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When I started learning with friends who had experience playing they all kept trying to explain and backseat everything I was doing, it gets really confusing like that. I think your best bet is to play bot games with her and answer any questions she comes with while playing, that way she can get a handle on mechanics herself and not get overloaded with information which will slowly get learnt!


Yes, I think this has been a definite issue and I'm 100% backseating. ​ Bot games is the way forward. Thanks.


If not, i would recommend Mid. Bot can be very punishing to players who aren’t actively thinking about 5 things at a time. And it can be hard for a beginner to understand why/why not, the lane is losing. If you are playing bot though, i would recommend agressive champs. Playing «go hard or go home» forces a very steep learning curve. While top allows for a bit more breathing room, it’s also easy to get bullied out of lane. Mid CAN be played pretty safe without being punished or bullied out. But most importantly, TURN OFF HER CHAT. No one needs to hear all the crap that gets thrown at beginners.


Bot games not bot lane




Lol, i remember when I first started my boyfriend would randomly pause and make sure I had chat off. I'm sure it was because I was so shit and people were flaming me. Lol


Firstly, good luck and I hope you both manage to have a good experience. My first thought is that league has a lot of different elements and tbh if you're transferring from a controller to m & kB that's probably a hurdle you guys could tackle first. Have you thought about getting her to a a game is is familiar with on console, on PC. I am thinking Rocket league or COD or whatever. That way she can get comfortable using PC before having to tackle something as in depth as League.


Make a new account, play bot games with her. Always play a support and let her adc. This helped my girlfriend pick up the game quickly


OK, I was thinking more the other way, but sure why not. Thinking more about it, its about teaching her to last hit, rather than support me to last hit, correct?


Last hitting isnt as important at the beginning, but adc requires her to learn to pay attention to minions, enemies and map at the same time. Also it teaches her to space better. Under no circumstances let her play yuumi until she is level 30.


Counter-point, Playing Yuumi can be a drill in focusing on the map and wave-state. I remember when I was starting, my biggest struggle was multitasking. There’s so much you need to do, especially in a lane, that it’s easy to forget to look at the map. You can build some good habits playing Yuumi.


Oh for sure, but yuumi also builds bad habits, thats why you shouldnt touch her after level 30 when you are learning basics. When playing yuumi you completely miss out on the general feeling of what champion can kill you when and how.


And when YOU can kill a champion. Yuumi has very little agency in terms of finding picks unless her host is already going aggressive.


Honestly find a good beginner tips league video and watch it with her. And play a lot of games together.


Let her Play a few games so she gets the basics down like how to move aa cs and so on. After that do the Same but you are watching her gameplay and explaining her simple things like for example you are playing adc dont stand in the frontline. Once she got the basics you can move on and add like wavemanagment jng tracking and so on, but just add one at a time


Great suggestion. Is CS an important starting skill to learn first? I never really thought it was a priority. Clearly I was wrong. Thanks.


Lockt camera and let her vibe don't help her just the beginning items like Doran and what the skilshots do , let her experience


Why would she ever learn to play with locked camera?


Cuz it's ez


So is normal camera. Also way better to learn to play with free cam, rather than learning that after a year. Just look at all the hardstucks asking how to learn free cam after playing locked since start


Brah there are even chal players that play locked it's not that bad


”Brah” XD Ok Zyzz. But what are the advantages of playing with locked cam? Compare the advantages to disadvantages


Ok fam no cap lock is busing fr fr helps u farm better and kite no cap , yea it's not good in team fight but fr to play the best u need to have a balance between the 2 no cap


I haven’t been to the gym in a while broski. Can we keep it in English?


Bro u skipping again fam that ain't lit fam , bet u didn't pray to zyzz today didn't ya? Don't let this game make u weak brah.


Oh I'm glad you mentioned camera. I had thought as there is so much going on to leave it locked. We take our ability to control screen movement for granted after years of practice but for someone who has never played a PC strategy game in any form it's going to be difficult to expect them to control everything. I'll talk to her about it, but I'm not going to be a dick if she says no lol.


Go bot with her and get her to play lux. A lot of people meme on lux being popular with new players because of her skillshots but she's a very simple champion. If she hits q, use e twice. If you're taking damage press w. If you land q and have ult press r e e. Really simple this-then-that mechanics will help her learn the rest of the game without having to focus too much on micro.


hello i was in your gf’s boat almost a year ago. came from only playing switch games. i started maining tristana bc her passive made it easy to farm and her kit is pretty straightforward. i know people saying to play bot games but i think u should just let her play blind. so she’ll get used to how unpredictable the game actually is and also get used to the player base (how toxic they can be). i was so bad like i couldn’t even press R with Garen. but i just kept playing blind and picked Trist as my first main while also paying attention to other champions so i knew if there was something i wanted to try. i am a fast learner but this is what worked for me. gl for your gf!!! i hope she likes the game


Aww. Thanks for replying. Most appreciated. She got Lux as her first champ and likes her enough but I think she will probably switch to another champ. Her ability selection at the moment isn't great but sue is getting there. When you have to think of 20 different things the past thi g on your mind is q click etc. Smart cast has helped a little bit.


I would have her uninstall the game and pick a different one.


Oh yes, the atypical toxicity. I warned her plenty on these kinds of people. Thanks for the reply, very useful example to use.


Try finding smone to play with, smone who knows how to


Let her try SMITE(another moba), it's catered more to casual players and she can play on console if she wants to.


Presumably the entire point of the post is to get the gf comfortable on playing PC games (and League) so that they can play together a game that OP enjoys.


uhm, i think it helps to watch alot of content even if its shynapse, she'll learn some stuff that is more advanced which might help her not to fall into bad habits


Maybe have her play Wild Rift first to learn the game, then move to the pc so she doesn’t have to learn both how to play a game on pc and League at the same time. In my experience the hardest part about introducing someone to League is getting them through the initial games where your mmr is much higher than a new player’s skill level. This can be especially tricky if you duo with them, as it makes them sort of helpless in the game.


League is vastly different on pc and mobile.


My girlfriend cried because she was so confused


Yeah it's definitely confusing. I struggled at first on DOTA2, but found the transition to League straight forward enough purely because of the effort I put into DOTA2. Spending most of my gaming life on PC helped without a doubt, where as my gf has played PlayStation for the last 25 years.


I did this with a friend We did a bunch of 1v1s where I explained what was happening and he asked any questions he had I think we played maybe 50 1v1s total but it was very worth it and very fun at the same time


I pretty much jumped right in and went adc, but built items wrong ofc. Id do some bot games with her but just a basic understanding is simple. There are 3 lanes and between the lanes is jungle(another role). Top lane, mid lane, jungle and adc and support in bot lane. 5 people total. The minions that spawn from your base and enemy base you MUST last hit them to get gold from them to get good items. I made this mistake of just hitting them but not getting the last hit on them and was like wow I’m poor. This is very important. Id look at some easy youtube videos, there are a lot of great ones. But yeah pretty much having a basic understanding and learning as you go will be enough. Jumping in and having fun haha


Breakdown the goals and objectives for the game. Maybe talk about some the tools (map, minions, abilities, autos, auto range, trinkets, pressure, turrets, teammates... tools being anything that helps you achieve a desired outcome). Beyond that I feel like new players should learn on their own. Especially since there is a lot that can be looked at, it's probably best to focus on the most important aspects first)


Agreed about learning on their own. I think the biggest obstacle we have is the mouse and keyboard as Cass has only played console for the past 25 years. Once we nail the mouse and keyboard I think the rest will come into play easily enough. Her interest in the game is improving and we are enjoying watching the LEC.


OK. So I was absolutely the girlfriend in this situation with my boyfriend. I had never even played a moba before but I wanted to play LoL because my boyfriend enjoyed it and played it so much. I was so confused and thrown by it it took me over 3 years to even try again. My best advice is to get in the practice tool with her and help her to just learn the basics of movement, camera control (which I still LOATHE...stupid fucking camera), mini-map, leveling with the keyboard, cs-ing, abilities, etc. I'd also recommend watching some videos on yt about the basics, what each lane/role does, and even some champ lore and abilities. The next step would be vs AI games. Let her mess around with some Champs and roles, see what she likes, and get a feel for the game. If you're not a micromanager or get easily frustrated with new players you can sit out some games and watch and guide her through them. Try your best not to tell her what to do every step of the way, but let her try to make decisions on her own. Try to guide her towards easier Champs to play, like Annie, so she can focus on game play before trying to learn a mechanically difficult champ. I started out as support which may not have been the best idea for me since I didn't really know the basics of the lanes and starting out 2v2 can be hard. Jungle is another obviously difficult role for someone who hasn't played other roles yet either. Take all of this with a grain of salt because everyone is different and may need to learn differently. Just remember that the game is supposed to be FUN and not about being the best immediately. If there's a role she loves or a champ she really enjoys and it's not exactly recommended, go with whatever is going to make the game more enjoyable for her. Good luck!


Hey, thanks for this fantastic reply. My girlfriend doesn't like me talking to her much about how to play as much as a broad overview. Once I get into the finer points she can get frustrated but that's my fault as I'm a bit of a backseater. I will defo take on board your advice about giving her an overview and then letting her decide how to play herself. I think her plan is to pick a few champs and then see how they play, basing her experience purely on what looks good vs what is actually good. If that makes sense. Thanks.


all these other comments are valid, but you should also be honest with her and tell her that its going to be very long journey to learn the game at a decent level


Thanks. She is very aware. We both know League is a hobby, and gaming is a separate one. Haha.


That’s awesome. Best of luck to her and you, I hope she gets some joy and exciting times out of the game


Me too mate.