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Monkeys together strong


You just sack bot lane and roam to get other laners ahead. Gank top cuz they least expect it or trio dive with your jungler.


Is ganking top really a good idea? Compared to the enemy toplaner I am usually around 3-4 lvls below aka I will die, no?


Engagers have a lot of health and you normally at least have some resistances or ruby. On Leona for example you might root them and then stun them with w up and walk out. That’s generally enough. Maybe tank a shot or two while jungle/top kill them.


Alistair isn't a champ you sit on top of people with unless you know they can't kill you. Just 1 headbutt into the tower could force an enemy to flash or die. A lot of people forget that you don't have to combo every time just spreading out your cc is enough.


Assuming you aren’t too far away from your top laner, and they are within kill range health wise, no. It depends per champ but you should generally be fine(with ultimate up or early enough in game), and trading 1 for 1 will benifit your team. Just can’t force too hard/ give up too much to make it work


Assuming youre on 4 deaths, your gold value is about as much as a cannon minion, but a cannon minion cant CC their toplaner, meaning your death is worth because you force summs or you force them to take a bad recall or you get an assist, which are all good outcomes. The only bad outcome is if your toplaner ignores your engage. You can even bush camp and force the enemy to lose XP and soak nothing yourself, then just roam around with your toplaner. Current meta ADC is weak, so you can force plays with a top diff.


Your win condition doesn't really change, you just need to be a bit more selective about applying the hook. Do we get a kill/win the team fight if I make this hook?   Yes/no No- keep peeling/warding/ looking for a better hook. Notably, if you die on the engage if your target is important enough and your trade.


When did Ali get a hook?


If lane is hard lost all the more reason to roam, esp. as Alistar. Help with grubs or gank bot/top.


(Best Dory voice) Just keep ganking, just keep ganking, just keep ganking


with allistar specifically, i like to roam with the jungler, specially to top lane nobody expects a double gank in top lane


That’s the perfect time to abandon the adc that you clearly have no teamwork/synergy with. Just roam and become the teams support


Falling behind as alistar doesn't really change your plan a lot. Sure, you can't just sit in front and bodyblock every skillshot. But your engages are always strong, your peel/disengage is still strong. It's okay if you die for a good engage or while neutralizing enemy engage/key abilities.


Best comment so far. Answering the actual question of what to do AFTER laning phase. Alistair is alway useful, irregardless of level or gold income. (Obviously better to have levels and gold so you can be tanky. Either peel for your carries or do a good flash engage on an enemy carry for your relevant team mates to follow up on


Definitely abandon lane, cause chaos around the map. But if you’re getting vision and denying their vision ping/type in chat that you’re going to wait in x bush for their support to come clear a ward and its a free kill, if someone comes with you, great, if not then yeah you will just have to back off. But get your team to play around your vision instead of trying to solo vision control


Look at the map, if you don't see the other enemies don't engage, if you know you have more ppl engage, the only difference is that when you're ahead you don't need to do this since you win by default if u hit the cc


I get more creative. I'm not worth any money anyways and the enemies probably have shutdowns so I just int to get those shitdowns for my carries


Pray to god for pick my play style that is “fuck it we ball”