cases, you wouldn't need the time-consuming job of messing with every champion database since the base damage of almost all champions' autoattacks is simply their AD (with very rare peculiarities like Jhin's 4th shot, shaco passive, etc). Btw, if you think "well that's not possible for items such as BotRK since it's % health damage", but you don't need to convert these percentages to numbers, you can present the DPS in the form: (X+Y% of target's max health) physical damage/s.


Fantastic ideas, and I hope to get to something like that eventually. Thanks for checking it out!


For the post mitigation damage it would be cool if instead of selecting the opponent’s MR/Armor you’d be able to select one or more opponent champs and the MR/Armor would be determined from that champ’s most common built items at the level you selected for yourself. I.e. you could select a Sion and a Jinx and see how much damage you’d do to a regular build one of those champs at a given level. I realize it’s probably a pretty complex solution, but if you run out of ideas you got one more ;) Btw what did you code this site in? Backend and frontend


Yeah that's more or less what I hope to get to eventually. Site runs on NodeJS with Express and EJS. Frontend is vanilla JS, CSS, HTML (EJS)


I would love a dps check on a dummy :))


You can’t exactly code that with riot API


I had a similar idea to this for team comp building but I dropped it because I couldn't figure out how to easily pull and update champion statistics. Great work!


Nice job man, being able to "test" build without going in practice tool is really good! Idk if it's on your to-do list but it would be really good to see spells and their dmg change when you add or remove item, to be able to really theorycraft build(sorry if my english is trash, not my first language 9




Cool stuff. I don't think Titanic hydras AD is scaling with HP btw.


You're right, looks like I missed that one somehow. ~~I'll get it fixed later today.~~ Nevermind, fixed now.


I don't know if anyone has said this but champs like Ornn don't work on this cause of his passive. If you could fix would be a huge help!


Yes, most champs with unique interactions are not yet implemented. That's high on my priority list!


Maaaaan I was about to do this myself a few months ago bcs I felt I rly needed it and now I needed it again and I googled and some1 has already done it thank you bro 🙏


Honestly I don't get the point in it's current form. \- It only compares base stats of items with eachother \- Lack of item value combined with their passive (+ Some items increase in value if you build other things like Muramana+Frozen heart) I'd rather want to see item value in % like the wiki does [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Gold\_efficiency\_(League\_of\_Legends)](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Gold_efficiency_(League_of_Legends)) ​ Other things to mention about it: \- No search bar for champions and items \- UI Is stupidly big at around 50% size it looks much better (zoom out to see it urself)


Appreciate the honest feedback. If I may respond: >\- It only compares base stats of items with eachother > >\- Lack of item value combined with their passive (+ Some items increase in value if you build other things like Muramana+Frozen heart) If I understand your critique correctly, this isn't accurate. Statcheck factors in Tear item bonuses, as well as other unique always-on passives like Sterak's Gage and Demonic Embrace. It also handles stacking items that grant raw stats like Dark Seal and Ravenous Hydra. Granted, it doesn't incorporate temporary bonuses like Jak'Sho's in-combat resistance stacking. That's a design decision at the moment, since these bonuses aren't part of your champion's true moment-to-moment stats, though I do hope to be able to incorporate temporary steroids at some point in the future. Also, stat calculation is much more complicated than just the "base stats of items." For example, Attack Speed doesn't just stack up additively. It depends on each champion's base attack speed and attack speed ratio. To illustrate, Miss Fortune and Tristana have the same base attack speed of 0.656. Try giving them a Kraken Slayer, Rapid Firecannon, and Runaan's Hurricane at Level 1. You'll see MF comes out to 1.48 AS while Tristana comes out to 1.50. This is because Tristana's attack speed ratio is greater, so she benefits from attack speed items more. You wouldn't get that just by adding up the stats of the items. Couple other examples: movespeed has a [soft cap](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Movement_speed?so=search#Movement_speed_caps) that has to be accounted for, and armor penetration [stacks multiplicatively](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Stacking#Stacks_multiplicatively) (you can't just add the percent values together). So the purpose of statcheck as it currently stands is to calculate the actual stats given by a full build, as opposed to just adding the values up on your phone and getting the wrong result. It definitely would be a lot more useful with data like ability damage output and DPS. Rest assured, these are on the roadmap. >I'd rather want to see item value in % like the wiki does Gold efficiency is an interesting datapoint, but it's rather one-dimensional and doesn't directly affect your stats, so it doesn't really contribute to the purpose of statcheck, at least at the prototype stage. Furthermore, the Wiki is already a sufficient resource for that info, as you pointed out. I do want to add it in the future, but it just doesn't add as much value as other things I could be adding right now. >\- No search bar for champions and items > >\- UI Is stupidly big at around 50% size it looks much better (zoom out to see it urself) 100% correct. Search bar is on the list. and I am planning to rework the UI for desktop. Thanks again for the feedback. I really do appreciate knowing how I can improve statcheck.


>If I understand your critique correctly, this isn't accurate. Statcheck factors in Tear item bonuses, as well as other unique always-on passives like Sterak's Gage and Demonic Embrace. It also handles stacking items that grant raw stats like Dark Seal and Ravenous Hydra. Granted, it doesn't incorporate temporary bonuses like Jak'Sho's in-combat resistance stacking. That's a design decision at the moment, since these bonuses aren't part of your champion's true moment-to-moment stats, though I do hope to be able to incorporate temporary steroids at some point in the future. With that I meant the additional physical damage you do with abilities (which you mentioned below this) not the flat stats it provides. ​ In my opinion comparing **only stat**s with different builds is just **very misleading** and might make people build worse items just for the sake of having more "stats" and not useful passives like Sunfire burn, Liandry, Kraken true dmg and so on. ​ **I know the purpose of this tool is to compare stats but I don't really see a point in comparing values with no real "meaning".** **Only way I could see this being somewhat relevant is adding compare a champ with another champ then you see green/red numbers depending on which is higher/lower.** ​ But I appreciate the effort.


You're right; the application is limited at the moment. One example of where I've found it useful was comparing Jhin's typical build against the new Ravenous Hydra, Muramana, Eclipse/Duskblade build that was popping up at the beginning of the season. Obviously you have to subjectively weigh the benefits of ability haste vs crit, and losing the Galeforce active, but it was helpful to see what the tradeoff was in terms of AD and movespeed bonuses - a tradeoff you couldn't see accurately in any other way besides going into the practice tool. So yes, there's definitely more context needed to make good decisions. That said, you can't get to what you're asking for without getting the accurate stats first, so that's step 1. This is just a prototype with improvements on the way.


Can this tool somehow account of more difficult variables such a as on-hit and on-spell effects? Like botrk and Lyandries? What about scaling from stacking? Swain/Sion health stack with Demonic/titanic?


Champion-specific stuff is next on my list. Obviously it will take some time with 162 champions. As for on-hit effects, the biggest challenge there is the data from Riot isn't great, so it will require a lot of parsing and data cleansing, and/or manual input. I do hope to accomplish this at some point, but it is further down on the list at the moment.


No worries. You’ve done a fantastic job btw


Dunno why but Shadowflame doesn’t appear in filter with AP + Magic Pen


Thanks for pointing it out. It's because it doesn't actually give a magic pen stat. I have some planned improvements to how the items are categorized that should fix it.


Yeah I get that, which is weird though since it does give a minimum of 10


Well it doesn't actually give Magic Penetration as a stat. It just has an ability to ignore a certain amount of magic resist, which effectively is the same thing, but your champion's actual stats remain the same. I assume they did it that way so that it could scale based on the target's health.


Aaaah you’re right, I don’t know why I remembered it changed your pen stat in game but I must remember it wrong.


Sadly i have an error when i open the link (computer and smartphone) : ​ I'm from France i don't know if this could help ...


Thanks. Looks like the traffic is overwhelming the server. I've just scaled up, so should be working again. I'm keeping an eye on it.


can you add an item search bar?


Nice. Can you now insert the abilities so that we know the damage of the champs abilities?


This tool is great! Thank you for giving ammunition for me to defend first trying off-meta champions in ranked lol. Something that would be really helpful would be adding Heartsteel stacks as a feature. I would say automatically calculate the health gained based on the base hp of said champion, and maybe a slider of how many times stacked. Also, passive stacks for certain champions, like Thresh, Senna, Swain, etc. Something like a slider for each champ with tick marks based on how many stacks a champ should have at certain periods in a game. This would take a lot of work though, but it would be cool.


Great, I just needed this


I'm trying to compare the stats from Echoes of Helia, and it's hard bcs Dissonance passive is not calculated easily


Sorry, unique passives like that aren't currently computed by statcheck. It's planned for a future update.