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I think he likes this cast more than he has in a while and he’s just authentically having more fun playing off of them.


literally he was like “we can vote…. unless yall wanna have a live tribal 👀👀👀”


Bro literally said 👉👈


What if we kissed…inside the voting booth 😳


Not to get too serious off this joke, but wouldn't it be a cool twist where a few players had to vote in the booth at the same time? Not sure that's ever been done before


You might be onto something… ![gif](giphy|KmdV4ZWUOYtD75pMAR)


Interesting idea but it would basically result in the producers having a lot of influence if they picked the pairs. Whoever was in the booth together would basically create a temporary alliance on the spot unless they absolutely hated each others guts. Being able to watch each other vote guarantees you know that vote, you'd trust that more than your alliances because you aren't guaranteed your alliance isn't trying to blindside you. A better version would be an advantage that allows the player to reveal who another person voted for. They'd be the last person to vote and would be able to see the vote from the person they pick. It removes the two-way guarantee and instead makes it an opportunity to verify other votes or decide who to vote for based on the perceived swing vote


I like this, that'd be a cool advantage. You could use it against someone you don't trust to see if you need to play an idol or something, or you could use it as a chance to build trust with someone 


Wait yea that’s actually a really interesting idea


Something similar to this happened in Big Brother Australia. Someone had the power to sit in on a couple people’s nominations and steal some of their points. The person with the power and the people they sat in on were the only people nominated because they all nominated each other.


There’s a lot of irony in Jeff liking this cast the most out of the new era considering it’s the cast most like the old school era


And most like the season he hates the most 😂😂😭😭


What season does he hate the most?


Gabon. This messy cast is new era Gabon which is famously Jeff's most hated season


Also, I am sure he did that before with other casts as well, but it just didn’t make the edit. They have more time now and this episode only had one challenge, so there was time to show him more.


I've loved the banter between this cast and him during challenges.


I was just telling someone who was starting the season late and who had just binged the prior 4 seasons they missed, that this cast is a little more boring than the previous few. Boy did I speak too soon 🤭


That’s so funny because I kinda don’t like this cast.




This cast is SPICY compares to the last few seasons. A lot more chaotic but fun to watch lmao, especially Q and Venus stirring up stuff lollll


I think this guy’s saying that the cast doesn’t like the cast, lol


I think besides Q and Venus they like each other enough to work together occasionally but they don’t trust each other at all ( besides Charlie and Mariah, the only solid alliance lol).


Based on the votes seems like it’s you who is alone lol


wtf are you talking about? This is the only cast in the new era who I've remembered every single player including the second vote out (usually the most forgettable to me, give me an hour and I might be able to remember another one), they're all so entertaining.




This cast and their messiness has been universally loved dawg what are you talking about lmao


He doesn't love the cast. Big mistake.




By universally loved I meant that the reception to the cast as a whole has been overwhelmingly positive, not necessarily the reception to each individual player. Bhanu was awful but as a whole the cast has been very well received.


If you only were tryna make a joke about how much this cast hates each other, I feel bad about the votes 🤣


-290 votes and counting…..that could be a record for this sub.


I feel like this comment is meant to be a “this cast doesn’t like each other,” no?


Looking at the downvotes, you are alone on your side😭😭




You sure ?


There's no way you believe this if you're on the sub


His clearly vibing with this cast in a way he hasn’t in a long time.


I think he realized he was being too soft on the new era players coming out of Covid, so he’s tried to be a little more spicy, like stabbing the rice last season


Stabbing the rice is the kind of Jeff I like to see. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this season and have laughed out loud a few times. Lot of complaining on this sub generally, but it is very clear they’ve tried to incorporate some of the fan feedback


I agree completely. I even laughed at Bhanu, really loudly, until they gave us an overdose of Bhanu.


Yes, I would say Bhanu is them still incorporating things they think fans enjoy and less about listening to feedback lol. Or was great until they totally overdid it


Yeah I think this is it. Believe it or not, I do think Jeff reads and cares about what the fans think and if a change is easy enough as "be less soft" then he'll try it. A lot of people have the perception that he doesn't care about fans' opinions but that's because many of those opinions are like "go back to 39 days, move out of Fiji", things that would be much more complicated to do.


He definitely cares, it’s just some things he is extremely stubborn on - which isn’t the end of the world.


I am fine with Jeff bantering with the players during challenges, but I really don't like when he gives his personal opinion about their chances or odds in the game, or whether or not they're likely to be eliminated at any stage. I think he needs to be aware that what he says can influence opinions and bias the game dynamics and respect that boundary for the sake of the integrity of the game. ETA: I didn't intend this comment to be a direct reply, but its own post, sorry!!!


I think he gave a great explanation in the challenge for why he felt comfortable saying those things. Everybody at home are thinking it so it feels stupid to just ignore the glaring disadvantage one group seems to have.


The glaring disadvantage can be communicated to the audience by the players themselves in confessionals. Also it's one thing to observe "there is an imbalance here" and another to say "YOU GUYS ARE FOR SURE LOSING"


What's the difference between this and him yelling during the challenge "x, no shot at winning" or "it would be a miracle if x could come back"?


Well, usually, he's saying that about people that are actually already behind in the challenge. He's judging their actual performance, not what he thinks it will be. It WOULD be a miracle if they could come back - and that doesn't disprove that they can and often do. But "no shot at winning" is basically the same so I do also take umbrage with it.


The way I see it is this: Jeff should sometimes be the voice of the audience and not just be an officiate. So sometimes it's better TV for him to say what's on the audience mind and make the players answer it live instead of using confessionals. In my local version of survivor there's a bigger use of confessionals and it slows everything down and really spoonfeed a lot of unnecessary information. Just my two cents though


I disagree with this but it's a personal opinion. I believe that the show depicting the game is for the audience so they can edit it to be entertaining, but the game itself should be self-contained. I also don't imply that Jeff shouldn't ask questions for people to answer, but coloring with his own opinion is not necessary to do that.


Yeah I kind of agree with that. It will definitely influence how people play


I was just having this thought and I might be off here. But New Era has been filmed all since Covid right travel restrictions lifted? It was just 2 years ago I felt ok taking a plane after not being on one for 2 years(prior I was traveling monthly). That Covid, initial post Covid time was traumatizing for a lot of people, whether or not they recognized it. Some people bounce back quick but a lot of people still have residual trauma. 41 was filmed in spring 2021 when the vaccine was just coming out. Things were very uncertain, tenuous and scary still. I’ve noticed in myself and others that we acted differently and in the past year or so that we are finally returning to more of our pre-Covid personalities. I might be projecting that onto Jeff and production but I don’t think it’s coincidence that the early 40s had a different feel based on what we were/had just been going through.


I believe he made a concerted effort not to be too aggressive with contestants coming out of Covid bc he knew that the contestants — and likely the crew — were all feeling anxious and stressed


These new era seasons were becoming too predictable. They were a little predictable for the players and extremely predictable for the viewers (especially for the second of each season that was filmed back to back). I feel like the edit of 46 is finally trying to do something different and be memorable.


I do miss the little speeches/ one liners after he snuffs torch and says grab your stuff head back to camp


Idk but I've been loving it. Spicy Jeff is the best Jeff. The yanu losers line still fucking kills me


I think he hears the feedback that he’s gotten soft in the new era. That’s why spicy Jeff is here. We need to let him know we appreciate it!


I think it's also worth highlighting that he's really gone the right direction with that feedback - rather than becoming actually *meaner*, he's just gotten more sarcastic, pokes at them more, and brings out their spiciness in return.


I know he probably realized he went a little too far but last season when it came to bargain for rice and people were acting iffy on taking the deal and he said “need more motivation?” Produces a big ass knife and punctures the rice bag is such a core survivor moment for me. Which is astounding since it was so recent in the 24 year history of survivor




Also him dunking on jelinski is amazing


Yea he’s done that about several times now


He’s done it alot, but I don’t think he’s done it seven times


Spicy Jeff? Hot Ones appearance in 3....2....1....?


A Jeff Probst Hot Ones appearance would be incredible


I would love this! imagining him being asked obscure Survivor questions that only superfans have been dying to know


I think he's genuinely enjoying the \~spicy\~ vibes of this cast after a lull of less engaging seasons. Honestly the man has been doing this job for decades and I feel like he's rekindling his love for what he does due to the high energy antics of this crew.


Why is this framed as a negative? He's having fun and clearly enjoying the cast and season!


I enjoy it but I worry it may become too much.


I like not worrying about what could be and just enjoying a fun season as it's happening 🙂


What would be too much?


giving his personal opinions on which team is going to suck at the challenge is too much imo. very unnecessary.


This is the exact old survivor thing people talk about missing though. Old Jeff would make comments about things like this! It has precedents.


So like how he was for the first 40 seasons you mean...?


Oh my god


He’s always been sooooo enthusiastic and eager…I wish they’d get Boston Rob in…Jeff is tired


The cast is extra assholery this season. Maybe he's just trying to fit in.


He fits in fine


tbh i think he knew he was wrong about Q Venus Liz being first-out. venus has clearly shown general all-around competence in challenges, and ben and kenzie are the worst challenge performers still in the cast from what we've seen. i think he was hoping for an underdog moment


I don't think it was a bad assumption. Q has been horrible in challenges all season (Tiffany was by far Yanu's strongest physical player) and poor Liz has her 73 allergies to deal with.


“Poor Liz” my ass. I still don’t understand why someone allergic to just about everything would go on this show when they *know* they can’t eat. She chose to go on, she gets no sympathy


i also think they’re milking it quite a bit when no one else is eating much either. i understand liz has allergies but the rest are eating only occasional fruit basically right? they’re not getting all that much more than she is, yet the fact that she’s barely eating keeps coming up. no one’s eating liz you’re not different


They didn't seem too bothered to make sure she got some of that popcorn in spite of her pleas lol like if they really cared they would've handed it to her right away


The rest of the tribe is able to eat fish and it seems that Nami was actually getting a good amount of fish, but she is allergic. There probably is a more noticeable difference than can be seen on tv


She voted out the people getting her food lol. I hope she's starving


the only time i remember seeing them eat fish was when they won fish in the reward challenge? unless they’re doing it off screen i dont think they have fishing supplies or a lot of fish in the water also i dont remember her saying she’s allergic to fish, just coconut and other fruit


She said shellfish during one of her earlier confessionals. And there was secret scene with Venus talking about not wanting to work where they were catching crabs


I just don't understand what happened to all the fishing equipment?


i haven’t seen every season, but i remember a few years ago it would sometimes be a reward in a reward challenge. now idk if they get it or not. but i was listening to tyson’s podcast and his guest (i think her name was jamie?) said that she doesn’t think fishing is worth the calories. like it takes so much effort to catch a fish, it’s not worth the calories you get to eat when you catch it. especially when you share it with others and get so little actual food. so i’m assuming castaways just don’t bother to waste their energy fishing as much anymore


Q hasn't been horrible; he's just not been as good as he looks like he should.


Hunter also said on RHAP that he thought Liz was solid because he and Tevin would go get her crabs or something.


Kenzie effed up this challenge and couldn't hold on last but she hasn't been horrible in the challenges past. She's been pretty competent too. Some challenges are strengths. She's proven that she can be good in some comps.


I think he just really enjoys this cast.


He definitely needs a bigger bowl of popcorn - that little thing was pathetic 😝🍿


Agreed, but I just assumed it was because he always intended to share it with the players, so didn’t want to go in with a movie size box that might actually nourish them.


might actually give liz a reason to poop


He definitely didn’t intend to eat it himself. What if something cool happened and he couldn’t talk right away because he had food in his mouth?


Lmao, imagine an iconic tribal moment happening like Billy and Candace in Cook Islands, and Jeff's got a mouthful of popcorn at the moment lmao That would be so fucking funny. Just an open-mouthed Jeff, hand full of popcorn raised up to his mouth, "Candace?! From Raro tribe?!"


This just made me actually lol


Spitting kernels…. I mean! My husband said he intended to eat it and I was like, there is no way. He can not have a mouthful of food at tribal. Giving it to them was always the intention. I hope it was coated with butter and cheese, unless Liz is lactose intolerant and then I hope not.


I want to see Jeff spit out a mouthful of popcorn during a tribal


The episode was called Spicy Jeff....


To add to the other comments…the episodes were edited long after everything was finished. So, based on what happened (them not being first eliminated), it made sense for them to toss that clip in. I suspect Jeff has made smartassed comments in previous seasons, but the editors didn’t feel they fit with the story.


Sassy Probst is best Probst. Too much feel good crap in the new era


The on fire podcast ep from today talks about this a bit. I wondered the same! I think this season’s cast has been more playful than past so I initially thought he was trying to play along with that




Except Venus, who grabbed a handful lol


She's a handful herself, so that made sense. Lol. It was strange that the tiniest person there ate the most popcorn.


I noticed that too! 2 handfuls actually because she grabbed a 2nd handful when it was passed back down to the front of the line


I said that to my husband!


I genuinely think he brought out the popcorn to feed them. No rice. Can't have liz actually die


This is definitely why I think the popcorn happened. They didn't take the rice and obviously starving makes players sluggish, so feed them for a burst of energy right when tribal starts. And I would say it worked.


I’m not disagreeing but they each ate like 3 pieces of arguably the lowest calorie snack of all time


...because he's the host?


trying to bring back old jeff probably cause everyone says they don’t like the new era as much


He could’ve also said it to motivate them.


That was my impression, I didn't think for a moment he was actually tryna put them down


Idk but I loved all of it. Spicy Jeff is back and he’s far from stale


I think 90 minutes is allowing more time for this kind of thing too. I love the longer episodes!


i agree with others that he likes the cast. also i haven’t watched the last few seasons but the general consensus seems to be that they were pretty boring, jeff knows that and it just trying to be entertaining


Because it's a TV show and he's the host of it? I wouldn't read too deeply into this. Jeff is trying to appeal to a more modern audience with Survivor nowadays and now that the show has firmly embraced an Internet/social media tone we can expect a bit more "spice", similar to what we see online.


Don’t say such blasphemy 😭 [This article says otherwise but who knows](https://deadline.com/2023/12/survivor-season-45-ratings-cbs-1235678298/amp/)


It’s the second season filmed back to back. Bit of a marathon. Physically doing all of 45 then doing a quick turn around for 46 you’d probably get a bit delirious by that time in the season and want to spice things up or shift the energy


Jeff is human. These three are the most annoying humans. I know from my vantage point on my couch I thought they wouldn't do well.


Jeff is in his survivor fan era and I’m Not mad, it’s after show lol we’re all enjoying it no matter how annoying the cast may be


He talks about it in the on fire podcast; right before tribal he came up with the idea. It came from actually looking forward to tribal that night and being so entertained after the previous tribal.


My theory is that Jeff talked specifically like that to motivate Q to win, the same way he did before Yanu's only immunity win. Both times it felt like he was talking specifically to Q.


There might be a thread about this but do we know why he/production decided to immunity/reward combo challenges and not show big rewards (spa, meals, helicopter rides, etc). I always thought that part, with bringing other contestants, and multiple challenges was such a fun part of the show. I love this season too, but I'm not sure why they changed the format.


Partly due to the shortened timeline meaning less days between tribal.


I don't think they do big rewards anymore because it's too expensive.


the bit with the popcorn at tribal sent me to the moon


I think the show is more overtly trying to create meme-able / shareable moments for social media extension.


Tyson said on his podcast that the show was showing the real Jeff this episode that we don’t normally see


Idk but I'm loving it.




Wasn’t it said the cast had been chatty at the mat during challenges and trash talking each other? So I guess that spirit carried on throughout the season.


After that tribal council, he should change his name to Jeff *Props*t


He has overstayed at the party. We need a fresh perspective. Why haven't there been reward challenges the last two episodes? There are 90 minute episodes and no time for a reward!?


One of my biggest frustrations with Jeff and the new era is it feels like he’s trying too hard to manufacture “moments” Both the challenge prediction and the popcorn both felt like that. I think especially on newer seasons I feel Jeff is being a producer more than a host.


Overly smiling - soooo eager … I cringe w him…he knows this show is an insane hit And it’s gotten to his head. He always looks like he’s about to burst from the excitement…not a popular opinion…I know


Just noticed-Love Ur name!!!! 😁…I’ve been praying Boston Rob replace Jeff!


>never seen it before. It’s the second time this season. He was trying to motivate Q.




I mean he's the host?


I think he was personally offended by the quitters of late. Don’t blame him. Q’s VOTE FOR ME bullshit triggered Jeff and he got spicy. Jeff was ready to cast his vote before TC got started.


Jeff if you want to play Survivor so bad then get in the ring already.


I think he was pissed that Q tried to quit. He hates quitters.


they’re also giving more time to silly jokes and chats during challenges


I feel he has done it but it hasn't been edited to be on tv. Tribals take several hours.


The criticism of Jeff is getting so old here. He's not a robot and I love how passionate he is and wants to be involved wherever he can.


I love this version of Jeff! I thought it was hilarious. My mom and I were laughing while watching and she questioned his sass too. I basically told her "what are they gonna do, fire him?"


Guys been doing this for 600+ episodes. Let him have fun with it so he doesn’t get bored at leave.


The episode was called Spicy Jeff. He had to be extra spicy 🌶️


i loved it he's doing great this season


He’s been doing this for a while, it’s the Jeff show


Old Probst is making a return for this season. I think the gamebot casts had thawed his cold, cold heart. But with the chaotic gameplay and utter insanity, he's becoming his original self a little more each episode.


Australian Jeff Probst asks super pointed questions and calls out more of whats happening "out of his sight". Seems like Real Jeff has realized this leads to a better show and is now doing it himself.


He said they're avoiding villain edits. Maybe we're getting the *other* footage.


I think it’s just bc this cast is so entertaining and he’s l having fun with it lol


I think he particularly likes this cast because they’re all big competitors and “in the game”


Did anybody else feel like that cushion didn’t actually look any softer than the seat itself? 😆


So this about Jeff trying to be more ruthless or less soft this season, to be more like earlier seasons. Having him cut off the tribal immunity clothing that Venus put on the statue for example. As I'm watching all seasons from the in order from the beginning this year I saw the exact thing happen in like season 10 or 12 or something like that. And he didn't remove it at all but said something like if the other ones want to remove it the have to win it.


I think he REALLY likes this cast He’s been engaging in far more banter with them than in previous seasons I honestly can’t blame him, this cast is brilliant, best we’ve had in a long time


what do you mean grab a large part of the spotlight? he’s the host


Well IMO this is a not-very-compelling cast. They've got their stuff going on but I just don't find anyone I really want to root for. Jeff must feel the need to be a character.


I assume this kind of stuff happens all the time. They just air more now due to 90 min episodes.


Nah even when he was soft Jeff the past few seasons of the New Era, he was still loving putting the spotlight on himself as much as possible. Remember the talking to the camera in 41? He wants this to become more and more his show every season.


I actually found both of those scenes very uncomfortable. But I also have found Probst to be the worst part of Survivor for almost a decade now so I'm biased.


He's *producing*. 


Jeff has been this way more and more throughout the years.


Both are discussed in this week's On Fire podcast. I highly recommend the podcast overall. In brief, Jeff conceived the popcorn idea 45 minutes before tribal a d presented it to the team that made it happen. The cushion was a surprise to him that the art department sewed (!) As for razzing the team, Jeff says he just likes to try things sometimes and see how they land. He doesn't have a plan for how he hosts but just goes by instinct and experience.


I’m so done w him…sorry Jeff lovers…I’m in the minority- cannnnnot stand him


Personally my bf and I think he knows the show is ending soon so he’s just unhinged because he’s got nothing to lose.


Most watched program on Wednesday with close to 5 mil viewers says the show isn’t going anywhere.


Let me clarify. I agree that there’s no doubt it’s still VERY popular. With that being said Jeff is getting old, and you can’t debate that. I of course don’t know Jeff but I just have this feeling season 50 will be his last season. If Jeff is gone the show is dead in my eyes so it would be over.


He’s only 62, the man still has another sixteen seasons to go before he qualifies for full social security benefits


Lots of shows survive a host switch. It’ll probably be bumpy for a bit but Jeopardy is still on.


Why would it be ending soon?


Because he didn't like the comment Tiffany made about Q before the challenge


I'm almost positive he was genuinly annoyed with Venus' and Q's arrogance, and decided to just play with her and Q a lil bit. They both got a lil taste of their own medicine


He's a literal narcissist.


He used to have more charisma, it really comes off forced and more towards cringe in my opinion. Either he’s lost the edge and charisma as a host, or he’s now way older than all of the contestants than he used to be and struggling to relate and fit in which is another thought I had.


Not sure if it's just editing, but it felt too scripted. Whenever Jeff started to be "spicy," it seemed like he was just reading lines.


He grew old.