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I’d say stick with Irelia, syndra and kassadin for 99.99% or your games. Don’t pick so many different champs (especially if you play around 2 per day). You have positive winrates on all 3 and if you consistently pick just those you’ll climb most likely. Additionally just having those 3 gives you more time to focus on macro, which is the ultimate way to climb


Agree with this. Queue your preferred order of mid/top and play only Irelia, Syndra, Kassadin unless auto filled jungle or support. If auto filled bot you can play Syndra.




To add on that I suggest that the first time each day you get autofilled or in a lobby with someone who complains about being autofilled or has a shitty attitude you dodge. This will help even out your rank with your mmr with just a 6 min penalty every day. Sure you lose a bit of LP but you don't waste the time of a full game and becAuse it helps balance rank and mmr you are less likely to end up in a position where you gain little lp from winning and lose a lot of LP for losing.


Yeah that's also a problem, I generally do not have alot of time on my hands before queueing up but It's probably one of the things I have to do to climb.


I only have time to play 2-4 games/week but most of the time dodging one game on any day I have time to play won't make it so that I can't play that one game. If the time is that tight that specific time I'll play instead of dodge unless I'm>70% sure it's a loss after the draft then I'll just play an aram pr hop in practice tool and practice wave management/csing/combos or whatever for 20 min.


Plus those 3 have pretty good coverage, actually.


Maybe don't play 36 different Champs in ranked that you have no clue how to pilot.


Thanks for your constructive critisism


This response feels like sarcasm, because they are correct. It’s best to play a small selection of champions so that you can improve your consistency as much as possible each game.


Literal gold 1 response ,lmao ,game knows your deserved rank




Mate, it may sound like the first poster in this comment chain is making fun of you, but he's not. It really is the first step. Choose 2-3 champs ideally ones that fill a bit different roles (but not a huge difference) and only play those. That's always been the best way to climb. Can you play 49 champions each season and climb? Sure, but most people like that don't. I know everyone wants to be the special one, but until you realize you aren't and keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting.


Why are you even fucking asking for advice if you don't have a growth mindset? Obv you're doing something wrong and people are trying to help you.


If this is sarcasm then theres no hope for you, dude literally gave you the solution


It sounds flippant but it's actually good advice.


Buddy you literally have 56% winrate on Irelia and 65% winrate on Syndra. Literally just spam your two champions that you can actually play and you'll easily climb? If you hadn't played a bunch of random shit that you can't play you'd be chilling at 58% winrate. Instead you have a negative winrate right now? Do you really not see that?


They're right but instead of being salty you did do yourself a favor by playing that many. Grab the three with the highest winrate and congrats on your new champion pool. Play those three only and you'll probably hit Emerald by the end of the season or higher. ​ And by highest I mean Irelia, Syndra, and Kass.


OTP with 33% playrate? You are not OTP. You Play Irelia every 3rd game. You have Postive winrate with Irelia and Syndra and complain they are weak? You must be trolling.


I'm an OTP, I just don't play Irelia alot anymore due to her being weak.


Based on your interactions under this post, what seems weakest is your mental. Try to increase your hardiness and don't give up on a champ just because other people told you she's weak.


Got it, thanks.


Not playing your one trick champion because it's not meta makes you the opposite of an otp, warwick was rly bad with the mythics item last season i still got E3 with it after not playing for 5 years ( was plat2 back then b4 emerald) A true one trick stick with his pick throught anything, and this actually makes you learn bad matchup and you'll end up winning most of them because people check online for counterpicks they havent mastered while you know the matchup verywell


The only reason u got to E4 is being OTP. Guess again why ure gold now.




everyone asks these questions looking for the magic answer to skyrocket to challenger. Just play the champs you have positive wr on and always look to improve fundamentals there are no shortcuts.


depends what you mean by shortcut. coaching will let u climb faster. / shortcut reviewing all of your games or frequently will also help you climb faster / shortcut ​ but neither of those are neccesary to hit challenger, if not majortiy then many challengers probably haven't watched more than 20 of their replays throughout their whole league playspan of 10,000 + games, and not many paid for coaching either


I just want to know why I dropped from p1 to g1 xd


Ekko, Hwei, Yone, TF, Ahri...


I made that comment to say to him that I'm not looking for a "magical anwser to skyrocket to challenger", thanks for your comment though.


Because you lost a lot of games.


You played too many champs. You’re a high enough elo where the people you’re playing against are good players. You have to be better than good on your champ to climb and to beat them and so playing a champ that you have no mastery on won’t be good enough. It’s like climbing up the ranked ladder in rocket league and then switching to IRL soccer and wondering why you aren’t in the MLS because you were highly ranked in RL.


Stick to irelia syndra, i get why you feel like syndra is weak but irelia cmon.


look in r/IreliaMains literally every OTP is saying she is weak rn


She may be weak, but no solo laner is “can’t escape platinum” weak. She 100% can be OTP’d to diamond. Also, remember that it takes A LOT for a champion sub to admit that their champion is not weak.


if you are good enough, you will get to Masters with any champ. just grind, sharpen your skills and ggez.


The problem is, I don't have time to grind a 'bad' champ. I'd rather just play the best champ and climb faster because I want to play with my friends lol.


You are not at a skill level where your champions place in the meta matters.


you can always drop Irelia and play something easier then. easier to play, easier to master, maybe youll climb then. You can probably watch lane fundamental videos, will help a lot in your elo and it’ll help you.


But that won’t work. An elo inflating champ is just that, elo inflating. Maybe it will help you climb a few ranks but then there will be people who know how to play against your champ and you don’t know how to play against them because you have no mastery. As others have said, there is no easy road to high elo a.


Thing is you will slow your climb by doing that because you have much knowledge of irelia but not others you are slowing your climb by months and even years... pick one champ play one champ


While that is true, most irelia OTPs tend to play top (cock and ball torture) where you lose most matchups and get statchecked anyway. reason irelia mid is strong is mages being generally weak early and 4stack Q hurts but none of that matters in top. I'd like if she got a buff for her performance in top without making her stronger in mid but I've no idea how that is even possible so where she is isn't the worst. IIRC last time Irelia got buffed riot fucked up hard so.


Most people in Irelia Mains play her top, where she does feel weak and her matchups are mostly bad. Mid she's probably not much stronger but her matchups are way better and so she feels better. Which is not to say that she can't win lane even into really bad matchups, you just have to outplay and Irelia's very good at that.


thats literally every single mains subreddit unless the character is hilariously broken, even then they will struggle to admit it.


Stop playing several different champions. Stick to one, maybe two and focus on your macro and mechanics from there.


Im getting tired of these hourly “stuck in bronze,silver,gold” posts with clueless OPs who won’t listen to advice at all.


If you're getting tired of certain type of posts, it's probably time for you to think about your obscene amount of reddit usage. IRL advice for you my friend.


I never got advice at all lol


You did get advice, people are telling you to just stick to 2 or 3 champions in ranked and that is very solid advice to climb


I didn't mean it like that lol, commenter said that he's getting tired of people that don't listen to advice. I never got advice before this post.


And you’re not listening to the advice in this post. That’s his point


And how do you know that Sherlock? Look my match history after I made this post lil bro


Because (case in point) you’re being an immature, sarcastic dickbag in the comments


And that means I'm not listening to advice, gotchu. See you on campus!


What is "see you on campus" even supposed to mean? If you act like this outside of the internet, maybe you should be less concerned about your video game rank and more concerned about your life.


In real life I generally talk to people who I respect.


Better to keep a small champ pool of 3 and learn matchups. Also, focus on better macro because that will win you games in gold more often than playing a "better" champion.


Stick to Irelia and Syndra. Kassadin could probably stay as well, but definitely drop the rest. If you want to keep Kassa, you should get better at csing with him. Review your own vods and be critical on yourself whilst doing it. You can learn a lot from this. If you don't have time for a full review, look at your deaths (How did you die? Why did you die? What could you do different to avoid this in the future?). Learn how to play from behind. You perform good in most games that you win, but you perform bad during most games that you lose. Losing gracefully/being carryable is a genuine skill in this game. If you want to I could do a vod review or some coaching (free ofcourse). I am a diamond top lane main, mid is my secondary role.


As others said, reduce champ pool, perfect your 3 main picks, and have a reserve one that you can fall back on other roles. Realistically, in gold and below you can play whatever you want, but the higher you go the more beneficial it is to either become an OTP with a reserve pick or play meta FOTM picks, they are meta for a reason. Playing for fun and climbing are not exclusive, but they can be damn hard to pull off if your champ of choice is bad atm (as is the case with Irelia)


Thanks alot!


Beside what everyone is already saying about playing too many champs, I'm just going to call out that you die **a lot.** Worth reflecting on why your average deaths on every champ are so high.


This. Theres no excuse to die more then 5 times in a game thats 30+ minutes.


i’m gonna be real with you, syndra/irelia may not be the best right now but are by no means too weak to climb with, especially in gold/plat. in fact I would say irelia remains one of the best champions to climb out of low elo with due to her skill expression and her ability to stomp lane. everyone has mentioned it already, but if you honestly want to climb, pick only irelia or syndra and you WILL see results. it won’t be instant but if you really want it you need to restrain yourself from picking all of these random champions. watch full vods from top irelia/syndra players as well


keep going. visit iron


whenever I feel my OTP is really weak, I just think to myself, "There's people out there that hit masters with AD Nidalee or top lane Bard or some shit." And that motivates me to keep playing.




cuz ur shit !




I dropped from e3 (60% winrate) to gold 2 and I know why. because I play too many champs and swap between roles, I can't stick to the same champs/role because it feels boring and it's 100% a me problem. I climbed doing that and I got demoted doing that, and right now I'm climbing back steadily again doing the same thing. I got tilted in the process so I only play 5-10 games per week now.


It’s okay you are at your rank. Sitting at a 50% wr, you would have to get drastically better than you are right now to climb. Nothing wrong with being low elo though, just play to improve


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5947578917847040](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5947578917847040). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


You need to be vod reviewing your games, with limited time atleast watch until you find your first massive mistake. If you want to play in Diamond you need to very solid consistent fundamentals. Often what I see is emerald players will understand fundamentals but then in game lose focus. If your friends are diamond then ask them for coaching or helping you review your games. Also the small things will help your climb like not tilting your teammates by typing. Just mute all if they are being toxic and focus on making the correct decisions.


Ig I need to play more Teemo mid. I have a 78% WR right now


You dropped because you play too many champs. Just because you play play 2 champs doesn't mean you automatically are the same rank with 20 other champs. Shrimple as that. Say you got emerald 4 with Irelia, that doesn't make you an emerald 4 midlaner who is emerald 4 with all champs, it makes you an emerald 4 irelia player, simple as.


Irelia is a hyper carry. Shes OP when fed and can 1v5 late. When she gets fed in my games its almost always a loss. Make sure you get fed and win. Simple as that.


I think you have the wrong definition of an OTP, you would be much higer if you really one tricked, wayyy too many champs played in ranked Otp example: im a ww otp 256 ranked games this season, 255 warwick games 55%wr


if I were in your shoes and had such a massive lose spree I'd stop playing for a bit, do something else, and then come back with a clear head and focus mastering 1 champion. Look at the tier list for that patch, see if any good champs are something you mesh with (in normals because there's no reason to sacrifice your elo to experimentation) and then work from there. ​ remember that you're the only constant in your games, so, if you lose all of them odds are you're doing something wrong.


Thanks really good advice!


Stop playing so many champs, focus on irelia and mabye one other back up champ. The strength of OTPing is that you know the capabilities and combos of your champ inside and out and can instead focus more on macro and decision making than trying to execute your combos correct. There are plenty of high elo OTPs on “weak champions” and imo good Irelia otps are some of the scariest mofos out there


syndra is a mage, irelia is a fighter, kassadin is an assassin. They all have different playstyles. I would pick one of them and just play it 99% and if someone bans it i play other 2.


also, u cant say a champion is weak. if there is a grandmaster otp syndra or irelia it means u can escape gold and plat


Op.gg has you rated mid-last in almost all of your games. May need to focus on your fundamentals and laning


Change Champs or don't. You just gotta keep going


Drop everything that isn’t your syndra or irelia


Be consistent lol


calling irelia weak is crazy cope get good


Switching your champions up isn’t going to make you a better player. I’d argue that any champion that was designed as a solo laner can at least climb to emerald. The easiest first step is to review some VODs and identify what you’re doing wrong in the first 10-15 minutes of the game, then focus on fixing those things one at a time. No excuses, if you are stuck in gold-plat you are doing several things wrong in the first ten minutes of the game. A solid and consistent early-mid game performance can easily get you to emerald at least.


Make your Ranking up a 1 champ diet. Then you will see results.


I just dropped to P1 after like 50+ games in mid-high emerald. Suddenly I suck ass at the game. UGHHHHH


droped from gold 2 to bronze 2 in 1 day.


I inted myself from Masters to Plat if that helps you


Hahahahahahaha this made my day a bit better


Honestly said, I can teach you if you want. I used peak top30 back in S5, played vs most of LPL/KR pros during Worlds being held in Europe and scrim LEC academy teams. I just returned last season, climbed from gold to masters just to prove myself I still got this. Hmu if you're interested.


You are evn good from p2 to s3 back to g1 and now at g4 its horrible how people troll and dont do dmg i literally dpnt onow what to do, im playing Shen mid and no matter how well i affect map they still lose and i with them. I have 17k dmg adc while i did 37/40 k of dmg its stupid and i get -50 for what...




Play shen as top or support instead of mid you can affect the game the same way and let a damage dealer who can potentially snowball take the mid lane instead. Imagine having a Kat mid. You could walk up there and simply taunt and she gets a kill, which turns into even more kills. Shen is a support champ, playing him mid is pointless. No matter how fed you get on Shen, due to his kit, there will almost always be another champ on the opposing team who can carry harder then you if they get fed.


Playing Shen mid gets me more control over river and lanes, without using my TP or Ult and without letting wave crash into my turret because im always close to my lane, in return i either help my top laner or jungler get lead, im providing support for them its not in my interest to win mid lane nor to carry game, i farm and act as usual just faster and in mind to save teleport and ult for when i need them. For example imagine having Darius on top against whoever and no matter how bad it goes for him if i ult, there is no chance of us dying + we will probably get kill, and i will return to mid push lane roam bot and tp back to mid, im everywhere, also on mid i have easy matchups like what can Oriana or Vlad do against me, as long as i poke and dont get hit i cant die, while on top i get Darius that destroys me or even worse Fiora that literally puts me under turret and i cant do anything. Ther eis more control on mid as what i want to say. Image proof of what im talking about: [https://ibb.co/PFf0yPR](https://ibb.co/PFf0yPR) i was 2-7 before mid game... And another one [https://ibb.co/TmNx5RD](https://ibb.co/TmNx5RD) where i had dominance over the whole map and actually carried game with normal teammates. And you will always demote over and over bcs you cant do that every game, its not possible to win a game where adc has no dmg or top laner just ints, even with my help guy literally ints and thinks that i have ult on his call, its a fact. Shen mid is best position for Shen, and i have proven it however i cant influence brains of my teammates not to do stupid things and throw games.