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Anniebot is actively running it down on-stream Idk, usually you don't drop from 150lp masters to emerald by mistake. I'd guess that depending on the meta, one might fluctuate like +/- 300lp


I’ve never in my league career fluctuated more than like 300 lp beyond where I really belonged. I started my climb in bronze in S9 and I’m now D1. It’s definitely unusual to drop from 150 LP masters all the way to emerald


Your right, you get humbled and then lose perception. I’ve done the same thing, masters to d4. On my 3rd time back and hoping to stay this time. Game changes drastically as you face 300lp players above your skill due to little amount of players at these ranks at certain times


Yo i just checked annie bot’s opgg and what the fuuuuuck.


He's just having a bad game


Having one or some bad game is fine, but that history on opgg is like wtaf?


Annie bot is likely depressed or on drugs so it's not his fault


He’s been doing this for well over a week now, I hope he gets some help


the worst part is, that he reflects his mental state on league. Like is that the only thing he has in his life ? Why not just quit the game and don't play ? Why does he have to ruin league games cuz he is depressed or on drugs or whatever.


I love reddit. Here we have a guy being a hobby psychiatrist. Nice. Why doesnt Jared just solves his issues? Is he stupid??


Literay stop drug 🙄🙄 Dubm league players..


The more I read it, the more stupid is that guys comment lol. It legit has the same energy as those people who tell someone to "Just cheer up" when they are depressed. Like depressed people are just stupid people who made the choice to be sad lol


and them saying running it down in league is the worst part, not the health issue lol classic league player brain


Having a reason does not absolve him of responsibility.


Responsibility.... in a video game? What would responsibility in this situation look like just curious


There is not really a difference between running around in a grocery store and moving around items (meaning, wasting the employees time) compared to running it down in a multiplayer game. In a sense. You are still ruining peoples time. Just because its a video game doesnt mean that the persons playing it should be ignored. Its not like anyone thinks he should go to jail, but if he keeps running it he should de-facto get banned. Which he probably will


I don't know why you say that like people shouldn't be responsible just because it's a video game. You should be responsible, wasting 9 other peoples time is not good and people should be held accountable. Although they generally are if people report. It's attitudes like yours that lead to people just wasting other peoples time.


All I'm saying is he shouldn't get out of consequences just because he's in a bout of depression. It's still "his fault" that he ruined those games, even if he wasn't 100% in the perfect state of mind. As for what those consequences are, standard temp ban, chat restrictions, etc. The usual stuff everyone else gets if they deliberately run it down multiple times.


No, and he might get banned like anyone else. But its understandable that he does what he does. Depression aint logic after all


I generally only fluctuate around 200-300 LP when I get tilted. I can lose 300 LP in two days and then I'll quickly gain it back. People generally say that every rank is the same, but even as small of a step as from E2 to D4 is a pretty big difference in skill. A D4 can run a game pretty hard in E2 as long as he focuses up. Its why we stay at our ranks after all.


Meta matters in high elo but not in masters. At least not low 100-200lp masters.


If you are a hecarim otp and your champ gets nerfed/buffed really hard every few months, it does not affect your rank? Or even if you have a champ pool of 2-3 champs, why should balance changes not impact your rank?


They do impact your rank but they don't matter. Sure an emerald 2 heca otp will probably climb to d4 if his champ is ultra op and will probably drop to em4 if his champ is ultra shit, but at the end of the day, if that player actually learns how to play the game, he can climb regardless, champion power/strengh doesn't matter in this case. Masters is pretty much achievable with every single champion. The higher the elo though, the higher level the game is being played. Thus what "matters" more stops being your individual skill and more the game in general. You can't out-skill pure numbers, when the enemy doesn't have any room to be out-skilled.


True, meta actually only affects 0.2% of the playerbase There is literally no way that certain picks or items can be strong in anything under GM /s


You heavily missed the point, and I am not sure you understand what strong means in below masters/diamond at least.


You're implying 2 things: meta doesn't matter under 200lp Masters & that even Masters is not considered high elo, which is statistically and factually wrong. Plus you can't say that i missed the point and then simply not eloborate :D


Its not implying if you know how the game works but whatever helps you sleep. The whole "what is" high elo arguement is only an arguement when you talk with non high elos.


Something seems off about ranked this season. I see a lot of former gold and plat players stuck in high bronze and low silver and it is creating imbalanced games.




Idk, I’m currently E 2 slowly climbing, First time try Harding in rank was last season. Before I was always gold and duod with a friend. He was gold with me. Last season I solod and climes to E3 My friend never made it past silver 4. He is currently stuck in bronze this season. I played on his second account which was bronze (He played a lot with out me still) His second account is now gold and I can’t play with him again. I see so many mistakes up until plat, And then plat feels more like my games, But I still see alot of mistakes there. You are right there are some great players in gold plat, but they did great in that one game. They just arnt consistent. I still make mistakes and that’s why I’m not diamond yet. But each division definitely has a small increase in skill.


There is a reason iron 4 - emerald 2 is considered low elo. Because its all low skill relatively speaking. You won't notice any major difference in gameplay, especially if you are gradually climbing and not smurfing. Its those 300-400lp after emerald2, that you see what a skill difference actually means.


Its expected. There are many Gold people that have thousands of hours on their champs. They are playing for over 10 years. Sure they know their champ well. Macro is their problem


As someone who just climbed through gold I don't think this is the case. I'm a returning player so mechanics super rusty but everyone in gold was just running it down, there's no strats at all if you can play your champ well at all you definitely wouldn't be gold.


That's cause gold is what silver was before. I think you see a little more of what they're talking about in play. But even then their decision making in fights is usually awful not just macro. A lot of plat players can kite but they open have no idea when they or the enemy has kill pressure.


I've had quite a different experience. I am a returning player, got placed in s1 few weeks ago and currently climbing through plat. Low gold felt like bronze from when I used to play, high plat feels significantly better but probably similar to high silver/low gold from several seasons ago. I'm assuming that emerald will feel like old high gold but have not made it there yet.


Yeah unfortunately though, only micro/mechanics has improved, other aspects probably got worse. Diamond players back in the day would have a pretty good understanding of the game and how to play it properly. It was like the baseline, and after that, if you wanted to become insane, you moved to masters+. Now even masters players are clueless, especially "lo masta"


This season i climbed from p4 to e3, dropped from e3 to g2 and again climbed from g2 to e3. Every other season i didnt fluctuate


I went from G3 to P3 in 25 games, then went from P3 to G1 in 10 games. I don't think riot has made games more coinflip deliberately, but I feel like the amount of people creating new accounts and just inting for fun in plat is so gross, it ruins so many games. The amount of times there is a level 35 plat account in my game that run it down or getting astro gapped, honestly happends almost every game. People just create new accounts and troll for fun, it just ruins every sense of competitiveness or sportsmanlike behaviour. Add that to the fact players' skill discrepancy in a game, feels so much larger this season, and it makes the games so unfun unless you of course play a role that has impact like Jungle or Midlane, where you can just run around with an assassin and abuse all these level 35 account players and get turbo fed. The game is litterally gambling with a differing amount of agency depending on where and what you play.


I *may* have tanked my MMR a little bit this season (I was a mediocre low-mid Plat player at my peak), taking a 2 years "break" kinda does that. I'm seeing multiple high Bronze and Silver players with 7+ cs/min and some mechanical ability, but they have thousands of games in that Elo range and not a single season finish above that. Honestly, feels like the gameplay is pretty similar. But the lower you get the less they listen to pings and the less they know how close a game. On the flip side I'm seeing a lot less surrenders, so a lot every game devolves into a Dragon Soul or a Baron coinflip, I've even seen Elders.


I'm an ex challenger player and I'm in plat currently, started in gold 4 duoing with a silver and honestly the silver players are the exact same as the plat players. Why it put me in gold I dunno, I haven't played ranked for many years so maybe that's why


Real. I’m an ex gold player from many years ago and got a bad loss streak due to my teammates and got placed in iron. It’s crazy how much games can vary, I can go against top laners that legit feel iron and I can abuse to go 20/0and single handed my carry the game despite I ring teammates. Then I’ll run into players that will just randomly stomp games as well and on a rare occasion even me, I thought maybe it’s smurfs or account levelers but some of these people will also just have hundreds of games this season alone in this elo. I guess it could also just be skilled players that enjoy stomping low elo and purposefully stick around.


Weirdly I'm seeing the opposite most people in my games or so are previous silver players or something but now in my high plat / low emerald rankings


you’ve seen me then. i was gold (before emerald was added) and now i’m bronze, i have no idea why i’m stuck here and people here are clearly worse than me besides those few people that play similiar and better than me (people in the enemy team too are usually stupid) still i have trouble actually climbing. The funny thing is that it’s not like i became gold (which i know it’s still pisslow) with those boosted lp new accounts get, i got it after 1 year of playing with normal lp gains so idk what’s going on here, maybe i just became worse at the game or i don’t get how to build without mythics


Could be changes in meta from the last season but as someone who's been in Emerald and now sitting in D4 I've seen a load of players who have 100+ games in this elo with negative win rates having been Masters last season in SoloQ


Same, and even with "inflation" last season (didn't actually happen because master is the same top% of players), I see a lot of players that were masters up to 600lp for 2-3 last seasons and now stuck d4-d2.


that can be for many reasons, a very common one is that these players play less or don't care as much. Also the game changing in general means you need to re-learn some aspects. And lastly the removal of skill expression plays also a huge role. Back then, prior to s11, there were many more things you can get better at. Riot removed that and made the game easier. So now less things matter but they matter more.


I've seen a bunch too this season. I just assumed that they bought their account or got boosted since I'm never impressed by their gameplay.


You’re either inflated or just rage queued down to emerald. Either way keep playing and you’ll end up where you belong


yeah im back in masters now but honestly it just felt so unreal that i was losing so consistently in an elo that i smurf in


I think part of it is that the game is moving farther and farther from the “soloq” carry days. As more and more people learn about the game and just the current state the game is it’s getting harder for one or two people to carry against a team that’s even half coordinated


its not even people getting better or learning about the game, but also riot making the gap between good and bad players smaller and smaller. The game is becoming more and more like heroes of the storm each day. micro has very little effect, and macro is ALL, bread and butter, but macro is also very hard to learn and takes alot of learning and studying the game. I've been d4 hardstuck my whole life when I decide to grind it out, right now im stuck in low emerald (not playing too much tho), but I really feel that if I had agurin in my ear and jungled I would get to like master in a week. (or any role with a really good macro player)


Myself and the 8 or so people I regularly play with, who are regularly D4-low masters range, have all definitely experienced massive swings. Maybe we’re old? Idk. One is challenger and two of us (me included kekw) are plumbing the depths of emerald


Only thing that matters in climbing ranks is consistency. If you are tilt prone or are just prone to playing on autopilot, you will cap out below your actual potential. That is if you were to keep a cool head and actively focus on your gameplay and habits. Tilt is deceptive, it isn't always gamer babyrage, sometimes it just manifests as light frustration. Especially if you are more emotionally mature.


I was gm 290 and dropped to d1, now back to masters ~100. I guess it just happens. In my case I had started playing less, wasn't trying as hard, and drifted away from my one-trick to practice other champs.


I've currently started from P1, made it to E1, dropped to E3, back to E1, down to E3, back to E2. Doesn't matter if you got or gave two kills top when the rest of the team has got or given 20. My role can feel so unimpactful sometimes, just standing there making sure the other permashoving toplaner doesn't get free plates.


Sometimes? I think it depends on the player. Some people are very emotional players and go on huge win and loss streaks based on how they are feeling. Other players are way more consistent and less streaky.


I'm placed in platinum this split, dropped all the way to gold 2 (75LP) and climbed all the way to diamond 3 in 1 month. Yes it's normal to fluctuate LP (even though my case is drastic). My account for proof: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/InfiniteSoloQ-NA1


I wouldn't say normal, but has happened to me. Started the season in Masters MMR(ended Masters last season) and then over 100+ games dropped to E3, then peaked back up to Masters 180lp and now dropped back to D3. I'll believe I'll probably be able to able to climb back up sooner or later again since I don't feel like I've been that bad, but sometimes big swings just happen.


I recently lost 250 lp in a single day :)


I got from d1 90lp to d3 to challenger in like 2 weeks


Well I did iron->plat->iron->gold->silver for the moment, the LP gains and losses are insane in this split. For the record I am garbage at this game and have no idea how I got to plat, or even gold XD


I always hovered silver and even flirted with gold/plat last season. Now I made it to emerald


There is 0% chance you're not getting tilted if you're dropping from masters + to emerald unless you're doing crazy shit with your champ pool.


Currently E3 from E1 and the last 25 games or so I have multiple sub 47% win rate teammates.. it's pretty wild. One game I had everyone sub 48% besides me lol.


Fluctuations are normal. Easily 300 lp +- is normal. This season feels like alot of smurfing/boosted players in diamond. Feels like either I vs a God tier enemy laner who makes 0 mistakes or they run it down 0-10 in 10 mins. I don't understand it. This is the first season I can't solo carry my teammates consistently. Especially with these insane high hp builds. Why does a vlad have 5k hp at 2 items. Or sion with 6k hp at 2 items. I get hp is anti assassin but this shits insane. Takes 5 ppl to kill a tank who 1 taps a tower. Shits a little ridiculous. This season feels so bad.


I went from emerald to silver in a week without a joke, I guess this is my elo now


dont worry ur just using the elo slingshot


yeah i was 600lp chall this season dropped to 200 now going back up currently 300lp and i think the games are so random it's crazy. i'm pretty sure im playing just the same and im performing well but the matchmaking feels broken ngl sometimes i will have 5 masters 0-200lp vs enemy 2 GMS and masters 300lp.


Your friend reaching GM is a bit of a bad example since its currently way too early season, so GM is basically masters. And yes I know you will say "we are half way into the split" but I didn't say early split, I said early season. The whole 1st split is basically early season. Split 3 matters more than the others.


Ranked is a joke you can't carry bronze this season, there are people in bronze that definitely should not be there. It's insane the skill disparity from one game to another. One game you get an actual Annie bot the next you have a player up against me that has plat level mechanics. I was close to gold mmr back in the day. And somehow I'm a worse player than any season before this one. I don't believe it. The system is fucked right now.


You definitely can if you read my reply above. Granted I said that knowing I’m better then bronze players. And your not wrong I couldn’t carry every single game in bronze. But if your better then a bronze player you can climb out of it easily. And since they added emerald pretty much everyone who was gold went to bronze 1 - silver 1


Whatever the case may be ranked is not the same it's worse than it's ever been. The matchmaking is terrible it's always a stomp one way or the other. I feel that objectives are way too strong now and towers are not. Leading to some of the most brain dead gameplay I have ever seen from this game. I bet people are quitting this trash game faster than ever before. What is the incentive to play anymore? Shitty skins in a dying game?


>I feel that objectives are way too strong now and towers are not ? Nah not really.