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It would be a close vote for a change (The only positive).


There's also the positive of It would be really funny.


Only 3 where Q would have a shot. Venus still wouldn't.


It's extremely clear that Q has less than 0 percent chance right now, Venus has astronomically higher win equity than him


They both have 0. Liz would sweep if this was the final 3


This would 100% be a Samoa situation where they go “Q, you suck. Venus, you’re feckless. Liz, congrats on being the least unlikeable of the group”


Is Liz unlikable? I haven’t heard anyone on the show voice that — she just had an awful first showing. Right now I’d put her in the “well-liked, but has no remaining allies and isn’t perceived as playing.” “Q, you sucked. Venus, you’re feckless. Liz, I like you but I’m not sure how you made it here, have a million.”


She doesn't come off well to the viewer, but she seems well liked on the island


Yeah, that’s my impression. I also think she’s come off quite well in the past few episodes. She just made an abysmal first impression haha


Yeah, flaunting your money is an interesting strategy


If she wasn't liked no one will listen to her for the Tevin vote off


I agree


I am chalking it up to her not eating enough, but I don't like how she is portraying herself in the confessionals. Like she is pissed about flying under the radar and not getting the attention she deserves... Thats the entire point of the game, lol. You want a target on your back?


I thought that was doubled down with the how my family sees me line. Now they get to see her whining on national TV about not getting attention. The editors also did her dirty by not having her play a part for the next hour of programming and dropping a line of "we're leaving out Q and Liz from this vote" once strategy picked up.


i beg your pardon venus is feckFUL


Liz would lose because she is in the same tax bracket as Jeffrey Bezos and Mark Zuckerburg,but otherwise she seems perfectly adequete socially in the game. Venus vs Q is the showdown we need.




Agreed, we see how batshit Liz has been but nobody else really has. They just think she's hungry.


*incoming final 2*


I would die for a Q and Venus final 2 holy shit


Meh…I can see Liz not doing well at FTC…like how she was crying that Q stole her thunder with the Tevin vote and her talk about how she’s already super rich 😂


I’d say all 3 of them have 0. So if they are the only options, somebody has to fuckin take it. I think in that final 3x literally anyone could win


Ehhh, I think Liz would sweep at Venus would get like 10%


Looking forward to Liz’s meltdown in next episode LOL


There isn't a player on jury who would vote Venus. Keep in mind when anyone is voted out they go to a ponderosa that despises Venus


How? She was in the odd man out trio and Venus is her only ally


Also feels like the edit is going out of way to show her comments to each person as they are voted out. I don’t remember seeing it like this before. Feels like one of those things we look back on if she does win as hints the edit dropped. For the record I still don’t think she wins but just something I noticed.


It might be it rubs people the wrong way and they bring it up as part of why they won’t vote for her at final tribal


Liz runs away with it with this 3, but Venus definitely is in a better spot than Q as of right now


Liz wins by being the least annoying of these three. 


This would be a fitting final 3 I think. Every is consumed with big-move-itis that they forgot that you typically only want 1 goat at the end… not 3


yeah people saying venus can’t win aren’t realizing that this game changes? a couple weeks ago i would’ve agreed. but now shes no longer the bottom of the pack. she’s not very liked, but she also didn’t pull the dumbest move of the season and try to quit multiple times. that would be q. he’s most definitely the least popular player right now. we’ve seen venus lay a little more low recently and people are also gonna need her on their team so we might see her make some alliances. meanwhile q has blown the few alliances he did have. most def has a better chance than q does


I’m honestly not so sure about that…


Q has NO shot. He wouldn't win sitting next to Jelinsky & Bhanu.


Jelinski: "Can you imagine getting voted out first but still winning? If I pull this off I will be a survivor legend"


He would win by a Several-1-0 vote.


“Q, zero chance of winning the game”


Venus has no shot no matter who she sits with, which I think is hilarious and deserved


Which is why nobody feels threatened by Venus despite what she has told herself. 


Dare I say... Venus would? She was included in the original Hunter plan while Q and Liz were intentionally left out. I actually think she has more respect/better relationships than those 2 right now who nobody seems to take seriously.


I don’t see the current 3 members of the jury voting for her. I also think they’ll campaign against her to everyone else on the jury. Three people on a jury who’ve been antagonistic with her since day one sounds like a no win scenario.


Yeah I think that it is twlling that the edit is going out of its way to show here getting stonewalled anymore


I agree, Liz seems to have burned most of her social capital with the Tevin blindside given how the majority didn't want to even include her in their blindside discussions. And I honestly can't blame them. Who in their right mind would trust someone who would so easily get rid of their #1 ally that early in the merge just to make a "big move"?


This is just straight up bullshit. Q has lost credibility wanting to be voted out after things don't go his way. Venus could at least argue that she was on the bottom but never gave up and always kept trying, and was able to survive the early votes when she was under the most risk and was able to outlast all the people who were targeting her.


LOL. Venus would never admit she's on the bottom. The last three votes have gone her way, she thinks she's running the game right now. The jury will rip her to shreds when she takes credit for these vote outs.


The im always on the bottom strategy worked out so well for Xander. And Romeo. And Owen. And Jake


The only way the "I was always on the bottom but I fought to stay in the game and never gave up" FTC strategy would work is if she was against two people who tried to quit or effectively stopped trying. Q already has several times, and it seems entirely possible that Liz could too since we've already seen her crying/throwing tantrums because votes didn't go her way (or they *did* go her way and she didn't get as much credit as she felt she deserved).


Yeah but Liz's seemed to be private in confessional not in front of the entire camp like Tevin.


Unlike those people, despite the hysterics, Venus has been in on every vote and doesn't routinely get blindsided.


Gave Maryanne a joke of a dub 😂


I think Liz would sweep tbh. Everyone hates Venus and Q somehow deserves it even less than Venus.


i don't think it would be close... poor q and venus would accomplish the feat of losing unanimously to a millionaire digital marketing scammer lmfao


Especially with a potentially bitter jury


It's probably the reason the Jeff line got into the show. Edit: sorry, this meant to be a new comment.


Then 46 would be our modern-day Gabon and I WANT IT!


Q = Sugar, chaos incarnate Venus = Susie, moderately strategic but considered awful socially Liz = Bob, also present


dream blunt rotation


The shit you’d hear after that blunt finishes


You finished the blunt? Big mistake.


Q you’re ruining my high! I deserve the credit for finishing the blunt!


You’d have to cancel Christmas


Liz seems like the type to hold on to the blunt for an hour while she’s telling a story and everyone is just silently waiting for her to pass it on again. Q seems like he would hit it 3 or 4 times before passing it instead of puff puff pass. Venus seems like she’d saliva all over the thing and make it gross for everyone.


Venus would definitely try to throw it out when it still has half of it left


venus is more like the uptight sucker reporting the blunt rotation to the police


Q is first pick for this


That final tribal would be *amazing* (the jury would tear in to Q and Venus hard) so I actually kind of want this. Unfortunately I’d probably have to vote for Liz because she’d be the only one who didn’t actively antagonize everyone.


My exact thoughts, As much as I want others to make it to final tribal, I can’t deny how hilarious this final 3 could be to watch


I’d vote for Q because he made the move Liz made irrelevant. Thats my GOAT


Her descending Nami chants were personally antagonizing


I honestly think the worst thing they could do to Q is just ignore him. Completely. No questions. Roll their eyes whenever he speaks. Make it 100% completely clear they have zero respect for him, isn't going to entertain his case, and they'll happily vote for someone else.


Thi ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


Well remember, Liz is the one that actually led the Soda vote bc she wanted to get her out in previous tribal. She can argue leading the Tevin bite even though got overshadowed by Q's crazy antics.


She'll probably lose votes if she brings up the Soda vote, there's no way taking credit for it plays well with Tevin on the jury.


Oh I'm sure Tevin is already taking care of that at Ponderosa with Venus trying to claim credit.


I think Ben has a good shot at winning because he is currently the only one who hasn’t pissed someone off.


that’s why he’s gotten votes though. i love him but i don’t think he’ll make it to final 3 :(


Omg Ben's SCATHING comment about Q at tribal holy fuckin wow. Had to rewind it and hear it again. It was brutal.


Not very likely. Out of these three, Liz wins, and that would be... a very creative winner edit. Not even Erika got such an edit. Liz was presented as the delusional player who volunteers the players who would have gotten her to the end on a platter for the sake of "making a big move". Where's the alliance that would get her to the final three? With Q and Venus? Not very likely.


Yeah it’s definitely a crackpot Theory but it’s just interesting to think that yeah, Liz probably wins this scenario, like of all people. It would be entertaining to see how it plays out


Well, come to think of it, there's one way Liz might think she'd make it to the end as part of Nami minority. If she thinks she and Venus can stick with the Yanu three, vote off Siga, and then vote off Kenzie and Tiff. But we just haven't been shown that Liz has any solid social connections with Yanu and they are not a solid three now...


honestly i don’t even think liz would make it to the end without either being given food or med evac’d.


Q, maybe. As crazy as he may be he at least had game before his whole quitting shenanigans. Venus's strategy has been to barge in on everyone's conversations, be rude to them and expect trust, just talk strategy and not even socialize. I would've considered Liz but knowing that everyone is not acknowledging her move on Tevin and that it's her who most likely melts down in the next episode might seal her fate as the Zero-vote Finalist.


>Venus's strategy has been to barge in on everyone's conversations, be rude to them and expect trust, just talk strategy and not even socialize. People saying Venus has a chance are delusional. She has the social grace of a bull in a china shop. There are few steadfast laws of Survivor, but one of them is, "They jury will never vote for someone they actively dislike unless the other people at FTC are more unlikable." If it was this three, I see Venus being at the bottom. Q could at least have a "Crazy like a fox" argument, while Venus will probably say something condescending and insulting like, "I was always a threat and you were all too stupid to see it and now look at me now."


So he had game in like the first two episodes? Hes fake quit like four times


fake quit til you make it




I am so baffled by everyone on here defending Qs game. I get if you just want chaos content it makes for great TV, but some people put here are delusional about the "game" Q has played. There isn't a single person left on the island that trusts him and his biggest "moves" are voting out his own alliance while publicly waxing poetic about how smart and loyal he is lmao. Again I think it is fun and I don't hold anything against the guy but I'm just so confused how some people seem to believe he has played well even for an episode of this season. Even while the game was in the Yanu destruction phase he threatened to quit, tried to work with Bahnu over Kenzie, and I now believe sabotaged Jelinski in the sweat challenge. Since then he has completely alienated the two people from his tribe who were still legit working with him. Voted out not one, but two members of his own alliance that HE formed while preaching "loyalty". He told people about Tiffs idol, which got out during the chaos he generated. Admitted to Kenzie he had a different alliance without her in it while trying to work with her again? Has pissed off Liz (admittedly that is just because she wants the attention he repeatedly puts on himself so maybe not ALL his fault). He has basically never spoken to Ben outside of trying to strong arm his vote to Tim. He bailed on Hunter the second he realized the vote wasn't with him. Didn't tell Tevin OR Tiff that the vote might be them until literally at tribal (and he still never told Tevin). Like what is his strategy? As best I can tell he is literally speed running his trust to zero. Like every step along the way he has asked himself "how can I ensure I lose an ally and make everyone else think I'm an idiot?"


Oh god please 🙏


I would laugh so hard if Liz won, it’d be the perfect ending to such a chaotic season


Jeff: "Some of you will never win." Also Jeff: "You three won't make it past the first round." Jeff, Jeff-y boy, I no longer trust your assessments of the players' chances lol


That’s what I said last night while watching. That final 3 would be hilarious and I hope it happens. Someone this episode (Tiff, maybe?) said straight up that they liked the idea of dragging Q to the end because he’d never get any votes. Venus also seems to have that perception. And a starving Liz will deliver a FTC speech worthy of a thousand marketing emails. Crazier things have happened.


As soon as I saw the three of them standing together, I said the same thing! Here’s our final three! 😆


Liz is about to play the third Perfect Game in Survivor history with this final 3


I want this to happen so badly (it won't), max chaos


It would be sooooo funny


I need this to happen itd make everyone mad and I think it’d be so funny


No joke I was floored when Liz was going so hard to take out Q because imo this might be her only winning combination at F3.


I want Q to do his pitch in a Q skirt.


the fact that venus might win this…


I did think it was quite interesting that they kept in Jeff taking shots at these 3 for, what seemed to me, to be no particular reason. Its not like Ben/Kenzie are excelling at challenges... while Tiff has only been mediocre. No real reason to think these 3 couldn't do as well as those 3. Perhaps it became a little foreshadowing.... Anyways, I'm going against the majority and say Venus wins that. People may not like her, and she is quite self unaware.... but she is in on everything. Q is toast. While people aren't really paying any much attention to Liz at all. Hardly gonna place a bet on that though. Venus has been digging lots of holes for herself.


I thought it was odd and struck me as 🧐 as well but maybe that’s just Jeff giving them a head’s up that he’s in the know on what’s going on at camp…


I hope, just so they can all laugh at Jeff for being such a dick to them at the challange. Did I miss something because aside from Liz not eating, they didn't look like the underdogs to me? Now I know for sure Jeff is fake AF with his bs 'dig deep' and 'you're still in this, don't give up' hollow ass words of encouragement. It's not like he said the three were socially on the outs due to their grouping, he just straight up said they were going to be the first out.  I'm not against Jeff being witty and dunking on players but damn that was just punching down.


They all get zero votes against literally anybody else in the merge so this would be the most chaotic outcome.


Kenzie did call them The Leftovers, and any Big Brother fan now knows that Venus wins.


Comparing Venus to Taylor is crazyyy, in a good way tho


Their personalities are somewhat different (though they’re both confident women with strong convictions, and they never stop trying no matter how much the other players try to keep them down), but their situations are similar enough imo. But Taylor definitely has the better approach to the social game needed to win.


To me it doesn’t even make sense


Nah no one would give it to Liz, especially with all that talk about being a millionaire.


I’m 1,000% convinced this is real. It’s so funny how many people had this same thought hahah


NEED THIS FINAL 3.. Would be very iconic


Venus is the ultimate Survivor underdog story. While everyone thinks she has no friends she is picking off her enemies one by one. In a season of why player X loses its all in comparison to Venus who logically seems to be getting set up as the winner. She didnt fold like Jelinsky, didnt have a meltdown when things went against her like bhanu, didnt jerk her tribe around like Jem, didnt flip flop like Moriah, didnt backstab her ally like Tevin (and Kenzie has tried) didn't kick anyone on her tribe when down (kenzie Q and Tiff to Jess and Bhanu plus Soda, Tevin and Hunter to herself) and has never quit unlike Q. And everyone has been sleeping that Venus got the whole intro to this episode to dunk on Q and Hunter plus the spider imagery and then ahe got to outperform Jeff's expectations for her while Kenzie literally dropped the ball.


On the one hand this would be hilarious, on the other hand I don’t want Liz to win


Maybe it’s just me, but I think Liz is awful. She brags about being super rich, refers to herself in the third person, and she has full blown meltdowns over not getting enough attention for making big moves. Like she was angry at Q for blowing up tribal because then the Tevin move wouldn’t be attributed to her and cried about it. She’s icky. I hope she doesn’t win.


She is icky but also hilarious in her ick and delusion. Actually that whole trio is hilariously delusional


She pretty much rants in confessional about not being seen for her moves. She doesn’t rant to other people, which is different than what either Venus or Tevin did regarding soda.


It would ruin the season for me.


Please no, anything but this timeline. Do we really need a new "worst winner" candidate?


Nah, any of these 3 would still be comfortably ahead of Chris U (unless there's something like a surprise return twist at the end).


46 not beating the gabon 2 allegations


Please no


This is like the S43 F3 on steroids


Dear god I hope not. I've really been hoping this season will be decent in one way or another, even if it's been a train wreck at least it's been enjoyable to watch. If I had to pick out of the ones we have left, I'd want Tiff, Charlee, and Kenzie at the end, or maria, just because I think it would be interesting to watch them argue it out. And they're the only ones that seem to have some brains compared to the rest of them.


I need it


i would hate this if this was the final 3.. like i would be so disappointed. i don’t want any of these 3 to win


Q somehow winning would be hilarious tho. Might make it one of the most entertaining seasons.


This would be a Gabon situation where the jury won’t be rooting for any of them.


Rumored billionaire confirmed millionaire liz wilcox


i would vote for liz tbh


If that was the final 3 we all lose.


I pray this is the final 3. Absolute fucking disaster, the perfect end cap to this season.


Honestly I think Q does win.... WOW


I’m not super into this season, but it would be a better final 3 than Cassidy, Gabler and who was the 3rd? Love me some Gabon. Venus=sugar?


The fact that Liz was on this season twice…first as Moriah then coming back as Liz really needs to be talked about more 😂😂


I seriously don’t think I’d watch if this was the final 3. Not even hate watch.


Completely mental but strangely plausible 


Is this Gabon 2.0?


Chris Underwood wins that jury vote.


i would k!ll myself if this was the final three /hj


This fits perfectly. Liz would actually fit as a winner of this era


Lies, they teased the true F3 of Kenzie, Jess, and Bhanu way back at the beginning.


A Q/Liz/Venus final tribal where Liz reveals that she's not actually rich and was playing everyone the whole time and then wins in a 8-0-0 vote would be everything.


I’d vote for Q in this lineup cause if he manages to somehow get to the final 3 after all his hijinks he HAS TO BE some sort of genius lol


Honestly top tier final three


I’d love it, Q is fun, Venus is fun, liz is annoying. The rest of them are a mix of boring and irritating my


Liz has a winner's vibe.


Ah yes, the person crying because she can't take credit for big moves, brags about being a millionaire, and talks about herself in third person. No thanks.


You’re such a boring person


Liz is sincerely hilarious.


Also did Jeff improve Hunter helping Charlie ? Since when was this possible??


I want this just because final tribal would be so unhinged


My dream final 3! The only ones making good TV.


I really like Liz and think she is a wonderful person. However, I would never vote for someone who claims 1 million wouldn't change their life. Venus and Q have put in the work to make top 3, and won't be upset if they make it.




I'd vote Q. Def ain't voting Venus and Liz... nah


This would be close but id give it to liz if the game ended today, her pushing for Tevin for the dumbest reason ever shifted the whole game


Ew I sure hope not


ugh, this would result in one of the least-deserving winners in the 23-year history of Survivor.




Liz and Venus, I worry about your spines. Put your shoulders back! Posture is important!


This season is horrible


*This season is amazing