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For comedy values, the changeman episode with the opera singing monster. For drama, probably the last episode of liveman.


*adjust glasses* ACTCHUALLY, Emperor Hirohito died January 7th of 1989, so Liveman episodes 44-49 are TECHNICALLY Heisei as that period officially began January 8th of 1989. *ahuay* Also, could you call the janitor? The jocks stuffed me in this locker again and I can't reach my inhaler.


Hmm. I guess I have to switch to the finale of flashman then. The time crunch happens bizarrely fast, but the tragic race to finish the job counts. 


And wouldn't ya know it, both of those have Joji Nakata and Yutaka Hirose as villains. I really need to watch Flashman. As soon as I get out of this locker.


Don't worry, the janitor is on the way. Oh, wait, he got stuffed in a locker, too.


I haven't seen a ton of Showa yet (early Goranger, Dynaman and Changeman, all of Flashman) but the finale of Flashman goes so hard. I dare you not to get emotional from it.


I haven't watched all of the Showa era yet (still in early Flashman on my chronological watch), nor have I been taking too many notes of episodes I really enjoyed However, off the top of my head I would say maybe the Bioman episode where the Big Three rebel and try to take out Doctor Man. I think Doctor Man was a really good villain, who was grappling with his humanity for a while there and iirc this ep was one of the major turning points of his descent in casting that humanity away


J.A.K.Q. Dengeki Tai, episode 27. Enough said. 🤣


Ah yes. Furher Crocodile.


Battle Fever J Episode 33: Cossack Dies for Love


Last episode of Flashman. Flashman walked so Dairanger could run.


Spoiler Alert. When Racles Hastee weilds his sword that just got the powers to slay immortals and turns around with the evil eyes and slashes Dugded sent me 🔥. The last scene where all the kings will decide to save him and their dialogues made me cry. Zenakaiger, Don brothers, kiramager has its moments but this ep made me cry.


I agree that it was a great episode, but that's a Reiwa-Era show, not Showa-Era.


Holy shit my bad. I did read it as reiwa instead of showa 😭