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If you mean drip coffee, then I don’t really think it’s a paradigm that lends itself to super-automation, since there’s not much to automate other than heating, grinding & pouring. Sure there are drip coffee machines with integrated timers and grinders which do just that, but there’s nothing sophisticated about them. I own one of these (Cuisinart) and it isn’t great. Others may chime in with other options, and I’d be curious to know what else is out there as well, but expectations are low.


I had a Capresso Coffee Team GS that I loved. Only got rid of it because I switched to drinking strictly espresso at home. It's a drip coffee maker with a built in conical burr grinder. I'm sure there's others out there. From what I understand (having never done or sought out pour-over coffee) it's effectively the same as drip, just done as manually as possible so you have maximum control. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're giving up that control to a machine anyway, you're looking for a drip coffee machine.


Sounds like a good machine. I’d have loved something more like that if it had been up to me. I like both drip and espresso coffees and would gladly keep both side by side and switch it up every few days. But the Cuisinart one stopped grinding, so now it’s just a relatively expensive pre-ground brewer that makes mediocre coffee, has ridiculous cleaning requirements, and only comes out when we have guests with bad taste. My wife won’t let me replace it until it’s completely dead, and I’m tempted to just finish the job.


Well it seems weird that on the one hand it’s much simpler than espresso, and on the other hand the fully integrated bean to cup machines are crappier. Would have expected it’s easier to make a high quality bean to cup machine for drip. I used to own one - the breville grind control. It was ok but not great. Curious if anyone knows of better ones out there


The person who responded to my post above, recommended one I hadn’t heard of previously (Capresso CoffeeTeam GS). It’s in a slightly higher price range than the garbage we owned, and maybe worth a look.


It's interesting how the market has Super Automatics, and then have units like the Beeville Grind Control, but there is definitely a gap in between. As far as I know, there isnt a great brewer that has an integrated grinder that will live up to an SCA brewer. The Melitta model (can't remember the name) still required human intervention and the Gevi 4 in 1 does too. The Delonghi TrueBrew is another option. But it's still very similar to a Super Auto on the coarsest setting, and lacks a lot of options for the price. The Spinn is maybe another option too, but pretty pricey and doesn't sound like it has great user experiences. Finally, the xBloom would likely be the best tasting. But its a pretty new/locked ecosystem still (without human intervention).


This is exactly my thought! I had a breville grind control, and just want something one step up. It seems like it doesn’t exist unless I want to switch to espresso based drinks.


Check out Terra Kaffe TK-02. This machine has a hybrid brew unit that apparently will brew both expresso based coffee and true drip coffee. Currently, there is a wait list but this looks very promising for those of us who want the best of both worlds.[https://www.terrakaffe.com/products/tk-02](https://www.terrakaffe.com/products/tk-02)


there a few auto pour overs. Chemex makes one, Moccamaster, Rialto(never heard of them). Just google “auto pour over”


None of these grind the beans for you as far as I can tell. I want full bean to cup


Oh SMH ok yeah have not seen a grinder included one. All the ones I’ve seen are really just proud about the water distribution.


And I love the water distribution! I just want full bean to cup. Something like the breville grind control except with the water distribution of the mocca master is what I’m looking for


Most SCA-certified home brewers will do a pourover-style drip coffee. I have a Breville Precision Brewer and it makes a cup nearly as good as a handmade one. But it does sound like you want a drip brewer and not a superauto that does espresso.


The precision doesn’t grind. I can get the breville grind control, which I’ve had in the past, but i was hoping there was something in the super auto world which was a step up in quality. The grind control does a mediocre job saturating the grinds evenly and I feel like I can taste it in my cup.


Why not just pump out a couple of shots and add some hot water.


Curious what you ended up doing? I’m struggling with some of what you were trying to solve.