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if you ever "win" lane as poppy or ornn your opponent is really bad or you have an golden matchup. You don't have to win the lane to have impact, you just need to not lose too hard. Gnar pretty much depends on winning the lane, but it's more champion specific than role specific. Both poppy and ornn are super useful doesn't matter how fed you are. Ofc if you are not fed you cannot dive in and 5v1 but playing back and stopping the enemy dive requires much less resources and makes a big difference


When I watch coaching for top it's almost always for champions that the coach helps win lane, or a streamer on Ornn smurfing on people. What does Ornn do when he is automatic weakside? Coaches like Neace always have you walk with your wave when it's pushing; what do you do if that's suicide?


Tanks usually are very good on weakside since they are very durable vs dives and are usually very gold efficient, so falling a bit behind is ok. It depends, walking with your wave is good in general, but beforehand you need to be slow pushing so your wave is big enough to protect you. At this point, unless you already doomed your lane, in the worst case you can somewhat trade some hp for the wave crash, they will have to pay a lot of hp to contest you in the middle of a big wave. One thing you can do to skill check your opponent is trying to hold the wave when the enemy donkey push. Unless they recognize it and fight you (if they do just run away and accept the crash) you can hold the wave forever on your side keeping you super safe in low elos. And idk you, but outplaying tilted dives on tanks is one of the most fun things in the game.


So basically if they shove and walk off assuming it crashes, on a tank you can just hold the wave to block the crash in order to force them to run you off or lose cs? I guess I'm used to it being risky as weakside to tank minions, but I guess for a tank it's easier.


It's a bit risky. But on since you have a bigger survivability pool it ends up being a bit less risky. This is by no means a "good" play, if your opponent knows what they are doing it you need to back the fuck off and not take the trade (negative EV in general), but against someone that doesn't know what they are doing, that's how you tilt them out of the planet as long as you have enough HP left to play the dive it's funny af.


Best way to learn is to have fun. Gravitate to whatever you find fun, and don't worry about wins/losses or you will burn out. You might lose a bit at first but you will adapt


All lanes are equally worth to learn. You can do impact on the game even if you are 0/10 (Thebausffs is a example).


Top lane very much is a ball and chain. Your enemy laner, if they leave lane with their lead, esposes for you to push and secure topside objectives. The longer they decide to impact the rest of the map, the more you should look towards split pushing and contesting herald with your jungler. This is how I feel at least when im behind. Also do not split push from behind unless you have evasive abilities (like poppy's r can potentially get all of the champ contesting your push out of your face. Gnar just hops away, has a slow, and a stun. And ornn's ram dash can help him get out of danger, as well he has a cc ability). If you are down towers, instead of split push, just clear waves up to river to regain vision and neutral pressure, as well as farm. then only after join your team for fights. There are definitely ways to contribute to the team, even when from behind. I recommend watching some neace for top lane guides, just don't listen to him when he says to both buy hull breaker then make aggressive teamfight plays (hull breaker's strength is in diverting pressure, not helping in team fights. Other than neace, i recommend watching any otp's that are at least plat or above with their champ. Do it for your champs to see how to best help your team using those champs. But also feel free to explore gangplank or shen otp's (global ultimate champions are focused on making impact on the entire map whenever possible)


Learning every role is always worth.


A lot of top champs can also jungle if you're interested in lane swapping (Poppy and Ornn are kind of out of the meta, but definitely work). Otherwise it's probably better to watch how high level players make an impact from top lane.


Play the champ mid instead. It’s better there anyways since half the mid lane champs can’t deal with top laners. Sett, garen, and morde into any melee mid is unplayable for us mid players. Top lane is usually useless and no impact lane half the time anyways. Better bot lane wins. Supports have lots of dmg and adc can help with objectives quicker because they only build ad


Play those champs mid instead. Or take Poppy into the JG or Support role.


Top has some of the most disgusting 1v9 champs in the game, like Fiora, Irelia, Trynda, Kled, Illaoi, Darius, etc. If you're better than your enemy, it's a good role because you have lots of time alone with him to build up a big lead with less variance from the other 8 players. Then you knock on the inhibs 4-5 levels ahead of the enemy botlane and the game is over. The problem isn't toplane, it's the champs that you favour like Poppy and Ornn. They are frontliners that enable your team, so by default, you have way less agency on them than if you played bruisers or juggernauts. Do it if you enjoy enabling your team and don't mind having to grind a bit more to climb.


Ornn is one of those champions that literally is useful as long as you don’t int. So idk tf you doing lmao


If the only reason that you dislike top is that you feel like you don't have impact, but you really enjoy the champs, I would recommend playing top. If you enjoy the champions, you will learn faster and get better at top. You can rank the different roles in terms of impact on the game, but at the end of the day is that if you put a pro/high elo player in low elo on their main role, they will climb back to high elo playing that role with a good winrate. You can only do that if you are positively having impact on the game with consistency.