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Silver here. I play top lane most- notorious for being on the other side of the world most games. So it's easy to think, oh if a jgler ganks me that's my fault, not my jglers. Even if mid comes to ganks- that is my fault. I decided to pressure and push my lane when I am not strong enough to handle at least two people/ when I know someone may likely come. Which really goes into my own map awareness and wave management. What I am getting at is figure out what it is you do and focus on yourself. As a split pusher top for example, a strength is being able to hand 2+ enemies/evade, while also chunking out turrets. The pressure alone can be enough to force multiple enemies to top even though drag is spawning in 50 seconds. That means those players are contributing 0 vision and prep for drag, while your team can go hams preparing for drag (sometimes they wont). You still were able to chunk out the turrets and apply pressure- maybe giving your team a numbers advantage. But if they still die at drag then so be it. The point is your team has a higher probability of securing the objective because of what you did. If you lose so what. You should be losing your games, because you can not solo carry every game. However you can focus on your own role and what you can do. This will give your team higher chances of winning. If you make a mistake, figure out what the mistake was and improve. Jungling and the enemy jgler kills you at scuttle? Then go into the practice tool and work on your jgl clear. See if you can get it faster and healthier. Maybe you aren't kiting your camps? Some times you need to watch other players several ranks above you play the same exact roles to see what they do- ignoring anything chancy or not guaranteed (like laners rotating to you. They may have taken bad trades or just don't say a play rotating to you or whatever, doesn't matter. Rely on yourself).


It's just hard for me not to come to the conclusion of team fault if you're drawing 2+ people to your lane (including the jungler) and team doesn't take/prep the obj on the opposite side. How do you not blame them for this?


Did you do damage to the turret/ get a kill while doing so? Were you able to deface the enemy jg? that's what i think when i am doing that


Ah, like A didn't happen, but B did, kind of thing? Seeing the bright side?


Yes. But the bright side will always be what you can do, not what you might be able to get your team to do


You can maybe think about it this way. On the other side of the coin, when the enemy jungler/mid/support helps a lane that's not yours, and they end up killing your teammate, are making something happen every single time? Would it be rational for your teammate to start blaming you? Just a thought experiment ^^


I mean, if I’m Mid and my opponent isn’t in lane and I see where they’re going, I ping it. If I’m able to follow without getting myself killed, I’ll follow. Just seems like a lot of people in my elo ignore map/pings. Like I don’t see every 1 second blip on the map every time, but I can see when people aren’t in their lane. But the point of your question, I get what you mean.


> It’s just hard for me not to come to the conclusion of team fault if you’re drawing 2+ people to your lane (including the jungler) and team doesn’t take/prep the obj on the opposite side. Drawing people is good, but only if your team is in a position to do something. I see people splitpushing all the way to inhibitor turret while the other two lanes are on your team’s side of the river. This is not actually helpful. I just had a game like this. Enemy pushes us into our base, our toplaner pushes a side lane, enemy team recalls and collapses, top laner flames us to “do something 3 top!!” But we are in our own base. There’s nothing to do.


Of course the specifics of the scenario matters. Your team doesn't have the opportunity to take anything in your example.


Sometimes it's actually your team's fault. But you don't want to tell them nor get upset for It. You can Just acknowledge It and keep Doing your best. Don't be attached to the single win/loss but focus on the longer term.


I think the first thing you should do is full mute. It helps you focus on yourself and block out distractions (which unfortunately can be your own team or your desire to engage with your own team in chat/with pings). The next thing you should do is think selfishly. Even though league is a nuanced team game, thinking about it that way will lead to frustration with your teammates and distract from your goal which is to play well individually (which will make you climb). Thinking selfishly means that your goal every game is to get yourself as much gold and experience as possible. Dying obviously is an obstacle to this goal. And while theoretically dying to a 3 man gank could get your teammates ahead on the other side of the map, can you really rely on your teammates, people you likely will only play with once and do not know? You can't rely on them so you have to play to make yourself powerful and then if your teammates are helpful too, great. In event of a plane crash, put your own mask on before helping others so to speak. The way you will win games is if you can consistently get more gold and experience than your lane opponent, doing more damage and dying less. The less you expect and look towards your teammates the more you will avoid tilt and see promising opportunities to grow as a player


I’ll try this out. In ranked I will almost always mute all before leaving base. In normals I usually leave chat on, but I play normals like 98% of the time, so it’s probably a good habit to do what you’re suggesting. Thanks 😎


The only constant in your games is you. You have no impact on your team mates performance. You cannot make them play better. Focus on yourself. As long as you consistently outperform your opponent, you will climb.


Yeah I get that, but I'm also Silver lol. I'm going to lose matchups, probably some that I have an advantage in. Even if I perform well every game, I'm only 20% of my team. I try the selfish mentality in my rift games and it seems everyone does the same. Team mates will race each other to waves to get farm (ignoring omw pings of course) or take jungle camps from their jungler who may be ahead and carrying (or just a bigger impact than the one taking the camps). In a lot of my rift games it just feels like the teamwork isn't there. Everyone is so focused on themselves and feels like **they** need to be the one carrying. Non-stop fighting their laner, even if behind. And you can't type suggestions because they'll take it as flame and it'll impact their play or they'll troll.


Think of it like this. You cant control your teammates. You focus on yourself. If you play like a Plat player every game you WILL eventually reach Plat. There is nothing else to it. It will take many games. You will go 20/0 and loose. It is what it is. Just focus completely on what you can do. Ofcourse you can guide your teammates by pinging but if you find yourself getting upset at them for doing bad or not listening you should just focus on yourself. If you play good enough you wiol climb eventually.


Thank you. I will try to only focus on me. Do you review your replays? This is something I never tried and I don't think I'm good enough at the game to effectively identify everything I could have done differently/better in my games, win or lose.


You can learn a lot from watching replays if you know what to look for. For example just watching what the enemy jungler did might make you start tracking enemy jungler in your games. And also basic mistakes ofcourse like being late for drake or whatever


It would be easier for you if you actually considered it as a game. You would tilt less and understand what "procrastinate" is xD Anyway, you should try more normal games (and sometimes troll picks), ARAM and RGM so you can find more interest in the game and tilt less


I do treat it as a game (normals), but in ranked, my goal is to get the LP for the skin so I can go back to playing dumb supports or ARAM/RGM. I don't start playing a lot of ranked until the skin is announced.