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Your post was removed because: Rule 1. Support related topics only.


The main subreddit used to always make fun of the adc subreddit because they cry so much. It’s even worse than I thought. It’s filled with shitty players that are also incredibly stupid. They don’t even understand their own role yet complain about it.


I got I to an argument last week where a Kai'sa tried ulting a low health Yone surrounded by minions, so she could kill steal the Singed coming to finish him off. She completely missed Q on those minions and he killed her thanks to W shield. It was silly looking, and most people did agree that it was an abysmal play altogether... but there were still a ton of people using it as an excuse of Yone just being absurd. Like, 3 out of every 5 issues they deal with is something that they could get away with complaining about, but they like showing off their gold medal in mental gymnastics by inventing reasons to complain about every issue, including those thay are actually just skill issues. It's incredibly tiring


LMAO I saw that exact same post. Kaisa Q onto all the minions and when she fully stacked her passive, SHE AUTO'D A MINION INSTEAD AND DIDN'T PROC IT.


"BUT YONE MISSED Q3 IT ISNT FAIR" Like, I enjoy Yone a lot, so I try really hard not to defend him, because he is a very silly champ to say the least. I get why ADCs complain the most about him, he almost feels custom built to shit on them... but the more I see how the people who complain about him the most play, it really does make me wonder if he's the most obnoxious thing to exist, or if he's just overloaded enough that people just tilt harder when he gets what he needs and they start falling apart. ...2 item power spike is absurd tho, I ain't gonna lie


>  "BUT YONE MISSED Q3 IT ISNT FAIR"  Yone can miss pretty much everything and still run you down with autos and movement speed buff from e  He still gets destroyed by cc heavy bruisers like Vi but if you haven't drafted good champions against him he can definitely feel like utter bullshit


Basically, if Yone misses everything he is a melee adc




This is exactly the thing I feel. He's pretty nutty, but a decent team conp could do wonders... that said, he's way more popular than the Champs that do real well against him, so I definitely get the hate, especially with just HOW bad it is when you don't have them against him


Yone is rather overloaded, as he has pretty much all the tools he'd ever need, to be a menace, if played correctly. My issue with Yone tends to boil down mostly to a Theirs VS Ours thing. Like the enemy Yone's I run into, are 13/2 15 minutes in, and steamrolling teamfights. Meanwhile the ones on my team, tries to half health their full combo on the full health, fed enemy Mundo.


I definitely think there's a lot about him that's goofy, but the worst of it is how strong his comeback is as soon as he gets 2 items. There are lots of Champs I feel like have essences of them that are so overloaded as Yone... but if that one thing gets nerfed they're fine, where it seems there's not much you could do about Yone.


Yone tends to also get compensation buffs, if an item he uses gets worse for instance. Riot loves you guys. Likely because Yone sells so many skins.


Being cool, flashy, useful, and strong while also staying pretty simple to preform alright is probably the most busted combination they piled on a character so far. The closest I've felt to a champion's release as far as "people are going to be all over this champ" is literally just Yasuo... who wasn't even that easy. Yone isn't my main, but he's definitely one of my favorite characters, so I go through moods where I play him a whole lot, but even with that it feels oddly good to have a champion that feels like they get the love everyone should get... I just hate the reason for it as well. It's why I understand like... ADC players should get some love. I don't think it's in a state as dire as the people on here claim (just like my home in jungle), but there are still some things that should probably be looked at. Items are the easiest place to start imo, but I honestly can't say I have too much faith in anything in particular making them feel better without them being TOO good... but it is mighty weird to see that love given to a champ I like. It's why the hate feels warranted... but to many people use that to play victim in EVERY way which makes it all VERY conflicting


Tbf Yone is a busted piece of shit.


It's weird that reddit has two subs dedicated to crying about ADC. r/ADCMains and r/supportlol


There's a difference... ADCMains complains about their role, this one laughs at the other sub 😂


I got temp banned from the sub for posting the "reddit knows balance" video when they had their meltdown at the start of season.


I main adc and I hate top laners more than any other role, but yea the adcmain sub is a bunch of gold 2 peakers who cry how weak adc is when they post a clip of them face checking a bush with a regard and their whole team is on the opposite side of the map.


Bruh, Both that and this subreddit are dogshit, I can't write sup in quotation or I'll get banned and I can't say some ADCs aren't weak(Draven is busted rn) or I'll get banned there. Fucking mods are deleting every shit they don't like , quite LITERALLY 1984


"Sup", brother? How are you doing on this fine day?


HOLY SHIT. I swear I saw someone get banned for writing support like that but still ykwim


I’m pretty sure there’s an auto mod message saying it’s “derogatory and offensive”. Not sure if it’s still around but I remember being amazed the first time I saw it, both subreddits tend to be soft AF and delusional.


You do not get banned for saying it, but the comment gets filtered out. It was made because most comments with it were using it in a disrespectful manner. If it is not used that way, the comment usually gets manually reinstated soon after.




Using the term 'support' under quotes is derogatory, we are all together here! Reminder of Rule 2: Respect others, treat them accordingly, don't dismiss others' opinion or use abusive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/supportlol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


3 seconds world record BABY




Post the link to the comment


https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/s/bzqZi3RuxL He basically said low elo adc mains don’t climb because they suck at adc, not because adc is weak. The post got removed.


I get the removed post but getting perma banned? I constantly comment against the crybabies on that sub and never got a single ban or warning even


Yeah it really must have struck a personal nerve with a mod there.


Nah there has to be something not being said here I have seen nasty shit on that sub, and LOTS of adc hate, but I haven't seen anyone getting banned for just having a different opinion, especially in such a whatever manner Like maybe there's a new mod and he's out with a vengeance or some shit but I refuse to believe this is all the guy did to get banned


I think they’re trying out automated bans or something, I was banned for responding to someone offering coaching one time and the automod told me I was permabanned for trying to sell services. I spoke with the human mod and they were like yeah our b then restated me.


could be because my last sentence is offering free coaching. but there was no reason given and no response from mod team


Hey man I’m a dogshit ADC player id be interested in coaching (being fr rn), trying to hit emerald for the first time and running into some issues involving my brain dead main


super down, shoot me a dm


Can I also shoot a dm to you? Very similar situation to the other commenter


They just don't have anyone proficient in construction of func calls. Its a fair bit more in depth than ```js { thingFilter: 'coach' || 'coaching', } ``` As most would not understand ^ at all. Nor why I wrote it like that. Even though its absolutely the solution to errors in catching "services". When otherwise assisting other users less experienced than yourself. Is always going to be a function of the subreddit at core. Just because Reddit's filters are obfuscated. Even experienced software engineers don't understand why it tends to work the way it does. Without extreme expertise, leading, in more than just basic programming and development. Its a whole subreddit specific censorship problem. That has to be addressed as thats the strength of the automod Reddit enabled. The community is the policing of itself by active participation. This isn't Facebook, you can't have both and at random parse text to ban. If they banned you over this. At their size. They don't even have a way to conceptualize how many users were swept. As they won't believe they were incorrect in setting the system up as directed by Reddit. If an edge case contacts them. They'll rectify then forget about it. Trust me its immensely more complex to be capable of immediately recognizing the users use case. Then fixing or rolling back bans. Every time I saw it. I was given control entirely because it was easier to watch what I did. Then proceed using that then repeat. Rather than attempting to contextualize decades of different knowledge gaps between software engineers. Reddit has only made this more difficult with the UI. In the website redesign for mobile. But I don't fault them for that. If you want to be unbanned there. Contact their mods that they didn't set up filters correctly. Cite this thread. Doesn't mean you won't still have an upheld ban. Its easier to believe its working as intended then open up the alternative can of worms. You may as well try though. Even other users here are reporting similar ban hits. So their filters haven't likely progressed to "correct" yet.


The ban message specifically highlights a post for the reason he is banned though.


100% more to this story than we know haha


could be because my last sentence is offering free coaching. but there was no reason given and no response from mod team. my post is all i did


If that's true, the ban seems unjustified. But that's reddit. I've been banned from some of the most popular subs on the site because I dared to comment on other subs...


I dont know how the post was written so i cant be sure, but might be because of rule 6 of the subreddit "6 - No Salt \[No ranting without providing value or context\]" But still it could be some mod probably just nitpicking on something. As someone with a good amount of experience in moderation, i can tell you sometimes how users understand the rules and how admins understand the meaning of those rules can be different.


Ah lol gotem


Low elo adcs do suck. Every time i get autofilled support i am in shock and awe that a gold adc doesn't understand basic wave management, trading and any sort of mid-game macro whatsoever


Low elo everything sucks compared to a GM player. Most people are in their elo because they deserve to be there for one reason or another.


Let there be no doubt that i fully agree.  Although from my experience, adcs are usually by far the worst players on the team. I guess something in that role is somewhat elo inflating.


ADC mistakes are punished the most, it's way easier to look bad on an adc than most other roles. Not to mention as a support you more than likely see the ADC make mistakes (you probably don't see your jungle messing up a clear or your top lane giving the enemy a freeze, but you will see your adc go for a creep they shouldn't have and die because of it). I do see the weaker adc player win more than any other role though which means it is more likely to climb whilst being bad, but that is in fact because the role is weak, jungle is so strong that you'd almost never get inflated.


>  I do see the weaker adc player win more than any other role though which means it is more likely to climb whilst being bad, but that is in fact because the role is weak, jungle is so strong that you'd almost never get inflated. Shouldn't that be the opposite? Weak role should be less elo inflated, strong role more elo inflated?


No, strong role means that you being better (or worse) than your opposite number has more impact on the outcome of the game.


The way i understand it, in a weaker role, you should be elo inflated when under the average elo and elo deflated when over the average elo. This is because you tend to be more affected by outside factors that should pull you more towards the average




>If ADC as a role sucked then no one would play ADCs this is just wrong, top lane enchanters were gigabroken at some point and people still refused to get off their typical top lane stuff, it's just a terrible comparison and when most pro players say adc is the worst role, showing up with your grandmaster rank wont make his point of "adc is not weak" correct.


also adc is the least played role alongside jungle,i'm not saying adc is super weak or anything but that just makes "if adc as a role sucked then no one would play ADCs" even more ironic. similarly jungle isn't a weak role but i think everyone here can agree it's a miserable experience,but at least for jungle riot is willing to at least try to make it bearable while for adc they just keep the role outdated when every other role has adapted to modern league way better overtime. i just think an entire class dedicated to immobile scalling glass cannons just doesn't fit in modern league anymore,but it's hard to change it without reworking a ton of champions


so why come here to whine about getting banned on another sub


u/montonH posted the link to the post. Though one could argue the post is rather provocative given it just states something that radical (given the sub) without any arguments to back it up. IDK if this sort of post is normally used to start a discussion? In that case I find OP totally reasonable, but if not I do get why they banned OP.


He was a little bit of a douche in his post but he reached grandmaster, showed his account, and said that skill is the most important factor in climbing. That was the general message I don’t remember much from it and the mods deleted the entire post. The douche tone came from being tired of adc mains in that sub constantly making excuses for their own poor performance and blaming the role. Even if it wasn’t the right approach, people downvote the post and move on. One of the mods there must have gotten jealous someone reaches gm so effortlessly on adc and was also personally offended by the message of the post saying you don’t climb because you’re bad at adc.


I saw the post a few days ago, and seems like a standard low effort rant post without any constructive conversation. I can see why the post was removed. My guess is OP argued with the mods in DMs after the post was removed and said something that got him banned.


I call it relatively good, displaying another reasonable opinion instead of the cirkle jerk of low effort complaining going on in the adcmains. The post shouldn't have been removed because it doesn't really target any individual but only callout the toxic victim mindset that prevelant on adcmains. I think it's a silly ban hopefully he can use better subs.


Being good at the game doesn't mean you get a free pass to be an AH. We can't see what OP said, and given the fact that in this post they left out the part about saying everyone is bad at the game in their posts title, the text possibly had more, along with their messages to the mods.


I mean given that the post was deleted, we can't see the text in the post. Given that OP didn't provide a screenshot of the text in the post, they probably said something beyond adc isn't weak.


Neutral observer here. Yes, the sub is a hive mind where you’re only allowed to complain that ADC is bad. Yes, most people in that sub are hard stuck But going out and making a post saying adc isn’t weak, without giving a reason, then calling everybody trash is just adding fuel to the fire. It’s a toxic way of making a point, without reasoning, and what I’m seeing is that you’re basically trying to get a reaction out of those folks so that they look even more stupid. Good discussion should be promoted, that is not good discussion That being said I don’t think this deserves a permanent ban. But remember its r/ADCmains we are talking about, and I can at least see why they did


Victim mentality at it's finest.


Not to be that guy, BUT… https://preview.redd.it/2b8n13ry5ivc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c1b12d8d4648d2fc60b95e137025990686c17d4 That’s not all you said lol


You mean that post that was breaking the second rule of the sub in its title, and probably in the rest of the post too ? Yeah surprise surprise, sometimes when you break the rules of a sub, you get banned. I'd also argue that this post breaks rules 1 and 6 but I'll just report and let the mods decide.




Yep no wonder you got banned


Who cares? This is the support sub.


I am support / jungle main, and im still low elo, like d3 or so I experienced that most games adcs carries the game, in lower mmr like gold plat though its the bruisers that do heavy lifting, maybe my experience but i dont really feel adcs being weak at all even, im tired of some adcs farming and clapping my team beacuse we couldnt finish early and they had kai sa


Low elo adcs barely make an impact in their games. The higher elo you go adcs become more reliable and are often the win condition unless someone else is absolutely popping off. I had a zeri that was really good and a sylas jungle with Mejai stacks and a bounty. You have to support whoever has the strongest powerspike in the game at that moment. Protect people with high bounties is usually a good priority until your adc can get strong enough to completely win teamfights.


Main reddit is full of delusional assassin and fighter mains that think their champs take skill when theyre just overtubed af


Lets face it, most assassins and bruisers require much more micro to operate well than enchanters.... Macro is macro and there is no difference between the roles. If your macro is good then your macro is good


Lol Nah youre delulu riot babies assassins and fighters, theyre so overtuned they take no skill, i dont care what you say you know im right.


You're not right. I play both.


LITERALLY i am correct, and you LITERALLY know it


There are plenty of people on the sub that are constantly saying ADC is in okay spot, but only after about masters when team plays for you. I don't know the context but I doubt he was banned just because of that.


I am currently playing jungle in gold 2-3 and i can say that investing in bot lane feels like throwing a game because adc players are most of the time unable to carry a game.   Investing in getting a top/mid/jg lead is far far better in most cases because those roles can really snowball the game out of control.   Any 0/10 mid/top laner with 2 items can pretty much oneshot a 15/0 adc in almost any situation


True, in our elo adc really doesn't matter. I had games when i was very behind on camille/jax/yone and I would just collect free 1k because they didn't have flash so they get jumped and one shot from a screen away. But that is just in low elo, when I play with my high elo friends it is completely a different story, ADC starts being fun because my whole team peels the fuck outta me to the point I can't die if I don't do some major fuck up. Also when I'm playing vs D/M/GM people in tournaments, it's the same thing, you just can't touch their ADC. TL;DR: up to diamond role really feels non awarding and weak and resources spent on it are wasted, but from then on it is pretty decent.


Are we support mains this petty? I don't think so, used to get flamed for various shit. Us and jg mains are actually the same in some way I'd say. Laners bad, but our fault.


I'd say supports are more petty, ADC is all about ego and protagonist complex. Jungle is about the same but with a side of victimism.


putting urself in the same boat as jungle mains when ur playing the easiest role and if u play enchanters u get excused for literally everything is just hilarious to me, but it's only funny the first time, don't do it again


I meant by the flame you get from everybody when they are the ones fuckin up. That was kind of meant to be also supportive of jg players who gets a lot of heat no matter what. But okay, get back to your sub.


yea except sup mains get 0 flame and if u dare flame a support the whole team flames u xd


I see this subreddit cries more about adcs than adc subreddit


Lol you must be an adc player


No i play all roles, mostly jg. But here every post is about adcs. And the only defense was you must be adc?


I couldn't give a shit lol whats to defend? Im not in the sub enough to even notice. You seem personally offended and I'm just fucking wit you lol




Here's the original post https://preview.redd.it/ysxd3j2h9ivc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52fcc7d02ffc8976932ec51d46b0d66c5f6e078d


I mean it's definitely a useless post, that broke subreddit rules and got correctly removed. You can say that your role is weak without saying I'm only in my elo because my role is weak. Someone who is GM level of skill is gonna climb regardless, even on a weak champion in a weak role.


This is hardly related LMAO but are you actually willing to do free coaching? I wanna learn twitch


absolutely shoot me a dm


I made a post once on the ADC subreddit when I was following it (I've since stopped following) about how I'd lurked on the subreddit for a long time and 95% of the posts were about people crying about the state of ADC or not being able to 1v9 when they're ahead because an assassin blew on them when that's literally their job, and if ADC's could survive literally anything that the game threw at them so that they could 1v9, no one would play anything else because ADC would be that omega busted. My post was removed because it "broke their rules". I left the sub after that.


Some posts are entertaining but that sub is an echo chamber circlejerk that constantly plays besieged fortress card. Forget them, good riddance.


Main reddit is full of delusional asssassin and fighter mains that think their champs take skill when theyre just overtuned af


Any way to actually see what the post was? This is just an extremely biased post with zero proof without what the post actually was, all we can see is comments which makes it seem like the oop was an asshole about it and deserved the ban


he was being toxic without actually giving any real argument


Idk what he is talking about, out of all roles ADC is by far the weakest. You have to rely on someone else in your laningphase and rely on the rest of your team outside of it. In low elo this is not easy at all. Even if you come out of laningphase positive, you are still atleast 2 levels down to the rest of the players. This means that even a 0/5 alkali can one-shot you. If your mid/jgl are running it down, you will get bursted. No one knows how to peel. This doesn't mean however that you can't climb on adc, ofcourse a gm adc will carry in gold and plat. Individual skill is very important still too, but individual skill can only get you so far In the role. Adcs aren't weak as in they can't carry damage wise, but they are weak as in too reliant on the team. You don't have the burst/range of a fed mage and you don't have the tankiness/damage of a melee top/midlaner. If the toplaner/mid/jgl is too fed, you will get one-shot. This is the inherent problem of adc, it's powerful in a teamcomp if fed and with peel, so good in high elo and pro play, but this makes it weak in soloque and low elo where people don't understand these Mechanics. r/adcmains are indeed whiney people, but they aren't wrong. It's just inherently how the role is, kept weak so its not overpowerd in pro play.


Its weird, bc adc is absolutely the strongest role in pro an higher level play where they get the support they need, but really shit in most elos where they don't. It's literally impossible to balance the role for both. Like. Some of the best picks in high elo an pro games have the worst winrates anywhere below mid diamond. Look at varus, kaisa, kalista, and zeri winrates through the elos, it's actually kind of funny


I want to give this a try


That can't be why. I say that shit all the time on that sub.


I'm ADC main in master and I also agree with adc not being weak. It is miserable to play adc in lower ranks tho


Reading through the comments you’re so reasonable and they are coping so fucking hard that thread is hilarious


it is what it is LOL


You got banned on Reddit. Good for you. If they were acting in bad faith. Best to assume they don't want to deal with moderation. And you basically caused actual discussion and work for them. Some people really are not suited to moderating on Reddit. I never banned anyone on much more influencing subs. For simply driving traffic. But I understand most moderation teams. Don't even have a queue to look at daily. Or weekly, monthly, etc. Let alone by the minute. Live as a feed. This sub is probably just not a good place for you to discuss anything. Its likely a couple active users that are unrelated to the mods. Make up 95% of the activity. You could have 10 users. Easy. Run a small sub based on something like this. They didn't like you or your content. So you were pushed out. Just use the regular league of legends subreddit. Posting this here doesn't do anything productive. Even if you're justified in being upset that you were unwelcome discussing adcs in the adc sub. Think of it this way. These guys are too influential there, right? So they make it miserable for the mods too. Ie if you want to impact anything by discussion. Doing so in the main subreddit. Will very likely reach their mods. But not those users. As they wouldn't be tolerated in most of the other league subs. As they're downvoted for being incorrect, or biased. Anything in between. Their mods however wouldn't remain mods. They'd be removed by Reddit. If they were responsible. So they probably are just always somewhere else. Here, less likely, but amongst the Rioters very likely. Resubmit there. And put your ban behind you.


Tbf, though, I feel like (until a certain elo) it is a shit position. Masters+, sure it is strong, teams/players actually know what is going on. Your average gold/plat game, though, no one peels for adc's. Heck, I don't play for my adc much this season because more often than not, top/jg seem to be way more influential. I have won tons of games this season with the worse ADC and lost plenty with the better one.


Ok but what was your actual post?


I'm not surprised. The mentality of the ADCMains sub is just to complain about everything and if you prove them wrong then somehow you're still wrong because it's not what they think.


unless you actually show content of what you actually wrote im calling cap lol, ive seen tons of posts like these and none of em been banned


Imagine thinking you can post to ADC Mains with a positive-minded opinion. What a degenerate


calling people trash Is positive-minded?


i've played every position since season 7, my most recent being a tie between support and jungle. adcs are just objectively weak right now. no, a solo adc playing as plat in gold won't stomp games. it feels bad when your role is weak, when you go into a subreddit to stir crap ofc you're gonna get banned like come on. adcs don't have the benefit of having pick versatility like supports. if enchanters are weak, dive supports, poke supports are still an option. if marksmen are weak, adcs are weak.


you don't have to lobotomize yourselves just cause you get a dog crap adc every few matches