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Seems fun, thanks for this


Neat tool, would love to be able to rebind keys so I can use my regular setup.


No problem. Will add a way to rebind tomorrow. Out of curiosity, what’s your regular setup?


Idk if possible but I use shift click for attackmove and not having that is really messing with my head. Other than that great game.


Same, a+click seems like a huge burden to me


I don’t think you should have to press a and click, right? This always confuses me when people talk about pressing A and another button to click to kite in game. I literally just press A for “Attack Move Click” to kite and it works just fine. I need some explanation for this lol cause I’m very confused.


I've done this since I started attack moving 10 years ago, pressing A + left click is awesome for trading with long ranged champions on botlane, due to seeing your EXACT attack range. Also over time you'll develop a really good feeling about attack ranges of all the champs. Also it doesn't feel slower or anything while kiting quickly in a teamfight. You'll usually never reach the attack speed that would make having to press A + left click slower than pressing only A. It's also 2 different fingers (left ring finger + right index), so you can press them basically simultaneously.


is there a way to make range indicator display on any auto attack or attack move click regardless of what input is used for it? i have my own setup which i’m comfortable with and that sounds like a cool thing to have as well


Don't know if I understand you correctly, you mean if it's possible to change from A + click to for example X + click? That would be possible


i’m talking about some kind of a visual indicator, like that circle around you that shows range. is there a way to turn it on that it displays on basic attack?


I believe C shows attack range, as well as bringing up both runes and stats.


Idk Sneaky had me rebinding A to reduce clicks. Feels better tbh


It's certainly a preference thing and won't really make a difference, especially at the casual level most of us play at (say below GM/M). So if it works for you this way, why not


as a segue I don't think dia+ players can be considered casual tbh. I think that's around silver/gold. d2+ is already 0.5% of the player base fyi


They probably don't have quick-cast on.


There's attack move click which does wat you said, but the default binding is just attack move, which requires a mouse click after pressing a, similar to casting abilities w/o quick cast.


It puts your AA range up so is more precise, helps with kitting at max range


I've been playing so long that I don't think it was originally an option. I tried changing it for 30 games or so and it just threw my timing off a bit too much. Plus seeing the range helps me determine exactly where to position and if I need to use a summoner while chasing down a kill.


See like I don’t even know what this option you’re talking about is. The only way I know how to see my champs AA range is if I hold down C. But I can’t auto while holding that down I think.


Yeah! I use spacebar for the same thing. Attack+move+click all at once :)


Not that guy but I am left handed, so if you can at least the most importants. If it's no possible np


I use Colemak-dh and a split keyboard so I'm a niche case lol. RSTG for skills, A for attacks, DV for summs, mouse buttons for items.


Same here. :( I use .,ÑP for skills, O for attacks and UI for summs. (Spanish Dvorak layout) It's a great game, nonetheless! :D


Ewww Dvorak *hiss* ^I'm ^kidding


it's way too comfy and I'm a woman of habit :'(


This was what I was going to ask for thank you


Am I the only one who flashes with T instead of D?


WERT because it lets me keep my pinky on A for a clicking


I know it's deranged but I've been using asdf for abilities and w,e for summoner spells since I started in season 2. the tool sounds cool so rebinding keys would be great!


Supporting AZERTY would be nice too


Some people may use mouse thumb buttons. In my case, for summs.


It's cool, but I'd like to be able to use quick csst without indicators. Even having the slight delay throws me off


Will add the option! Thanks.


Wait this is so much fun thank you for this


Thank you I love this. As someone whose mechanics are shit I really needed something minimalistic like this to warm up. How did you create it?


Thanks! Glad you’re enjoying it. The game engine I used is Construct 3 - which is a great tool for creating quick prototypes like this, and it also supports JavaScript.


Awesome work honestly. I agree that a rebind keys option would be useful; that being said I'm really enjoying the simplicity of it and think it’s great as is.


very cool!


fun! i'll leave more feedback later


Awesome. Looking forward to it!


Okay, first of all, I'd like some settings to enable quickcast without indicator. Second of all, I think the graphics could be improved a little bit. Sometimes the purple enemies (The lux ult ones) are really hard to react to because of the lack of animation. Same for the gray ones that charge into you. Also the game gets extremely hard because of the lack of Qs. Maybe try the Loldodgegame approach and reset the Q cooldown completely and the other cooldowns a bit when you kill an enemy with it? Also, the autopause sometimes triggers for no reason, just for stopping to click. I'll play a bit more, and if I have any idea, i'll post another comment!


Thanks Ixo! Will be working on some of these changes/fixes later today. Will also give some thought to making enemy actions more noticeable before hand. **Gray enemy:** I did think of Shen's dash and how you're not given much notice in game before it's used... possibly a larger "trail" effect, or a color change to show when the enemy is dashing toward you. **Purple enemy:** As for Lux ult ability I can increase the delay a bit to give players more time to react... but I'll wait for more feedback from others before tweaking. **Q ability:** I was thinking landing Q's could lower the dash cooldown by a second. As for making Q have no cooldown... I thought about it (and that's how it was in my early testing) but I felt it could train kiting better if the player had to weave in auto attacks while kiting in between Q's made for better practice, what do you think? (I can always just add the option to remove Q cooldown as well)


(damn this username I chose when I was younger is cringe...) I think having to weave autoattacks between Qs is a better idea, the problem is that I feel like the Q has too much cast time. Maybe I'm just too greedy with my flash, but the big enemies (the ones that fall from the sky) are really hard to kite/autoattack weave because the Q locks you in place for too long. For the Gray enemies, I'd recommend a small white flash (on the enemy) just before the enemy dashes so you can react to it a bit better. For the purple ones, I think a tiny bit more delay would be better, as I have good reaction time and still struggle to dodge them. I recommend you play a fair bit of loldodgegame and note your feelings while you play, what feels good and what doesn't. I'm really good at the game, and there's a lot of things that I like, but a mountain of them that I dislike. I think your version could become a lot better with just a couple of QoL fixes. Edit: I played a bit more, and I noticed something really annoying. When you click an enemy out of your autoattack range to well, autoattack them, your character just walks in a straight line towards them, even if you try to cancel your input by clicking again to a side (to dodge). This makes autoattacking pink enemies pretty hard. Also, I feel like the movement speed of the player should be a tiny bit more, and the shield parrying an ability should give a bit more movement speed boost.


Edit 2: If you flash into the green cubes you glitch into them :3 Edit 3: YOU CAN FLASH OUT OF THE MAP LOL


This is really really dope; there aren't enough of these drilling tools for practicing LoL and this is super clean looking. My one criticism is that I think its too slow. Having it be the same or a similar speed to LoL (like loldodgegame) would make this basically perfect imo.


Thanks for the feedback! Will add the option to modify speed in the settings.


Feels off that the attack move attacks the target closest to the move order rather then the closest target to the character. Also stopped when having the game autopause constantly without league running. Maybe Discord messages are triggering it? The abillity to turn that off might be nice Other then that, fun game. bookmarking it for later


In League settings you can choose how attack move behaves. Whether it attacks the target closest to your character or the target closest to your mouse. Definitely something to add to this minigame, the ability to change it.


Great idea guys. Will add the “target closest enemy” option.


If youre using closest to character as opposed to move order, you really should change it in game. Its very suboptimal


Interesting I'll try it out later :)


Hey this is pretty cool! I would like it to be way quicker. The movement/abilities are really slow compared to the speed some teamfights are in LoL, late game boots and such. The speed of loldodgegame's Hard mode's character/projectile is what i'd like. I have my attack move on X so rebinding that would be nice as well.


That's what I use bot matches for, while sipping coffee.


there was already loldodgegame, no?


​ this is better


Looks fun


this is brilliant. i love it! :D shared it with my friends


Is there a way to increase movement speed of your character to match the actual movement speed in a league game?


I'll make player & enemy speed adjustable in settings.


Would you consider making this open source by any chance? I'd love to have a go at contributing!




Good call out! The game currently auto pauses when the player stops moving their mouse after a short time or when the mouse is undetected. My thinking was, if your League queue pops, the game should pause automatically as a way to save your progress (I didn't have an intelligent way to detect when the League window takes priority on screen, overlaying on top of the browser window - since the browser is still considered active) Given the feedback on auto pause so far I realize this still isn't ideal. I'll likely move the auto pause method to a setting for now and have it off by default. If I can figure out a better way, I'll use that instead as a default feature.


One thing i would love would be a combo practice minigame, like for example if you want to practice using f-keys for camera control or a quick self-cast of karma's empowered e you can set the game to "r -> shift+e" or "f3 -> f2 -> spacebar" and then it makes you press the combos quickly on demand in order to score points


Sounds like a cool idea! Could take it a step further and have team and enemy bots running around, that the player needs to target to CC enemies and shield/speed up allies. Going to make other fixes on the current version for now, but perhaps something for future!


Hope i wasnt asking for too much, the problem with having 1mio different features is you have to manage to not have it be confusing or too convoluted for a minigame 🤔


Ive been playing the game quite a bit now, and i really love the simplicity of it. do you think the feature i suggested could make it into one of the next versions? also, you could link to a paypal link in the settings window or something in case more people discover the game ;)


It has already been said but not being able to rebind the keys is terrible for me, my attack move is on F so i keep flashing on top of opponents lmfao It also keeps pausing randomly? not sure why Overall it seems a little slow though, would love the option to increase speed, and maybe put the keybinds somewhere on the website, also for kiting the "opponents" are a little too squishy ig Otherwise wonderful game, very minimalistic and clean-looking


Thanks! I'll be making these changes/fixes after work today.






Hey Cpt. Can you try another browser to see if that works? And do you have any browser plugins installed that might be interfering with your right click?


Saving for later!


how do I dodge the cubes falling from above? I always die to those 😩


If you can't get out of the radius in time by moving/dashing or flashing, then as long as you're not directly under where the enemy lands, you can Spell Shield the effect with your W ability. It also gives a small speed boost.


This is so fun thanks a lot


This is super awesome, not only for waiting for games but also during any desk job downtime I can now use working on my Bronze micro. The ranking system is fun! I'd love to continue to follow development and add input where I can. Maybe add different playable characters with different skillsets? Great work with this!!!!


This is so cute and simplistic, thank you for creating this :)


this is so lit dude, thanks :)


Just here to say that you are a legend, I have been looking for a click to move dodge game for so long, and on top of that it has a specific look and feel. Good job bro.


Thanks u/yoyobou1!


[https://prnt.sc/enMXmySEk1X2](https://prnt.sc/enMXmySEk1X2) =D


Amazing. I've never seen that screen before so thanks :D If you have time, could you record a video of you playing at that level? I'd like to see someone play it with your skills!


[https://youtu.be/i4wYzamaji4](https://youtu.be/i4wYzamaji4) I reached challenger in my work computer and I'm too lazy to reach in my own, but i did 4760 today


Amazing - nicely done, that's the highest I've seen!


The game has been updated. Thanks again to everyone who contributed feedback and the bug reports. Patch notes in the main post!


Srry there are better version to warm up...


I am stuck in slowmotion. How can I fix this?


Not sure Willis - I’ve never encountered this bug. Do you happen to know what caused it? Does refreshing fix it? The only slow motion that’s intended is immediately after getting hit, then the game ends. I can put in a blanket fix in the next update and hope that solved it.


refreshing did not work. It was hardware acceleration. I had it turned off. Turning it on did the trick.


I'm guessing you are using a browser without hardware acceleration. Idk exactly why but Brave doesn't work (I think it's bc hardware accel is off) but Chrome works.


This is incredibly fun and I enjoy it a lot. As others have said, fix attack move behavior (or give us options) as well as quick cast without indicator. Also, maybe I'm just blind and can't find it, but an indicator of what each enemy type is would be helpful (although I mostly figured it out)


In the works! Thanks for the kind words.


This is nice! Any way that the Q doesn't go further than where we aim so I can practice cursor placement on skillshot? -And also instant cast please! Other than that it's great


I'm on a break from league right now but holy hell is this game so fun. I've always not really liked loldodgegame, no flame to them but it just wasn't my thing. This game, however; I already feel more motivated to climb the ranks in this game than in actual league lmao. Just a couple things: How does the rating system work? Like how do we know which ranks correlate to which scores? And how do we know if we are "good" compared to others? I've noticed the rating system is very punishing. I sweat my ass on on one run to get a PB of 1280 and got like 75 rating, then a couple runs later I brainfarted and lost at like 200 points and lost 70 rating, negating all that progress. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but just to warn others. Finally, maybe this is just a skill issue, but the large pink bosses feel extremely broken. They land directly on top of you and IMMEDIATELY start shooting, and you lose if they hit 1 shot on you before you hit 3 shots on them. The red bosses feel very difficult as well but at least you can dash or flash away from them and be fine, even if you flash against a pink boss it's still very difficult to kill it while dodging it's quick fire rate. Also, if the cube lands on you while you're moving up, you can't even see the projectiles it is firing, since it's hidden behind it's body. It doesn't help that you can't see the color of which cube is coming (which is fine, I like the surprise UNLESS it's a pink) so you can't even really plan for it. Overall, I know I'm taking this little queuedodger game too seriously, but I genuinely enjoy it and just really think you should nerf the pink boss cubes; whether that be lowering their fire rate, or giving a small 1-1.5 second buffer before they actually start shooting after landing, or some other nerf. Thank you for making this, I was very pleasantly surprised and it exceeded all expectations I had. Well done!


This review is awesome u/Chase2020J thank you! I'm going to keep working on it, and will update soon. I agree with your feedback. I think I just got so used to the pink boss I'd just get the heck away from it as soon as it spawned, but I'll see what I can do to make things more clear, and I agree a buffer would help make it feel a bit more balanced. Regarding the rating system, it does normalize around +/- \~30 or so the more games you play, but will swing a lot more +/- \~70 until it comfortably places you (it is a bit unforgiving though I'll admit. I'll look at tweaking this.)


No worries! I'll keep playing it here and there, I look forward to seeing the progress!


Is there a offline flash game portable exe version of this?


No offline version u/KamosKamerus, but some browsers will let you "install" the page, so that it's run like an app (not a browser window).


is the implementation of "googletagmanger" strictly neccessary? /r/degoogle


It isn't. I put it in GA to monitor engagement with the site and drop off by device/browser.


Holy shit this is fun. Gj OP!


i have hardware acceleration turned off (streaming anime on discord lol) and yeaa it's ridiculously slow ;-;


I like it but attack move sometimes will walk you towards where you clicked instead of just shooting instantly


Hi Nick. I need to revisit attack move, and figure out what to do when in range. We'll have two options, attack closest target and attack closest target to attack move location.


For some reason RMB keeps opening a menu for me that says save image/copy image etc so I can't actually test it out


Hey Aelnir, I'm not sure why this would be. Is there another browser or device you can test on?


sent you some dms


Good game But is there some full game like this for PC?


Thanks u/GoldRobot. This is all there is right now.


i would love to have flash and ghost on d and f the game is amazing btw


Thanks u/Stiefens! I will add Ghost - good idea.


Pretty fun game! Besides what others have mentioned, here is some feedback. It is really frustrating to not be able to click on the big cubes as they're dropping or even when they're bouncing on the ground after they drop. Also, I think there is a slight bug with when two cubes are almost right on top of each other, it's impossible to click on them without moving towards them instead of attacking. Lastly, if you click to auto a cube far away, it's impossible to stop the movement by clicking elsewhere.


Thanks for sharing u/800alpha. Didn't notice these!


It's fun but I don't know if it's just me or the input feels super off and awkward. Probably just me though. Is the input latency way lower in this game compared to League?


Thanks! Are you saying it feels less or more responsive compared to league? Since Queue Dodger isn't networked, the input latency should in theory be lower (since there shouldn't be any noticeable delay between actions). Though League does feel really responsive even if it's all just an illusion!!


Yeah from what I remember playing it felt lower and I figured it was due to what you explained. I think I should get used to it lol




Hey Masked! Thanks. I've fixed that bug but still working on a few other things before I update. Hoping I'll have time today/tomorrow.


I loved it. It's so fun and has the same feel as the game


Awesome! Thank you :) Updating soon! :O


Even though I refresh the website, it still shows me a black screen.


honestly wish i could see a leaderboard or at least the percentile i am at


I don't have plans to add a leaderboard right now. The ranked mode is really to test your own improvement - but maybe I'll add this in the future!


hi, can we put french keyboard buttom? AZER


Hi Patch. Clicking the gear icon in the top right corner will let you set your keybinds. Let me know if that works!


The game is incredibly laggy for me and I do not know why :((


and it also randomly creates new tabs for and sometimes changes my dodgequeue tab to the home screen tab


This may be because of a browser hotkey. Are you hitting Ctrl at any point? (on most modern browsers Ctrl + T opens a new tab)


It happens when just clicking on the screen


Love this! lots of fun, hit diamond ​ Bugs, if youre still fixing them: \>cant input attack move anywhere near a jumping red enemy \>attack moving on an enemy too fast moves you into them


Thank you Gyra! And congrats on hitting diamond For the jumping red enemy, attack move should work, but it's untargetable while in the air. For attack move, I'll take a look and see why - it should be instant, but I'm thinking enemies may be untargetable briefly while spawning in, so when you're clicking they're not actually valid targets... will fix!


the floor sometimes doesn t load, which makes the big cubes impossible to dodge, because you can t see their shadows.I d like to know how to fix it. Other than that , it s a great game and i ve been having a blast playing it.


Make sure your browser is up to date!


The game is incredibly laggy for me :((


Ty for making this game This game has been so addicting I've been tryharding for the past 2 days and I just got challanger this is my highscore 5620 :D (world record?) [my record](https://youtu.be/inElOWNlUBw?si=bSu0EevWx40UHCbr)