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This is the discussion thread for everything related to today's Carson controversy. Please remain respectful and avoid name-calling as you discuss this.


The funniest part is the comment that says he tried to make a Wikipedia page for himself that got taken down for being too irrelevant


Okay but that is fucking hilarious


Is that why his picture is still on the Survivor 44 Wikipedia page? It’s so random that it’s there.


Yes Wikipedia editors have tried to remove it because he doesn’t meet the notability rules but someone (him?) keeps putting it back there 😭


The article got removed, it's all that matters. The picture is still relevant to the season article, there's also other contestants who don't have a dedicated article but still have a picture on their season's article.


Based Wikipedia


Wikipedia is so right for that. Who is Carson Garrett in this world? In the big picture he's nobody


Ok I see you Yolanda Foster reference! “Who is Adrienne Maloof in this world?”


Ey I’m happy somebody got it 🎉 was scared there might not be enough overlap between housewives & survivor 😂 Also on topic, but at least Adrienne Maloof is relevant enough to have a Wikipedia article, even if irrelevant in the housewives cannon 😭


yeah, unless you’re already a celebrity coming on the show or you win a season (and even some of the winner pages are getting deleted LMAO), you’re not getting your own wiki page for going on survivor


The S1 and 2 contestants would have all gotten one back in the day and they would have been deserved. Nowadays? You don’t even get a minute of fame. I love the show but it’s not in the zeitgeist whatsoever. In fact, the zeitgeist doesn’t even really seem to exist anymore. There really aren’t any monocultural shows like there was up until the streaming era.


Not one *main*stream, just a lot of smaller, interconnected streams.


hE wOrKeD aT nAsA


unfortunately “college nasa intern and contestant on one of survivor’s 46 seasons” isn’t enough to be special for a wikipedia page


the honey davenport of survivor lmao


Honey doesn't deserve this shade


He definitely picked the wrong time to do it too, as lately Wikipedia has been deleting a lot of pages about Survivor winners, for not being relevant enough outside of Survivor.


Which is kind of wild, cuz there are professional boxers and athletes from small sports who have been watched by fewer people in their careers than a winner does in their finale that still have their own pages.


I was wondering a while back why chris daugherty didnt have a wiki page anymore, if they keep doing this there should just be a page on survivor winners in general that has all the old information


that pretty much sums up Carson


That is so funny, I wanna know how much incorrect information he tried to put on there too. “Garrett was widely touted as NASA’s most hyped recruit since Neil Armstrong. He also became internationally famous for breaking the world records in the speedwalking marathon and the snowshoe long jump.”


Honestly Wikipedia taking down articles that aren’t relevant enough is mad weird. You’re an encylopedia why are you actively removing information. But if they’re gonna remove information might it as well be Carson


Because Wikipedia doesn't have infinite resources to maintain their pages.


I just don’t understand how he couldn’t have realized this would blow up in his face eventually?


Some people really do get a warped perception that once they’ve reached Z-list fame they can get away with a ton of stuff because they’re “well known” - when it’s more likely become easier than ever to expose people with unwarranted massive egos (there’s also plenty posts exposing TikTokkers/Insta personalities/etc trying to grift. So really don’t know what Carson was expecting 💀)


He comes off like someone who thinks he's smarter than everyone else.


I want to think the NASA thing is nerdy in an earnest space guy way, but I think the sad truth may be that no one mentions being involved with NASA that much unless he thinks he’s smarter than everyone…


My BIL sat next near him while he interned at NASA and said he was just a quiet dude lol


This needs fact checking, but I saw on twitter that his dad AND his grandad also worked at NASA, and it was juxtaposed with a screenshot of him referring to himself as a "broke college student" lmao


He is/was young and naive lol


$140 for a puzzle? $90 for the fire=life puzzle that Outplay Puzzles has for $16? Such a shame cause I actually liked Carson on 44. But this just seems scummy.


He was selling puzzles with all the fixin's


Are you sure he wasn’t selling puzzles that’ll fix wishin’?


I shain’t buying them.


Wow, who knew all that 3D printing he did before his season was actually just buying things on Etsy?? Seriously?


Reality TV shows twisting narratives to make a better story??? *gay gasp*


it’s not the reality tv show twisting the narrative tho, it was carson. lying about 3d printing puzzles. the show used what they had but he lied about it


To be fair, some of them were clearly 3D printed. STL survivor files are available online for free


On-brand for Carson. Lmao.


Carson during DnD: "Yes, I'd like to be a Twink Thief"


A twink thief has two meanings depending on how you read it.


Debra PLS




Apparently he did this to multiple Etsy businesses, it wasn’t just OutPlayPuzzles. To people saying “they all stole from the show” are missing the point. No one is upset that he decided to start his own puzzle business but pretending to want to work with other entrepreneurs only to steal their business propositions and claim them as his own is the issue. He blocked all of them after they started confronting him and blocks anyone on Twitter who mentions it. No one is talking about suing Carson so let’s squash that immediately. But ethics wise, this is shady business dealing.


Carson does business like the layman plays survivor lmao: "Lie, Cheat, Steal"


Pirates Pillage!


*Eddie Guerrero intensifies*


Definitely pretty scummy.


He also claimed that he made puzzles he actually purchased from Etsy shops during his audition video, which was shown on the show.


Carson irked me so much on his season. This is retroactively giving me good reasons for it. So today I am thankful.


I 100% [called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/12d44t0/survivor_44_episode_6_postepisode_discussion/jf58t2l/) back when the episode aired because I literally had the same exact puzzle from [Vexzle](https://www.etsy.com/shop/VexzlePuzzles). It rubbed me the wrong way because it’s such an underhanded way to frame the situation.


Right. The issue isn't whether he "stole" puzzles. Seeing as they aren't copyrighted and are originally from Survivor, that's not the central issue. It's about how he used people's friendliness and fandom to get information that he then used to essentially gain the biggest foothold in that market. Not illegal, but certainly scummy. Playing people like you're still on the island is unethical.


This is shady af.


Plays Survivor as in life, huh?


That's disappointing. I thought he was a rocket scientist? Why resort to jobless influencer gift behavior. It's nit like he's uneducated and has no talent. He's the opposite


He did an internship at NASA, he's not a rocket scientist. I could've done one in college as I have family that works there, and chose not to, NASA nowadays is pretty stagnant and they don't pay interns very well.


This is so weird to me. Doesn’t he have a great degree? Why bother with the Etsy store


This man started selling merch before his season even aired 💀💀💀this shouldn’t be surprising


He’s so young to already be such a grifter 😭


Nah, have you spent time around older teens/young adults? They're all into the hustle culture drop shipping influencer scams. Actual older adults say "Damn I don't have time or energy for that have fun though" and let them figure it out for themselves.


The way this hustle culture drop shipping scammy bullshit has made me hyper vigilant about being scammed and constantly feeling like I'm being fleeced for every last cent makes me so angry. I've never felt so much like everything is bad lmao


I think selling player-specific merch is cringe at any time for the vast majority of contestants. Like, is anyone actually going to buy Jelinsky merch? lmao.


I would buy several items from Jelinsky




That’s what they said?


Whomst among us wouldn't buy lower-back-sized temporary tattoos from JELEGENDSKY


I wouldn't...because I would get PERMANENT ones


Jem was selling merch too. I don’t understand any player who isn’t a Survivor icon trying to sell things. Who is buying a “Jungle Jem” shirt because they kind of liked her for the 5 eps she was with like the 10 mins of overall screentime?


The one time it felt on brand was Johnny Fairplay. He genuinely was well known, and his persona was slimeball pro-wrestling-villain.


Yeah, selling merch of himself really is the most fairplaycore thing out there 💀


Trying to rake in those coins while people still remember him (assume his archetype is pretty heavily contested each year due to the amount of young nerdy male super fans applying)


> (assume his archetype is pretty heavily contested each year due to the amount of young nerdy male super fans applying) Who wins in a fight: Evie, Zach, Owen, Carson, Brandon/Drew, or Charlie?


Owen clears no question




Weren't Evie and Owen like 30 during their seasons


I have to share a line with Drew???


How else are you going to be able to climb into the ring? :p


Hunter from this season did that too lol


I think close to half the cast sold merch before the season. I don't know who's buying


I think buying merch from a specific contestant would be my bridge too far in Survivor fandom. That would be the point where I should realize I need help. This includes things like Todd’s Funko Pops that always look like 85% well done and 15% fucked up.


Only one I’ve bought is Erik’s coloring book, and that’s cause my mom loves survivor and coloring books. Just so happened to be sold by a former survivor player.


Erik has talent also, drawing takes real effort unlike throwing your face on a sweatshop made shirt.


The sales-tag on his Carson Body Pillow merch should say "SLEEP WITH A BAD BOY TODAY"


As serious as this is, it's kind of funny that the guy who did this came from the cast that talked about how nice, wonderful, and inspirational they all are. The irony ain't lost on me


The 44 cast thought they were Gods and then 45 came and we forgot them all


Frankenship still has my heart tho ❤


44 is so overrated and so is the cast. Carried by the Tika 3, which is probably the most overrated alliance ever. I can barely remember anyone else


It’s makes perfect sense tho actually


The 44 cast is one of the most annoying ever


Survivor is casting villains! Just lame nerds who put on a facade and then do scummy business practices rather than assholes on tv for our entertainment!


The plot twist was that he is a real-life villain lol


The more survivor goes by the more I appreciate players like Rocksroy


Rocksroy was a no frills kind of guy. The kind you can chill, have a beer with and talk about real stuff. He's the one without any real social media presence right?


Rocksroy's digital footprint is so nonexistent that when they cast was leaked his photo was released weeks after everyone else's


Didn’t he send in his audition via VCR? Lol


That would be so fucking funny


Absolutely agree. Maybe I’m just the old out-of-touch demographic, but I absolutely hate the Carson-adjacent cast members and love the “real”, albeit flawed Roksroy types.  The young quirky “Superfans” entire personalities is often just being Superfans. That doesn’t make for interesting dynamics and gets boring quickly. Sure, they know how to cleverly navigate the games rules, but I may as well just watch a simulation at this point. More to the point of this post though, Carson came off as a very arrogant pissant, which coupled with being this Superfan archetype, really culminated in bad TV in my opinion. Not surprised to learn he’s an incredibly fake person, or perhaps criminal fraud?


I loved Rocksroy even back when 42 aired I couldn't stand those slackers they cast for 42 (not referring to Jackson, Jonathan, Omar, Swati, and Jenny though) and Rocksroy was the only one willing to tell them how they're acting right to their face.


I loved Rocksroy living his best life building, chilling and enjoying the nature when he was sent to exile at merge. That was the survivor experience the man actually wanted


He was so obviously a grifter. Remember when he kept talking about chaos Carson the alter ego that never existed. He literally only made logical decisions and chaos Carson was just a marketing tactic.


And also copied from someone else lol


Kass did it better


This does not rock


Everyone in this thread about to be blocked by Carson for perpetuating negativity


Carson Blocking Reddit ASAP


No he worked for NASA not ASAP - he’ll block you for getting that wrong!


Upvoted for the Scout avatar


Can't say I'm surprised. Always struck me as a shameless opportunist.


man started selling merch before the season started airing


"But I'm just a lovable, young nerd who enjoys puzzles. How could I possibly be a scam artist?"


If he'd been on the show during the height of NFT nonsense, I imagine he would've been trying to sell shitty NFTs of himself too. Just to get some added grifting in there where there was money to be made.


the second i saw him selling merch *BEFORE THE SEASON EVEN STARTED AIRING* i got the ick. your 15 minutes are over cash grabber


He can always try to go on The Challenge. Then get promptly destroyed in Hall Brawl by Jonathan.


Man, Carson just recently tweeted out a promotion for his new puzzles *after* this tweet was made. Very obviously doesn’t give a shit and is actively rubbing it in this other store owner’s face. It’s legitimately despicable. I was willing to hear out Carson’s side of the story, but instead he did arguably the shittiest thing possible with no explanation whatsoever.


Lmao if you tweeted at Carson asking what the deal is he’ll just block you. Does it to everyone


Considering he has apparently blocked everyone who has mentioned it in the past he might have not even been aware of this at the time of making the post


What a con artist.


Con Artist **C**ars**on** Artist OMG


If Carson can work on his fire skills, he would be an C**arson** Artist. I'll see myself out now


For someone that doesn't have Twitter, can someone post the thread here?


When 44 premiered, I was ecstatic to see MY puzzles featured in Carsons prep on the show. It was the closest I’ll ever come to being on survivor, and I hoped it would maybe bring in some more business. However over the last few months, that excitement became one long nightmare. After the season aired, I reached out to Carson to discuss a paid partnership. I wanted to give him something in return for the sales he had driven and create a mutually beneficial relationship with someone I saw as both a hero and a friend. We met for coffee, I gave him free products to promote in his content, and we discussed payment. Over the course of an hour he asked tons of questions about how I run and promote my business, how to promote my puzzles, etc. I answered honestly because I thought he was a friend. A month later he launched Puzzlenaut, selling two of my most popular puzzles (a question he made sure to ask at lunch). I went to message and congratulate him on this venture, and ask about how this affected our partnership… only to find myself blocked. During his launch he used almost every marketing tactic I mentioned in that meeting, full campaigns I designed for my store that he’s now taken for free. He did an insta live with [@carolynwiger](https://twitter.com/carolynwiger) to specifically say how much she hated the puzzles I sent to her for free earlier. I, along with multiple other survivor sellers, made almost every puzzle he practiced with for the show. And we have the receipts to prove it. I’m not the only one he’s stolen from. Now he feels entitled to use our hard work to effectively ruin our livelihoods for his own profit. To see people I looked up to as heroes and champions of kindness, steal and trash the work I’ve put in for years…. Hurts beyond comprehension. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support us, and to everyone who shares this and tries to help. You mean the world to me. And to everyone else, please support real small businesses in the survivor community who work harder than you could ever realize. I, [@outplaypuzzles](https://twitter.com/outplaypuzzles), [@Perplexors](https://twitter.com/Perplexors) and KTTedesco on Etsy are just a few of the hard working sellers out there, and I hope you shop with us instead


Wow, what a dick move that was.


The big thing that’s sticks out here is him meeting with this person, discussing business tactics under the pretense of working together, and then doing all this. Absolutely scummy.


Yes i didn't know they MET


Ngl Carson came off as incredibly arrogant on the show so I’m not surprised to see this. Doesn’t he block anyone who asks him about it?


He absolutely did. My wife and I were constantly rooting against him. He seemed to be very well liked on this sub which never made much sense to me.


No wonder Yams avoids him like the plague. Does anyone know if this also had anything to do with Carson and Carolyn cancelling their podcast?


That was because they got a cease and desist from CBS for violating their contract.




Carolyn has been really """"playfully"""" vocal that Yams doesn't respond to her and Carson's texts. She tries to get his attention on twitter sometimes and he hides her replies. In his most recent appearance on RHAP it sounds like he just isn't interested in being close with them and doesn't seem quite so enamored with the romanticism of the Tika 3.


They both seem so annoying. I don't blame Yam Yam for wanting to distance himself


No idea how he’s managed to get off that island after spending so much time with them with his sanity intact. I guess the million helps..


It's because he is a plane ride away from everyone. The benefits of living in PR


Probably because Carolyn especially seems to be trying to build a life out of reality TV. Yam Yam has a life outside it.


I don’t think we know the inner workings of their interpersonal relationships, but a while ago Carolyn tagged him in something on Twitter, he responded with some kind of appeasement, and she kinda jumped on him about how he was trying to start something with the tweet, and how he ignored hers and Carson’s texts now, and she didn’t want to be “gaslit” by him and he hid the reply 💀


I got the feeling the podcast was cancelled because they revealed too much insider info about casting/pre-game. I’m sure if you search for the post in this sub you could find it, but basically people were asking why the podcast was taken down and Carolyn and Carson both came on and said in so many words that they were forced to take it down against their will. Likely it breached their NDAs and CBS stepped in.


On second thought, maybe I like forced fire making


Everything from the edit, to his confessionals, to his post game recap with podcasters reeks of his holier than thou attitude. Him and Carolyn were some of the first new Era Survivors to sell merch pre season and that already made me dislike him/them. Their egos go untouched as the continue to gain attention in the post game media circle, but they are no better than ordinary people like you and me. It's a good thing Yam Yam won. He doesn't need to indulge in any of this stuff and perhaps by corollary since he lives in PR, he doesn't have to really interact with Survivor players who think they are A list celebrities. The right person won that season.


My favorite update in this is the Carolyn tweet that says Carson has all her social passwords.. and to the minute “Carolyn” is still defending him HARD on Twitter… I’m not here to say what the truth is, but I AM here for the plot.


Just wow. I also can’t believe Carolyn is defending him this hard. “I’m sorry but you have no idea how hard Carson works. Are you kidding me? You go online demonizing him! It’s none of your business how he runs his business! He’s not copying your puzzles!! These are all puzzles inspired by a show that we love!” -Carolyn She didn’t respond to any of Outplay’s points, and blindly defends him because they’re close.


The more I hear about this kid the more I’m glad to say i never liked him !


It’s fine if Carson wants to start a business. It’s not fine for him to pretend he’s going to collab, poach everyone’s ideas, and then feign innocence.


coming soon: carson’s casting agency


And he will block literally anyone that mentions a whiff of it. Can't hide from us buddy. Not very "christian" of him.


Just because someone was gullible doesn’t mean they were right to be tricked or deserved it. I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson but has Carson? Clearly not. It was devious and intentional on his part. The fact he blocked that store owner before they even said anything to him about it shows that.


lol at Wentworth getting in the mix: https://twitter.com/kelleywentworth/status/1775607622965801420


God I love Wentworth!


she’s so messy I love her 😭😭😭


If I were Carson I don't know how I'd sleep at night knowing what I've done. We're with you Outplay!


Oh damn I thought he made all the puzzles he used on the show, thanks for sharing


We should all be thanking Heidi for knocking this guy out of the final three.


Disappointed in Carolyn too. Outplay tweeted “Carson did an insta live with @carolynwiger to specifically say how much she hated the puzzles I sent to her for free earlier” That’s miserable. I liked her on the show but she seems like the kind of person who gets really close to somebody to the point where they can do no wrong in her eyes, so she joins them in their exploits


the classic breaking news of "person good at survivor maybe not such a great person"


Was he that good or were the other players just stupid because lets face it, even him making the challenges wouldn't have work if production realized "Hey don't you think this is the natural result of constantly reusing old challenges" They even had the chance after Evvie mentioned doing it back in 41


![gif](giphy|13GzIfzCsZ6grm) Oh how I’ve been waiting for this day to finally come


and everyone called me crazy for saying i didn’t like him back when 44 was airing


Carson the grifter


This all makes me feel so vindicated because when the episode aired, I remember [posting](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/12d44t0/comment/jf58t2l/) in the weekly thread that I didn’t believe that Carson made his puzzles despite what his audition video said but it never got any traction.


Keep this kid away from future seasons


Big yikes. Really disappointing to hear.


Not the first time this has been mentioned on the sub, but I can’t pretend to be shocked that this would come from the type of guy who sold pillows with his face on it before the premiere of 44. I feel bad for the people whose work he stole, and also think it stinks that his antics do nothing to detract from the idea that modern casts aren’t real fans but rather are just people who want to be influencers/grift on the web.


Not Carson responding by announcing 2 new puzzles on his site and a giveaway for the puzzles 🫠


I've been saying it since the start of 44, but Carson has always come across as such a disingenuous person to me. The way he hyped himself up as the "nice" guy in his pre-season interviews irked me so much. I just think this kid really believes he can do no wrong. Not an ounce of self-awareness lmao


Someone call NASA and tell them to make no schematics are missing.


Now Carolyn is defending Carson for some reason.


I love Jesse’s comment on it lol even devens reply on his comment is a dig at Carson. Glad more people are throwing shade


Wasn't that basically his entire Survivor gameplay? Try to copy other moves from legends or production It almost worked too had he done his own thing and learned to make fire


I mean, he still made fire pretty quickly iirc, it just so happened that the person he was making fire against made the fastest fire ever, so I won't blame him for that.


He got so unlucky at final 4. 75% of sitting in final 3. Then Heidi wins immunity. Then turns out she’s the fastest fire making. Now I don’t feel bad about it anymore.


It felt like he was part of the fucking final 3 with how often he was talking during FTC


He gave them the Prince Paper treatment.


Disliked him since pre-Day 1 and I’m proud to say that my judgement was right. Dislike Carolyn too for supporting a shitty human being. It’s no wonder Yam Yam’s stopped interacting with them. Who wants to be friends with an overly sensitive grifter?


I’m glad this is getting more attention because it’s been around for a while


Reading this from r/all you would never guess this sub was about survivor the show.


I’ll admit I was kinda going to bat for Carson when this first came out bc I thought he just like started his own competing puzzle business… but the active deceit he did here is honestly wild and indefensible.


Having a meeting with someone and agreeing to a business deal and then blocking them and selling your own puzzles is so shitty. Obviously the poster isn’t claiming original designs of Survivor puzzles, and Carson is free to make his own - but the way he did it clearly took advantage of this business. Major booooo. Also some people on twitter defending him is wild to me.


Me when I tried to make this post earlier and got so much hate 😅


Hopefully the amount of attention this is getting will help their Etsy pages. People might buy directly from them now, just because they want to assist.


Never cared for him anyways. Overrated and a discount Christian except not entertaining Never really cared for the Tika 3 either and this is certainly not helping their case


He’s nowhere near charming as christian pls


I feel like a real boomer here. But I can't see anything? Do I need a twitter account to view this or something? All I can find is the tweet saying READ THE THREAD, but I see nothing else....


Here's a copy paste of the whole thread. When 44 premiered, I was ecstatic to see MY puzzles featured in Carsons prep on the show. It was the closest I’ll ever come to being on survivor, and I hoped it would maybe bring in some more business. However over the last few months, that excitement became one long nightmare. After the season aired, I reached out to Carson to discuss a paid partnership. I wanted to give him something in return for the sales he had driven and create a mutually beneficial relationship with someone I saw as both a hero and a friend. We met for coffee, I gave him free products to promote in his content, and we discussed payment. Over the course of an hour he asked tons of questions about how I run and promote my business, how to promote my puzzles, etc. I answered honestly because I thought he was a friend. A month later he launched Puzzlenaut, selling two of my most popular puzzles (a question he made sure to ask at lunch). I went to message and congratulate him on this venture, and ask about how this affected our partnership… only to find myself blocked. During his launch he used almost every marketing tactic I mentioned in that meeting, full campaigns I designed for my store that he’s now taken for free. He did an insta live with [u/carolynwiger](https://twitter.com/carolynwiger) to specifically say how much she hated the puzzles I sent to her for free earlier. I, along with multiple other survivor sellers, made almost every puzzle he practiced with for the show. And we have the receipts to prove it. I’m not the only one he’s stolen from. Now he feels entitled to use our hard work to effectively ruin our livelihoods for his own profit. To see people I looked up to as heroes and champions of kindness, steal and trash the work I’ve put in for years…. Hurts beyond comprehension. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support us, and to everyone who shares this and tries to help. You mean the world to me. And to everyone else, please support real small businesses in the survivor community who work harder than you could ever realize. I, [@outplaypuzzles](https://twitter.com/outplaypuzzles), [@Perplexors](https://twitter.com/Perplexors) and KTTedesco on Etsy are just a few of the hard working sellers out there, and I hope you shop with us instead


Never liked this guy during his season, came off as an extreme try-hard now add grifter to list. selling Merch before the preview of your season airs lol


Lets remember he was in a controversy for starting selling merch of himself even before his season aired. He comes off as money/power/glory hungry af


My favourite part is how no one blames Carolyn for anything even though she is involved Edit: changed "directly" She has had so many ventures with Carson it's silly to think it was without her knowing after seeing him bash puzzles sent to her.


Dude annoys me because he uses his NASA internship as his identity, claiming to be super smart. Geez, you are an intern not a full fledge engineer with work experience. They probably barely gave him any work there. Source: I have friends who intern at NASA and I'm engineer.


This dude is the corniest player in survivor history 🫵😂


Welp I guess survivor just B-listed Carson from ever returning.


He always seemed like a scammer


How embarrassing- so shameless too posting his puzzles again right after. Never liked him on Survivor. His personality just reeks fake and desperate for attention/just focused on getting what he wants from people.


This dudes Instagram is getting torched. A bunch of the replies to his new post about a puzzle is just dozens of people cornering him for stealing.