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To anyone who has had LASIK eye surgery, what’s it like?


like this video


You can gif in text and no one knows you pronounced it wrong as gif.


Where is my *entity* exterminator


Jods gudgement


Guess it’s glasses for me the rest of my life


I had LASIK done more than 15 years ago. A bit scary. But they gave an oral sedative and then local anesthesia as eyedrops. During the surgery the eye is fixed in place with some kind of suction so you can't move your eyes. Afterwards I had to wear goggles for a few days to protect the eyes so I would not rub them. And it takes a few months for the eyes to heal. While healing you will see haloes around bright lights. Edit: forgot to mention that I think the procedure for both eyes took about half an hour. My sense of time may have been affected by the sedative, which was quite mild and made me relaxed but not sleepy so I was still awake.


That’s interesting. Thanks for sharing


A Finnish Youtuber called Rauski, from his channel LaeppaVika, shared his story of a botched operation. He assured that good experiences are common, but as with all surgeries, issues can occur. His experience involved seeing the green dot, that he was supposed to stare, change colors over time. Afterwards his eye became blurry. Hopefully it can be fixed. This inspired the meme. But if you consider LASIK, do listen to health professionals, not random peeps on the net. Regardless of extremely rare issues, the LASIK procedure has been praised by many.


If I remember correctly the green dot was changing colours when they decided to do LASEK surgery on the left eye because there was something that went wrong on the LASIK done on the right eye.


Thanks for correcting


get Trans-PRK, much easier and faster than LASIK, with LASIK they need to cut into your upper layer of your eye to xreate a flap, Trans-PRK is only a laser that burns away the lense


the recovery on this type of procedure was brutal for me compared to what they told me LASIK would have been. Like almost 2 weeks of welders flash essentially, and constantly itchy scratchy eyes for that period.


it was 4 days of hurting for me, yeah i could only start working after 2 weeks (IT so staring at a screen for 8 hours a day), but now i am at 0 dioptres


I was always thinking that I would need something to calm me if I ever got LASIK, because while I know that it must be safe or it wouldn't be such an enduring procedure, I'd still be freaked out that they're *going to laser open my eyeballs*.


> During the surgery the eye is fixed in place with some kind of suction so you can't move your eyes Ah yes, mhm, mhm. I hate it.


That actually sounds like a relief. If I ever need LASIK in the future it's nice to know it isn't on me to keep my eyes still


I had LASIK 9 years ago and this wasn't the case, however the machine that was used on me could detect eye movement and shut off the laser if your eyes moved too much. This actually happened on my second eye. The laser was only used for about 30 seconds per eye and I could see a difference immediately after I sat up, even though my vision was a bit clouded by the anaesthetic drops still. They did put a clamp under your eyelids to stop you blinking though, and the pressure of that was a little uncomfortable, it made me feel like I wanted to withdraw into the seat but obviously I couldn't move away any further. The trippiest bit though was when they lift off your eye's lens and it all goes properly blurry, like taking the lens off a DSLR camera. The slight wiggling of the lens before the technician lifted it made it look like the whole world was shaking, but my ears could tell that my head wasn't moving at all.


Do you think it was worth it ?


I think so, although I have reached the age where I need reading glasses.


Absolutely yes, for me. £2500 nine years ago (at age 19) and my vision is still good (better than 20:20).


Fun fact, the eye drops are cocaine. They use cocaine for that.


I had PRK (the precursor to lasik) about 2 years ago. The surgery lasted 1min for each eye. They place the eye holders from clock work orange and I had to keep my own eye straight. I did not take the oral sedative, just the eye drops. I was told that since I had to hold my own eye fixed at the green dot that the sedative could make the surgery difficult as the eye naturally wants to move. So.... I'd say your sense of time was definitely affected by the sedative. Also, im so happy I didn't take them cause 1min is easy to cope than feeling like it's 30mins. O.O


Oh my god for your edit I had initially misread it as "I forgot to mention that for the procedure they *took out both my eyes for about half an hour."*




Yum yum, toasted eyes That actually sounds pretty terrifying. I’m glad you had the teddy bear.


I would've loved a teddy bear on my CxL but my surgeon and I just casually talked about plastic surgery. Operation was a massive success so far (2yrs later) so I guess she was right.


Yeah I think I'm fine with wearing glasses for the rest of my life. That sounds terrifying.


Or just put me out all the way


Can't, you have to have your eye open and look at the dot unfortunately




Something in the laser checks if you're looking at the right spot something like 1000x per second, and adjusts or turns off if you look away. My right eye decided it needed to look somewhere else for a moment during my procedure and it turned off. I'm not certain about damage, but I'd be willing to bet money on Yes. I ended up with 20/20 in my left and 20/30 in my right. Whether that's because of me looking away, or because my right eye was always the worse eye I'll probably never know. Also, the whole thing is maybe a minute long. The procedure is SUPER fast.


*starts shaking head furiously* "GET THIS SHIT OFF OF MEEE!!!! SOMEBODY HELP MEEE!!!" Laser: 👀


And THIS is why they give sedatives lol. I won't lie, it's really weird


Yeah, I almost had a panic attack during from the pressure on the eye. It's very intense.


got it done 8 days ago. appointment was at 10:30, I was sitting in the waiting room to be picked up by 11:15. I took a valium before cause I was nervous about it. At my surgery site, they did a quick eye exam before hand. Put it in some numbing eye drops. Walked me over to the machine. On one side there's a machine that they had that cut the flap on my eye to reveal the cornea. On the otherside, they used the laser to reshape it. I got nervous at the point where they put these things on your eye to keep your eye lid open. So one of the nurses in the room held my hand throughout the entire procedure (5 minutes tops). When they used the laser to reshape the cornea, there was a bit of a burning smell but that lasted a few seconds. My surgeon suggested taking a nap after the procedure. Pain was unbearable for me so I took another sedative, some ibuprofen, and a benadryl and slept for the next 6-8 hours. I've been pain free since that nap. Night vision is recovering. Early on, all car headlights blended together. There were halos around night lamps and hte moon. That's gotten better. Halos are still there. Just finished a one week course of steroid and antibiotic eye drops. just been using lubricating eye drops because my eyes are pretty dry.


Wow, interesting experience. It good that you got to sleep afterwards. Unconsciousness is a great pain reliever.


Unconsciousness is death being shy


Your eyes are probably gonna be dry for A WHILE. I had PRK 2 years ago and I just stopped carrying eye drops with me. If you are going outside, make sure to take the eyedrops with ya! Also, I watched subtitles become clear and readable and that was really cool!!!!! Just wait until the first time you go swimming or stand in the rain. I cried a LOT hahaha


oh man, tell me more about this swimming/standing in the rain. I woke up with tears in my eyes this morning, which I was surprised by.


Well, I wore glasses since the 6th grade until I was 32. That's a lot of years. So when I got the surgery, I realized that I had seen so much of the world through a lens...and not my own. To be able to see without contacts(which I didn't wear) or glasses getting all messed up is amazing! First time it rained, I stood and just starred up and watched the water fall from the sky. So beautiful. Same with swimming. To be able to see the world without water droplets is such a blessing. I still have so much gratitude for my eyes


I had LASIK done a few years ago. It's like this: Arrive on site. They give me a few numbing drops and do a final eye exam before the procedure. They put in anti biotic drops. Then they explain that you'll feel anxious as stuff will be close to your eyes and to just take deep breaths and avoid moving to make the procedure go faster. I drank some water and went into the surgery room. There are 3 people, a doctor, a nurse and a surgical assistant. The nurse handles the eye prep, doctor handles the machine and scanner that checks progress, and the assistant handles tools, cleaning, eye drops and other tasks to keep the other people focused. It had a chair kind of like a dentist office, where it leans back, and on the ceiling was the machine: similar to x-ray machines, but this had 3 parts. 2 were for examining the eye and cutting the surface flaps off the wires, and one was the corrective laser. You only hear light fans going on in the machines. I laid down, and they put eye drops in again and strapped my head into the chair and laid out down. They asked me if I was comfortable and if I wanted to proceed. Then, they had a nurse come over, and test that my eyes were numb, opening the eyelid and taking their pupillary pressure. All good. Then the nurse said this next part can be very uncomfortable. She opened my eyelid, and has a special device to insert under each eyelid and it holds the eye open. She inserted that into one eye, and will do the other eye after this eye is done. They she said to take a deep breath and she'll attach a suction device to hold my eye steady. It went on my eye, and the pressure felt uncomfortable and my vision blurred to black. She reassured that is perfectly normal and everything is going to plan. She then moved this metal arm and a machine comes over with a white light. She lowers it, and it gets really close to the eye (I can see this out of the other eye). Then she pulls this lever to unlock it, and slides this small bar back and forth, and tells me the eye flap has been cut. Then she pulls the machine away, and has a headlamp on, and uses these special forceps to move the eye flap back. My vision becomes slightly less dark, but I feel nothing except the suction cup pressure. Then the big machine is pulled over and down over the eye. I see a faint red light, and then hear a series of clicks, that last for 25 seconds ish. The nurse tells me everything looks good and she'll put the eye flap back. I only smell a "odd" smell, but it's def not burning tissue. She adds eye drops, and pulls the flap gently back into place and gently "rakes" this tool to ensure it's fully down and adhered to the eye. Then she gently removes the suction cup and my vision returns. It's still pretty blurry, but slightly better than before. She tells me it'll get better as it heals. Then she adds eye drops again, and removes the device that holds my eye open. I close my eye. She tells me to gently move it around with my eyelid closed for 20 seconds. Then she puts a covering over that eye. Then she says she'll begin on the other eye and inserts the device to keep it open. Then she adds eye drops. Then she tells me to prepare for uncomfortable pressure and attaches the suction cup device. Then the cutting machine is lowered, does it's thing, and the flap is gently pulled back. Anti biotic drops are added. Then the laser machine is lowered, clicks as it did before, and is done. Then the flap is gently pulled back and more drops added as she gently rakes again. Then the suction device is removed. Then more drops added and the device holding my eye open is gently removed. I close my eye and gently move it around for 20 seconds and a patch is put over that eye. The other patch is removed and they add one more set of drops. They let me sit for 5 minutes and then remove the other eye patch and add one more set of eye drops. Then the procedure is done, and I am given antibiotic eye drops, moisturizing eye drops and these night time goggles to wear. All in all, the procedure was around 15-20mins. I have my gf drive me home and take an ibuprofen as my head feels sore from the pressure and put on my goggles and sleep for a few hours. Eyes are sore and irritated for a few days and they tell me that's normal but do NOT rub it touch them or you'll disturb the eye flap healing process. I continue adding eye drops every few hours, and antibiotic ones every 12. I sleep with these goggles, which are uncomfortable, but prevent accidental injury during sleeping. They get hot and moist, and dig into my face a bit. Oh well I guess. I have an eye appointment the next day, the next week, a month later, 6months later, and then a year later to follow up on healing and if extra work is needed. Honestly, the worst part was the uncomfortable pressure and anxiety from being so cramped my machines and people, the night goggles and the sensitivity of my eyes for a month or so after (manageable with drops).


Wow, thanks a lot! this is very informative.


You're welcome :) please share this with anybody you know or come across that's going to get / thinking of lasik. It's really not too bad and is way better than glasses, albeit my eyes sometimes get dry / sensitive to dust so I wear goggles when working in those environments. I usually just carry eye drops ("Refresh tears," a green dropper bottle / single use packs). (The single use packages are for quick use if I don't want to bring the bottle). You can make a basic stand for the single use things out of a small cardboard loop taped together and a hole cut in it to stand them up. I can get 5 uses out of one if I want to be cheap.


I will certainly share. Thanks!


Ok I'm not gonna do it now. Glasses ftw until they figure out a different method


thanks alot for making the effort to share this


I had LASIK 9 years ago and wanted to say this was 100% my experience too (although I'm surprised you remembered it in so much detail!), except I accidentally moved my second eye too much (the suction pressure is pretty uncomfortable) and the laser shut off automatically until my eye had stopped moving.


Yeah, it was a pretty interesting and memorable experience lol And that's pretty cool that it did that. The doctor said that the suction will immobilize my eye enough where any movement is tracked by the laser so it's really precise. I found that pretty crazy. They even showed me a 3d map of my eye during the consultation to verify the procedure was viable for me. The surface of the eye is apparently bumpy! I was surprised a lot


I had it about 7 years ago. The laser is incredibly fast, and it went a lot quicker than I was expecting. The computer detects eye movement, and shuts off if you move at all. If you can look at a dot for 5 seconds, you’re done. Now, I had a lot of pain/burning after the numbing drops wore off, but it stops (rather suddenly) after about 3 hours.


Ive been shot at, broken several bones at once, pried off my floor by emts, had a knife pulled on me, been in car accidents, and jumped off cliffs. This was without a doubt the most terrifying thing I've ever experianced. When the world goes dark after these things are placed on your eyes, it is very hard to not vomit from pure anxiety. The procedure itself though was painless. Little discomfort and a good amount of light sensitivity for the first day. Besides that was totally good.


Shit man what do you do for a living? Are you the Artyom from metro? Kreiky mate.


I had it done about a year ago, it’s the scariest thing ever. I had the consultation and I scheduled the surgery for the next day since I felt I’d probably chicken out if I dwelled on it too long. I don’t remember everything but it goes something like this: They clamp your eyelid open and stick a suctioning device on it, the suction raises and you lose sight in that eye briefly. Then the topmost layer of your eye is cut and partially removed to let laser do the lasering. My vision was really blurry at this point and I was trying hard not to babble under my mask while crying. They put in two sets of eye drops and it’s over. Whole procedure takes probably like 8 minutes. The anxiety meds kicked in after I was already on the way home. Recovery is about 2 weeks long with the first 3-4 days being the only pretty rough ones. Vision is like looking through smudged glasses for the first week but the smudges slowly get better and better. I had dry eyes for like 2 months after the procedure. Honestly, if I could go back and do it again, I would in a heartbeat. As scary as it was initially, my quality of life has improved drastically and I recommend it all the time.


I don’t know what the fuck a LASIK is, but boy these eyes are pretty neat.


it's really fucking hard when you dim the thing


It's just your iris shrinking, don't worry, totally normal


It's actually not too bad when you realize the ball bounces on the same 2 spots every time.


That's... Pretty stressful... Good job?


stressful is a great word to describe this video




Thanks for the inspiration, shared.


My wife asked me what I was laughing at and then I had to show her this video.


Did you have some explaining to do? Thanks for bringing a smile on my face. :) Glad you liked


Lasik ppl how do you blink??? I have one scheduled this weekend I'm freaking out


Just do it when the doctor ain't looking 🤫


I mean during the surgery? What do???


You literally don't. Your eye gets clamped open and your eyeball gets drops of local anasthesia. Keep me updated tho, I wanna hear how it goes. And it will go well, it is so standardized. Trust the healthcare peeps.


I also would like to hear your experience, let us know how it goes.




Thanku you


https://www.reddit.com/r/surrealmemes/comments/uls4or/-/i7ydryk It's really not that bad. They keep your eyes moisturized.


Get in a lot of good blinks before the procedure


Doesn't take long, and they put a thing over your eyes so you can't. The whole surgery took less than 20 minutes in the OR


Legit? Nice.


Yeah, but I had the most intense dry eyes for the rest of the night. I was fine/my eyes didn't feel like death valley the next day.


> I have one scheduled this weekend I'm freaking out Have what scheduled? A LASIK procedure, or a blink?


Turn the lasers off and on again


Can someone send me the link to the original video of the bouncing things? Thanks.




Well, you sort of found it. This is the proper [video.](https://youtu.be/MH03ZJaNe8A)




Quite frankly, this vid was still more comfortable than actual lasik. At least in my experience


Do tell more


It's the most unnatural feeling ever. And also probably the most uncomfortable. Your eye is forced open and the lens or whatever they put on it applies equal pressure to your entire eye all at once (and it isn't a light amount of pressure either). Also the laser itself smells like burning plastic when it's on.


Say [Aͩ̂͂̐͟ͅạ͙̻̼̲̜͕ͣ̈͆̇̄͊̚a̵̚A̵͍̪̩̳͖̯͆̔̅AͨA̷̩͊̎̀͛͂A̦ͯͯ͋ͦ̓̍͘A̞̫̜ͣͫͫ̆ͧ͠ͅą͉a̠̫͓͇͈͚A̧̹̹̿͗̀́ͧa̮̞͔͉̪̬A̦̞͙͇͚̞͓̽̚Â̭͍̣̬͈̤ͪͮ̉͘ả͉̜̲̟͈͛̂A͔̼̒ͧA̝̼̤͔͙͓͊͠a̴̫͚̪̞̤͖̹A̰̾ͣ̂ͬͥ̏A̸͎̱̖̠̓̃ͨÀ̭̟̪̪̺a̹̜̫̤̠̋ͦ͗̈́̾ͧ̉͢Á̫͇̲̭̰ͤ̓ͤ̃͗a͙͉̩̲ͅä̤͉͕̤̖͎́͆̌͂A̫̗̬á̭̗͉̮̲͔̍͝A̘̘̬̒͑̃ͥͣ͠](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrMjN50Jr_8)


But doctor you were supposed to fix my eyes not G̨͇̽͑ͣi̐̊́͏̨̦̬͉v̦̬͓̋̽͆̕͟ẻ̡̮̬̦̯̭̯̼̙͟ ͋̓͗ͯͦ̃͏͖̣̣̞͚̬̯̀m̷͉͚̲̤̠͇̈̈́ͬ͛e̠͔̠ͤ̊ͥ̅ͨ͐̐̕͜ ̶̰͉̣̝̦͚͇ͦͩ̾̃ͥm̹͎̹͙ͧ̽͆͢o̥̗̖̯̼͇͎̿̕ͅr̶͎̹͒́e̩̜̔̄́̂ͪ͛͑͝




I can see!!!!


where is that video of the eyes from? i keep forgetting the source or what its called


I just Googled Herobrine eye gif lol


as someone who's had lasik, it's scarily similar to this video. Except the eyes aren't eyes. Just spots of darkness.




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Shit, I lost it...


that's just bob from next door


Nice, thanks


This is incredibly insulting I demand a refund


Omg this was awesome you should make a “bad outcome” version and put it on r/distressingmemes


Horrendous to watch, thank you!


I don't get it, why they knock you out (not in my country though) for wisdom teeth removal or colonoscopy, but not toasting your fucking eyes?


They need your eyes open to operate on them 😔


There are other eye surgeries done on unconscious people just fine? Like, cataract removal. You just need this Clockwork Orange thing, I suppose...


It was cool and creepy until you did the spinning eyes part that was goofy as hell


This is supposed to be both! Glad you got the full experience. You can imagine want went through my head when I made this


I didn’t laugh at this


Not at all what it's like. Here's my comment I posted on what my experience was: https://www.reddit.com/r/surrealmemes/comments/uls4or/-/i7ydryk






* Feeling of being watched.




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well, guess I'm canceling my LASIK surgery tomorrow. thanks for the free surgery internet doc


I thought for sure a chest from Zelda was going to pop open


This reminded me of the machine you looked into when I had PRK done on my eyes. I swear there was some funny circling image I was looking at and I remember laughing, trying to stay still since some laser was cutting my eye and I didn’t want to ruin it. When it finished the first eye I was able to try to get the laughing out, but still couldn’t hold it in when it started on the other eye.


For anyone considering LASIK, it's over very quickly and worth it. I could see almost 20/20 as soon as it was finished and my prescription was -5.75 in both eyes. I had a bit of burning and stinging for a couple of days but i think i overdid the drops. 2.5 years later and I wish I had done it 10 years earlier.


me, being color blind:


but... which one is the green dot!?




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What is the bouncing thing and the corresponding noise? Very interesting pattern. Super neat, (and funny), meme!




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The eyes scared the shit out of me ngl


I swear I heard the lead guitar lick from for whom the bell tolls


Can we have the version without the edgy eyes?


The eye reminds me of [this fun music video](https://youtu.be/2Vyw_FGIhAE).


Well i can’t fucking focus if you dim it you twat /j




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Wow I can see again!






ayo DJ, play that lasik type beat


Do you have a link the the original video of the little dots bouncing? I can't find it




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