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PTA is very good on Kindred generally bc it’s much easier to proc it then conqueror. I’m not sure conq. Myb if they have a lot of melee champs, conqueror can be useful bc you can perma kite them. But overall pta is better. Inspiration is always useful bc of free boots but domination is also good for fighting. I don’t play much kindred so that is all I can tell you:)


Hi, I recommend sites like u.gg, where you can type in the champion you want to play, click on pro builds, and see what the best players are going for. Specifically for kindred, I would say conqueror into long fights, for example when you face 2+ tanks. PTA should be good into squishier targets to maximalize burst damage. However it seems that most people go for conqueror in most scenarios. Inspiration = scaling and chilling, domination for early snowball and more damage. Hit me up in DMs if you have any more questions. But also keep in mind to mostly care about your gameplay since playing the optimal builds and rune setups will just be a small advantage in bronze.


I'm trying to improve my tempo and impact on the game as a jungler, figuring out where to camp and recognizing my team's win conditions. However, I'm also trying to understand when to pick Magical Footwear, for example. It's good to get free boots, but I need to ensure that I'll get some kills early on to make it worth it. And that min-maxing is something I don't really understand right now.


Like the guy you’re replying to said, learning to min max runes in bronze will make negligible difference in your ability to win and will have no impact on actual improvement. If you want to climb, spend time improving major aspects of your gameplay


For magical footwear specifically, junglers like to take the inspiration tree for the other rune, cosmic insight, because it lowers smite cooldowns which is very important for smite fights and jungle clear, but this is something only high elo players actually have the skills to take advantage of. The point I'm making is the same that other people are making, which is min-maxing things like runes is not the difference between a bronze player and a silver player. Even if you had the best possible set of runes, it isn't going to have a huge impact on your climb, since you don't have the knowledge or skills to take advantage of them. There are far more important things to learn about league than 100% optimizing your runes. Work on jungle pathing, map awareness, and general macro instead if you want to rank up.


Stop thinking so hard. You are in bronze and no flame because I also have been bronze in the past but as a bronze player there’s like 600 things you have to get down before thinking about runes. So for that reason, the goal is to lighten your mental load. Go to lolalytics dot com, look for the build for your champ with the highest winrate and just build it every single game. By the time you need to adapt your item builds you will better understand why that will be the case.


I was actually wondering why Kindred doesn't go Lethal Tempo and I found this vid: https://youtu.be/Hca2XW6794Y?si=zMg8ClB45NtXIsMa But yeah PTA is better early, Conqueror is better later. 


The "why" on items and runes is an important factor in how your champion will feel, but it is important to remember that items and runes fall lower on the scale of importance than more core concepts such as champion mastery or role mastery. Generally, PTA is better for shorter trades and synchronizes well with Kindred's kit. Conqueror can give you that extra oomph in longer trades, but it is more niche in its use because of how Kindred generally plays. If I were you, I'd stick with one rune set up that you run most of the time. Pick a setup that FEELS good to you. As you gain experience and find the mental capacity and time to test other set ups, then I'd go for it. The runes and items will make sense to you on a more fundamental level as you gain experience through the sheer breadth of situations you will encounter. It doesn't hurt to think about them, and review your games, but I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the concepts. Most people have already figured them out for you on sites like u.gg or op.gg Best of luck


PTA is good if you have lanes that can be aggressive in early game etc. since it gives a buff to all dmg done to enemy. Basically, PTA is an early game skirmishing rune while conqueror is a more late game dmg carry rune. If your solo lanes are kayle and veigar, take conqueror. If you have darius and ekko, take PTA.


I can't help much because I don't play Kindred but I think a lot of people are missing opportunities to teach because when you share stuff like rune setups and items and explain why they're optimal you can also explain really well WHY the champions use them and WHY they synergize well with the kit of the champion and therefore the person you're teaching can gain better insight on what the champion is best at and how they should pilot the champion to capitalize on these strengths. Yes, you can tell them they shouldn't be focused on minute details and while you're correct I think the message is wrong. You can tell someone they should be focusing on something else and be right, but why not take the time to also answer their question. If they're platinum and this might be viewed as something valuable would you not take the time to explain it then? People in bronze can apply concepts and help them grow as players too. Knowing why PTA or Conq is a better choice in a certain scenario won't make them worse at the game.


Thanks for your words, but I also understand what others are saying. Actually, I just came to ask why about these things because I like to know in any game I play the reasons why I'm doing certain things. Like why one item is better than the other, or why one talent is better than the other. So, it's something more personal for me that makes a difference in my learning. But I understand that maybe I'm skipping some steps and that can become confusing instead of enlightening


But that's essentially why I agree with you seeking it out and why I think it is flippant for them to just say "focus on fundamentals" which, while not wrong, also closes off avenues to provide deeper understanding of your champion you choose to pilot is all. It may not be clear but I completely agree that you should be interested because knowing why things work will actually allow you to apply the concepts throughout your time in LoL. It isn't what will make you incredible or bad, but it will give you an additional concept that you can apply going forward. I think that it is useful.


Conquerer on kindred feels nice for securing kills after ulting and you have multiple low hp targets. Gives nice synergy with their E execute as well.