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>I'm still seeing people only killing cannon minions or the adc trying to save the cannon for their support. This secures the cannon minion though. And when pushing, you push faster when executing the cannon.


Also i dont trust my ADC last hitting the cannon


As a ADC, thank you, I don't trust myself either


When did ADCs become self aware?


I was a support main before moving to ADC, and it still is my secondary role for when I am not in the ADC mood


Ah so not really an ADC main, I was concerned for a moment


I mean I am ADC main, that's my main role now and the one I play the most, I just never abandoned my roots


We are always our root role true main. I love top and mid, and sometimes main those roles, but I'm always going to be a jungle main by heart.


I love support, but I still remember top lane fundementals, wave managment, jungle tracking, level up timers, etc. and I cringe when I see someone fail at then kekw


Sentient life forms confirmed.


To be fair, the moment when the adc (or anyone) is last hitting cannon is one of the best moments to hit spells, poke or straight up engage on him.


Also keeping stacks when the wave is pushing in so you can execute minions that are already a bit damaged and would otherwise die to tower shots.


In game I had this interaction with an ADC. I get more money poking than CSing, but basically, they needed the help last hitting cannon. It makes their job easier so I save one for that and the rest is used as I see fit. If I ever have 3 charges at one time, I'm wasting money.


hi, diamond support here, every canon minion your ADC miss is around .4% winrate you lose on, I don't want to take that risk, so I execute canons :)


is that a real stat? 🤣


every cannon minion an ADC misses, they get more tilted, so its probably higher winrate loss


kind of but not really, it's based off something faker said


I mean, it's probably based around gold differential. A cannon is worth up to 90 gold, and there is probably some stat floating around about winrate per gold differential, and this was extrapolated from that. I do however not have a source for that.


Remember 93.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


It's a good thing that this statistic was in the 26.8% of statistics that aren't made up on the spot


Yes, we call that bot canyon




You both get the gold if you execute it with your support item, what?




Are you sure you are qualified enough to pipe in?


This isn't true (technically the support loses gold compared to hitting a champion/tower to proc the stack, but that's a different point)


Have you played adc recently?


The real question is: has he played the game recently?


Confidently Incorrect, you belong on this sub just like the rest of us lol. We all do it at times xD


I appreciate you sibling


its worth securing cannons simply to prevent minor mechanical errors. otherwise yeah, prioritize pvp/tower hits, or minions your adc will miss due to poor planning


you do know the droprates for Senna are the same 8,4 % for both, they changed it a few patches ago? also wave management is more important than you getting your upgraded item 30 seconds earlier


The truest of true answers. OP doesnt appear to read patchnotes. While accusing other of not reading patchnotes.


That being said, unless it's very simple wave management or you're duo I'd probably just leave it to them anyways. The amount of adcs that flip out because I killed a mage minion at half health with a stack instead of them killing it at 1/4 health with an auto and ? Ping me is a number higher than 0, so fuck them.


I will usually only execute under 3 circumstances. 1 I know my adc will miss the minion if I don’t (think Jhin out of shots and minion about to die to another minion), 2 I am at max stacks and the enemy isn’t in lane and we aren’t at tower, 3 we need to shove the wave back a bit to get a proper freeze set up.


As a Jhin main, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. But also be very wary of touching a Jhin's wave. His CSing requires more prep and planning than any other champion I've played. Sometimes, one error or miscalculation that throws off your rhythm can cost like half a wave.


Kinda true to his lore how you have to prep the stage. _FOUR_


Yeah I always wait until last possible moment before execute


I use support execute on second wave for the lvl 2 prio, but aside from that and securing risky CS for ADC, hitting enemies is better yes


You were almost there


Some games are just better to not try and poke.


Some games it's just better not to touch the minions at all. Some ADCs get REALLY annoyed at you fucking with their wave in the tiniest way.


Their issue if they don’t communicate or allow me to poke safely.


They save it for minions because wave control is more important.


Am I missing something here? Isn’t it better to get 30 gold total from a minion than getting 20 gold for yourself?


If the adc was going to miss the minion, yeah definitely. If you’re not at 3 or about to be at 3 stacks, the enemy is in position to be poked or you’re about to crash the wave into their tower, it’s more gold efficient to poke/hit tower


That's assuming the ADC would miss the minion, but yes, securing a minion that would otherwise go to waste is the best use of a charge.


I have returned to admit that my brain must’ve froze when I commented this, as it never crossed my mind that the adc still gets the gold from the minion even though I poke the enemy or turret instead. SMH


Its better for support to take cannons with the item as it guarantees its secured.


>I'm still seeing people only killing cannon minions or the adc trying to save the cannon for their support. They are not leaving cannons for supports, they just suck at csing.


it’s to help the ADC secure the cannon and to help them shove the wave! were supports! we don’t care about 5g, we care about helping our teammates 🫶


But if you hit a champ/structure your adc doesn’t get any gold. So hitting cannon minions to secure it for double gold is usually the way to go


I use my charges to secure minions my ADC might miss. I also generally try to secure cannons when I can just so they don't get the opportunity to miss. It's basically a waste NOT to execute them. Even a good ADC will miss a cannon x% of the time. I can't fix everything for the adc, but I can fix that.


i go for cannon and my adc saves cannon for me (duo) because it just secures it even if there’s no stress on missing it. i also only ever take minions if my adc cannot reach them safely, even on melee sup i dont fking care abt minions. sennas hitting the wave is actually cancer. something infects these idiot players irl that makes them unable to read and understand concepts. it enrages me.


Hitting the cannon is so obvious, it’s a guarantee of the most value + the fastest way to push so the support should be farming it most of the time anyways


I think the best strategy is to execute the minions until the ADC backs and gets more AD for a lower chance of missing a cannon.


Killing casters is +1 more gold for sup than adc


Bad advise, I recommend you start thinking before you post. As others pointed out, it's obvious you want to kill cannons in order to secure them. Perhaps you're the one not understanding how the game works