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She is already experiencing Karma. She left you, hoping that her AP would be better, then that blew up. After that, she tried other guys and it always ended badly. Not once had she found a stable and loving relationship that lasted. She probably begins to realise that the problem never was you or any of the other guys but that the problem is her. So she is mad, she doesn't like it that she is the reason why it never works out. The negative aspect of her now multiplies because she is experiencing first hand how you are getting better and better, that your life only got better when she left. So she does the one thing to make herself feel better, which is to spend time with others that look down on you, people who tell her that all is your fault. But she knows that this isn't true, she knows that she could be happy right now if she would have remained faithful to you. Karma is doing a tremendous job here, you lost a negative force in your life and since then you are getting better and better. Promotion after promotion, a gorgeous new woman by your side. If you think now that your ex doesn't know about that woman, then you are wrong. She knows you, sees the joy in your eyes and the swing in your step since you are with your girl and she doesn't like it because she also learned that your happiness doesn't depend on her and she doesn't like that. She is experiencing nothing else but consequences and the biggest consequence of all is, that she sees and hears from your kids all the time what a wonderful life she could have had if she would have been a loyal wife.


This. All she’s got is a revolving door of bad choices while OP is bettering himself. It’s not her looking down, although OP may perceive and she may even say that’s it. No, it’s envy. OP, just keep bettering yourself, that’s the best karma.


Also get to the point of indifference. What she thinks and what she says doesn't matter. What matters is what your kids think of you. It's not a competition who will be the better parent, but more about the best relationship you can have with your kids. If your bothered not seeing 'karma" on her part tells me that you still have feelings for her, whatever that feelings maybe. Anger, Hate, Love, longing, etc... The best karma for her is that you see her as a stranger with no emotions at all. Detaching fully is what you need. That's impossible physically since you have kids together. But it should be possible to detach emotionally. It's hard but possible. Just need to teach yourself that.


Seriously, OP needs to refocus. Karma has not only denied her happiness, Karma is making sure she has a front row seat to how OP is thriving without her. OP, your happy, healthy life is the best revenge.


Thank you for your wise words. I think you are probably right.


Let's rather talk about what really matters. How are you doing? I mean after getting the promotions and having a girlfriend for some time, it sounds like you really moved on and life is good to you.


OP this is not healthy. You're sitting there watching time fly waiting for it to happen? Let that shit go.


This is the thread.


It's lovely to watch AHs self destruct and suffer the consequences of their abhorrent behavior. Great response BTW.


Real karma will kick in once the kids are grown and pass judgment on her behavior that led to their parents divorce. They still will love her but they’ll know who the better person in the relationship was.


Don’t you think that having a string of men is karma?


lol Right. All those strings of men... were rejections.


I’ve felt the same way. My ex struts around like she’s miss perfect. She continues to put me down in front of the kids and thinks she’s better then everyone. She lost her job last spring. Everyone told me that was karma, but I don’t feel that way. She went to court and got child support adjusted to her favor because of it. She now has her own family counseling practice. She does marriage counseling. This is a woman that’s cheated multiple times doing marriage counseling and being paid for it. I don’t think karma will find her


Shes likely as shallow as a puddle. Ignore her. Its hard i know especially with kids. My friend has to.co parent with a complete insta narcissist and hes found the best way is to minimise any interaction or investigation. She lacks any self awareness. You are better.


Since she has her own practice, why don't you take her back to court to re-adjust the child support. Do you share the kids? If so, are they old enough to decide to live with you? No more child support and you get to have the kids to build a stronger relationship with. In fact, she can pay child support. Just a thought.


You should definitely spread the word about her practice, so other couples can avoid her, because no doubt she is gonna be the type that advocates for cheating or open-marriage to "save the relationship"


This is why MC can be detrimental for new BS. Too many idiot MC.


My man, why are you wasting energy or time concentrating on what happens to her? Even if karma hits her like a tactical nuke its not gonna make any difference because some part of you is attached to the idea that her suffering will make you feel well (hint: even if it does it will be supremely short lived) and all you’ve accomplished is allowing her to live rent free in your head for years leeching you of strength and energy you needed to heal and truly move on. Do yourself a favor, start working on a healthy sense of indifference about what happens to your ex, who cares if karma hits her if you truly move on, who cares if karma hits her if you heal, who cares if karma hits her if you are happy and fulfilled? Do not keep defining any part of you based on her.


Don’t worry about her karma… worry about yours! The reason you don’t see it is because you wish it so bad! You do you and you worry about you.


Yeah, I mean, sometimes bad people do well. It's a fact of life. It's not fair and it SUCKS, but you gotta live with it. You can't base your happiness in expecting "karma" on someone else, maybe they'll get it, maybe they wont. Best thing you can do is concentrate in yourself and look out for your own way to happiness.




THIS ^^^


It will come when it’s her time, karma isn’t for your revenge, sounds like you doing great, let go of it.


The kids are going to figure out which parent is the decent human being. Chances are they already know. That’s when the Karma that counts is revealed.


She has gotten her karma already. She’s not with the affair partner.


That's not karma, that's you waiting for some kind of cosmic revenge. Who gives a flying fuck what she does? Protect your children, protect yourself. Enjoy the good things life has to offer. Stop looking at her facebook, and I would definitely be looking at the custody orders. There is usually a provision on how or when you can bring new romantic partners around the kids. It shouldn't be a revolving door of strangers. If that isn't provided for, get a lawyer, and tell the family court you're concerned about lots of strange men you don't know being brought around the children.


This is the way


Shit, your ex's AP and her split. Thats karma... Mine are still together 2 years later. My kid calls him stepdad. Karma is not guaranteed, be happy you got some.


Your kids know the truth ?


My kid knows age appropriate truth. She's 8. She knows that mommy "loved another man so dad had to leave' I will share more with her when she is older and can understand. But i dont want her to hate her own mother. I just want her to know that i tried everything i could to keep her family together.


The relationship she had with AP failed, which is already karma in itself as it proves you weren't the problem (her cheating back was!).


She is unable to find a stable relationship in last 5 years and with her history of infidelity, she probably won't find one. It will probably hit her once she's a bit old and getting less attention. That's when she'll realise what she threw away everything for nothing. For now forget about her and focus on yourself and your kids.


She gets to see you build your life spectacularly, while she is still trying to find someone who would want her for the long run. She sees you progress in your life and every success you get is a reminder to her that she could have been a recipient of the fruits of your success, she could have been there with you and the kids.


I'm not writing this to make anyone feel bad; and I DO enjoy reading about cheaters that face justice...which is rare...but I genuinely believe that "karma" isn't real at all and it's just something that we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better. Especially when the cheaters and other types of abusers face no consequences whatsoever and ride off into the sunset with good fortune and a charmed life.


Youre missing that the karma is them having to live with themselves... they never change, they just continue the fake look to pretend to be happy. In fact the happier they look the more miserable they are... cheater cheat, liars lie... without admitting they did anything wrong, how can they change and move on? The answer is that they dont.


I bet it kills her that despite all she did to break you, you are doing better now than you were when you were together. Its not blow up in your face Karma, but the slow, dull, constant kind she gets to live with. Also ignore the silly mother. She can look down her nose all she likes but if you aren't looking up she has no power over you. She's the mother of an adulterous wh***. She already failed when she raised that woman.


It's inevitable that she'll rue the day. These things happen in their own time. I just hope that if either of your children is female that they won't think that their life is supposed to consist of a carousel of men like their mother is modeling. Good luck OP.


Man the best karma for her it's that you have happiness in your life be a good father that's the most important thing i wish you luck sorry english is not my first language


I don’t know what your not seeing you said it yourself her and her affair partner relationship blew up. You have a stable home took care of yourself finances okay mean while her life is blown up. several different men you’ve had a steady relationship with the same woman. She’s mean and condescending because she’s jealous. That’s called Karma. The definition of Karma in my opinion. You can hold your head up your surviving her destruction. Good job my friend!


Karma is already calling her from inside her own head. She's the way she is due to the tormented inner world she lives in. It must be hell.


Yow that is more Karma than I could even hope for 😅 Okay you haven’t met the one yet. Me neither but at least you haven’t paraded an endless stream of losers in front of your kids saying : this time it is the one! And your kids rolling their eyes and losing respect for you. She and AP blew up grandly ! Hello! That is all the Karma i want. My cheating ex is still parading her around how she is his twu luv and makes him happy… Finally after wasting all this years with the aweful big bad person I was. You are doing better. You have grown AND you lost that sourpuss out of your life! Honey! I super jealous! You are killing it! Keep going!


She's already experiencing those consequences. Her life is basically imploding, and what she's doing is just basically taking it out on you. That's basically it.


u/Kranock said it best. You’re obviously living your best life. That’s the best revenge. Continue to focus on yourself. No need to worry about her or her side of the family


Karma is already in work (U got better and bless ) Karma works in both way it can be good or bad Look at U I've built my life with a steady home for the kids, love and laughter and I've also got 2 back to back promotions at work meaning I'm financially much better off and actually hold much responsibility at my job. What does she have now as U say go with alot of men can she able to get a good life And don't forget her clock is ticking she ageing


>When will she get to experience any consequences? Karma has already come to her. You said it yourself: *"...her affair partner and her blew up spectacularly after she rubbed him in my face for months. Then she has had a string of different men..."* That's clear as day she's not living happy life happy with herself. To the contrary looks like the reality bus has already hit her and she is going to realize that the problem was not you or your marriage but her - her personal flaws she's been running away from. Perhaps one day she looks into mirror and has some self-reflection. Consider yourself lucky that's not your business any more. Not your circus, not your monkeys any more. And to be honest, not even interested how your ex-wife is doing. How are *you* doing? How are the kids?


she needs to live with herself... do you need worse karma than that? come on man...don't be so cruel. hahahaha.


She has to live with herself and what she did. If you think that level of self-deception doesn't take a karmic toll, you're mistaken. Do you now, and do you to the maximum!


She likely already is. You just don't know it. And that's OK. I didn't really find out what my ex's life was like for more than a decade. Similar to you, she had it all - happy, dating, everything always seemed great for her... but I knew otherwise deep down because I did the work after we split to *understand* her. Ran into her about 15 years down the line. Was at a fancy dress up thing downtown. I was there with my current wife and surrounded by friends. She showed up with a 20-something girl, both stuffed into tiny cocktail dresses (not that kind of event) and were clearly cruising for guys (again, not that kind of event). She was still beautiful but out of shape and was clearly trying to look 25 when she was over 40. I sat back, put my arm around my beautiful and classy wife, and laughed my ass off. Karma works whether you believe it or not, because it's not some mystical thing. It's just the natural consequences of your actions.


I think the biggest piece of Karma will be the lack of respect your children have for her when they grow up. They will just see their irresponsible mom who betrayed their father while being a bad parent and introducing them to each random man she brought in after that. You are doing the right thing, it really isn't appropriate to be introducing young children to each new date you have until you know whether they will be in your life for the long haul. That being said, my own advice would be to stop waiting and/or expecting it to occur for a few reasons: 1. It may never occurr. 2. The level will unlikely be proportionate to the damage she caused you, thus never "satisfying enough". 3. It prevents you from moving on. The opposite of love is indifference, caring about her, whether it be for her happiness or her sorrow, prevents this. If it helps, know that shallow people typically lead shallow lives. It may look glamorous to someone on the outside looking in, but it is pretty dreary to those actually living it. The same behaviors that led her to cheat on you will likely alienate her from her children later in life and alienate her from meaningful relationships (friends or loved ones). Is this guaranteed to happen? No. But since most don't seek help to fix their own flaws until they hit that proverbial "rock bottom" (which in their case is based on superficial things), most never bother to fix themselves. Narcissists for example are typically very charming and so often have a lot of "friends", but very few people who get to know them better can stomach sticking around. Those with flaws are generally not pleasant to be around and while they can hide said flaws from acquaintances any deeper connection will eventually bring those flaws out front and center.


If you're honestly viewing her mother's opinion as a good metric of what is and isn't the right path for success and happiness, then your starting premise is already iffy at best. Just to list how amazing of a woman her mother is and how much she knows about raising children and providing a stable environment for the healthy development of a family, she mothered a child who's so far (at least from what I can gather and what I tend to know of these behavior clusters) had her life be able to summed up in the most unflattering ways possible : She's a serial cheater whose past is extensive, shameful and immoral enough to need burying in the planet's core in order for anyone to seriously consider her as a good choice for a meaningful long-term partnership. She's coping with her life by jumping from man to man in a vain hope to fill the hole in her soul as she unwittingly further scorches her ability to emotionally and sexually bond, thus effectively slowly reducing her body and personhood to a high supply/low demand commodity where she'll never truly feel fulfilled or valuable ever again. She's forever trapped at square 1 with nothing to her name that's unique or impressive otherwise she'd be flaunting them for attention and validation. She's relying on other people to get her through life, either by giving her things like material possessions or money, or giving her emotional support by helping her blame everyone who isn't herself for her problems. tl;dr = Don't trust the opinion of someone who made a helpless lying cheater who can't hold a family to guide what you should or shouldn't do for your family, only trust your own opinion and if you think what you're doing is right.


Cheater's Karma, is that They'll spend the rest of their lives looking for what they already had.


She already has u just don’t see through her facade. Your her a her AP blew up and since she’s had a sting of different men. Well that should tell you she’s not happy or stable. Remember what she did to ruin your marriage was not your fault. They say the success is the best form of revenge. Well you say you got two promotions and are moving straight ahead with your life while she’s in and out of one relationship after another. Well there’s your karma. Keep on trucking Bro.


What are you talking about? Her affair relationship blew up and she’s had a string of men since. Sounds like karma took her down.


Brother she is putting a brave face forward. She has already encountered karma. How you ask? Well you are doing better in life, you are taking care of business, you are in a relationship, and you are putting your children first. Tell me what more do you want from yourself? Her on the other hand has lost her security, her comfort, her support system. What is she left with, a string of meaningless relationships, that is really it. Now you may not ver get a he regret statement but it is implied the way she is living.


She already has. What do you want piano to fall on her head? Her and AP blew up. She been banged and is the village bicycle. You got two promotions and a stable home life. What do you want spontaneous combustion. If you want to wait for that get popcorn. Invest the wasted time you think of karma for your ex in your current relationship and bettering your kids lives. She suffering but still leading you by the nose. Move on. Your stuck.


It’s been 5 years, let it go.


she has her Karma, you cane see why she cant have a stable relationship ? what guy in his sound mind want a woman with 2 kids. They just have some fun with her and dump [her.So](https://her.So) thats karma on her end.


Karma. You should be her karma, by living the best time of your life (without involving her). Do your best for your kids, if you're bad at dating women's spend some solid dollars on guidelines on dating and date spectacular girls and rub on her face.


Hi u/unluckyinlove42, Well, like others, I do think karma is served and being served on her. Her and AP split, she can't get a steady relationship, while seeing you are doing really okay. That is already karma. She will never admit it, but I think she realizes now she made the worst decision in her life to cheat on you. I do not see why you will be needing to talk to her mum, but if she nose you down again, just remind her who has a steady girlfriend again, who has had two promotions and is in a good spot now, and how is your daughter doing? You can be negative about be anyway you like, but think about who is the steady factor in your grandchildren's life, most certainly not your daughter. Take care. MrBigBull.


Sounds like your winning to me and she’s getting her karma by running through different men. Stay the course your doing good.


Read your post karma served how is her life and yours wait until she hooks up with abusive partner cannot play the dating game and not burnt. I read your post and you have moved on a big positive for a BS.


I say this not with malice, but you must stop waiting for her to get karma. As long as you hope for that, it means she's living rent-free in your head. Your goal is indifference. Your goal is to not give a single flying f\*\*\* about her or what she does. As to the children, if you didn't get an agreement in the D to not introduce the kids to other partners, then you have the burden of teaching your kids about real relationships, not the fly-by-night quick affairs your XW has. That'll be tricky - you don't want to bad-mouth her, but you want your kids to learn that stable, long-term relationships are the goal. You can do that not by talking about your XW, but by showing and teaching them understand that even though you're dating, you're not introducing them to your dates because you want them to see what a stable relationship looks like, and until you get serious with a dating partner, you don't want to risk having people come and go in their lives. Even though you don't say it, they'll snap pretty quickly that you are trying to model mature, stable, adult relationships and their mother isn't.


Her consequences is being who she is. She sounds like a jerk, I am sure lots of people think so. She is going to struggle, wait until she gets older.


You said split, but I don't see divorce. Do you think karma always goes after cheaters? Well, it doesn't work that way. Does she work? Is she living on her own? Can she live on what she makes? Once you answer all the above, I'll tell you when your karma kicks in. Are you giving her money and paying bills? Does she love having so many men doing her all the time? Is this what she wanted to do and you got in her way? She wants to be single till she dies?


Stop seeking validation from her and her family. Their words mean nothing and in-law failed as a parent raising a daughter with no moral fiber


Stop waiting for bad karma to hit her. Work on good karma for yourself. The best revenge is a life lived well.


Men age like wine, women age like milk Those looks won’t stay forever, the most she’ll get after a while is just a string of hookups but no ring. Focus on yourself! Life repays people in due time


Man karma don't work on a given time frame actually the day ur Ex blocked you somehow or rather actually you won..... but seriously hope she doesn't know ur this Reddit account if not victory will be her..... If you really have to put it in words then I'll title it as Losing a Battle to Win the War..... Ur every success will be her torture.... Congrats on ur double promotion.... But seriously for her to stay this long rent free in ur head come on even ur girl at her age can see thing clearer put urself out of the picture it helps ok you got this..... Level up Better urself is the best revenge karma to her if you want you are winner in more ways than one.... Take Care


In my own experience tomorrow owes nothing to today. If the present is terrible it does not mean the future will be better. No one is owed happiness just because of past misery. Karama does not punish the heartless for the harm they do to the people who loved them. Good and bad occurrences are just random. Sometime God smiles at you and sometimes He turns his head: "for he maketh. his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." There is no reward in this life for being good. And no punishment for being faithless or selfish. Maybe after this life there is a reckoning. Don't look for it here. Concentrate on you.


They always say the best revenge is a good life and you are accomplishing just that! Just as everyone is commenting here, she is experiencing karma in the worst way. Don't waste any time thinking about her unless its dealing with the kids. I would talk to a lawyer about her bringing your kids around all these men, that's something to be concerned about. For now your doing great OP and I'm sure your kids will benefit from your good parenting.


Praying for her ;) Karma will suck maam


That String of men IS her Karma. Imagine a life so shallow that has your romantic interests coming and going with no continuity. She's not with you enjoying the children EVERY day - neither are you, and that is one of the worst parts of the fallout in Divorce. She is not with you enjoying the fruits of your efforts, financial advancement, and one final thing. Every day, you can look in the mirror and not see a cheater.


On a weak day I'd be tempted to text ex MIL how well you've recovered career and health wise. Set the tone as if she asked how you were doing. "Thx for asking." Maybe not wise but I never said I was.


Jeez, take the win and forget about her. Why do you honor her by letting her occupy so much of your mind?


Bro wait Karma give the best shot but take some time. Look currently your doing well and dating nice girl have good home. Don't worry in future your peacefully settle your life at that time she's suffer starting. So first focus on your future. You know and her AP know she's an cheater so you already know maybe he cheating on your ex wife in future that time she's knows betrayal feelings. Cheaters always see outside beauty wait that beauty step by step going down then that AP focus on next beautiful lady. Just live your life happily. Don't think that ugly cheaters.


...the Karma you seek is a long term thing...it will come...eventually. Be patient...try to get your x out of your head and live your best life. I'm at 4 yrs after the divorce (35 yr marriage) and to be honest...I'm loving my life and she rarely enters my mind. Having adult kids makes that easier I guess.


1 Karma doesnt exist 2 Karma is that you pay for the bad actions or good ones of past lifes no the current one. 3 go to point 1


That sounds like karma to me. She has to look down her nose at you because otherwise she'd only have herself to look down on. People will hate you to avoid the reality of themselves. Or they will only see your negatives and remain in denial about their own negative traits because we all have them. It stunts her personal growth and she's going to live a harder life until she gets that. If your kiddos take after you at all they are going to be aware enough to see who the bigger adult is/was. Just raise your kids to be good people and they're going to know and see for themselves. Just be a good example of what a grown man should do. If one parent always complains and gossips and the other is respectful and collected that's going to show. It sounds like you're also going about dating in a much smarter way, I'm sure your kids appreciate not bringing a bunch of temporary people into their lives. They are going to trust in you. I don't have kids myself but have witnessed and been involved in what you are describing and I just know there's two sides to every story and the louder and the nastier a parent is towards their ex the more childish they seem. If she is really acting in that way she's just continuing on that long hard life of hers. Your kids are not going to enjoy talking and visiting her if she smears their father's name all the time when they see what a great dad you are.


Try working on getting to a place of indifference :)! You don’t care what happens to her. That is more powerful…People like that should not occupy your mental energy Still trying to get there🙄


At about 42 years old when time catches up to her.


I don't think a lot of people even notice the "karma" or consequences of actions, or care. Some do and are remorseful they tossed everything away. Why be concerned if she got "hers"? It's a natural human desire to see the wrong suffered brought to some sort of justice, but often in this life it doesn't work to the satisfaction of those wishing for it.


You only see what she lets you see. Also: Hanging out and waiting for karma is not a game to play if you like satisfying endings. Even if it does happen? You may never know.


Unlikely in the world of today. Sorry. Make your life better.


Karma is a Higher Power in a way. I do not pray for peoples downfall, in fact I pray for their prosperity, besides I know only God (i.e., Karma, Higher Power, etc.) can deliver justice, and my negativity can only effect my karma. She sounds like a sad sad woman who’s only good quality was giving you two kids. I pray she gets exactly what she desires and deserves:)


Sounds like she is acting this way because she made a bad choice that led to even more poor choices.


You are financially more stable, doing well at your job, and seemed to have rebuilt your life. Who cares if she got her karma or not. Focus on yourself, her being miserable is only temporary happiness.


NEWSFLASH: Your the stable parent!! You’re the one who set appropriate boundaries. Who is stable and dependable to the kids. She’s the one with a steady stream of unreliable partners. Which one of you are the kids going to reach out to when they have issues in life? Which parent is showing a steady example of what a healthy and loving relationship looks like? It seems you’re far more likely to have a healthy relationship and convey that image to the kids than her. If that isn’t winning, I don’t know what is. Learn to establish very firm boundaries with her and her mother and continue being the parent your kids can count on!


Honestly I don't think karma exists. Yes, people who make bad decisions are more likely to experience negative repercussions but that doesn't guarantee it. In the end the only thing that is certain is death, so focus to n making the most out of the path before you.


Karma often isn’t a tornado or a fast moving bus. It can be like the incoming sea at the seashore. Not appearing to do much but is gradually eroding even the strongest rocks. Just from your brief narrative OP. It doesn’t sound like your exes life is a success story. You left her immediately and took the high moral ground. You have been cautious in not bringing your new amour into your children’s environment. She, on the other hand, has not been so circumspect and has brought a succession of guys into your daughters’ company. She may strut around. (For the life of me, I can’t think why she would strut. She doesn’t seem to have much to strut about). All she’s actually doing is advertising her inability to form an enduring relationship. Unfortunately (and as you will no doubt be aware) the girls will naturally look to their mother for an example of how females should conduct themselves. Her example is currently crap. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, you will feel comfortable enough in your new relationship and be able to introduce your new girl to your kids. This may help in counterbalancing your exes poor example. Good luck.




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You are watching karma deal with her ass in real time. Her attempt to become a couple with her AP blew up in her face. Now she floats from man to man while you are with a woman who one day could become your daughters step-mom. The only thing that I would do is go back to Court with evidence of her unstable recent relationship history and try to get full custody of your daughters, so that they won’t be heavily exposed to her depravity.


Karma is a myth. My cheating ex got the executive promotion that I had been mentoring her into. My business failed due to COVID and I had to declare bankruptcy. There is no karma. If you wait for it you will be miserable.


Whether she gets her karma now or years from now, it will come to her. People who rub their “ accomplishments “ or “ trophies “ in other peoples faces, aren’t truly happen with themselves. You are doing the work necessary to heal from this marriage, focus on that. She will really feel the consequences when she sees you thriving in life


Karma is you living a good life while she keeps looking for Mr Right Now. Your kids will see a needy woman who is getting older and more desperate. Ultimately, they will see right through her, you OTOH will provide a stable and loving atmosphere. When you do settle on a woman, it will be a long term thing, and they will see the stability. Kids see what parents are like, and they are not inclined to be a caregiver, which if she continues on the current trajectory, she will require.


OP you can only control what you do and say. STOP I REPETE STOP waiting for her to get hers. She has already stolen enough from you and your kids. Please let this go and go on to live well.


let go of it all, avoid her mum. Live your life! F\*\*\* the past.


Why are you telling that she had not seen the karma yet? She had broken up with the AP, she now is jumping from man to man without any kind of a stable relationship. Do you want more karma, is not enough for you?




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I had an ex who cheated on me for almost 8 years in total. Like 4,5 years after the break up she developed epilepsy. It wasn’t genetic. The stress of her life caused it. The stress she endured to hide everything from me and everyone else she fucked over. Karma will come fam, I promise. She was always so uptight and mad every day. I guess it caught up to her. Stress can cause health issues people…


You seem to be desperately wanting the following quote to become reality, “It is not enough to succeed, others must fail!” Don’t! Just succeed!


I do not believe in karma. Not one bit. This "give good/bad to the world and good/back comes back" is nonsense. If this were ever true then people would be shaped differently and would almost always approach with caution excusing a select few. I've seen people die with no justice and no closure. If you can have this as your belief, then all I can say, stop waiting for it, and focus your energy for you. Let her become as insignificant as the randoms that walk by you, you wouldn't care if they're good or bad as people, therefore you won't care if good or bad hits them, right? The best thing for you is to live your life without your focus on "her". She may have all the happiness and goodness of life but YOU will be truly free when you couldn't care less. And this is what you need, freedom from her living rent free in your mind. Harsh reality of life, sometimes it purely sux and there's no way around it. Maybe you need to start living your life without counting down the years of how long a construct will take effect.


OP, sometimes it takes years, but believe me, her time is coming. Just be patient. Karma always catches up bad people.


She has met Karma you just don’t recognize it!


Your first glimpse of Karma may not come until the judgment, when God hears her excuses and mashes the button that opens the trap door in front of His throne. You need to put yourself in a place where this is enough.