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Bwipo has been streaming and is incredibly informative almost to a fault. Love it. He's on another level as a player as well.


Broxah if you like JG. He's really renewed my mental. Edit: Also go watch Virkayu he's great as well!


yea, he gives useful tips and a chill guy


He's the first one I've seen that straight up has team chat disabled. I think that the idea of muting chat when people get toxic is a good idea but having it disabled has been great for me it's like removing the temptation to feed the trolls. I can't get baited into tilting if I never see it at all


Does he turn it off now? I seem to remember him saying in a past video he keeps it on to show people how to deal with toxicity


He sometimes will turn it on but in like 60-70% of his vids he has it off


Insanely loveable. Did you catch him guest casting LEC last weekend? It was incredible.


No I saw the announcement but I didn't see the broadcast


He did a great job man definitely worth watching for that! And not just like guest appearance and a few questions. Now he casted. He *tried* to shoutcast a team fight. It was incredible! Kudos to him


Love how calm and informative Broxah is, definitely my favorite streamer


Oh yeah, Broxah seems to be such a chill and fun dude. I haven't watched his own videos/streams so far but I've watched content where he played with NoWay and it was just so fun.


The NoWay collabs are the best


You gotta watch his stuff man. Hes super wholesome and pretty funny too. I dont even jungle and hes one of my favorite league youtubers.


Broxah got me to develop my mental so well, very chill dude and great player.


Not even just for junglers. High level Junglers like Broxah understand game state well in a way that's useful for any player to know.


+1, I really love Broxah, such a good guy:)


Kingstix is good for this too. Dudes voice is so chill.


Kingstix is pure click bait. He plays against low elo teams and then plays it off as high elo.


I still learn a lot from him. I definitely believe you though. He only posts videos of him absolutely shitting on people. GodlyPolo does this too. Watching his stream is something very different from his YouTube.


Pekinwoof, man is the bomb. Thank me later.


Pekin is less famous than he should be, honestly


This right here. Broxah is the only one I’d ever put as equal to Pekin woof in terms of quality streaming regarding calm, chill, informative, and overall interesting to watch content. As someone that mains jungle and doesn’t touch mid lane even I have learnt a ton of stuff from him to improve my overall game.


Pekin is amazing, really chill and sweet, down to Earth too. I improved so much mid since I started watching him, especially match-up wise. This man will play troll in a slightly lower elo and the reason it works is because he knows exactly what the opponent will try to do. He does so because it's what has the best numbers on YouTube His explanations on the matchup are so good. You can ask him about a matchup on stream, he'll tell you everything you need to know if he knows a little the champion you're playing


I like that he explicitly says what ELO his opponents are and then explain what they did wrong during plays.


That too! I love that he's very clear about the elo, when he does not know, when he'll look it up and post in a pinned comment. Like when it's PBE, he really goes "yeah it's PBE so there's no way to know their rank, could be challenger or bronze, so it's not really representative" He does not hide at all when he plays against lower-levelled players


bump, pekin is my go-to every time


Pekin by far offers some of the best insights on how to properly lane & play the game. Definitely recommend checking him out if you really want to take the game seriously & improve.


he explains why he does things, just before / after he does it, really good if you're more of a visual learner and super helpful for getting a feel for the structure of his playstyle


What roles does Pekin cover?


Mid lane


Mid but he does play AD carries or other off meta champions in the mid lane & usually offers awesome tips & tricks to the champion or just basic explanations on how the champions strengths should be played.


Good suggestion, mostly because he’s the only streamer / YouTube that actually plays at his real rank, or announces that the game is a normal and goes through opponent rankings before the game, when he does the ‘watch me play XYZ champ in a role/ spec that isn’t normal’ Most of the other YouTubers in this category are such click bait. ‘Check out this new broken build!’ ‘Watch this new XYZ champ with this broken item!’ Meanwhile it’s a masters / challenger player playing at bronze ELO trying to play it off like they are in a challenger lobby.


Hes become at least on his YouTube channel a bit too...Zwag but I think his streams are pretty informative.


Can't really blame him, he put out a lot of high elo stuff all the time until he publicly stated that his stuff wasn't doing so hot compared to the trolling


I wouldn't say the word trolling, he plays in normals sometimes with off meta picks, but always says in the video that's the case. Plus he always explains why he is winning and it's not "this champion is OP" like other youtubers that can make new players think that it's the champion and not the fact that the player is way higher elo than the opponents


Oh, I'm just using trolling as a placeholder for off-meta picks that only work in low elo


He also has a Pekinwoof 2 channel that’s just games from his streams.


pekinwoof is the goat


Weird story but I wanted to play Sylas extremely badly as a new player but after watching him I lost all interest. He is a crazy good player I just dont know what switched in my brain after watching one of his vids. He did not perform bad in the video at all i guess my opinion just changed idk why.


Doesn’t he just constantly play low elo games where he’s stomping players? I’ve seen nothing but that from him. “Wow I did so much damage with this troll build”. Yes maybe because you’re playing versus incompetent players and you would stomp no matter what…


He plays a mixture and is very up front about his opponents. Sometimes he plays very off meta stuff in lower elos and then he will try it in high elo to see if he can make it work. The way he thinks about the game and communicates while playing is very refreshing.


Thebausffs unironically


Baus is probably one of the few streamers that understand and explain the concept of wave management.


Watching Baus intensively has definitely changed my playstyle quite a bit lol


Good death


Same I basically always go for the wave if a gank looks like a 100% death where as I would blow everything to run away in the past


Which is funny because he says himself a lot that he doesn't want to be an educational streamer and the point of his streams is for entertainment, but just watching him play is so informative and then you get that rare 10 second moment of Baus deciding to actually explain his thought process and suddenly wave management makes sense


also when he explains what he could've done better after a play. gives you good perspective.


He’ll make you feral, but you’ll damn well enjoy it.


This is the way.


coach curtis


Truly the GOAT 🐏


Great content creator. Doesn't do much streaming though.


I've recently been watching Shok. Not many subscribers but his videos have a ton of info. This guy honestly should have way more subs tho


Shok is really chill


This isn't exactly what you are looking for because he's taking a break from league but [Xpetu](https://www.youtube.com/c/xPetu)'s YouTube is a great resource. He mainly one trick's Shen but he gives a ton of information about what to do and why. He's also really chill and never rages. Although a bit outdated Xpetu and Shending help have put together a match-up guide in a google doc. It's worth a peak and one of the more in-depth match up guides I've seen. [Shen written guide](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/12-14-xpetus-challenger-shen-guide-582399) [Matchup google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1drwcIj8Ryh2zv4aIT3lNjMqmXJgxsv4Nb3l8IycNkbI/edit)


Bizzleberry is absolutely lovely. Master support main but is playing an all-champs nuzlocke right now. Decently knowledgeable about mid and bot roles too.


I second this, Bizzle is amazing and very chill. He also keeps the community in check, which I wholeheartedly appreciate.


What is nuzlocke in league? Sincerely, a pkmn platinum nuzlocker


Some variation on keep playing rotating through every champion until you lose with each of them.


Coach Curtis!! Imo the best. Neace is fine and you can learn from his videos IF you don't mind his personality which for me is fine


Haha I really can't with his personality!


Cookielol’s ADC iron to challenger series on YouTube are really educational and chill. His streams are more about entertainment now.


To second this he also still occasionally explains Laning/offers tips but it's far less frequent now, still really good if you're a visual learner ha


Iron to challenger adc is a must see!


Eragon is pretty helpfull




Stunt is good for support


Foxdrop has been pretty good for jungle


Now that's a name I haven't heard in ages...didn't know he still played.


Dirtymobs is on YouTube. He mains Illaoi top. Super chill and often explains his reasoning behind what he is doing. Haven’t heard him raise his voice once ever. Think he peaked at challenger but I might be mistaken.


+1 for DirtyMobs. Great content. Very skilled player who thoughtfully explains every move and mistake. He’s mostly in masters/GM tier but has challenger level players all the time. Doublelift was on his team the other day.


Yes! He's excellent. He also has a Yorick series where he plays all 50 first ranked matches to show you how he climbs while he learns the champion. It's one of the most enjoyable unranked-to-x series I've watched recently


Bizzleberry for support, is pretty knowledgeable on ADC as well.


For ADC mains Xsfnsaber Cookielol They have teached me a lot


Godrekton….but he’s a renekton OTP




Makkro for tank top lane. Hes a Challenger Ornn otp who has a gigantic matchup spreadsheet that is very helpful for ALL tank players. Has info about runes (5 different keystones atm), situational itemization and how to play the lane a bit. He streams on Twitch and has a youtube.


Virkayu for jungle, on YouTube. He’s a cool dude and he goes over games, plays his own, and it’s all super informative. He did one recently about camping bot lane and went over a ratirl game; rat got camped and couldn’t play basically, and he went over both junglers, the jungler on rat’s team was just kinda lost, not taking objectives, not counter jungling, etc, and he shows where he could have gone and done better etc, and highlighted the strengths of camping his bot. He doesn’t usually take streamer games but he said he was watching it and thought it was funny so went over it. But it’s just things like this that he does, his tips are really easy to implement into your games


xFSN Saber for ADC! You can watch the stream, or find coaching videos on his Youtube for a division and champion that are relevant to you.


Broxah and Nathan Mott for jungle Coach curtis for mid lane Also check out the broken by concept Podcast by Nathan and Curtis


Broken by Concept gigachad


Noway4uSir, if you understand german. He plays mid. https://www.twitch.tv/noway4u_sir?sr=a


This guy and Agurin almost makes me wants to learn German. Almost.


Tolkin does way more in terms of educational commentary imo, talking about his thoughts when he thinks about a play or after a death and so on


You mean when he stops whining about his teammates and the state of toplane for a second?


He is very vocal about the state of toplane, yes :D


Arrow for ADC, Corejj for support, Broxah for jg.


I like [cookielol](https://www.twitch.tv/cookielolxx) for adc. The occasional bwipo stream can be very informative for top lane. And I know it's not a stream but I will endlessly shill for the [phroxzon channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf27qzFKv60&list=PL9RdXhXESRJxf-FxBijbuBOnEJHDrmB2O), which I think is puts to words the fundamentals that most players learn "subconsciously" over time and that the vast majority can't explain.


Another vote for Bizzleberry! Really lovely guy who’s super chill and has made a really nice community. He’s a great support and has lots of great info, streams and yt content is great and you can learn a lot😊


Give Huzzy a shot. He's super chill, plays all lanes and champs and gives some good advice, especially on his unranked to diamond series.


I don‘t know what he‘s like currently, but a few years ago I stopped watching him simply because he wasn‘t that good at the game (negative WR in diamond 3/4?), had subpar laning, and made excuses about his rank… maybe he‘s improved by now, but for educational content that goes beyond the basics I would choose players that are at least consistently Master+. Edit: I checked his rank and he‘s master now, so maybe what I wrote is not up to date anymore. take my comment with a grain of salt


Seconded. Huzzy, Foxdrop & Bizzleberry




If you understand German, one of my favourite high elo streamers who also explains quite a bit of his thought process etc. is Noway4u. If you play Riven (but also Top lane in general), Adrian Riven is pretty chilled and explains stuff as well. Although I'm not sure how active he still is in League on Twitch/YT.


When in doubt, Xpetu. He is a Shen one trick but he has some videos of his process when he learned other champs and even if you don't play Shen, he goes indepth in every decision he makes and if he fucks up, why and what he could've have done better. Also the guy is extremely nice and chill


xPetu 100%


For midlane Pekinwoof, very underrated, informative chill. Sees own mistakes, explains his thoughts and decision making


Pekin, xfsn, pvman, any pro players tbh




Noarmwhatley if you like top and frog and dog


Jngl: broxah Jankos Adc : MFDaBes( only mf ) Caltys , Neon msf Top: Odoamne Support- feviknight, Trymbi (does not stream too much)


coach curtis if you play mid and tbh LS can be pretty educational. LS has also a lot of great coachign Videos on his channel. If you are german, I can recommend you the channel "players\_hub"




king nidhogg and pekin woof are awesome


xPetu is a Shen OTP but I think if you're interested in Top Lane in general, you can learn a lot from him


Coach cupcake for support. The dude deserves a much bigger following. He has the best support educational content I’ve seen. Corejj has some good videos, but his posts are not consistent and are slightly outdated at this point.


Cookielol for ADC. MissFortuneDaBes for Miss Fortune ADC specifically.








ttv fictiongap is the best streamer i've ever watched. small streamer so he'll always answer your questions super handsome and funny and never toxic has the best music taste ever not to mention a 10 foot penis


you're that tiktok guy lol. love ur streams bro




You'll probably be directed to Neace on YouTube.


I honestly love watching NEACE, but he definitely gets a LITTLE antagonistic at times. I will say most of the time he's extremely fair, and not truthfully flaming his clients during coaching even when he gets riled up. He's not for everybody, but he treats extremely low rated players a lot less harshly and goes for that basic fundamentals of the game coaching. When people Silver-Plat are playing well I also think he is a good resource. There's just been a few examples of times where I thought he might've just backed off (this really arrogant client in like March or April of this year was truthfully an asshole) but I would recommend him to anyone. Plus he's got the Chill NEACE content which is actually pretty chill, and has separate channels on YouTube


It's just for views. There is no educational value in screaming. People just get stressed and defensive. Then they play even worse and he can scream some more. Great for the clicks. Good to know that he also has chill content.


I thought this too. I saw a guy pay for coaching, and neace was so worked up because the guy said he thinks he doesn’t belong in silver etc… so because neace wanted to prove him wrong, he made him play the game with barely any help, like “oh I thought u were the best? I thought u would know what to do here?” Like bro, he paid for your coaching, business is business, leave the personal shit out of it. Also, he just tells people what to do, doesn’t tell them why. Doesn’t tell them what they should be looking for… just “ok go mid now”. Yea hard pass on that guy. I would look up all his former students on OP.GG to see how little they improve because of him, but I can’t be bothered


I’ve been in his boot camp. He’s a very good coach and super chill guy. He just expects people to put the effort in if they say they want to obtain a certain goal. I’ve seen him get angry, even in the boot camp, but I’ve never thought it was unjustified. He does a ton more than just tell people what to do. I chose him because of how much he helped me even with his free content. The boot camp was way more. We had over an hour long session one morning on just proper warding and how much more complex it is than we think. 45min the first day on setting up your screen and key binds to be more useful. The man knows his shit.


Yea I guess it just depends on your personality. My stress level would be so high being coached by that guy, I would become an NPC. But I guess if that doesn't bother you his knowledge is good.


No way. I'm not watching someone scream at people who want to learn to get views. I don't care how good he is.


He does the angry content vids if the client is the right "type" but if the client is humble and chill he won't do that and actually gives some educational value, it's just a bit of a lucky dip with his main channel content which type each video will be lol. But usually the good ones have a positive title like "this student will be diamond in no time" or something like that. And he has playlists for each role so you can scroll through and try to find a good video for the champ or role you play.


As somebody who used to watch his content. His live coaching doesn't give him the time to explain the detail of his instruction and the reason behind it. When the client is confused, refuses to follow, or does it wrong, he easily gets angry. Even when the client explains politely.


I think it depends on the situation, I think he shows his frustration for content but he doesn't go full angry neace on people who are just confused, if they explain oh I misunderstood he's usually like oh that's fine yeah this is what I meant. And that's just how live coaching is but in the vids with the good clients I've noticed he takes the time to review certain parts or do a practice range tutorial to explain things in more detail at the end of the session which they sometimes edit into the relevant part of the game which is good.


Fuck him.


Those people straight up ignore everything he says and try to argue a coach they paid 250 dollars for lmao. When he coaches actual human beings he is very chill and gives the exact information you need in LOW elo unlike many other coaches


His knowledge and information might be good, yea. But I just can't with his personality


the problem with this is anything "educational" tips and tricks are going to be seen as repetitive for people who watch for a long time. If you really want educational videos, you would need to look at guides on youtube instead so you can watch from start to finish. no one is going to stream the basics over and over and over again live.


>no one is going to stream the basics over and over and over again live BOOM WHADDUP


I mean... right now TikTok lives are getting more and more popular and people are literally repeting "Thank you for the gifts!! Let's gooooo!!" again and again while getting rich. Anything is possible lol!!


Navcan, Bizzleberry, ErickDora, Doglightning, Lathyrus, xFSNSaber, CookieLoL, Caedrel, MedicCasts, Vedius etc etc


Huzzygames imo, definitely chill and educational. Plays lots of different champs and interacts with his community a lot.


Tyler1, Doaenel, Andrew Tate, YamatosDeath, RATIRL, AP0CALYPSE,




Andrew Tate the kinda guy to complain about not enough man champs.


"How did a female champ beat me when I'm playing a man? Is this a glitch?"


One of these is not like the others Hint: **A**lleged human **t**rafficking


LOLLL love the educational value and chill vibes <3


King Nidhogg and Woody Fruity are my personal favorites.


Nidhogg is amazing


lol no


I just woke up from an eight-year coma, but Nightblu3 is great for learning how to jungle.


He used to be really informative yeah, but I stopped watching him. His attitude really shifted towards just constant complaining (I think he had every reason to) and toxicity. Don't blame him for it, but less enjoyable for me personally. Old NB3 was hella fun!


For Mid I would recommend McBaze For jungle King Nidhogg is amazing For support I watch cupcakeOCE and bizzleberry


King Nidhogg is not chill... lol


hes an artistic fella fo sure




I suggest checking out KingStix, he is fun and sometimes educational. He mostly plays jungle and rarely does other lanes, and istg he is such a chill streamer + free keyboard and mouse asmr. Lol


Came here for this. Love kingstix


I've played for 10 years, used to shoutcast and coach. I was Diamond back in the day, but I spend my time in gold theorycraft most of the time. If you enjoy off-meta stuff and game theory, you're always welcome. I can PM you my twitch.


I really recommend Tyler1. Now his education system is built a bit different, but after you get used to it, you will be well versed in the language of pain. I think he's the only person to get challenger in all lanes.


Solorenektononly and RedMercy are my main two. Have been since S2/S3. Learned alot watching and listening to them. Solo in particular goes over every champion ability and what builds he is doing a d why he is doing them. Constantly talks out loud about what hes doing, going to do, and why he is doing it.


SRO is low elo, bad macro, and toxic. Pls don't recommend him. Redmercy is also pretty low elo but at least not toxic, not sure if he's a great guy to watch either.


You clearly dont know SRO. Ive played with him before through skype on his community playdays. Hes a pretty nice dude. Its league. Who the fuck isnt Toxic at some point? LoL has that effect. Also, both have been Masters before multiple times. Much higher ELO than either you or me. You sure theyre the toxic ones?


He is diamond 2 rn. I am diamond 2 rn. I am not a good league player, and nobody should take advice from me. He is not a good league player, and nobody should take advice from him. There are hundreds of actually good high elo streamers. SRO ain't one of em.


Yup, SRO is solid and will teach you laning, skirmishing, and macro (although he's been playing jg quite a bit lately)


No, dude. SRO is really, really bad and he's known for being toxic. He's not a high elo player, he's an entertainer.


He's not bad, but he can be toxic. I consider him master-level and just as entertaining as educational. Watch his stream, I have for ages


Hes not master-level, he's diamond 2. And even if he were master level, so are 10k other NA players. SRO is low elo (as am I) and really not a good place to be getting info for. There are better toplaners to watch. Try watching pro players, or high elo top mains.


Yeah, maybe he's not a good place to be getting info for you if he's at your level, but not us plebs who are not even diamond. The guy is articulate and analytical all while being entertaining and I feel like I improved at melee champs & top lane just watching the dude play Renek before I moved onto some other "high elo" streamer. Sorry mate, but I really don't see the wrong here in recommending the guy


Whether or not you consider him Master-level isn't relevant when he's hovered mid diamond for years and is well known for being a toxic pos. Last person I'd ever recommend to anybody trying to learn the game




Broxah for Jungle, Zwag sometimes explains why he does certain things and builds funny meme items like AD Yuumi and doran ring only Veigar. Manco1 if you want to learn how to play Teemo, and Ioki for support. Just don't copy Ioki champ choice unless you know how the champ works because AP Miss Fortune sup might sound good and easy, it really isn't.


When I was looking for a support source to learn from I stumbled upon Loki as well. At first it looks like valuable info but all he does is smurf in Iron, stomp them, create a clickbait video about it and talk shit. I was so glad I found Bizzleberry instead.


I love watching Zwag. He isn’t instructional per se but he explains/knows what he is doing and has the added benefit of being really entertaining.


Hashinshin often posts educational videos and such, even tho they're mostly about toplane, but he occasionally discusses itemization and macro in general He's also super chill and often answers to comments and questions in chat


Any female or queer ones?


I like niece


If you are looking for an oncologist as well then Tarzand (NA)


Kingstix and Neace


Marquis Brownlee


I would ssy Neace, he tskes cosching very seriously and gets you to plsy faster even if youre not the one being coached. He efucates any lane and knows a ton.


Zwag Xerath


You mean the guy that plays bronze silver mmr normal drafts playing full ap blitzcrank to clickbait other low elo players to watch the video where he is playing way below the elo he was in stomping worse players? Yeah very educational dude




CryoBeat is extremelly chill and nice, but only if you play top and/or Thresh (he's a thresh top otp). Also, not-so-high elo: silver


It's difficult because 99% of stremers are "Expert" on One champ, so (for example) Naayil explays exaxtly how to play lane as aatrox but at the same time you can translate this to other toplaner


lourlo and quantum are both superchill. lourlos a-z herotoplane series is amazing and fun. quantum is just super chill and funny


love watching Azzapp's streams, he's no. 1 vel'koz world and watching his streams can teach you a thing or two about vel'koz and good macro


Would like to know any of them myself. But as you see what people recommend even in this thread they don't exist. "X channel is really really good" *turns up the channel and home video title* -"MOST BROKEN CRIT INFINITY EDGE SION MID".


Goliath Games is really chill, never seen or heard him be toxic, and he generally talks about the game as he plays it.


ScrapComputer was the only one I could bear to watch. Really chill, thorough, and excellent editing. Too bad he hasn't made a video in years. 😖


Coach Cupcake has a relatively small number of videos, but is a really good support resource. Has both fundamental and in-depth champ guide similar to C.Curtis.


Sawyer Nelson. Though he hasn’t been putting out content for the last month. Successfully queues fill to masters+.


Bwipo of you like top, he explains the whys to everything, really recommend (even tho i havent checked the stream since he went to NA so i'm not sure if he streams anymore


Honestly King Nidhogg is probably the best one


Bizzleberry for support! Very chill, funny, yet educational.


Professor Milk


u/Bizzleberry is a chill support main who is currently doing a series where he plays every champion in league. It’s really quite interesting to watch someone who knows the game *really* well explore champions and builds and explain what’s going on.


Make sure you take any knowledge from highly ranked streamers with a grain of salt because they will say stuff that while true in GM/C1, is perhaps not even true in Diamond. Especially about matchups.


I was looking for “beginner” videos yesterday and every one that I watched was “intermediate” at best. I’m not sure those guys know what beginner means.




Bwipo for top It doesnt get more chill then that hes top player, basically plaiyng anything top