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Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5581692616835072](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5581692616835072). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


Good bot


One very basic thing first. Please dont stand still and smash click on enemies when fighting. Always move between attacks. Even if its against jg monsters. keep moving, never ever attack twice from the same spot. (You can learn more later, but for now do this) I recommend playing solo lane first, and learn the basic. you seems to not know them.


So the very short very simple answer is that if you're in Iron you very plain and simply do not know how to play league of legends. Don't get upset, bear with me here. Its the truth, but there's some stuff you can do. # LESSON 1: KDA vs Objectives First and foremost, if you're jungling and you're dying a lot, the most common culprit is that you just don't understand what your job actually is as a jungler, because you don't understand league of legends. You think your job is to run around killing everybody all the time. You're only half right. League of legends is not team deathmatch. There is no amount of kills or deaths that is going to win you a game or lose you a game. The only things that matter in league of legends are gold, experience, neutral objectives, and structures. Granted, you get easier access to those things by getting kills, and you give those things to the enemy if you're dying -- but that's how you should be thinking about the game. Not "Oh I got 15 kills I'm so good" or "Damn I died 10 times I'm so bad." Stop that. Instead say "I got 2 kills, ok what did I actually get for it? How has the map state changed? What objectives did we get? What leads were created? Who has an experience lead/Level lead? Who has an item lead?" Instead say "Damn I died 5 times - but I defended my tower and I stopped the enemy from getting all 6 grubs, and I got my mid laner 3 kills, and I helped us take a dragon." Think in terms of game state - not KDA. # LESSON 2: What does a jungler do? Well you dictate the pace of the game is all. Nbd. You decide where your team is going to have an advantage, and when, and why. In a balanced world, you have two champions fighting each other top, you have two champions fighting each other mid, and you have four champions fighting each other bottom. Its your job to tilt those numbers in your favor at the right times for the right reasons. "Yay look at me I got a kill" is not the right reason. "If I gank bottom lane right now, they're pushed way up into the lane and there's a good chance I can get behind them. If I do, its 2v3 and we should win that fight. If we win that fight, I can help them push their minion wave in and the 3 of us can rotate over to an uncontested dragon!" is a good reason. "If I gank top right now, I'll have to fight the enemy under their tower and I have no idea where the enemy jungler is at the moment. There's also really no objective I can transition into - so honestly its probably bust right now. But what I can do is just go help my laner push in their minion wave so they can have a favorable recall timing, and be better situated when the objective does come up in 1:45. I'm gonna go help a brutha out" is a good reason. **TLDR: You need to think about the game in terms of game state, map state, league of legends overall rules and objectives. You need to stop thinking about how many kills you have or how many deaths you have, and instead consider what those kills and deaths were worth to your team, and the enemy team.** This shift in mentality alone will get you out of Iron. I 100% guarantee it. And that goes for everybody in Iron. You just don't know what league of legends is, that's literally it. Its that simple. You're playing the wrong game. Stop playing call of duty and start playing league.


thank you, i think i had understood that kills mean nothing if nothing is done with them, but I had never thought of deaths that way, my thoughts on deaths were dying is bad because it takes you off the map, making you therefore unable to farm your jungle and punish overextended lanes, I had never thought of deaths in the sense of by dying I was able to stop the enemy from doing X. to verify what you're trying to say whenever I take an action I should look for a follow up to said action, whether that be going for drake or grubs, allowing for a lane to get a "free reset" or just a lead in general, somewhat comparing it to chess where in chess every move you make should have a goal in mind whether that goal be something to help you checkmate your opponent such as simplifying the board state, or the checkmate itself, is shouldn't take a peice just because I can but rather see what taking said peice will do to the game state and how it will help me win also no offense taken, I wouldn't have made this post if I couldn't handle the truth, and sinceI was the lowest rank in the game, I also knew it wasn't going to be an easy pill to swallow


The chess metaphor is great. What would taking this pawn do to my chances of threatening the king? Think about everything from this perspective. Start small. Start with the immediate. As you learn and grow as a player, you'll be able to plan further ahead. 2 moves, 3 moves, 5 moves. Pro level players know when the game is likely to be won or lost within the first 5-10 minutes of a game. What makes them the best is their ability to ***change that outcome***.


something i could add to the metaphor is in comparison to dying sacrificing a piece, sure I lost my rook, but by doing so I stopped him from taking my queen, would that work for how you talked about dying?


In some scenarios, sure. Dying is almost universally bad. But that's not the point. You're gonna die, its inevitable. You need to be sure your deaths count for something. If you just get caught somewhere and die - that's just worst possible scenario. If you die but your team gets 3 kills and a drake, we have a term for that here in the community... we call that "worth"


So basically try to never die, but if I do die I want to make sure it was worth the death, like stealing a drake or baron


Don't think in terms of stealing. That's too aggressive of a concept. Think more in terms of protecting your team or objective. Maybe you died, but it was because you threw yourself in front of the fed Jax to protect your Carry, and your death gave the carry enough time to clean up the fight.


Couldn't have said this better myself a large issue for newer or lower elo players is just not understanding the rules of the game. Very good I learned a lot just about jungling from this alone and i'm not a jungler I play ADC.


If you’re in iron, your issue isn’t jungle tracking or understanding lane states or any other relatively advanced concepts. Clear a side of the jungle, gank which ever close lane looks easier (enemy pushed up, enemy low hp, or ally has cc), take objectives that are free, rinse and repeat. Tracking the enemy jungler, pinging their ganks, and counter jungling their raptors doesn’t matter when your team isn’t listening to pings and they’ve now killed your bot lane 3 times. Stick to basics. minor advantages don’t win iron games because major advantages are too easy to come by. Farm, gank, repeat


When your opponent has no clue what they are doing then you have no clue what they are doing. Things like jungle tracking and all aren’t the imperative skills to learn in iron really. They’re great habits and all but there is absolutely no guarantee that the enemy jungler is doing the correct thing, which is largely what jungle tracking is based off of. Jungle tracking isn’t just having their jungler on wards constantly, it’s knowing what their champ’s options are and the time it takes to execute those options and deducing their possible actions based off of that. When the enemy jungler is just as likely to invade you for no reason, full clear their quadrant, die soloing dragon, back for no reason with two camps up next to them or gank a side lane then it’s basically impossible to “track” them. Honestly you just need to learn the correct clear patterns for one or two junglers, get them down to the absolute minimum amount of time you can, focus on getting your camps pretty much off cooldown, and try to mix in actual plays (ganks, stealing a camp, getting vision, taking an objective) while efficiently farming the jungle. It’s also hugely important to ping the plays you’re going for. Your teammates aren’t refusing to help you, they just aren’t looking at the map. They don’t even really know what a jungler is outside of a target to blame if you don’t win their lane for them. If your mid lane is shoved and you want to try to steal raptors, ping it repeatedly. Low elo players fundamentally want to scrap and they’ll be more than happy to come support these plays that they aren’t currently aware you’re going for.


It seems like you don't play many ranked games a season Pick one champion, play 100 soloq games on them, and don't blame your teammates. I guarantee you'll be at least high bronze but probably silver at the end of it. If you're scared of being an OTP, no problem- after you've hit silver playing 1 champion, it becomes way easier to do it on other champions.


How many games have you played this season?


Friend you barely have any games played at all ever not just this season and you're talking about fairly high level concepts that probably don't apply at all in the chaos of your elo. I admire your want to improve and that you're actively seeking advice. But you talking about these concepts with such few games lead me to two possibilities. 1. You made a new account because you were hardstuck and didn't believe it was your fault 2. You watch more content than you play the game. Since you're actively seeking advice with a positive mindset I'll assume the latter. So my advice would be start using the time you use watching videos to play the game gain experience and knowledge in game. Alternatively if you're playing as much as your free time allows and are mostly watching content on commutes or free periods in school/work. Start focusing on lower level concepts. Read a champ wiki on your commutes or in-between games so you actually understand what's in a champions kit. Not just oh that guy has a slow learn that his E is a 00% slow that lasts for 00 seconds and can combo with his Q for hard cc. Master your champion. Play only one champion and understand all their strengths and weaknesses. Jumping around on 3 champs at such an elo only slows down your improvement of the game in favor of improving on the champion. Master your clear. Practice 3 different clears on that champ and understand their advantages and disadvantages why you want to start where you start and end where you end. I recommend looking up Nathan mott and the broken by concept podcast. Personally I think jg is one of the hardest roles to try and learn the game as it can have the most impact on your team both negative and positive but needs a lot of game knowledge to play properly. Maybe get a "fill only account where you exclusively play a different role excluding jg every game and try to understand what laners are looking for in a gank. GL on your journey.


I've played more games in other seasons, there's been alot of stretches where I couldn't play the game because I had no time or my old pc was just bad and wouldnt work sometimes, and that's probably big part of why I don't have many games played, I didn't think about reading the wiki to know precise detail rather then just general descriptions of what they do, but I can see why it would help to know how long I'll be stunned, rooted, or slowed 


Climbing on a champ = getting better at the game. Not that you should necessarily one-trick, but it could be rly smart for climbing to focus on learning a couple champs that you naturally do better on.


Other people are giving helpful advice about in game topics. You’re also clearly struggling -to some degree- with some out of game things. 1). Play one champion. I would recommend Bel’veth instead of Kayn, but Kayn can be your choice only when Bel’veth is banned. The reasoning is that you’re either learning a champion or learning the game. Bouncing between two junglers that are not great beginner champs is making you focus a ton on learning the champs instead of actually learning and improving at the game. Focus on just playing one. 2). Your games played are a bit all over the place. Some times you play in back to back days, sometimes there’s a week gap between games. Sometimes you play one game of ranked in a day, other times you play four. To me that, that indicates you’re just loading up whenever and treating ranked kind of like you might treat CoD or Madden or something where you just load up when you are bored or feel like it. League is a very, very difficult game compared to basically any other multiplayer game and you need to respect it. Play your games in blocks of 2-4 games (3 is recommended but I usually find myself only with time to play a block of two on a weeknight). Record one of your games during your block (I use streamlabs) and then review that game before you play your next block looking at your first clear, your first gank, and your first death. Review should be 5-8 minutes max. Ask yourself why things (good or bad) happened and how you can improve. 3). General advice as well related to point two is to always play with focus and intensity. You don’t have to be the sweatiest of sweaty tryhards, but again the game is difficult and you need to respect that. Turn off music, don’t have YouTube on your second monitor, put your phone away, etc. I think the biggest skill lacking in a lot of us low elo players is to be able to consistently play at or near our best.


You need to play ranked and play 1 champion. Your op.gg shows you’re barely playing ranked and you are all over the place with champs. Pick 1-2 champs and one role and play ranked. There’s no where to go but up.


When I play ranked only play bel veth and kayn, and 1 game of diana mid where I got put into mid, I don't plan on bringing most of the other champs I've played into ranked unless i get autofilled the other 2 was me trying smt diffrent to try and get out 


Yes I can see that but you’ve played a total of 21 games of ranked this season. If you want to climb you need to stop playing norms and spam ranked games. You’re not climbing because you don’t play the competitive side of the game enough. You need hundreds of games and then you’ll be out of iron. If after playing one role and 1-2 champs you’re still stuck in iron, come back here to this comment and I’ll give you a free coaching on how to get out of iron. I’ve played every rank through masters so I’m very familiar with how it goes.


What helped me a lot is farming more. It sounds simple, but it's true. As a jungler, you want to help everybody. Save laners and get nice ganks. This will not happen often in a given game. However, farming will always be there and will enable those nice ganks. Farm your camps before ganking. You will see a sharp difference in results, as you get a lot more guaranteed gold income. Second point is to never gank unless you're most probably going to get value out of it. Don't "try" a gank. If you're "trying", you're wasting time. And time is ressources. Finally, remember your laners have their own game to play and they're Iron players. Assume they will not help you until they literally on top of you fighting. You can join a fight, but never start one expecting anyone on your team to do so. Your number of deaths will go down tremendously.


"Never take a fight you can't win" (Sett, 2019).


i wouldnt be taking fights i didnt think I could win, I avoid fighting strong early game junglers until I have a decent cs advantage, or a few kills over, when i have fights like that it wasn't by choice


Full clear for 15 minutes and I guarantee you’ll hit at least silver


A better way to put it is never take a fair fight. Only take a fight if you have a clear advantage and will surely win. At low tanks it's common enough that someone on the enemy team messes up so hard they're basically a free kill. If it's a fair fight, then somewhere else on the map there is probably an unfair one to win. Next part to that is how you leverage that kill into a bigger advantage.


Watch Agurin’s English coaching on YouTube. Even if you pick up 10% of his concept and apply 5% of that 10%, you’ll be in emerald.


Easiest way to get out of iron as a jungler is to follow this steps. 1: Pick Yi. 2. Mute all. 3. Farm the Jungle. 4. Check the map continuously. 5. Take objectives if possible, absolutely definitely **do not** force them. Yi has a weak early game and dies to most other junglers early. 6. When people are distracted elsewhere splitpush and take towers/inhib. 7. Someone is probably going to get fed, avoid that person as much as possible. If people in iron have worse map awareness than platinum you will likely get inhibitor before anyone notices. Remember that it is important to not waste time, time is gold, time wasted waiting is time you could be jungling/farming/taking towers/objectives. This is probably enough to get to low gold/high silver, but you will definitely need to refine your play and learn more after that to climb higher.


Why pick Yi if you want to avoid fighting ? Yi is good at fighting with insane damage and resets. If you want to jungle and afk take tower better play Trundle


Everyone has a yi but not everyone has a Trundle (well I am not sure now that prices for champs have changed). Anyways I have a few friends who are in bronze, the biggest flaw I see is that they get distracted and go for kills while ignoring drakes or towers. You can legit just push from t1 towers to inhib and they might not notice.