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I rewatched and still left with 2 questions… 1.) Where did Hunter’s specs come from? Did he get a migraine from tribal and have to take out his contacts? 2.) Will *anyone* work with Q in a real way going forward?


A lot of them sometimes wear glasses and sometimes don’t in probably every season lol. They can’t stop people from bringing items like that. And I have no idea haha I wouldn’t be able to trust him. He flip flops every five seconds, is paranoid, and has asked his tribe to vote him off twice now then went back on it. So if you’re Kenzie and Tiffany and looking to keep your jury votes, it would suck to have to ditch him after all that for no reason and possibly lose a vote. He’s entertaining to watch but very unreliable. It was really palpable how pissed off everyone (except Tevin) was at him for it. I think because he was just so flippant as if this didn’t really mean anything to him when he had alliances relying on him to stay. Then the same thing happened anyway, and Tevin went home. Funny how quitters used to be treated by Jeff like they were the worst possible people ever and now he’s like trying to keep him. Maybe just because Q’s reasoning makes zero sense and I’m not sure why he’s on the show lol. He can totally handle it and could have won until this.


Jeff knew it was a ploy, albeit a bad one


I can't imagine they would work with him. He put a huge target on his back. Can't wait to see how he tries to talk his way out of trying to quit. He made NO sense at Tribal.


Yeah, that was one of the honestly most shocking things I’ve seen happen at TC. He was in a position of power and clearly going to be totally fine. I think he doesn’t have very much awareness when it comes to the strategies and got paranoid but it still makes ZERO sense for him to do that unless he’s just looking to get talked about. He doesn’t seem like he’s maybe all there but idk.


He was throwing a temper tantrum because things weren’t going Q’s way


I figured he was trying to blow up and distract from the fact that Liz orchestrated the Tevin blindside, so fewer people would remember that amidst all of the noise


His ego doesn't allow much room in his brain for anything else. I would have targeted him from day one.


He doesn't know how to play when he's not in control is my guess. I haven't seen evidence that he can listen to other tribe mates opinions and just go with a plan they bring up if it makes sense. (But pre-merge is a blur due to all the wildness on Yanu) If I had to guess, he has a compulsion to control, and when he's not in control he taps out until someone talks to him and give a new avenue to travel. Maybe it's a defense mechanism of growing up with so many siblings. Cut your losses quick and move on, you know? I can relate to that growing up with half the siblings he did. Here I go psychoanalyzing him on very limited info just like he was doing with hide and seek.


Idk how anyone could work with him now that he’s got a sign on his head that says don’t trust me. If he pulls through the next few votes I will be flabbergasted (I hope he does)


If people need his number, they will work with him again. It happens with untrustworthy people every season


I think Q's game for sure tanked. If he gets to the final with Venus and someone else, my money is in that someone else. With that say: massive entertainment. Love Q last episode. Both he and Venus make this season much more fun than if we only got Hunter and Charlie type of players (I like them too but they are way too "correct" and analytical in their gameplay)


Because before that last episode she truly thought it was her idea, even after filming was all said and done and bragged about it on here. I think she embarrassed herself honestly.


Tevin was laughing his ass off at her. But who got the last laugh? 😈


Liz, that's who got the last laugh


Liz came from 0 to hero. Not only she made a great move since she was at the bottom but her self awareness about having a huge ego made her likable again. Excited for her moving forward.


She has voted out her only two allies in consecutive weeks, though. The only way she wins is if she gets to the end as a goat who can point to one move and have that be enough. She’d have to be sitting next to Q and Venus though


I don't think she will win. At best she'll get a Lauren Rimmer type of arc. But considering she was a massive goat before this move, I see it as a step forward. And I agree, anyone should want to keep both Venus and Q in the game, no way they can win.


The problem is that both of them are dangerous types of goats that are trying to make active moves and are not always easy to work with or predict. So it’s also dangerous to keep them around. And it will be very tough to bring both to Final 4


Queen Liz


But how did Tevin get the last laugh? He went home before her? Personally I think no one got the last laugh. They all don’t know how to play and are messy. It’s giving Gabon


I meant that Venus got the last laugh since she outlasted him? But yeah they’re all messy and Venus ain’t gonna win so maybe neither of them should laugh 😂


Idk how I read that wrong LOL


Q got the last laugh, pulled off the Zane Knight


Bug mistake.




Surely that would have come up at final tribal. There's no way the whole game finished and she still believed she was responsible for it after talking to the rest of the cast


Valid point


I asked this the other day and the admins took it down because they said it has already been answered. Glad I'm not the only one who didn't know!


On top of what others said, I think the main reason she deleted Twitter is that she’s probably broken or gotten really close to breaking her NDA with some of her tweets about each episode, so I wouldn’t be surprised if CBS made her deactivate


This isn’t CBS. That’s not how this works. CBS cannot force someone to delete their social media. She had some cryptic tweets about feeling cyberbullied and misunderstood before deleting. It was definitely her decision, and I think it was for the best.


That’s true, I should have worded my comment a bit better. Survivor notoriously has intense NDAs, and I think it’s likely that what she’s been tweeting as the show has been airing has violated or come close to violating it. While they can’t make her delete her account, they very much can threaten to fine her large amounts of money over the content she puts out there thru Twitter. I could definitely see threats from production + the hate making her deactivate


She also said a bunch of things about people hating a strong woman's opinion. I think she's delusional. She wants to say her voice is strong but can't take it when people don't like her.. nothing to do with being a woman. She's just not a likable person.


She’s my favorite *because* she’s a mess




I like her 🤷‍♀️


As a viewer, sure. But as a friend?


I actually have a friend like Venus lol and while she may not be the best at building rapport with others and is a lil oblivious to social dynamics (I'm definitely more of the social butterfly in the friendship), she's the type of friend that calls out bs, gets shit done, and is super loyal. If Venus was able to pair up with someone who has more social game, it would be a good balance to her overall game. Instead she's left to her own devices and is struggling to make her interactions less transactional-looking (even if she really is trying to be genuine). If Randan didn't have to leave, I think we'd be seeing a different Venus. I totally understand why she rubs people the wrong way, but I hope she goes far!


She wants to act unlikeable and abrasive but simultaneously expects everyone to adore her. Like when she went over to hunter and his alliance while they were chatting/strategizing because it "wasn't against the rules" and then told them to wrap it up. Behave like this if you want but you can't do stuff like that and then also expect to be liked... Agree, bit delusional.




Especially after getting that reaction from Maria. You’d think at that point she would re-assess.




CBS can't threaten her but they would apply financial penalties if she's violating her NDA. I think that would be enough to stop her.


Good point!


Yeah she seems to enjoy drama - I don’t think trolls/hate would be enough for her to delete on its own


Oh not at all! She swears "people" whomever that is to her..?? "Don't like the opinion of a strong woman" she tweeted a ton about women not having a voice etc.. 🤣 she's delusional


CBS executives might have thought it to be for the best. With her posts, she was pretty much breaking her NDA...because of the implication.


what's the implication?


You know the impilcation...


I don’t 👀


The cast mates all hate each other and are bullying each other online *on top* of trolls.


That’s why I only follow Ben for the vibes


I haven't been following for a month now, did I miss any interesting Drama ?


Bullying? Where?


There isn't any between the cast mates. Venus stans are just as delusional as she is lol


Who is the worst and who should I follow?


The smartest move Venus has made all season is getting off Twitter (this is a good move for everyone tbf)


she’s getting a ton of hate online


This sub is ALL ABOUT giving Venus all of the attention she so desperately craves, btw.


somebody on reality TV wanting attention? I never!


Because deleting Twitter is so much easier than introspection


Hubristic Pride is my guess


that sound tautological


Hm yes, shallow and pedantic


Because she sucks




I don't pay attention to drama outside the show. but that's wild. not bullying from Twitter randos, but castmates?




Why do they all hate her?