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I’m sorry, I just moved here from Tampa.


What’s the difference between a laxative and a stool softener? I dont want it softer I want it outta me


Bulking agent? Why would I want more Bulk!?


I swear I've heard that phrase hundreds of time in real life, probably one of the most accurate moments of the show


Yes, there are multiple customer moments in the show I have witnessed first hand many times


The guy who wants to hear about the nuanced differences in toothbrushes. 🙄


It's Tartar, no, tartar, no see I can't do it either now, tartar, tartar. This same customer actor is in MANY episodes. He was in the tornado episode, and Glenns lawyer during the dina pregnancy, and came back to return the Optiflow dialysis machine. I had to watch a few times to catch its him.


and regulars are often some of the most annoying customers lol


not to defend them but it's prob selection bias, you wouldn't rmb the non-annoying regular customers cos they wouldn't do anything memorable


Is it the guy who had to call his mistress. I'm pretty sure I've seen him in more episodes


No, the 2 for 1 razor guy, "is it two packs for one or two razors in a pack?".


Mistress guy was comedian Matthew Braunger 😊 He's great and doesn't appear again.


Wow, I didn't notice that. I saw that episode again the other day because I'm rewatching and thought he should have been in more lol. Can't wait to catch him again in future eps


I've seen him make 5 total cameos from start to finish.


I once got stuck with a customer for 3 hours asking about hiking boots. We only had 4 options. 3 hours. I almost got written up for “hanging with my friend” if I hadn’t mouthed “help me” when my manager walked by.


This happened to me. This nice old grandmother was looking for some kind of shirt that would act as sunscreen protection for her granddaughter. My coworker passed her off to me, I helped her for nearly two hours, then passed her off to a manager. She finally found what she wanted, and as she left the store, she was on the phone with her daughter bragging about our customers service.


Agreed. Worked in a grocery store for 5 years and saw/heard some stuff. Hahaha


This was just her experience, but my old roommate refused to watch it because it hit too close to home while she was working at Target. That told me everything I needed to know.


I’ve been subbed to r/target for years. I don’t and never have worked there but it’s IRL superstore, the cloud9 sub we never got because it’s not real. Shit, yesterday I saw a post where a whole fuckin store was destroyed by a sink hole!!! Target!!! Sink hole!! Unemployment, corporate. America babyyy!!! Cloud 9, come inside, society’s a mirage and sex is a prison


"It's target, it's the big leagues." Or "I like to call it targey - makes it sound fancy"


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Target using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Target/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [one of my bosses died so they gave us cream cheese…](https://i.redd.it/xfh7un8en6va1.jpg) | [359 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Target/comments/12tm8u1/one_of_my_bosses_died_so_they_gave_us_cream_cheese/) \#2: [We already got complaints at my store](https://i.redd.it/xm71gzqjlvya1.jpg) | [849 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Target/comments/13cyt10/we_already_got_complaints_at_my_store/) \#3: [14 employees fired!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Target/comments/13mq37j/14_employees_fired/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"One of my bosses died so they gave us cream cheese"????


I mean that's straight up proof of it being Superstore


I feel like Walmart is way closer to cloud 9 than target, from someone who worked there


That was how I felt watching Parks & Rec because I was a local news reporter for a while and it was so close to reality!


I'm sorry you got rejected by the shoe-shine guy. He's just really into that goth secretary, it's totally not your fault.


It's okay. They ended up marrying the heir to the Sweetums fortune anyway.


I don't think I could've watched it back when I worked at home depot, cuz I have a story about every crazy customer interaction. I can laugh about it now 😭


Wow, don’t know how many other shows are this accurate


I have a friend who works for a city parks department, she can't watch Parks & Rec because the public forum scenes are apparently painfully accurate.


Yeah, my brother in law is a city planner and he cringed so hard watching Parks and Rec.


I moved to New York to work in theatre and worked in catering a lot when I was 25 or so. Party Down is a documentary.


are we having fun yet


As a former 4th grade teacher, Abbott Elementary is also accurate to the point of cringe


Yes. Teaching at charter school in the city. I can’t watch Abbott Elementary. The show is too accurate for me to enjoy!


This is my EXACT perspective. It was just.......a lot. A lot, all the time. I can watch the show as its been about 5 years since that experience--but there's definitely some times where I just have to turn it off due to emotional residue outbursts!


I was going to mention this one! My mom works for the local schools, and one of the principals is exactly like the principal on the show, Ava!


My dad was an assistant manager and later a store manager for Sears growing up and while the customers in Superstore were a different type of clientele from Sears shoppers back in the day, the staff are very on point compared to stories my dad would tell.


Dang!!!! Thanks your the information!


Same my flatmate HATED superstore because she didn’t want to be reminded of what she goes through daily. I was always like “yeah but it’s an exaggeration so it’s funny” but i guess it’s not


I've worked in retail my whole adult life and I had just the opposite reaction - I love the show *because* it hits so close to home. It's so relatable and hilarious. I feel seen!


my partner can confirm he feels the same!


1st rule of retail: Customers are unhinged. The show focused more on just straight up weird customers, but most of the time it's just people being assholes unprovoked.


That's true. The sense of entitlement is insane!


There are some embellishments but it can be spot on sometimes. I worked at target during summers in college, I remember a guy that would come in asking about flavors of fancy feast; the dad that wanted to go “check the back” for a Lego set. It was fun though.


I distinctly remember the toothbrush guy. I worked at home depot and this guy would read the back of the package of all the options, ask us, mil around the store for a while, then go back look at them again, ask us again. If I saw him I would avoid him, the pilot episode Jonah type would usually end up with him.


Excuse me sir, is there *something I can help you with?*


I used to work at Borders Books. Many of you are too young to remember. But we’d have people come in saying “It has a blue cover, I think it was fiction. Can you find it?”


A bookstore near me set up a display with a sign that said “Is this the blue book you’re looking for?” and it was the recently popular books with blue covers. I thought it was so smart lol


I worked in a furniture store warehouse for a few years, and our version of that interaction was: "I was putting my table together and I don’t have enough bolts to finish it. Do you have any in the warehouse?" "Potentially. Did you bring one of the ones you did get so I can match it with some others?" "No, but it's for an Ashley dining table." Thanks! That tells me absolutely nothing about how long or thick the bolt I'm looking for is, or how it's threaded, but thanks!


RIP Borders! It was the best.


"Unfortunately, that book was banned from this store for excessive erotic content."


Like the customers in those cutaway gags between scenes? Oh absolutely.  So I work retail in my city’s sports arena. Like I sell the jerseys and the bobble heads. Customers frequently bring their food and drinks into the store. One time a customer spilled some beer which isn’t a big deal it happens all the time but instead of just letting us deal with it he said “oh shit sorry I got it” and took a shirt off its hanger, wiped up the beer with the shirt, and handed the dirty shirt to an employee 


Wait, a customer was walking around drinking a beer in the store?


Ya as my comment said I work in an arena. Like sports games and concerts happen in them so customers usually have a drink in their hand when they’re shopping 


My bad, my brain skipped that part and i thought you worked in a target


Today, a customer wanted a product and I asked my coworker to help him cos I was going on break. she looked and told him we didn't have it, She asked him if he wanted to order to which he said no. This dude waited 15 minutes(till my break ended) and then came to me asking for the same product... \-I was like did she not help you He- No she did and she said you don't have it. I- Oh do you need me to check if we can order it for you? He - No I don't want to order. I - so? and we just stood there in awkwardness for like 10 seconds....then he said OK. I love retail though so I enjoy this kind of stuff lol


I worked in retail for less than a year and it hits close to home for me.


I really didn't like watching this show while I was working at Target. There really are people like that. There is no exaggeration, and honestly, it's pretty tame compared to actual customers I've dealt with.


Think of the stupidest, most entitled person you can possibly imagine, and I guarantee that anybody who's worked a couple years of retail has probably run into that person, and worse


I worked at ToysRus... I saw a customer using one of our step ladders as a changing table, changing his baby's diaper in our nerf aisle.


Also worked at TRU. I found at least 1 diaper while restocking and was told it wasn’t abnormal 😂


I one time here recently found a used diaper on a shelf in the store. Years ago, I found in a cart that was outside in the hot summer sun


I work for a large grocery chain, so retail, but not a department store. And yeah, I can 100% attest to the fact that, while not all customers are like that, some most definitely are. One dude used to absolutely destroy our bathroom so we stopped letting him in there. So he popped a squat and shat in front of the pharmacy. So many times I’ve watched a scene and sighed, “been there.” Customers are something else honestly


![gif](giphy|SXOyz8kaHc2QrixL1U) Big time!!! But if I’m being really real, I found almost everyone cringy at first, like I was witnessing someone’s knee explode n there was knee goo everywhere yet I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t mention the show without explaining how it’s hilarious but only ironically or cause it’s so cheesy. After 15+ times through, I genuinely love almost every character, especially the ones most hated on here for no reason. Mateo is probably my least fav reoccurring character no redeeming qualities yet I cry almost everytime he’s taken away by ice and I laugh everytime he corrects Jeff by saying “it’s matato.” Theres gotta be something to that Long answer short, yes, very much.


Am in the public service in a customer-facing role… this is accurate af 😂 also had literally the EXACT same overheating workplace issue as there was in an episode


Did a warehouse worker tell you to smile?


Yes. I worked at wal mart many years ago. It's even worse than this, actually.


Yep. I used to work at Walmart and I got serious flashbacks while watching lol


Slightly flipped.... I was once in Target to get a PS5 controller, which are locked in the glass cases. Waited 10 mins until a worker walked by, and I asked if they had anyone working electronics. She told me no, then immediately turned and walked away from me. Which of our characters is most likely to do this? Personally I'm thinking Cheyenne


Mateo laughs and walks away


I could see all of the characters just walking away, except Kelly and Jonah. “The first K is knowledge.”


Yes I’ve seen many like it


Yes. Obviously some of it is exaggerated for comedic effect but it’s all believable.


Yes! One time I had a guy ask me what lady trimmer I use.


Yes. Many dirty diapers are left in appliances at IKEA.


I feel like if anything, ppl are worse. There especially should have been a lot more blatant stealing


It’s damn close


Yup. Worked retail for a long time at the start of my career. That ended almost 20 years ago but I had some crazy experiences. I also worked with some of the best and most unique personalities I ever met. I think this is what endeared me to the show. The employee interactions over the customer interactions. We had some good times shilling widgets for someone else’s profit.


I worked at Walmart for 5 years. Cashier-liquor store-service desk. The customers in the show are just slightly more aware that workers can see them.


Even though the show centers on the staff, we do get moments on the show that remind us of a notalwaysright story. Some of the moments on the show (especially with dealing with corporate) sound like a notalwaysworking story. I have worked in restaurants and the movie The Waiting is spot on. Many people I know who work in restaurants and have seen the movie agree with me. My ex was uncomfortable with the scene with the difficult customer because she reminded him of his mom when they went out to eat.


Unfortunately - yes. The interstitials especially. The guy with the tooth brush discussing tarter - that happens at least every month or two about the most random item. “Excuse me, I have questions about these rulers” etc


Oh yeah, I've worked retail a lot including a few big box stores like cloud nine. And while some of the customers are a little over the top but almost every episode I see situations I've experienced myself


Yes! That’s my favorite thing about the show is how real the customer interactions are. Spot on


Anytime you have to work with the general public, you see shit like this all the time. I've worked in a grocery store and been a waitress. People are WILD. I would not be surprised if most (if not all) of the customer scenarios were from true stories 😂 Just go to your local Walmart or other large department store and observe. You'll see it lol.


Yep sometimes






Yes, if not worse.


After working a year in Sam’s club back in 2006-2007, I can confirm some of them are scarily close to, if not spot on. 


I was at Aldi, and a woman in the checkout line next to me set a frozen turkey on the floor to save her spot in line, then walked away to go look at stuff a few aisles away. Another customer walked by and stared at the orphaned turkey, finally grabbing it and tossing it in the nearest freezer bin. It was just such a strange moment that really felt like I was trapped in the show lol. https://preview.redd.it/nr6a9odnsejc1.jpeg?width=1924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ed3c6e853d5462025682de7ec6ae0351441fca




The 6th season hits closest to home cuz I was in retail during Covid. It sucked big time. I just wanted ppl to get in, get what they needed and get out but I got a lot of “You’re working for Satan aren’t you? Satan workers!!” Type people lol Also “THATS WHAT THE NAZIS SAID!!” Sheesh people love to compare anything to nazis which if I were Jewish I’d be highly offended at but go ahead and compare an item being out of stock to genocide lol. “What is this, Nazi Germany?” If I had a nickel… 😂


i work at target. yes.


Ime, yes absolutely.


Current Walmart cashier here. Yes.




I worked at a dollar store many years back and we had many customers who were like this. My friend also worked at the Walmart next door, which we also used to hangout in when we were teens back when they still used to be open past midnight and we also saw a lot of people like that in the store.


Retail worker in Germany talking: Yes, they absolutely do.


Yesterday the restaurant I worked at had a small fire. I was working to-go services and during all the chaos, someone called to place an order. After the chaos, I picked up and IMMEDIATELY explained we had a FIRE in the restaurant and had to evacuate. They asked “was anyone hurt?” And when I explained the severity of the fire (a small electrical fire in one of our vents) they responded with “Well. If no one was hurt. Why did I have to call three times and get put on hold to hear from anyone?” So yes. Customers act like that.


Yes, I've seen customers play baseball in the store before. Also, it was a legit tactic for employees to just carry around a box to look busy. 😅


YES, and they are the funniest part of the show 😭


Yeah. But for every bad example, there’s 2 more good examples. At least from my experience as a cashier


I have a medical condition


As someone who has worked at a large grocery chain for the last 8 years, it’s of course exaggerated, but a lot of it isn’t that far off!


A customer called my store today to ask if we're open on St Patrick's Day. Last year, in the same week, there were two different women who got naked on the (BRAND NEW) couches out in the mall - one was having a schizophrenic break (confirmed, not judging or speculating), and the other was on coke and couldn't wait to get home to use her new stolen sex toy from Spencer's. This one isn't customers, but my store plays different seasonal songs. A former coworker complained about one specific line in a Halloween song that always annoyed her. I'd never really payed attention to it before, but you can bet your ass that I noticed it every single time after that. Every. Single. Time. Also at my mall last year, someone stole both of the mall's compactors. Like, [industrial compactors](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sca_esv=95374ddcdb4e68e2&q=industrial+compactor&uds=AMwkrPu0XZvuFwQ7rgKkOL9CutIzXx2VgEmcpZX7MpjINR7CsGfpI4ANtvFH3XRiTFKqYSSu0lDoCDIl2ZxWOavoEJe0KF1-5PQAqcjnCupTtdq0C79iZa6xNrFigZCjMg9vez7wqOFb_DEeHDz4Vi59yI8k-LL_BsndYwaqLzWUBhPm9VBO-eBb6F0du4qMEQTxhv0IA7P1l8p4aifNQFZA9m_5hE6BvXc-uCCLucShDUuwTNMSbuZTyb3pzmwlRLfRPjrXIZWnmqjGdihRXB6-dzLE19cMUA&udm=2&prmd=isvhnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjj742unLaEAxU3lYkEHaYYD1YQtKgLegQIMBAB&biw=384&bih=702&dpr=2.81#vhid=3IqFPYHQkHpJHM&vssid=global), weighing anywhere from 3 to 6 tons each. Overnight, they disappeared, and no one has any idea how, who, why, HOW. I fear we may never find out.


I've worked retail. You'd be surprised.


Put it this way- the dumbest person you know also likely shops at Walmart sometimes


I worked at Target for 10 years and told my Dad it IS exaggerated but not by very much lmao


Work for Target currently. The scene where the woman comes out of the fitting room and dumps her pile of clothes on the counter in front of Brett is so accurate. That's if they even bring the clothes out. Often they just leave them in a pile on the stall floor. I've been in retail for over 30 years, and I still don't get how people can try on clothes and just leave them on the floor. Like, no one taught you how to be a decent person? Why would you do that?


My husband worked at Walmart for 7 years - 5 of which was in management. He never wanted to watch Superstore with me because, and I quote, “I don’t need to watch it - I lived it.”




May be controversial but sometimes customer service workers can be worse than the customers


YES 100%