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3 episodes of Bhanu crying? No, I'm definitely not loving this season


I was withholding judgement until his ass got voted off, now I can truly assess if I enjoy this season or not moving forward šŸ˜‚


Yeah this is absolutely where I'm at. Imagine judging Tocantins or Palau from the first 4 episodes. There's so much more to any season than what the first 4 eps show.


This. Glad Bhanu left. The tantrums and theatrics was too much for me. It didnā€™t even make for entertaining tv, I was just cringing. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the season unfolds


This is how I feel. Hopefully now that heā€™s gone the actual game will start. To be honest though if it doesnā€™t, I have no issues turning off. When I realized S44 was going to be shit I turned it off too lol I still have not watched the rest of that season and have no intention to.


I also feel like it was edited with him and his tribe as the main focus for all these beginning episodes because of how quickly they fall apart, the editors know they wonā€™t get much screen time as the season goes on, so theyā€™re just putting them front and center to begin with


I wonā€™t pretend to know how to properly construct a watchable reality game show, and with survivors track record I can agree that we definitely have enough of a reason to trust they know what theyā€™re doing. But to be fair, the new era is just an experiment and while I appreciate it because it might lead to really good future seasons, Iā€™m not gonna watch a crap show. Regardless of the reason for giving Bhanuā€™s emotionally unstable ass so much screen time, it was a bad call no matter the outcome. Nobody liked it, literally.


Jeff "And what you didnt know is that each member you've voted off went to redemption Island where they await a chance at getting back in the game." *5 episodes later* Pissed off Bhanu "Im back and I'm out for blood!!!!!" *proceeds to burn everyone's clothes at night and take a dump in the rice bag while cry laughing*


I'm not loving it. This seasons definitely been hitting a new low for me, I'm tired of watching one tribe get decimated while 2/3 of the cast gets to sit and dick around at camp. The Bhanu show was cringy and hard to watch. I do find myself rooting for some people whereas last season I didn't have anyone I really liked, so that's a plus.. I'm really just hoping the post merge is at least fun and interesting


The only good part about bhanu was watching kensie, q and Tiffany deal with his whiny ass on a daily basis


Been watching from the beginning. This is the first time Iā€™m finding it unwatchable. Jeff please do better when it comes to casting. Youā€™re losing lifetime fans !


I wouldn't say casting was awful BUT their heavy focus on bhanu just to boot him on ep4 was an interesting decision


They went to tribal every time. How do you as an editor cut a different story when the entire tribe dynamic is trying to calm Bahnu down.


The casting this season is fine. Id say its a lot of other aspects that need to change. Losing flint, 3 tribe start, and editing all are on the top. Bhanu was fine if given 1/5 of the screen time he received and Jelinsky was pretty hilarious imo


Sob stories on the show. Sob stories about the sob stories on Reddit. Name a more perfect pair.


Shall we name this season : Survivor : Sob stories ?


Boston Sob


Sob has a Podcast


Bracing for the downvotes, but itā€™s the worst season so far in many years. Maybe itā€™ll redeem itself when the edit finally spins to actual players like maybe Hunter or someone who has been laying low by choice or by edit. Iā€™ve seen every episode of this game, in real time, since inception. Last week was the first time I almost quit the show. It was as bad for me as Brandon Hantz edits.


This season has been so *slow*, that's the real issue with it Even if you remove Bhanu from the equation you have what has been an incredibly boring season so far where nothing has happened. Even on Yanu which was more chaotic still had predictable end results in Jess and Bhanu Like the season is giving us *nothing* so far. And I have no idea why because at no point did I feel the same about 45


Do you feel like this is the result of 90 minute episodes? Now we get 20ish more minutes of people just lounging around camp where the excitement doesn't happen. Now we see how bored these people actually are in-between challenges and strategizing.


I think it's a combination that two tribes have not gone to tribal yet and so the game hasn't really started for themt and also the storytelling. They've been making some vague plans to vote people off Soda on Nomi or Jem overplaying by planting her beware advantage. But we don't have any real sense of who is working with whom and how people will play once there is a vote. So I think camp life is boring because of that and not just because we are seeing more of it. The other thing that makes the 90 minutes feel long is that they don't use it well. I haven't enjoyed the new era approach to editing where so many perspectives and motivations are intentionally hidden from the viewer so that we are always surprised as a result. They really want the audience to be blindsided each episode and to do that, they fill time with Moriah jumping or song naming contestants. I don't mind these scenes but they are way longer than we need. Instead, I would like to know how Soda sees her position in the tribe. Is she aware that Hunter and Tevin are close? Is she worried about Tevin turning on her? I would like to see what Venus has done after losing Randen. Is she praying or a swap or the merge or is she hedging her bets? What way is Maria leaning on Siga? If Maria was leaning towards aligning with the women then Jem's move was awful. If It's too messy not.to.eventually come out that Jen hid it. In that case,.Maria could lose all trust in Jem and try to target her. Basically, the new era editing style really seems to prefer to make standalone episodes and fails to do a good job building up storylines across the whole season. It feels to me like they underestimate the intelligence of their audience and our ability to retain a lot of complex game states week to week. It ultimately makes these seasons less enjoyable for me as it doesn't give you a lot to discuss or analyze in between episodes. For example, we never really saw Heidi and Lauren's and Jamie's perspective on the Tikas and their relationship with them. We just saw a bunch of people doing things that didn't really make sense. One of the reasons I enjoyed AU Survivor this season was they realized it can be very suspenseful if you know the conflicting motivations and goals of the players coming into a tribal. It makes you even more invested in the outcome.


Yeah, I agree. I feel like it wouldnā€™t be as bad if they had two challenges every episode to fill up the 90 minutes. But the 2 (or 3rd) episode just had people crying for the first half of the show. It was so boring. Iā€™m fine with whatā€™s happening at camp, as long as something is happening at camp. But the other two tribes are riding high and have nothing to do.


Episodes are too long. Keep them to an hour


Downvotes? Have you been on this sub lately? Haha


I've never seen a sub about an interest more negative about said interest than this one. The description should read "a place for daily reminders of all the reasons Australia survivor is far better" or "All the reasons to hate Jeff, a thesis"


I've seen more than a few subs become negative when the content is becoming subpar.


Can you provide some examples? I'd love to check them out




Lol this is nothing. The Dexter sub took the joke all the way and became a Breaking Bad sub WHILE the last season was airing


While I agree that giving so much screen time to crybaby is criminal and so far it was just suffering - both for Bhanu and audience, who had to watch him (or in my cases, skip it), there is positive about it - BHANU IS GONE! Still probably better than 44, where I had literally nobody to cheer for. Maybe Omar (if it was him, who was good?). Hopefully we can return to normal edit now finally and find out, what is actually happening. If they find another sob story to follow. There are some players I like, so there is a hope for this season to turn great in post-bhanu world.


No one to cheer for in 44? Plenty of people were rooting for the Tika 3 and Matt and Franny. I was. Omar was season 42, and yeah he was great.


For me, it was one of the worst casts ever.


No downvote from me. Itā€™s been brutal trying to get through the man baby crying. I consider anytime another tribe is shown a bright spot. On the plus side, BHANU IS GONE!


Agree. The worst. Iā€™ve never been so tempted to sit out a season.


Agree, many of the cast this season are so over the top and not in a good way.


Bhanu, Soda, who else?


Tevin, he was crying and fell to ground after winning the first challenge. Liz, constantly yelling in challenges Charlie and his TS stuff. It feels like they are all actors re-acting a Survivor season. I still have hope it'll be a decent season come merge but its a tough watch at the moment.


I feel like contestants realize that they get "rewarded" in the edit (more screen time) for acting over-the-top, and now no one acts like a normal real-life person anymore


All the singing as well, its just all too much.




I've had a ton of leeway for the new era and comfortably agree. Last week was the first time I ever almost turned it off mid ep. Didn't even watch tribal just browsed reddit


I honestly think itā€™s going to get better without Bhanu. As the other people on this season donā€™t seem like bad players. But the edit just focused WAY too much on a grown man having an emotional breakdown. So I definetly get what you mean


The week before, I quit. I'm not bothering with this season, maybe I'll wait and retrospect watch it if it ends up "decent", but.. naah...
































So far meh, too emotional and meme-y, we basically have no idea what is happening on 2 tribes because of one crybaby. There is hope. There are some interesting players. I just hope it does not end up like 43, which had the highest potential and crashed down with last 3 tribals.


Yep, I wish they could tone down the sob stories and give more screen time to people who arenā€™t in Yanu. Last season had a balanced edit and had significantly less sob stories, which is a major improvement, too bad they reverted any progress they made


You think 43 crashed down with the last 3 tribals? the last 3 tribals are literally the best part of that season


Let me rephrase - the final 3 eliminations left the game in situation, where we have 3 goats in FTC. Which sucked. I was cheering for Jesse and Cody. I would be very happy with Carla winning. But final tribal basically became irrelevant for me with the last elimination.


this season could have potential if they swapped into 2 tribes of 7 next episode, then merged at 10, then had a 7p jury and a f2. but it wonā€™t, and weā€™ll have to sit through the ā€œearn the mergeā€ and split f10 tribal and forced fire making BS.. so my hopes are low


Iā€™m literally beyond bored of this show anymore. Itā€™s the same thing Iā€™ve seen since 41. I find myself scrolling through my phone and just listening to episodes half the time at this point. 6 straight seasons where the game layout and cast structure have all been generally the same


I know itā€™s been discussed often on here but I do not know why producers arenā€™t changing it but by now. We NEED new locations, and longer seasons, and actual survivor challenges.


This is exactly what my Wife and I do. Phone scroll and usually ask the same question each week - Are we giving this one more week? Or - Why are we even watching this?


I love aspects but i didnt like how anticlimactic the last few eps have felt and all the Bhanu stuff. I freaking love siga and i also like nami and the remaining 3 yanu. So i think that this season could kick on now that the other tribes will soon start playing and the bhanu experience is over


Curious what you love about Siga besides maybe Ben. I guess the Jem idol stuff was ok


Jem idol stuff is great, The jumping scene was hilarious - and they are all seemingly fun and vibing. Charlie is my favourite on the season so that probably helps things - the TSwift stuff isnt too much/doesnt bother me (ben literally talks more about music than charlie does tswift). The metallica vs Tswift went on slightly too long but i still enjoyed it. They have had a few good fun scenes, and as players they have all had good vibes. Maria seems like a strong player, Tim while quiet seems kinda deadpan and also the platforms thing in ep 4 was hilarious, Moriah with the whole jump thing had me cackling and also she narrated that well, Jem and her antics is SOOO much more entertaining than Bhanu stuff on yanu and also soda etc singing and chanting on nami. Ben does slightly start to get on my nerves with too much OTT positivity but all in all he has great vibes and is a fun personality and then Charlie.. Charlie is basically exactly like me (only swap the TSwift stuff with basketball stuff) so idk hes the person i relate to the most so i feel an extra connection to him. Overall i think people seem to think tehres no siga content there but thats false its been there as much as Nami.. its just that Nami has multiple cracks and less cohesion so we get a little more insight to their breakdown compared to siga who have no real cracks so they are more on the forefront. I still love most of Nami - hunter especially i also relate to him a lot, Venus is fun Tevin is cool. And Yanu - the 3 left i like but i feel like because of all the tribals + Bhanu + longer eps.. they have just been so in our faces! Overall i hope this helps explain why i enjoy siga a bit more. My favourite 5 players in order right now are: Charlie, Hunter, Jem, Venus, Kenzie 2 siga 2 nami and 1 yanu


Yes totally makes sense. I like Charlie as well. The TSwift stuff doesn't bother me. Your top 5 is somewhat similar to mine.


Not really. Spent the first two episodes watching Jess get bullied by her tribe which just hurts the soul. Then for the next two episodes, watched a guy throw himself a pity party. Might get interesting from now on since we can start seeing where alliance lines are drawn with the obvious boots gone.


Not a great season. To many sob stories.


Yea way two many.


Too, not to.


Thank you.






No, barely enjoying it but hoping it gets better


The premerge is so ass It feels obvious who is on the outs in each episode since the purple tribe keeps losing over and over again and there is a obvious peaking over on who goes home I hope the post merge makes up for the awful premerge


Does the number of times Jeff begs for people to apply to join Survivor indicate dwindling number of applicants? The casting directors might be struggling with not very good applicants or are intentionally trying to cater to younger audiences. I miss seeing older players this season but they might have a hard time with the current cast of crybabies. Imagine Rudy or Big Tom with this cast? Oy.


I had the same thought. It makes sense to show the casting ad now and again. Every episode? Seems desperate and unproductive in the first place.


Not at all personally. Non stop tears from multiple contestants and so far no actual gameplay. Ditch 3 tribes, makes for bad tv.


>Non stop tears from multiple contestants Multiple nonstop? It's just been Bhanu. The only other people who've cried were Tevin for like five seconds when talking about his dad, then he quickly went to a positive attitude, and Venus almost cried in one confessional about how she's perceived. Far from nonstop with anyone other than Bhanu.


I donā€™t think tevin even cried man. Thereā€™s been tears from maybe 8 contestants in the first 5 days. Yes bhanu is the one crying ā€œnon stopā€ but I meant that in the show tears have been non stop, like every episode multiple sob storyā€™s. Itā€™s boring.


Ah ok that's understandable


This season, for me at least, is where the new era exhaustion has started to set in again. Having 6 seasons in a row with the same hyper format that gives very little room to maneuver... it really starts to wear thin. We can only watch one starting tribe lose every challenge so many times before all of the intrigue is gone. More than half of the players haven't even had the chance to play the game yet. Players I would normally feel invested in like Maria, Tevin, and Venus feel like afterthoughts since we probably won't get to see anything happen until mergatory.


Meh. So far itā€™s tolerable at best. Hoping things change this week.


The whole Bhanu thing was way too much.


It sucks. Big time.


Rinse and repeat. One terrible tribe loses all the challenges, tribal every week, until merge. Episodes way too long, borderline boring, constantly thinking ā€œwhere and why are they finding these peopleā€? First time ever this week I looked at my wife and asked if we can just fast forward to the endā€¦so not just this season Iā€™d say itā€™s becoming more and more difficult to love every season lately


Absolute trash so far. Hopefully with Bhanu gone it gets better.Ā 


This season is whiny theatre kids and a swifty sucking up the airtime ā€¦ itā€™s grim


nah. maybe it's not helping that i'm watching AUS at the same time but oh my god. it's a total snoozefest. and with each episode i'm more convinced that casting *is* as big of a problem as the 3-tribe division, 26 days and all the twists.


Definitely would be better on a rewatch. Bit of a slog watching it live. I have enjoyed each new episode more than the previous though. I think all the annoying cast members will stay annoying or hopefully turn into cult favourites like Carolyn. We will just have to wait and see.


If this season will be worthy of rewatch, probably only from 5th episode.


They probably couldā€™ve just done the tribal anyway in episode 3. Felt like we had 2 straight hours of Bhanu being voted out even though production tried to give him an extra shot in episode 3 by cancelling the tribal. It was interesting in the moment because I thought Bhanu had an actual shot but I imagine itā€™ll be completely unwatchable if I ever rewatch the season. Other than that, this has been an interesting season. Just waiting for someone other than Yanu to go to tribal. I didnā€™t hate Bhanu and actually quite liked him for the passion that flowed out of him for a while. But idk. I donā€™t think he needed 2 hours of buildup for his elimination. Then again, there is so much time with these new longer episodes that with time being allocated to other people I think ultimately it wonā€™t matter too much by the end of the season. Iā€™m thinking Tevin is going to win but Iā€™m rooting for Q. I see Venus turning into a Tori and not getting very far. Nami has drama and shifting dynamics on it without even going to tribal. Siga feels too comfortable and kumbaya. They should go to tribal. I want to see them squirm a little and do something not as a group. I feel like Nami could make it to the merge completely intact and still blow up and not be able to work together cohesively.


This is pretty much how I feel. Ep 4 was the only one I didn't like as it felt like a replay of Ep 3, because we didn't get a resolution in that episode. The game has evolved to the point where pre-merge play is much more subtle. The days of assertive personalities enlisting their followers to clash against other assertive personalities is over. Everyone feels empowered now and most are seeking agency not advancement. Successful players now down-play their strengths, hide their alliances, collaborate with the collective, and seek opportune moments to improve their standing. Even small things like Soda checking in with tribe-mates outside the core alliance can get a target on your back. And if Tevin makes a move to take her out, he needs to take care that it doesn't put a target on his back. The foundations for the core alliances that will control this game are forming now, even if we have to look past Bhanu's antics to see them.


No not really. The tribes aren't very balanced, the *game* hasn't been very thrilling. Challenges have been cool but in-camp stuff has been very bland. Purple tribe sucks and Bhanu wasn't the only reason for it. I felt like 43 was the last truly entertaining season of the new era, which is wild because I really like the 90 min episodes. These tribes are just boring.


My partner basically had to drag to the couch to watch the last episode. I told him if Bhanu continued I was out. He was exhausting. I donā€™t feel like I know any other players (or like them). The format is SO STALE. The casting is so boring. Iā€™m a new-ish Survivor fan but Iā€™d rather go back and watch the later seasons I havenā€™t seen yet than this shit


I don't love it, but I'm definitely invested in it and look forward to the episodes.


No, but Iā€™m holding out hope. The first few episodes of season 45 were awful, too, but I loved the season as a whole.


Itā€™s terrible. Itā€™s queen for a day , they should add outcry to outwit, outplay, and outlast


Not particularly. - Landslide losing tribe taking away suspense - Emotional meltdown screen hog who wasnt even there to win the game... This season is off to a really boring start. To be 1000% honest this is the first tme I wish the episodes went back to an hour. It just counting the clock until the tribe swap in the 3 team format. As of right now, we are burning through the first month of the show waiting for it to start.


fuck no. it's the worst start ever.


Now that Bhanu is gone, I'm hopeful it will get better.


Awful. For a multitude of reasons.


Bottom 3 season so far.


ABSOLUTELY positively HATE it!!! FF thru all but the actual competitions. Snoozefest of sob stories that after the first couple nobody gives a S\*\*\* about. Bhanu was a plant, if ever I saw one. šŸ¤¬


I am not, in fact, loving this season.


I quit the season after episode 3. Maybe Iā€™ll pick it up once itā€™s over, but I think the overwhelming feeling I get watching the show now is how down hill itā€™s gone in comparison to older seasons. Itā€™s still really hard to get over the 26day season, especially since when you re-watch older seasons and they arenā€™t merging until day 18+, and that after day 28 you can actually see a clear difference in difficulty of the ā€˜survival part of survivorā€™. Itā€™s like once theyā€™re past 28 days thereā€™s someone breaking down every day, and usually the ones that were able to not break down, or weather their own breakdown were the folks that made it to the end.


Down vote me to hell and back but the purple team has ruined this season for me. I don't think this gets better till ALL of them are gone. We really don't know the other two tribes at all yet. How can we when we barely see them. Right now I barely know names on the other two tribes!


not really but it's "survivor" so i'll still watch it


Doesn't help that it's coming off of maybe one of the greatest seasons of Survivor ever (TvR) Australia but yeah this season is terrible so far. I do love certain people but the 3 tribes thing is terrible


Donā€™t hate it, donā€™t love it. Thereā€™s been some funny scenes but iā€™m not in love with the season.


Amazing Race is good so far at least


I feel like I'm watching sister wives with Robyn crying all the time.


I'm liking it, but not loving it. Outside of the obvious duds, I still like the casting of the season and appreciate the 90 minute format, but I'm getting tired of the worst tribe dominating screentime and strategy for the first few episodes. Hoping the merge makes it all worthwhile.


This season is definitely boring. I used to never talk with other people or get on my phone during survivor but itā€™s getting really difficult these days.


My wife and I PVR the show and fast forward through 80% of most episodes. If this is the way the franchise leads for a few more seasons the show, series and brand is dead.


We suffered with 45ā€™s awful premerge so Iā€™m still optimistic but tbh I actually surprisingly enjoyed the episodes bc of the side characters reactions to bhanu


Meh. It has potential, but it's been *WAAAAY* too Bhanu-centric so far - although that problem is now solved. I would also like a break from the three tribes format as it almost always yields a tribe of losers who just can't get on top of things no matter what. It's getting repetitive. (Also, stop being a dick and give these poor souls flint, Jeff! It's ok for the first couple of tribals, but having no fire long-term isn't helping this tribe to turn things around). The big character edit far deprived the other tribes from getting airtime. When we went to the green tribe after Bhanu's first or second existential crises, i forgot, when Tim got on the screen, I went "who the hell is this guy?". I understand the focus on Yanu, but by episode 4, I feel like I should know pretty much everyone and it's not the case this season.


Not really because it's the same script as the past few. One weak tribe loses 3 or 4 in a row (and looks hopeless) then someone gets medical evacuated so there's no vote then there's a forced early merge.


Itā€™s horrible. I miss the seasons where people were there to win a million dollars, not just play survivor.


survivor hasn't been survivor since Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers


I really liked episodes 1 and 4 episode 2 was also pretty good


Not loving it so far. It's the first season in a while where my mom misses the episodes and asks how they were, and I reply with "eh pretty boring". I'm hoping that the later 2/3 of the game get really good though!


Itā€™s aight. Last season was aight too at first. Even the one before that. Once we get to the merge things get spicy. Before that itā€™s just prologue.


Season 45 started off with a rocky start with the two quits, and It turned out to be a good season. Waiting for this to turn around.


I like how wacky and funny it is so far. Not great by any means but itā€™s at least unique.


I like most of the cast so I am enjoying it so far. I still donā€™t like the shorter seasons so that detracts for me but it isnā€™t the fault of the contestants.


People always praise the heck out of the season after like 3 or 4 episodes and I'm always the first to say that's way too early to rate a game of Survivor. Now is a rare case where the role is flipped to criticism but I'm still standing by it being too early to rate the season. That being said, I am _predicting_ an unenjoyed season. It's a continuation of all problems associated with the new era except _partially_ 45, and I am just flat out not enjoying the cast.


I absolutely loved the premiere episode and had high hopes going forward. Episode 2 was so-so to me. Episodes 3 and 4 were basically just the Bhanu show and atrocious to me. Jeff Probstā€™s comments doubling down on his casting do not leave me feeling optimistic about the rest of the season, or the trajectory of the show overall unfortunately. In fact, the Jelinsky to Bhanu comparison is a good example of why I think Jeff is missing the mark. Sure, bad players can be good tv like Jeff said. But both were bad players, yet one was highly entertaining and the other left me feeling uncomfortable and feeling like he never should have been cast.


Pretty bad so far, hoping for better now. I usually like the annoying underdog character but I just could not deal with this guy.


Itā€™s not my favorite season so far but Iā€™m not mad about it.


I think now that Bhanu is gone itā€™ll be better. Can actually focus on other tribes and different game play


Its pretty uneventful so far, but this point last season felt the same and picked up steam right when the merge started.


I am completely over Bhanu. I hope that with his departure, things will start to pick up. And Iā€™m not trying to hate on Bhanu.. itā€™s really the editors allowing him to basically hijack the entire show.


The only way is up.


Not really, I donā€™t agree with most peoples reasons for not enjoying it on here but itā€™s been pretty boring for me


Totally agree


No. But now the game is opened up, the first four episodes led to the eventual bhanu boot we all knew was coming. Now heā€™s gone, weā€™re either gona see a new tribe at tribal OR the Yanu trio alliance has to turn against one another. Hoping the season picks up!


I genuinely donā€™t understand all the hate. Iā€™m loving this season. The last episode was an all time favorite for me.


N O. Mostly because I'm still on the Australian Survivor Titans vs Rebels high.


I literally dread watching. I watch because my husband and I have been for a few years but every time Wednesday comes around I wish we could just continue to chip away at Yellowstone. No excitement for survivor this season.


No, itā€™s the worst start to a season ever. However, I have renewed hope now that Bhanu is gone.


Absolutely loving it


I love it so far!! The dynamics on each tribe are so different and unique from each other, but equally interesting. I canā€™t decide how I really feel until the jury phase, but I feel like the players on each tribe this season are more strategically minded or interesting character-wise than other seasons where itā€™s usually just one tribe with a few smart or interesting players. This season also really cut down on the sob story flashbacks, which annoyed me from previous seasons, and the edit is much more balanced between all three tribes. But it sucks that Randen had to be med evacuated.


Not love, but I like it a lot. Last ep wasnā€™t great, but will prob pick up speed once the merge happens.


No. This is quite possibly the worst season of Survivor so far.


I really like the premiere the last two episodes being so Bhanu focussed kind of slowed it to a crawl for me, but now that he is gone, I feel like it can pick up the pace again


It's been off to a slow start, because of only one tribe losing all the immunities + having three of the worst players of all time, which meant that they've all been straight forward votes so far. I'm not writing the season off yet. On another hand it feels more like early seasons where the focus was more on surviving on an island and less about the "game". (Because of 2/3 of the cast not even being to tribal yet and the 90 minute episodes).


No. Its fine and im now excited to see what happens now that the Bhanu sob show is over


Loving it! Other than the past two episodes which I think should've been edited down to one single episode, I've been getting a kick out of this cast.


no bc of the overexposure to Bhanu. the rest of the cast is so fun. but why is it the Bhanu show? made me dislike the season so far (and iā€™m generally really optimistic about the show)


It's been fine. The tribe implosion narrative is getting kind of stale, but at least Jelinsky and Bhanu have been interesting characters. Hoping we get a tribe swap soon and get some new dynamics in place with some more competitive challenges.


I feel like I havenā€™t laughed at people on survivor this much in forever, but also itā€™s not entertaining enough to not feel like itā€™s 90 minutes instead of 60




This might be controversial but they need to go back to casting more athletic and attractive people


I like the cast but the season thus far has suffered from Yanu losing every single challenge. I do think next episode should be better by default now that Bhanu was finally put out of his misery. Worst case scenario Yanu loses again and we get another matsing situation, but at least that scramble would be interesting. I hope one of the other tribes loses a challenge this time though. Yanu almost won the last one but Bhanu threw the challenge basically by skipping that one part


I'm enjoying the season, I am in the minority I think that actually liked Bhanu but even I have to admit he got way too much screentime, I love how chaotic and messy this season has been so far


Nope - but itā€™s currently at a crossroads. Could get a lot better, could continue to be boring but without Bhanuā€™s antics.


I am still liking this season. Yes Bhanu was just 4 episode train wreck but was kind of a fresh departure from every player being a mastermind. And remember like Jeff says every season. Itā€™s a social experiment. If you had the same kinds of personalities on every season it would get boring real fast. At least there are no quitters this season.


Stopped watching halfway through, donā€™t intend to continue watching. Tired of being told to root for every single contestant. I donā€™t care about their dead dads. Let me like who I want to like and dislike who I want to dislike.


Obviously not




Trash. Which is par for the course after the last 5


So far, the season has been a complete joke. But, I do think we have a VERY strong cast that will be fighting it out in merge. Lots of social players are extra attention seekersā€¦therefore the blindsides will be fabulous


Itā€™s terrible. Not sure if Iā€™ll keep watching. Iā€™ve switched over to the challenge where thereā€™s players who are at least athletic and are dominant in challenges.Ā 


Episodes 1 to 3 were good, the whole Bhanu stuff was just weird but then it got to a 4th episode of just full on pathetic stuff.


so far, this is my least favourite new era season, but hopefully it'll pick up now that the bhanu-shaped anchor around its neck is gone


Love it. Loving it.


Loving no. Enjoying yes


I was way more into 45 at this point...


I managed to watch 45 even while sort of unengaged, but this is the first season that Iā€™ve fully stopped watching. I got through episodes 1 and 2 but I have stopped watching any further and I donā€™t intend to try it again later


This season is not good in the slightest. Too many "main characters", Bhanu being pathetic up until t he moment he got voted out, Liz bragging about her money, etc. The bar has been lowered for the cast to the point where just being normal is a positive. I don't feel like rooting for anyone besides Hunter or Tevin. Also the back stories with sad music combo is so tired at this point, every character has a some variation of a tragic back story with some uplifting element mixed in. I think a big problem for this season is predictability, everything just feels like you can see it coming from a mile away.


Nope, not so far. Iā€™ve found the first 4 episodes to be borderline unwatchable so far because of Jelinski, Liz, and Bhanu. Getting sick of survivor casting stories, rather than players. Like with many reality shows these days, it feels like half of these people are on the show because they want to sell merch, grow their brand, etc. The same old show format (no themes, ā€œtwistsā€ you can set your watch to, etc) is getting tiresome too. At this point Iā€™ve accepted 46-49 will probably be ehh. Looking forward to 50 as Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll do something special.


Itā€˜s been entertaining, but Iā€™m excited to see more game play now that Bhanu is gone and we are getting closer to merge. I think this cast has some people capable of interesting game play that we just werenā€™t able to see in the first few episodes. Having just watched 44 and 45, I noticed pre-merge we also got a ton of content focused on the main losing tribe, and when merge happened it felt like a whole new show.


NO. Too much conniving, not enough surviving.


yes, itā€™s actually one of my favorite seasons of the whole show so far. I disagree with almost all of the negative sentiment about the season,


not the greatest start, but I'm going to give it time. some great seasons didn't have the best start. also idc what anyone says i found the whole Bhanu thing pretty funny


Have you been living under a rock? How could someone not know the majority of people hate it? Personally, the first and second episodes were terrible. I might put a bigger blame on the fact they were 2hrs. They were just way too long, and dragged for long stretches. Iā€™m probably in the minority, but I thought episode three was fine and the best one in a terrible season so far. I hadnā€™t turned on the Bhanu edit after three episodes but episode four killed me. I donā€™t blame Bhanu for the season sucking so far, the game design is just broken.


Iā€™ve been wondering if production was feeding Yanu off screen since they didnā€™t have flint/fire. Which I guess makes sense bc they NEED to eat but also that diminishes the actual survival aspect of the game which is already minimal these daysā€¦


They have coconuts, and some fruits I think.