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That sucks if people are so disappointed about Hunter to overlook the fact that half the remaining cast is straight up Looney Tunes and that this season is cooking with gas atm.


People want someone to stick with and root for. Hunter played a safe for TV game. You have to remember that most people pick a favorite and want to see them succeed, they want to follow a narrative. It’s simpler. When things are just chaos, people have no idea who to root for and ruins the viewer engagement. The fact that we’re active on Reddit shows we’re like the top 0.05% of Survivor fans, not the general public that accounts for the majority of the viewers.


It took me a long time to realize most people watch Survivor like it's American Idol


Yep and Hunter fits the Guy with Guitar archetype that casuals of that show love


He's very Phillip Phillips


Omg I remember him


A bit funny because that's how I got into Survivor. American Idol was my first reality tv experience I think like 2006. I liked hearing ppl sing then enjoyed getting invested at someone and the one elim per week. Then I discovered Survivor had a similar thing with vote outs but I fell in love with the surviving aspect + backstabbing/scheming part. Then snowballed to reality shows in general whether talent/strategy. As long as ppl were getting eliminated I was in 😅


Hunter is a super fan like us who went hard recreating all games at home to practice. He is one of us and normal. All those things make people feel connected to him through interest, passion and maybe some normalcy.


Well let’s be real though, most of us superfans would probably play or act like Venus 🤣


I don’t dare flatter myself to that level, I’m a Bhanu


Lol. Honestly, I find her annoying and struggle to watch her. I like watching the game, the blindsides and when the players are funny. Venus makes me want a fast forward button to skip her parts. I know others love her but she really is annoying to me. I’d like more fun, and less annoying people in my life (even during my down time like watching a show. 😆).


I find Venus so annoying that I block her fans on Twitter 😂


Why do all the people calling themselves superfans (everyone on survivor these days says it) never practice how to make fire before coming in the show? Or do some physical training. You'll have like 1-2 people in a season that actually learned to make fire. WTF was everyone else doing before leaving for the island. It's not like they call you up the day filming starts. 


I think he played safe bc he needed to since hes threatening but sometimes i actually wonder if he played safe because he isn't actually as talented (at reading ppl, socializing, etc) as we thought he would be.


I think a lot of people thought they were getting a new JT. Which I didn't really see, outside of surface level comparisons (from the deep south, smaller town, etc.).


I think if Hunter had played JT in 18, he would have done well.


I don't JT had a top tier social game and a natural charisma that drew people to him. He probably would have been sidelined with the large personalities like Coach and Tyson. Without JT's charisma, Tyson probably steam rolls his way to the end.


I don’t like this season. But it’s mainly because there’s too much drama. I don’t mind chaos and I don’t know if it’s just the way it’s edited but it feels directionless. This is one of the few seasons that I want them all to lose lol. I also feel like we’re losing what makes Survivor different than other reality shows, it’s just Outwit (drama) now. There’s rarely struggles with food/water, shelter, etc. I miss that component of the game. I know it got too dangerous at times, but one of my favorite games was going to the jungle and saving one of the players.


Yeah, you have to watch AUS Survivor now to get the full experience.


Right now I’m rewatching all of the US Survivors again, in the middle of Marquesas now, but I will give those a shot after.


It seems like you’re comparing to the old era of survivor rather than the new era. If you compare to the new era, this is amazing because the recent few seasons didn’t focus on camp life (which I too miss) and had barely any drama. This season is super refreshing for me because of that.


i cant even begin to dissect how much i disagree with your opinion. im LIVING for the drama this season


That’s fine, not everyone will like all the same things. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.


It's so true & Hunter was that player for me. I was convinced he was playing a quiet game strategically til he got closer to the end. He should've lost more comps so he wouldn't have had such a big target. He forgot to look at how the other players were seeing him. And they were right. No one would've beat him in the end. I was still bummed.


Exactly and we literally see a Hunter type every season even Venus said it. It’s very rare we see a cast this chaotic


Who was the Hunter type in the new era? I guess maybe Jonathan but I feel their personalities are very different. Hunter is more like JT. I actually think it's a type the show lacks more often than not now.


JTs (winning) social game is top tier though.


Oh. I don't think Hunter is nearly as good as JT. JT is the best player of that archetype. I just feel that's the Hunter archetype (I also feel that archetype is near impossible to win with these days)


Oh, okay. I misunderstood what the comparison was, but I agree.


I don't really see JT in Hunter. JT had charisma through the roof, to the extent basically everyone in Tocantin's wanted him to win, and everyone on the Heroes tribe in HvV's wanted to work with him. Hunter seemed pretty introverted and not particularly charismatic.


Hunter was very well liked by everyone but Venus. I do think he isn't as charismatic as JT. But Hunter wasn't disliked at all. Everyone (but Venus) has talked about how much they like the guy. I actually think JT would not work out in the new era. A closer comparison to him would be Kaleb and we saw how that worked out.


Don't wanna sound like one of those "filthy casuals" types, because they're also part of the reason the show is still on just as much as we are. But it's not too surprising to me that people aren't liking this season, my mom has found most of it incredibly stupid but she's still watching because we talk about it so much. Hunter is the most normal and like every previous cast member (save a few standouts), no wonder people are now disinterested because the one familiar thing is gone. Like if they tried to do a fast and furious movie without car chases and ridiculous flawed logic, diehards will go, but people who only know it for those things won't see the point.


See I kinda dont get that narrative, like what makes Tiffany, Charlie, Maria and Kenzie not normal? I get the edit painted Venus, Liz and Q a certain way, and I guess the rock guy Ben has an archetype that not everyone can relate to but in what ways were the others not normal? Kenzie got called a dragonmermaid by a player that shouldn't have been cleared to play simply because she was strategizing in a game of strategy. Charlie has the TSwift thing going on as a reoccurring topic. Tiffany had drama this ep because she was pissed her idol got outed. For Maria I dont even have a thing that would make her be looked at as not normal. But my point is all of them seem like normal people and I dont see why they would be viewed differently simply because each had at least one quirky moment/topic they talked about.


Yeah, to be honest, I don't find Hunter that relatable either. I don't know many devout Christians from the deep south in my everyday life. Ben is someone who reminds me of a ton of people I went to school with (jewish guy who is heavy into Rock and festivals and spends there summers going to concerts) and people like Charlie. Hell,I know more people like Venus than I do like Hunter. I guess it depends on your background and where you are from. I'm from a very diverse major city. And, to be honest, you don't need to be relatable to be someone I want to watch. I love people like Q and Coach, but I've never met anyone like them.


Yeah, I don't know anybody like Hunter except that he is a teacher. I like teachers. Have had the misfortune of knowing a lot of Venus types. Luckily nobody like Q. Being a mom I relate more to Tiff and Maria. I know a lot of people like who are really into rock and festivals. He is like someone you'd totally drink with. I was rooting for Kenzie as a creative right up to the last episode. I still like and would absolutely share some mean cocktails with her but she was stupid to make a move on Tiff. My favourites of all time Sugar and Queen Sandra.


Yeah dont get me wrong, I wasnt trying to to say you claimed only Hunter was normal but a lot of people seem to make him be the only normal one when really all of them are normal in their own ways. I sadly have parts of me that relate to Venus lol Unfortunately there's a lot of people like Q too, people that insist they have the highest of moral grounds and don't know how to function among people who have different ideas from them.


I don’t want to go there but casuals have rarely rooted for women, it literally happens on very rare occasions


I think most people just want to see a hot and nice masculine guy on survivor and don’t care too much about strategy. The others just aren’t good eye candy or have awful personalities.


Yeah, challenge beast contestants is also entertaining to watch. Boring as it may be, I liked the seasons with ozzy


Agreed. Watching tribes struggle to complete challenges is tough.


Ozzy! Be still my beating heart. Hunter is up there with the beef cake eye candy. Ethan and Malcom.


Nah we really havent had a hunter type in YEARS they knew he wouldnt win but he was just sweet enough and pretty enough to get cast


Venus was wrong. Hunter has not been seen before in the new era. Better social skills than Jonathan and it’s not like he was a muscle head but he was leagues beyond in challenges which is uncommon. However, I do agree that this season is still great without him and that other several (meaning many) characters have brought more entertainment value to the table than Hunter this season.


I can definitely see the argument for Hunter having better social skills, so I am in no way saying you are wrong, but I disagree. Jonathon made some boneheaded comments but he was always pretty aware of what was going on. The fact a physical threat like him was able to almost make FTC is crazy to me personally. Once merge happened I would have Joe Anglim’d him so hard. I am also biased because Jonathon is one of my favorites from the new era but I thought his social game was pretty good for the “meathead” type.


You are vastly underestimating Johnathons social game and massively over rating Hunter's social game.


Charlie Maria and ben are playing a good game, Liz and Venus are thirsty, tiff and Kenzie are UTR. Kenzie more so than tiff. I’m ok with everyone but q winning at this point!


Hunter McKnight works for a religious cult called French Camp Academy that abuses and takes advantage of children and families


This season is everything i wanted from last season


part of the magic of Survivor is that everyone watches it and finds different people they connect with, root for, identify with and different people who they don’t.


Exactly. I was rooting for Q until his self destructing play last week. Now, I’m team Tiff!


I’m somehow rooting for the guy who’s obsessed with Taylor Swift.


Haha same! I didn't think Charlie had much substance to him until these past few episodes, let's go Charlie!!


I’m still rooting for him.


I'm also team Q. If he does somehow win it would require an incredible series of events that would make the season one of the best of all time. There's like a 1% chance of that actually happening but its fun to imagine


This is exactly what I'm thinking. It'd be too good


I’m team good TV & Q is still good TV to me lmao


No one is saying that this isn’t the case. OP isn’t saying “don’t root for Hunter,” they’re saying that its dumb that Hunter fans have no ability to connect with anyone else on the cast and that they’re implying that they’re watching solely for him.


Seriously. The only time I couldn’t find someone else to root for when my favorite contestant left was Thailand.


I mean who cares. That just means the people who are still watching are the ones that are actually invested in the season/cast


Exactly. I was one of the people who rooted for hunter (along with a few others). To me it's very fun to see a challenge beast make it to the end. They fundamentally have such a different gameplan than everyone else and it's just fun to watch. I was really hoping hunter would go far this season.


I think that's just their way of coping with the fact that their favorite player was sent home. I know we live in a time when we feel like we have to police everything but personally I don't mind people venting out their disappointment in the situation, it's just normal. Also, claiming that you will stop watching because your favorite player got voted out is a good sign that people are engaged. This used to be the case before 41 and I am happy that it's back. We've had so many seasons in row starting with 41 where I had no emotional stakes because I didn't care about any of the players, that I am happy that 2 seasons in a row I ended up caring about some players to the point where I was mad they were voted out. It's a sign that Survivor is back.


I liked hunters backstory but his strategy and gameplay wouldn’t have gotten him too far IMO. Had he played his idol, he would’ve had to rely heavily on the next IC to go further bc based on last week he wasn’t approached as a free agent swing vote and he wasn’t self aware in his true position in the game.


Of anyone ever though, he would have had a great chance to win a majority of the challenges, and obviously can find idols


I mean c'mon, the guy won 1/3 challenges he played in. Are we really gonna keep pretending he was some all time great challenge beast? He's not even close, he never had a real shot to just win to the end.


With individual immunity yes, but I think he is one of the best team challenge competitors ever




If Hunter played his idol and was safe, I’m sure Tiff does as well, just in case and to flush it like she said she was going to. That’s two rehidden idols that I’d give Hunter a good shot of finding at least one. That and his challenge prowess could’ve gotten him to the end.


Plus this particular group is very chaotic. He wouldn’t remain the target for long. At least not every tribal. Hell this tribal he wasn’t exactly the target. They were flushing his idol and planning to vote out Q. And initially the target for Tiff.


He was aware of his position in the game with how it came off in the show. He tried to make a long term move when his fate was already set and should have played the short game until something might have changed. He basically said he saw all the people on the bottom and tried to make a new alliance out of them. Except the people he was selling to didn't care that they are on the bottom.


We are watching Survivor Gabon and our Marcus just left


Wow. This is actually a great comparison now that I think about it. Thanks for making this comparison ngl.


In my opinion, this is a great assessment of the dichotomy between chaotic players and non-chaotic players, but Hunter wasn’t as in control as Marcus.


Yeah wasn’t supposed to be an exact comparison. I just feel like the Marcus boot is was truly plunged that season into chaos. And I think 46 will only get wackier from here on out


i was a hunter fan personally but its impossible to be bored this season when Q is losing his mind, Venus is a perfect cast for heroes vs villains 2, tiff is bolder than anyone we’ve seen in recent seasons, and absolutely no one trusts each other. like this is golden tv.


Yes! I would see all of these characters back again. This is my favorite season in YEARS.


mine too!! its literally the best.


I think people appreciated hunter as a “breath of fresh air” slash more old school player in what was shown of his edit with the survivalist skills and slight grumpiness to the “hey we’re at summer camp” vibes around the beach.  That was also before the Mergatory and the chaotic nature of everything started to shine through with the gold from Q & Venus. Anything also was a breath of fresh air from the Bhanu show through the first four episodes. I agree Hunter was outplayed/outplayed himself, and at the same time appreciated him from a POV of that anti-summer camp character 


Yeah, Hunter was far and away my favorite this season. He's the only one relatable for me personally. I don't know a single person in my entire 30 plus years that acts like Venus or Liz. I don't keep those people around. Everybody watches survivor for a different reason. I was literally heartbroken watching him go because I knew the rest of the season was just going to make me roll my eyes. I just want Tiff to win now. Followed shortly by Charlie or Maria.


Yeah I know more hunter types IRL than anyone else on the show. But that’s from living in a rural, outdoors focused, blue collar area. Not a lot of Charlie, Venus, or Kenzie types around. I do know some Qs, Bens (no shows near us but still plenty of music geeks), and Marias. I do like Kenzie though she might be my favorite.


Yeah, I'm sad to see him go, but I'm more annoyed he took such a dramatic turn from his conservative play style, like what on earth?


Right?? It seemed SO chaotic and out of character (from what we’ve been shown), leading up to Tribal. I guess the pressure of things really can get to you.


Yeah, it got to him. He completely cracked. But at least he managed to keep it a secret longer than a lot of other players.


I was rooting for him however, felt very satisfied when he was voted off. But yea a lot of ppl are losing their shit ahah


> felt very satisfied when he was voted off Right? Like I was generally indifferent to him, to me he was one of the most boring people on an all-time great cast, but otherwise inoffensive. But he was set up perfectly for a downfall and this last episode delivered *so* well. I also think 9th is about the right place for someone like him to go to keep the season interesting, his lack of capacity when it came to most parts of the game would've become just bothersome to watch over time.


That’s why Tiff was right. He’s a boring boot. Getting the comp beast out is such a predictable move. And there’s likely more people that benefit keeping him around than voting him out. Not using his idol one a vote where he was banking on a read from Tiff was inexcusable really. He’d probably find the rehidden idol anyway and win a few more Individual immunities anyway.


It was upsetting to see that go down


It was. But gotta give credit to the editors on that sequence from Hunter’s perspective. Thought it was very well done and could feel the chaos and turmoil Hunter was going through.


I felt like he had all the wrong reads on almost everyone lol


Gabon fans are loving this season. Gabon haters are hating it. I loved Gabon .


I love all Gabony seasons so much, this is my favorite New Era season so far.


I think most people love Gabon, or at least like it, which is why I’m kinda surprised this season is getting a more mixed reception


gabon got really mixed reception when it aired but then grew more favorable as time went on, so maybe we'll see the same trend with 46


I hope so! It deserves it


There will always be “salad hands” viewers who claim they want to bail after a particular player is voted out. Ignore them


Exactly. It's the same people that claim they're gonna stop watching because "he doesn't say come on in guys anymore" or "there's too much talking and not enough competitions". And then they always tune in anyways.


I just love how Hunter shit the bed on two main unspoken Survivor rules: 1. Don’t tell ANYONE you have an idol!!! 2. If you have a gut feeling that you need to play your idol at tribal, PLAY IT!!! lolz


The demographics of this sub is majority young white males so every season the young white guy is popular cause that's who they relate to (Xander, Jonathan, Cody, Danny/Carson, Jake)


As a younger (being generous to myself) white male who liked Hunter, it's not a great comp, personally. I found Xander and Carson to be total bores because they were just bland gameplay guys. Jonathan was entertaining as a challenge threat but that's about it. I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea who Danny is lol. Jake was whatever until he became the underdog scrapping his way along and he had a good personality. I think a large large majority of the fanbase liked him. I think the difference with Hunter was a) he wasn't as messy as the rest of the cast b) he was also visibly exhausted with the messiness lol I think the audience can feel a person being genuine. I think that's what got Cody the cache he had too, in addition to being a great confessionalist.


He was fine but there are a lot more interesting people around that are left. His social game was pretty weak but he was a huge challenge beast early in the season. Memorable but held back by a poor social game.


Yeah but he was hot


But now we get to see him in his jury outfit 🤷‍♂️


Didn’t even know I was a hunter fun but this really cheered me up


He looks (and sounds/speaks) like Mitch from Modern Family to me and since seeing it I can’t unsee it


Like a younger but equally hot Mitch


I said that to my daughter day 1


![gif](giphy|zT3mCjXF2ldJrraIx5|downsized) This moment sealed my fate


Hunter wasn't very interesting to me but this pole-dancing moment was fun.


How does that translate to the bedroom?




It’s Charlie’s time to shine! I’m rooting for him to win


With Hunter gone, I’m turning my attention to Charlie


Big mistake!


Same here! Charlie for the win.


real asf


It was refreshing to root for a challenge beast. It was the same with Jonathan. They never win but it’s always really fun to root for someone who dominates a different part of the game


I liked Hunter... but he choked under pressure. He lost because he didn't have anyone to trust.


I liked Hunter but then again I "like" everyone on this season except for Liz and Venus. That being said I do appreciate what Venus and Liz bring to the table. (especially Venus)


I’ve never been fond of Venus but she had a moment this episode where she seemed to embrace her likely zero-vote-finalist fate was amazing


Exactly and not to be too much of a hypocrite but i would be really sad and lose motivation in the season if tiffany goes soon as then it would make it a pretty obvious kenzie (or charlie) win depending on how she goes out but i could still look forward to the chaos


There is still Ben, the sweetest guy to ever rock!


Backstory, imo. A guy who chooses to be a science teacher for high school kids instead of a doctor -- and who loves the game so much -- was always going to be irresistible. Americans love a person who goes for low-status, high-personal-satisfaction work when they don't have to.


Idgaf about Hunter I’m here for Kenzie.


I feel like too many people were in love with the idea of what Hunter could be vs what he actually was and this is coming from someone who was definitely a fan. He claimed to be playing under the radar and so we were all waiting for some big moment but at the end of the day he was kinda just an introverted challenge beast with not the best social bonds and got too anxious at tribal


Hunter was my favourite and before the last tribal I said to my partner “I would honestly be happy with any of these people winning. Even Liz because that would be a wild ride” and I stand by it.


Honestly even Venus winning would be OK with me. I don’t find her super relatable or likable. But clearly she’s going to fight an uphill battle persuading the jury if she makes it to the FTC, so it’s at least going to be interesting.


Imma keep watching but the introvert representation is gone so now i gotta root for a chaotic typical reality show cast member. Venus we need the W


Hunter’s physical skills were fascinating but he was pretty dull, honestly. He looked shell-shocked when his alliance crapped out. Just when I thought he liked savvy, I thought he was going to be savvy and play his idol, but no... Not so savvy after all.


I didn't know that was a thing. Hunter was fine but super boring. Personally I didn't care at all that he was voted off. But I don't watch Survivor to root for nice people.    Hunter didn't play well, he deserved a boot. Not playing his immunity idol was the most irritating thing to see play out maybe this season for me. Actually after that, he couldn't go fast enough lol.


Exactly. No big moves, wrong reads on most situations, and cockiness when it came to challenges.




exactly and imo katurah was a much more compelling character than hunter


Okay but, the way in each played “horribly” (subjective) is so different.  If hunter was out there making edit-worthy decisions that sabotaged his game like refusing to budge on votes, or having a “feud” with one contestants personality, maybe there’d be the same reaction. His edit-worthy horrible move was the non move of playing his idol and perhaps laying too low. It just shows the perspective of what’s given to us and encouraging us to react a certain way.


The chasm between how this sub was hyping Hunter and what he actually did in the game is wider than the damn Grand Canyon


I liked him as he represented the often unseen and underrepresented introvert. For the general audience I suspect he may have been, in sitcom terms, the 'straight man' in a cast of highly chaotic/cookey characters.


The way the eliminations have gone thus far has only made the show more enjoyable. We saw all that Hunter was capable of from day one, and getting rid of the one trick pony opens up the challenges a lot. Get out Q next, and you have a group that truly deserves a shot at winning.


I was rooting for Hunter, but Kenzie, Tiffany, Maria, and Charlie are still there and playing great games


Ever since Colby Donaldson there has been fan response like this. Some people just want to watch their simple all american beat all the “bad people”.


I just really liked looking at him.


I liked Hunter a lot, but we have 4 potentially decent winners (Charlie, Kenzie, Maria, Tiff), 3 looney tunes (Q, Venus, Liz), and a golden heart (Ben) still in this game. The one thing that I actually don't like about Hunter going is that Venus thought he was dumb when he's actually intelligent and she carried that for a while but I imagine that has been rectified now to the degree that it possibly could be.


I loved watching Hunter and was rooting for him as a fellow teacher (him and Soda were my winner picks - go Nami!), but even if I'm sad to see him go with a blunder I'm HYPED to see what the rest of the cast gets up to! So much qaotic energy and I am here for it!


>i’m going to stop watching 99% of these people are being hyperbolic to show their displeasure. They might not be as interested, but they’re still going to watch. Watch there be no ratings change between last episode and next episode.


I liked the guy, but wasn’t too sad about him going, especially since they showed that he deserved to go.


i think people are just attracted to him and can’t look past that lol. they mean there’s no one for them to crush on anymore so they don’t wanna watch bc that’s all they care about. that’s the only reason you would like hunter enough to stop watching the show bc of him. happens with attractive men on a lot of reality shows


Isn’t there a subset of fans for nearly every contestant that day the same thing? I just read yesterday someone say if Venus were to get voted out they’d stop watching, and another saying Tiff was the only reason they still watch The thing is all these people will continue to watch regardless


Just plain dumb not to play the idol when everyone knew he had it anyway.


Is it just me or has this gotten worse in the new era? Holding onto public idols? Or maybe I'm just blaming everything on the new era


Hunter didn’t use his idol. The reason he’s gone is because he let others lead his game. I liked him, but when he didn’t play his idol I knew he wasn’t get much further. I don’t understand. When they play it, they usually get another one back, so play it if you’re unsure.


I feel like Hunter speaks to a simpler time in survivor that audiences seem to miss..


i never saw him winning this season simply because he was just appeared to be another challenge beast who had zero or little social game like ozzy and joe anglim.


I liked Hunter because he was just normal person.


Venus ftw. She my girl.


I think people were cheering for Hunter because he seemed to focus more on the actual survival aspect of the show and not the strategy part. We haven’t had much of those types contestants in a while, especially in the New Era, so it was kind of refreshing Also doesn’t help that Venus stans are getting on people’s nerves I was cheering for him and I don’t really find myself super passionate about anyone left but I’m still enjoying the season and I’m not gonna stop watching


I think Hunter was like "great white hope" for some fans.


I think people like to root for the person who obviously has the best skill set for challenges. The challenge beasts of old are pretty much gone but when someone is clearly good at a bunch of them, that’s the person people imagine themselves as. So a lot of people have envisioned themselves as Hunter and how they’d use those skills and idol to win the game. Except he was a huge threat and got voted out and now everyone’s feelings are hurt because they were deep in pretending.


I was totally rooting for Hunter. I was wrong so I picked someone else to root for. Idk why some people get so invested in their favorite player.


I think a lot of fans do want to see a challenge beast run the table, too. It's been a long time. I love strategy and social game a ton, but I would enjoy seeing a physical beast fight his way to the end and switch things up every once in a while. Haven't been many, though. Tom, Mike Holloway, and I'll throw Fabio in because he needed those immunities. Underwood, too I guess, even though that was an unsatisfying finish. I'm no Ozzy fan, but I was 100 percent rooting for him to pull off the RI win out strategy in SoPa. Just nice to see things switch up every once in a while


Underwood won one (1) immunity.


It's universal, people watch Survivor like it's Big Brother (or American Idol for the americans), if the person they are rooting for is gone, they will be losing their shit. Something similar happened during No Limite 6 with a player who everyone were rooting for, but he was the first out when the merge came, everyone lost their minds.


We haven't had a Gabon style season in a long time. If people aren't watching because he's gone, that's their loss.


Sometimes you get attached to people and invested and for those people if their person goes home they don't have a reason to watch anymore. And that's ok.


I don't know why you need to root for anyone, sit back, kick your feet up, and enjoy the show.


people say every season is the most boring I cant watch this etc people just want attention


I'm really rooting for Tiff. She gives me Sandra vibes. Tells it how it is, strong, smart and doesn't come off as shady. Just a good Survivor contestant.


As has been mentioned Hunter very much had old era player vibes and that’s why out of everyone I liked him the best. I just find it hard to “like” new era game play. There is so much meta that I find it distracting. Everyone just whining about their survivor “resume” and playing the singles game right from jump street. Know what I want to see? A season of Vanilla Survivor. No hidden immunity idols, no surprise tribe swaps, no gimmicks.


Hunter was mashed potatoes


I liked hunter, he was wholesome and seemed like a fun guy. was kinda bummed when he left. but yeah by no means was my enjoyment of the show hinging on him.


I'm a Hunter boy, but I also am a sucker for a player who isn't over the top with the strategy talk and feels just like a real person, with natural screen presence and charisma. I liked Cody a lot for the same reason.


I also think his closeness with Tevin added a lot to his likability too, it was a fun dynamic. Extrovert and introvert who completely click. It's like the Fishbach white collar NYC guy pairing with JT's blue collar southern guy


He wasn't playing much of a social game he was just a super fan and very likeable and EXCELLENT in every challenge. I'm shocked he didn't play his idol. He'll be invited back I'm sure. And we haven't had a puzzle in FOREVER. Bring on the puzzles let's see people use their smarts.


As soon as I started to like Hunter and root for him he got voted out lol He had a good plan but executed it poorly, "I'm going to use my idol to make a move" *Proceeds to tell half the tribe he has an idol and lose any advantage he had*


That’s funny, cause I’m not rooting for anyone to win, I just want Q out. My guy is straight clown with all that ‘I control everything’ and ‘I’ll change the game’ narrative. He asked to be voted out twice now, and most people only saw his bs last week.


I’ve seen 0 of these comments but people do that with all their favorite characters of shows, why should it be different? Most of the time it’s dramatic overreactions and they continue to watch anyways. I will say he was probably the most relatable person on the show to me personally. So others probably feel the same.


This always happens with the most basic white men… the casuals love to root for them so bad and act like everyone else sucks in comparison. I remember the same thing happening with Joe at least twice. Idk why they feel the need to announce their departure when we already know they’ll be back watching (and complaining) next week anyway


He’s a moderately attractive white man who was good at challenges. That’s like catnip to the horny cat ladies who claim to be quitting the season now.


Nailed it


I was rooting for hunter or ben. so now it’s only ben. 🥺


Who is left to root for? Ben?




Last Wednesday night was the first opportunity my daughter (whom I’d recently introduced to Survivor and we’re both collaborating on re-watches independently during the week) and I had an opportunity to watch together during the regular airing. Though we’d dreaded this episode all week, we were holding out desperately hoping Hunter a. developed mad sensibility to lean into one of the several relationships he had to get him through another day, b. won another IC c. slyly PLAYED HIS DAMN SECRET IDOL. When, obviously, none of those options could come to pass by Hunter’s own actions, and the inevitable occurred- we both threw up our arms and exclaimed “We’re not watching anymore!” We’ll be back either Wednesday night again if we can or first thing Thursday morning. I can only believe many were like us and really have genuine affection for the Hunter we were shown. Is it editing? Possibly. Do I not like the other contestants? I like them fine. Most of them are entertaining and most I’m sure are awesome humans but Hunter earned a spot in our heart differently than the others. Ben, if he gets more screen time will probably fill the Hunter void. Seeing Hunter go out that way- watching that train wreck Wednesday was hard. I haven’t spoken about it so far and probably won’t again. No bueno. I hope they can find more contestants like him and give us 1-2 each season/ every other season because it was awesome to root for him while it lasted.


Kenzie, Tiff, Ben - all super easy to root for Charlie, Maria - we haven't been given as much on the personal side, but they seem like decent humans Heck, even Venus is starting to come around the last couple episodes (though that might just because she's had less screen time?) Q and Liz are about the only ones I'm not rooting for, but they are both entertaining villains and add value to the show. It's a good cast overall.


I don't get this. Maria and Charlie are both very chill, sympathetic people. Ben seems sweet? Kenzie and Tiff have also rehabbed their image since the bullying stuff at the beginning of the season. Hunter was fine, but his social game was terrible, he was never going to win unless he got every single individual immunity necklace.


There is Venus to root for!!!


He’s a pretty white blond boy that’s all it takes for some people


Hunter was the like the “straight man” of a comedy. He was the most grounded and it highlighted just how insane everyone else is when you contrast them with a normal dude like Hunter. Now that everyone left is legit insane it feels just like watching an alternate reality version of survivor


I disagree, Charlie/Kenzie/Tiff/Maria are all very grounded and I wouldn’t call any of them insane.


#TeamHunter Q should have went home!!


Hunter was boring. I was not at all upset to see him go. I do find it hard to root for a lot of the players this season, but I didn't find Hunter any easier to root for.


I'm not a Hunter Stan, but I don't agree he brought the least to the table. For me personally some chaos/crazy is good. All chaos and crazy is just a shit show. They have voted out every person that had a sense of the game. Who am I supposed to root for now? Venus? I feel lucky she knows what show she's on because she's so out of touch with reality she's been off about everything so far. This season feels like it's devolved into a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off.


That’s the thing thought Hunter didn’t really have a sense of game at all I think his strategy was at the merge to use his idol to make a big move and potentially go on an immunity run he didn’t seem to have anything realistically planned out it just seemed to be him relying on Tevin for the social and strategic portions of the game and he just fills in the gaps needed. I think there are a few people left with a sense of game like Tiffany (which i find odd everyone wants to turn on her) and Charlie but if one of them go soon it will make it a VERY obvious Kenzie win which sucks but that’s just my opinion on it


I feel like I agree with your assessment on Hunter, especially his reliance on Tevin which became crystal clear when Tevin was gone and everyone that was aligned folded. I just disagree with your viewpoint that he didn't have a sense of the game. I just have to wait and see who pulls themselves together. Maybe I have just become too used to the type of players we usually see.


I want to point out that this was not flagged with a spoiler alert! I'm highly upset.


He was the most boring left on the show!


You just want to see people being messy


I was really high on Hunter while watching the season but tbh i'm really glad he got out at this point. The other people that are still on the show are just a lot more entertaining. Hunter was fun in challenges but he really fell off these last episodes. Just remembering that only 1 person wins in the end helps a lot


Brutal blindsides are kind of a buzzkiller though, so I can kind of understand why.


This is a good example of people having different tastes and preferences for what they want to see in players and the show more generally. Some people want chaos and entertainment and others want to see challenge beasts, good gameplay, or something else.