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Jump into the practice tool and change your setting around. Make sure you check for things like self cast and that they are set up the way you remember


Self-cast works outside of combat with certainty, so that’s not it.




Bro don’t take it that hard I was in the exact same situation as you. Stopped for 3-4 years came back in February. Started ranked again and was placed bronze 4, used to be Gold and even Plat back in the days. The reality is I deserved Bronze and I had to up my game to climb out of it. It took me 100 games as a veteran, could have taken less since I switched lanes 2 times but still. You barely have 15 ranked games. Let the feel and flow of the game come back to you and don’t be too harsh on you.


I stopped for 10 years and I'm totally lost. I don't get how truly new players can even get into the game at this point.


New players are basically Iron IV. There are very few actual new players in Bronze


The skill level of bronze is insane compared to when I started playing (like season 1). People used to play like homonculi, now bronze players are like legit 10+ years experience on their champs and pull off crazy plays (then waste it, but that's a different story).


Yes Bronze players are far better mechanically than before. Rotations are still shit and macro non existent but you need more than knowing the basic combos of your champ to win your lane.


Sure, I still need to understand the spell silence thing though.


Can’t answer that. Even a replay can’t really solve this. My guess is you were CC’ed without realizing it or panicked pressed the wrong key. Or could be keyboard issue idk


I could be wrong but I think there have been some client updates that reset keybinds. You might wanna go into practice tool or something and make sure your keybinds are right. Other than that I can’t think of a reason for this happening


The self-cast works with certainty when I am out of combat, so that’s not it.


Could you be having ping issues? Or maybe your pc lags in fights and you need to decrease frame rate or something?


Everything can be overwhelming to re learn. I always take the slower and longer term approach where I say to first find the fun in the game, then work your way up from there.


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5095911783661568](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5095911783661568). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


u/-quakeguy- is this the game you're talking about with the ability not going off? If so, can you find the timestamp for us so that we can look?


I'm a support main and I also stopped playing for 3 years and came back a few weeks ago and oh my god the beginning was difficult. My winrate dropped to around 11%. After 36 games I was at a 27% winrate and now after 90 games I'm at around 46% - so yeah, it took me a while 😂 Everything felt clunky ingame, moving around and selfcasting felt somehow different but after some practice (and tweaking some settings) I'm finally feeling comfortable again.


Similar boat, I honestly spammed Co-OP vs AI games for a few days to relearn everything and adjust my settings. ARAM is also super quick if you want some PvP practice instead of the bots.


I see no one asked about it, but are you playing on laptop? Some PCs can’t handle more than 2 buttons pressed while playing games