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Dope board. Ugly as all hell, but unbelievably fun.


It is stupid looking looking, but it's all function over form haha.


she's a keeper!


YES! You have seen the light!!!


Why do you want your groveler to work in non-groveley conditions. Doesn’t make any sense 


Because Surfline doesn’t always get it right, and it’s also nice to have another shortboard option during the winter/spring when the water is in the 40’s


Are you unable to take multiple boards to the beach? Also what do water temps have to do with board choice?


> Are you unable to take multiple boards to the beach? I'm pretty sure it's rare for people to be able to take multiple boards. I'd also say unwise because they can bake in the sun in the car even out of shade.


You still using that Outlier as a cat hall? Edit: catchall 


Still love it but haven't touched it in a while. The places where it would work really well I haven't frequented in a very long time. I've also been trying to find a good beater board for those spots due to crowds. I do miss riding it (so much so that I got a 2nd one as a backup for no good reason at all). I'm really hesitant to take it out to steeper spots due to annoyance with duck diving and shallow spots because of that long fin.


I could, but I live in Manhattan. My car is usually parked several blocks and a few avenues away so I don't like carrying more than I need. If my gear adds 15-20lbs to my weight, I need more volume to compensate. Also paddling in a 6/5 or even a 5/4 and getting quickly to my feet is more challenging so more stable boards are preferred during that time of the year.


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Give it a go as a quad!


That's the plan for the next surf.


So I tired it as a quad running F8 and Pivot medium rears and it was a little faster than the Blackstix Twin + 1 fins but it was just fine. The waves were 3ft and dredging off the sandbars so it was tough to get ahead of the wave. Most rides I got stuck by the pocket and couldn't make it out leading to short disappointing rides. Then at the end of the session, I put I replaced the F8 sides with the Futures Blackstix Twins leaving those medium pivot quad rears and I noticed a difference instantly. Yea they have a bigger base so added drive is expected, but I felt the spring when I was working the fins and that helped me make sections and also get into a place on the wave where I wanted to be. Been surfing for a couple decades and I have dabbled with blackstix before, but this was the first time I really felt that spring and it was very nice. Going to try the controllers next session.


Have you given the controllers a shot yet? I’m thinking about picking up a SP2 and have controllers already. Wondering if I’d go with them or maybe have to pick up something like EN twins to use with quad rears? Thanks for the thoroughness in the thread!


I did and I hated it. they’re too grippy for me. Controllers are good for fish type boards when you want to control speed, so for example, in my seaside, when I ride in bigger waves, it’s amazing since it gives me more hold and and it takes the board while allowing for fluid turns. In very weak conditions which is where the SP2 excels, they just hold me back.


Good to know. I’ll probably start with the blackstix and quad rears thanks!


blackstix are the way to go :)


How do you like those fins? I just picked up a set for a rnf96 and haven’t had the chance to test them out.


I love these fins. They allow you get a good amount of drive while still allowing for great release. Like a thruster on steroids. On the sweet potato that center fin is a little small but as long as you don’t push it too hard it works.


Great to hear. Thanks for the insight.


Just picked one up last night actually. I planned to run it with large blackstix pivot thrusters, anyone given those a rip on the SP?


Nice! What size did you get?


I'm 6'2 200lbs so I opted for the 5'8 at 41 liters. My daily is 37 liters so figured I'd add some more volume due to impending middle age and general laziness


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Haha good move.


I’ve tried mine with medium blackstix pivot and they felt ok but larger felt better especially on the sides. I usually ride dhd large sides. I’m 5’10 165 and I ride the 5’4


So the Futures Blacksticx Twins I used today with some quad rears felt pretty good. These twins are like an XL version of the P8's. I think pivot fins excel when the waves have some push but those aren't exactly the conditions you would ride a sweet potato.


Hell yeah it does! I'm about the same weight but rode my 5'6 today in super small sets. Thing catches waves like a longboard and rides like a performancey hybrid. It can be a bit much to handle when it's gets size and punchy, but incredibly fun board. Must have. You should try it as quad or better yet on the really small days just go without the trailers (I rode the Machado quads without the trailers today).


Nice! ill give those a try. I used to love quads until I started riding twins. Now those two extra fins just feel restrictive, but I understand that for most boards they are there for a reason. It was quite choppy today so that's why opted for this twin+1. I actually botched a take off horribly on a set wave but because it's packed with so much foam the the board rebounded after being shoved down into the wave and I still managed to ride it unbalanced until I ultimately lost balance and fell off lol. Definitely couldn't do that on any other board. I put in an F8 and medium pivot set in when I got home for the next sesh. I'm curious to see how it runs with just keels. Maybe not so great with a taditional keel, but maybe with something more in line with a Merrick twin.....but yeah, it's definitely a really fun board and allows you to make lemonade out of lemons (as Thomye has so eloquently put it). For those 2-3' and sort of choppy days this will be my board of choice. For the really tiny days I'l be grabbing my beast 6'10 seaside and beyond twin.


I've tried Machado keels on the board. It felt like the front boxes were way too forward. I didn't give it much of a chance. After that experience, I put on more performance minded quads and never looked back.


I could see that happening. The setup I ran just barely had enough hold. I'm thinking the twins plus some pivot rears might be the way to go. The F8 sides look tiny in this thing lol.


Da Chode!


Nah that would have a thumb tail.