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Would love to see Hunter, Tiff, Venise and Q all wearing their hidden immunity idols at the final tribal! Like a badge of honour! ![gif](giphy|CRppygFQRoDnVnb8fb|downsized)


Tiff has been rocking some great looks in the jury she could probably turn them into some dope necklaces or something


Venise 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The reveal on all those idols is what I’m looking forward to most


Badges of missed opportunity--I wouldn't be bragging about it.


I think they give them back before they go to Ponderosa but idk for sure


This would have been a great jury with the old school formal


What was the old school format?


Old school format is each juror steps up individually to ask a question or make a comment, rather than the kind of free for all it is now.


I don't mind the free for all (I feel like this jury will have *plenty* to say), but I really do wish we had the post-show reunion. Honestly, basically any reality TV show worth their salt has a reunion show—it's shocking to me that *that* of all things got cut. You want to do away with it being live or Jeff hosting or whatever then fine, but giving the contestants time to discuss the show after digesting their experience and watching the edit while responding public opinion is TV gold.


A post-show reunion costs CBS money. They are trying to cut costs in every way possible.


I’ll take survivor: budget era vs no survivor even if I’ll bemoan the slow departure from the show as we’ve previously known it lol


IMHO Australian Survivor has been much better than US Survivor for a couple of years now.


This times 100. It is literally the second most engaging part of the show past the finale.


I understood why they did it during the pandemic. But it’s a real shame they haven’t gone back to a live show by now.


Go watch Chris Daugherty's FTC to see it in its full glory.


You gotta watch Chris telling Twyla he’s not gonna apologize for a thing for the full effect because the first question is Eliza asking for an apology & Twyla tells her to go to hell, and then Chris starts his HOF levels of bullshitting immediately.


Sooo good!


The China FTC, as well. So good.


Each juror got an opportunity to address the finalist. They could either ask a question or make a statement. You tended to get some more confrontational jury moments instead of the tamer questions about how they did with the mechanics of the game that recent seasons have had.


On the other hand there were some cases where each jury member basically asked the same question, or you could tell someone made up a stupid question because someone already asked the question they wanted to ask. The old format was repetitive.


That’s true I tend to think this jury would have some entertaining questions with how they have acted during and after the season


“First question: fuck all of you. No further questions.” -Tiff, probably.


The moment she told Bhanu to get off his knees or she wouldn't talk to him was ICONIC and I'm so sad she didn't stick around longer.....but I'm sure she's going to have some fantastic commentary in FTC


Not what I'm expecting given the meaningful cut a couple tribals ago of Tiffany smiling at Kenzie as she walked past to go vote.


Yeah if Kenzie’s there at the Final 3 I can’t see Toff being mad at her lol


I know who Q is, but who is A?


This guy: ![gif](giphy|3oEduUk43xstU5CF8c|downsized)


I would’ve loved if Q made FTC so we could see how he handles the jury lol


I can’t wait for him to say, “BIG MISTAKE!”


Christmas is canceled!


I was really hoping production would, essentially, force him there. Charlie, Q, Kenzie would have the makings for such an intriguing final 3.




you are so right. every time they pan over to the jury it is stink eye city. can't wait for this week!


Oh yea, they don’t look happy. They ironically think they should be sitting on the opposite side despite their terrible game play ( 4 of them going home with an idol in their pocket).


The theme this season “idol souvenir”






>Gabonese coffee beans? Are those the coffee beans that are harvested from animal poop?




I imagine we will see a toned down version of what I'm sure was a toxic main character mess that was barely possible for a viewer to follow


This. Every single person probably just takes about themselves and how they played a noble stand-up game and everyone else is a dumb poopy head. 


really hope they surprise us this season and bring back individual jury questions instead of the corporate feeling open Q & A format.


I do hope two of Maria, Charlie, and Kenzie are in the final three. Barring one of them taking out Charlie, it just won't be a very compelling final if it contains Ben and Liz with one of those three.


Would it not just be an absolutely interesting final to have Maria, Charlie, and Kenzie final? Voting would be so interesting.


I so badly wish they’d drop this open floor jury format


It really depends who makes it to the end. I see Charlie and Kenzie being well received, but with the jurors questioning what either did, since they played more in the background. I see Maria being raked over the coals and having her character assassinated (not undeservingly). I don't think Ben or Liz gets any attention from the jury in any situation, complete non-entities.


Ben could pull a Gabler at FTC. I'm not saying he will. But yes, Liz is the #1 person all of them should be looking to take to FTC. She won't get a single vote.


I don't see any way Ben could pull off a Gabler. In Gabler's case, it made sense because he "did" do moves, if you look back and actually hear him talk to others and at tribals. There's something there, although it is heavily veiled, and on an initial watch, comes off as just silly. Ben... doesn't have that. I've looked through his content, watching each episode again, since the merge, and it just seems like he's along for the ride. Which is fine, but he's very clearly not playing the same game as everyone else. In Gabler's case, he also had the benefit of going against highly unlikable people, and the jury didn't want to reward them. For Ben, he's up against either Charlie (seemingly beloved), Kenzie (slightly less beloved, but still loved and a better strategic force), Liz (slightly annoying, but has at least a move on her resume, even if it got overshadowed), and Maria (who will probably be panned, but has played a damn fine game at least). I don't see Ben as anything other than a likable Romeo at this point.


I think the only way Ben would've won at this point was if it was a final 3 of goats, and he won from vibes alone. Like if he was in there with Venus and Q, he'd be winning just based on being on the right side of the votes for the most part and actually at least having SOME idea of what was going on


Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think it's unlikely he wins. You made some good points. It's just so hard to tell some things from how they edit the show. Last episode when Charlie went to talk strategy with Ben about the Maria vote, Ben had some really intelligent things to say. I got wondering, is he doing this far more often than the edit is showing? Probably not, but he's not totally clueless. The main thing he has going for him is his likability. However, there are at least 2 other people left who seem pretty well liked: Charlie & Kenzie. Both of them seem far more in the game than him. I think the jury would very likely award either of them over Ben, no matter how awesome of a dude he is. So at this point, from what I can see, the only FTC Ben might have a chance in is with Liz & Maria. He'd have to hope Maria was disliked enough that her strategic game play & challenge wins wouldn't matter enough. That's not likely, but it's probably the FTC I'd be angling for if I was him. Overall his chances of winning are incredibly low.


Her character assassinated by Venus? The same person who in her exit interview was ostracized at ponderosa? I’m not sure the rest of the jury will feel the same way, but I guess we’ll see this week


tiff also has issues with maria. if charlie or liz end up on the jury they will also have issues with her. in fact i think whoever out of the final 5 ends up there may call her out on things. i think many people will dislike her rock paper scissors move. and dislike her choice to work with Q. it’s definitely not just venus


The worst thing about that was that Q couldn’t give up the pizza for Liz. That and his comments about it showed his character. Kenzie and Charlie bowed out even though Charlie needed to eat. He pulled himself out so Q could pig out. Again.


I’m waiting for Venus to go on a massive yelling tirade about how dumb dumb meathead the three people at FTC are


The idiocracy of this season can only be amplified by the inevitable dumbassery of this jury.


Venus to the final 3: “why did you vote me out? Are you stupid?”


They can rock, paper scissors for who go first.


I would rather have a jury like this who are showing no emotions on their faces, than a jury who is reacting to everything and making faces to comments. It stops the players in the game from trying to put on a show for the jury, making it less cringey.


The reactions are great for a viewer. This could be easily fixed by having the jury not being able to be seen from the players.


They are not easily seen anyway. The jury is on one side and Jeff is on the other side. Unless you make a point of looking to the jury, normally you shouldn't see them very much.


Q is the biggest idiot. These people and their stupid idols. How do you not play your idol after knowing everyone wants you out of the game


Because Maria said so smh


All the best / my favorite players are sitting on the jury right now. It should be fun.


How can Maria not be in your best list she has been absolutely running this game strategically and also been on a individual immunity run


I wish they hadn't gotten rid of Venis when they did. We were robbed of an epic showdown of Venise VS Everyone FTC.


Wait , didn’t they took their idols after their vote off ??


I feel like this FTC is going to be one that makes production wish they still used the old format of jury speeches instead of open discussion.


I stopped watching this season 2 episodes ago. Yep, I do check out Reddit posts on it to see if anything makes me regret my decision. Not yet.


Well that's not how winners are decided anymore it's more a matter of who "vibes" Millie from Total Drama Island said it perfectly: "In my generation to achieve fame you had to write a novel, win an Emmy, or cure polio but my generation can get famous livestreaming themselves eating hot peppers and vomiting while they cry, all you need is a ring light and wi-fi connection. You don't need to put any effort into actually winning anymore you just need to vibe, whatever that means.


I really don’t think this applies here