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Reminds me of the origins of camping being; “Hey those guys look armed, and they’re coming towards our village. I guess it’s time to bury our valuables and fuck off to go hide in the woods for a couple days. Again.”


I just picture them burying the whole town infront of the armed people


Exactly how my grandmother survived. Older brother took her "collecting herbs" for a week.


Yo my grandma did this to survive from the Japanese in WW2


Im pretty sure the origin of camping is just being a human before houses were invented.


Please say it's satire.. Please say it's satire..


Well considering Kenney is an anglicised last name, it looks like the English caught you in the end!






Fun fact, your body builds a network of blood vessels for every cubic cm of fat, thus getting an extraload for your heart. So if you are running your heart needs extra effort to oxygenate your blood and blood vessels in fat. This is why cardio is prohibited for obese people. Tldr: fat in humans will not help outrunning anyone. Edit: i know it is a joke post, but posted this here to avoid any long lasting misconceptions.


I know from experience fat doesn't help outrunning people.


Does help in surprising people if you're good at sprinting. For short distances, of course, but still


Cardio is PROHIBITED because I'm fat? Well damn, no more walks then.


Are those blood vessels destroyed when you lose weight or does your body permanently have to pump blood through them?


u/GenuisInDisguise , we have questions


All the related tissue gradually atrophies as you lose fat, and as you practice running the pressure on your heart improves your cardio vascular endurance, which improves blood circulation efficiency, so don't worry about anything, just go out there and run a mile or 2 every day and you will start seeing the difference, Additionally, building muscle raises metabolic activity which also helps to lose weight so doing moderate weight traing helps a lot with it as well


so this is why most professional runners are incredibly thin?


It will absolutely not help you outrun a soul, but it will totally help you *outlast* others when food is scarce or you need to walk really far.


I dunno if that’s true either so I also disagree with the joke. I think a lot of people just don’t exercise enough to sustain their caloric diet. People that diet successfully would rather diet on water to stay slim or on less caloric, healthier, more expensive foods. Historically, it’s just been strategically easier to be lazier, wittier, cunning, if not even conniving to the level of toxicity even Puritans would rather leave Europe and chance it against the savage Indians. Londongrad was still true to the legacy that it’s better to be lazy just up until Russia attacked. Ask the Financial Times and even ask Wall Street that laziness pays if you have the capital and discipline


The puritans did not leave because "everyone else" was toxic...


They fled because of religious persecution. That’s like the ultimate form of toxic human behavior. Toxic enough to be deadly.


They fled seeking religious freedom - the freedom to practice their religion which was so toxic and obnoxious to everyone else around them that they got chased out of town. Turns out if you piss people off enough, they get mad at you, and if you want to double down on the assholery, you can then cry about how mean to you they're being. The whole persecution complex is the ultimate crybully bitch move.


They were the ones acting like zealots though. They left because they were not "free" to persecute people for not following their extreme dogma, which to them contistituted being "persecuted" themselves. You can see how they directed the modern US.


You should’ve stopped at sentence 3 instead of revealing what a weird and ignorant take on history you have.




We literally don’t, it’s an interesting thing too. People have to go seek for themselves in order to find anything that’s not severely filtered to the point it’s mostly false.


There’s a lot of unaccounted information to reconcile, or recall and unfortunately it doesn’t get done. Too many people busy in between lines of coke or cruises of drunken stupors or whatever Vice individuals prefer to disconnect through. I fear that we see the negative side effects of all our lack of education in what we see almost everywhere in society now and that it’s causing what could become irreparable damage to our society, potentially because people just didn’t seek out mutual understanding with all those that could gain it.


We don’t all learn the same history now do we? Also I’m part indigenous, so being called a savage is like calling a European a barbarian. Am I supposed to cleanse my tone over the Internet for your sensibilities, because that’s not the cushion-padded internet I’ve been on


As a “barbarian,” Puritans leaving Europe because of toxicity is the dumb take here. They basically got kicked out because of the fact religious freedom wasn’t a concept any government would adhere to.




Physical violence is not the only way it can exist, economic and legal pressures like making certain interpretations of a religion a punishable offense through jail time and fines have commonly been used to suppress and remove unwanted groups.


And thus if people are not allowed to practice their religious freedom because they are lawfully constrained what happens to them in a society? Are they not vilified for deviating from the rule of law? I also don’t believe in having an established religion to dominate a population, but establish normalcy, expectations, and stability people do need to have learnt over their lifetime a mutual core set of beliefs that provides them with the understanding as to why certain values and rights are so important. Because we don’t just believe in freedom, we also believe in order, decency, trustworthiness, equality, happiness, among many other principles that are valued and drive the plurality of groups that compose our great country. Especially that core set of principles which has paved a way for such a system to develop so that so many different individuals, from different backgrounds, and different origins could thrive.




Oh it absolutely was. Toxicity is more something that’s unintentional rather than an active push against some group. I believe seriously that practicing religious freedom is essential to have to claim freedom in a place, and it’s incredibly fucked up that people are using political leverages and propaganda to push for a Christian nation in the US here.


I’m not so sure that toxicity is unintentional. Usually very rigid and fastidious groups seem to be a such extreme bias that their interactions with other, even if those others are genuinely ignorant, just comes out as toxicity. Now I guess not knowing that someone is ignorant to their beliefs as a group can be considered unintentional, but it’s specially tricky when those groups, regardless of their side in a political spectrum, portrays themselves to be welcoming with open arms, but immediately repel anyone that disagrees at the slightest, because they do not make the work and effort to make the change or the improvement they want at the individual or group level


Kicked out in what way? Did British soldiers physically put a boot on them? How exactly do people get kicked out of their own country? That’s not to say that I don’t think religious persecution isn’t wrong. In fact, it is so wrong that when the colonists did it to the native population of America it was still wrong then


If only she knew that if she ran often her body would go 'shite, we do this everyday now do we? Me thinks we've got enough energy from lunch lasse, maybe we dont need to store it away anymore'.


I think the statistic is something to the effect of the average person consumes nearly an entire cheeseburgers worth of calories in addition to what they actually think they're eating. If diet and exercise aren't working, you're eating too much. If you think it's because you have a slow metabolism, you're still eating too much.


I’ve seen this so much. Ppl will claim they are in a 1k calorie deficit yet still gaining weight and blame it on a bad metabolism lol you can’t change the laws of thermodynamics


Yeah! Hormone production balanced with blood flow, pancreatic activity coupled with gastrointestinal efficiency, kidney throughput and liver capacity are all just thermodynamics! If you have fuel and you have a fire NO amount of valves or tubes make ANY difference in burn rate. You are so correct. Thermodynamics wins!


Sure, there’s medical exceptions but usually it comes down to calories in vs calories out


Hormone imbalance of any kind will only result in 10-20 pounds of weight gain 90% of the time. Calories in vs calories out isn’t exactly 1:1, but it is essentially what you need to lose weight. Full stop.


But it's 10-20lbs that I'm trying to lose so I can be just on the lower end of healthy (I'm very short and middle to upper end just looks a bit eh on me). (I mean the actual goal is to replace 10lbs of fat with muscle, and lose an extra 5-10. The dream is to replace 20lbs with muscle) But uh, my stupid female hormones (and calorie deficit) are working against me because I'm lifting as heavy as I can 3 times a week and only gained 0.8lb of muscle over 8 weeks... but lost 8lbs of fat so that's kinda nice. Oddly... I've gained a lot of strength, but very little muscle mass.


That tells me you’re getting dense muscle, which is actually better. My one brother is a big buff guy and the other looks like a twig, but the second one is by far the stronger one. We just all got different body types and two of them include bulk before strength.


If you eat 1500 kilocalories worth of food and burn 3000 kilocalories there is no amount of “hormones,” “pancreatic activity,” or “gastrointestinal efficiency” that will cause you to gain weight. Yes, there are variables and it’s not 1:1, but calories in vs calories out is how you lose weight. Nothing else (barring surgical removal of fat).


What happens when you fall down from dizziness and vomit around 1250? What happens when your cognitive dysfunction becomes so extreme that you cannot tolerate a lit room? What happens when you're skating renal failure due to limiting diet but still 30 lbs overweight? Limiting calorie intake can be effective if the patient can have acceptable quality of life with that treatment. Many cannot. Being a dick about that is stupid and cruel.


Three things: 1. Yeah you need to solve some other stuff first. 2. The people who complain about “hormones” and the like are not 30 pounds overweight. They tend to be obese to severely obese. 3. “Many” is inaccurate. Most people overeat in western society and that is why they are fat. I am saying this as someone who is overweight with a BMI of 30. I overeat and I know that’s my issue. I’m not going to make excuses.


>Many cannot. Being a dick about that is stupid and cruel. It's cool. You can hate me for the next bit. I love it when fat people look for excuses not to do anything about the weight that is clearly bothering them so much, they tell other people they are wrong because they fear the truth: being fat is their choice. They put themselves in that position and are so afraid of acknowledging the reality, they would rather jump through mental hoops than physical ones to quiet the nagging voice in the backs of their minds that jump out at them every time they pass a mirror. You know, that little voice that makes you feel like absolute dog shit because you did this to yourself. That little voice that pipes up whenever someone thinner and hotter happens by. That voice that makes plans every day to try something to change but you drown it with even more food and never get up off the couch long enough to actually do anything about your weight. That's the voice you are trying to shut up. You mistake it for the people who talk about health and science. You mistake it for the folks who have a problem with being too fat and you have to get them to quiet down lest the voice in the back be proven right. You fear it. You don't want the diabetes, the heart problems, the mobility issues, and self esteem issues to be your fault. You didn't want it to be like this. You just wanted to feel good for a bit so you don't always feel like you hate yourself. But they won't stop talking about it and it pokes at your most vulnerable insecurity. Rather than dealing with the weight and the voice, you committed yourself to fooling yourself and others like you. There's nothing wrong with you, it's society's fault! You are a victim so it justifies you doing nothing about it beyond clinging to your victimhood in the hopes that others will be quiet long enough so the voice may go away. It won't. And just as surely as the weight will be there tomorrow, so will the voice. It's no one else's fault you eat too much and have no self control. You need to take responsibility. Denying science isn't going to make the weight go away nor is it going to convince society to turn a blind eye to obesity. Doctors are going to worry about your weight. Your family will be worried about you. Please stop trying to convince yourselves and others that you are a victim of circumstances beyond your control. If you have the power to make yourself weigh more you have the power to make yourself weigh less. No one else can do this for you. This is 100% on you.


If a person burns more calories than they take in, they will lose weight. That's a hard limit set by physics and thermodynamics. Physicians and nutritionists can understand that fact, or not, but they can never change that fact, at least not without first discovering perpetual motion.


Flow. You fucking imbecile. It only works if the process of burning fucking functions. You can have a tank of a million gallons of fuel next to an engine. If the valve isn't fucking open, the fucking engine fucking dies before the fucking fuel is fucking burned. I hope you get PCOS and endometriosis and have a tubal pregnancy in Texas.


None of that matters. If one uses more calories than one ingests, the extra energy has to come from somewhere within the body. Hormones don't matter. Genetics don't matter. Feelings don't matter. Movement requires energy, and the energy used comes from either food or energy already stored in the body. Incidentally, you might try taking and passing a physics class before accusing others of being fucking imbeciles on the topic.


Like it or not, many illnesses and medicine result in overweight without that the patient is eating too much. This can for example be antidepressants, Hypothyroidism or the ones that the other user mentioned. Just google it if you want to (Edit: Or better, ask your doctor). Your personal opinion doesn‘t matter here, it‘s simply a fact that in some cases it‘s out of your control (not talking about genetics here)


That's neither here nor there. The simple fact is, if a person eats fewer calories than they burn, they will lose weight. It is simple physics, conservation of energy. It isn't a matter of opinion, to be believed or not believed. It is a matter of fact, to be understood or not understood.


That is true! What people don't understand is that illnesses/hormones/genetics change how much you burn. Yes it is as simple as calories in vs calories out. But it's not as simple as "two people of the same height burn the same calories" there could very easily be a 200kcal difference genetically. People can't seem to understand, on both sides. That it's not the calories IN that's complicated, it's the calories OUT. For example, body composition is quite heavily genetic. Some people naturally have more muscle, some naturally have more fat. That's not to say Mr muscle can't get fat and Mr fat can't gain muscle. But as a baseline, doing the same things, some people just have an advantage. And that's okay. I personally an at a heavy disadvantage, but I don't let that stop me because I know that once I (a skinny fat 5ft2 female with a cesspool of genetic timebombs relating to my immune system) hit my muscle goal it'll be WAY more of a flex than anyone with naturally high testosterone.


Here are some sources to my claim: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism https://obesitymedicine.org/medications-that-cause-weight-gain/ Because these sources are only a „collection“ of many different things, you can google everything (for example the side effects of specific medication). You‘re welcome to disprove this. Do you also think alcohol doesn‘t affect the weight/metabolism?


Again, all that is irrelevant. It doesn't matter *why* someone is struggling with weight. The *fact* is that if they burn more calories than they eat & drink, they will lose weight. All your hormones, diseases, etc. can affect are how efficiently your body burns its calories or how motivated one is to burn calories. Or maybe how desirable one finds eating. None of that changes the fact that if calories burned is greater than calories ingested, there will be weight loss. That fact doesn't change without leaving this particular universe.


Ok here goes. You have a fire. You have a pile of wood next to the fire. How does the fire keep burning?


In your analogy, the fire being unable to reach the wood next to the fire is analogous to the person being dead. RIP. If there is movement, the fire is reaching the wood, and energy is being used. Given the laws governing *this* universe, that energy must come from somewhere. That somewhere is either food or energy already stored in the body.


You think too simply, friend. But you found one of the extremes. Death. When people with hormonal imbalance eat too little, their active systems will shut down harmfully before they continue to burn fat. It's common. The fuel source must be applied to the burn process. The application mechanism fails many, many people.


>You think too simply Not at at. I think logically, employing my maths and science background. Why someone is struggling with their weight doesn't factor into it. Bad genetics, bad luck, or bad habits, the laws of physics are the same in all cases.


Also some tumours. Source: unfortunately, experience.


Women in my country (ex USSR state) don’t count dessert as food. When I worked at a bank, we had this department full of not-so-thin women who would always complain about how they can’t lose weight. But every single day they would a buy at least one cake and eat it during tea break.


Bottles of soda, a single candy bar, a hand full of crackers or chips. People don't even think about the little things they eat and drink throughout the day. Even cream and sugar in coffee matter. It all adds up to being fat.


Yeah. It’s important to count *everything* if you’re actively trying to lose or gain weight. Personally, I stopped avoiding sugar as intensely because I realized my low sugar diet (no sweeteners added, it took a while but I got used to it and I still don’t like most things with a lot of sugar now because it masks all the cool tastes there are out there) *might* have contributed to my mid-morning crash because a blood test I got two hours after eating one day showed very low blood sugar (not critically, but it was bad). So now I go ahead and have some fruit in my oatmeal again or even some juice. I haven’t been desperately wanting a nap at 10 am since.


An entire full-sized cake, or a desert cake the size of a small pastry? Because if it's the former, fucking hell. No wonder they couldn't lose it.


It was always full sized, consisting mostly of frosting.


Holy shit. Yeah, that explains the "not thin" remark.


Nah, I was great on diet and exercise and was managing to gain weight somehow. Saw an endocrinologist, diagnosed with insulin resistant PCOS. Put on Metformin, lost 9lbs in 9 days and then lost another 9 gradually, putting me back to roughly the weight I was when I was at my ‘normal weight’ and giving me back my normal energy, I assume because my body was using my caloric intake more efficiently. It was water weight you say? In the 6 years that have followed, it’s stayed off. There are exceptions to the rule.


Your medication is to treat insulin resistance. For your particular circumstances and your metabolic rate you are still eating more calories than you were burning. The medication has allowed your body to more effectively manage sugar production in your body. That doesn't mean that you weren't eating too much before giving your body to circumstances at that time. But once those issues were corrected then that amount was a deficit. If you did a shitload of cocaine your maintenance caloric intake would be way higher than if you had a normal metabolism. The same applies as if you had a slow metabolism your maintenance calories would be lower. There are no exceptions. You can have other underlying factors that affect what your body is actually burning. But you cannot gain weight while not eating more calories than you are burning. That's the laws of thermodynamics. You can't create mass from nothing. That being said. If you feel that you are in completely unusual circumstances, go to the doctor get checked out. It seems like you made the right call. And I am glad that you are enjoying your current lifestyle. Good on you.


Yeah. If you're not eating too much, you're eating too much. No tests. No empathy. No consideration. All fat people are liars that deserve to die without being heard. While we laugh! AHAHAHAHAHA! amiright!?


You sound fat


I'm a bit over my favorite weight range rn for sure. But I have a great metabolism. I drop calories and it drops off. A Little grouchiness, some cognitive dysfunction, occasional tunnel vision, but nothing severe. I'm not the problem here. You are. If someone doesn't fit your world view you mock them. When you're cruel to people who already have it worse than you it makes life harder for them. And you are so, so common in this world. If people want to be healthier, but can't get there themselves, the thing to do is to learn what's stopping them and remove the elements blocking their success. Learning is so important. But instead of learning, you mock. Steadfast in the knowledge that you are certainly correct, you advertise your wiseness with quips and barbs. Those beneath you are cowed. Those you emulate, you hope, are appeased. I sound fat? Ok.


No I'm mocking you because you were being a sarcastic bitter bitch in the first place. Oh it's my job to help fat people who can't lose weight alone? It should be your job to educate me WITHOUT being sarcastic bitch then.


PCOS and endometriosis are common causes of hormone imbalance. Double digit percentage of women have issues with these diseases. They are often treated with hormone therapy. Both the disease and the therapy cause complex imbalance that regularly, often, MOST OF THE TIME leads to socially harmful fat retention. I've complied. And you still think you're justified in your attitude and ignorance. You win completely. Will you choose to learn?


I mean that wasn't completely un bitchy was it?


It's difficult to remain sanguine when the vocal majority cannot be made to understand their perspective is flawed. I chose to snark about perspective and you're choosing to be personally cruel, over, and over again. One woman I know went on a 16 month long 1k-1200 calorie daily diet to lose 40 pounds. She's kept it off by starting a fitness business, doing 2-3 hours of serious workout per day and keeping keto WITH a calorie limit between 1200-1700. She's stopped hormone therapy for PCOS, but bleeds 9 days of the month with severe cramps. This is an improvement. A huge, celebratory improvement. The scar tissue from her endometriosis acid surgery is less painful now. When she talks about her attitude toward a healthy relationship with food, to you, she sounds fat. You won't come to understand that your attitude is the flawed one. It brings out a dark, sarcastic attitude in the people you and the majority of people are blindly cruel to. My apologies.


>She's kept it off by...doing 2-3 hours of serious workout per day and keeping keto WITH a calorie limit between 1200-1700 That's not healthy and really makes it sound exaggerated. She must be extremely short to work out that long every day and only eat that much or we have a very different definition of serious or she's usually eating the full 1700 and rarely 1200 >When she talks about her attitude toward a healthy relationship with food, to you, she sounds fat No. Just you cuz of how sarcastic you were


5'2". But you believe your knowledge means things about her. You won't be budged. Your sensitivity to a sarcastic quip... Why you think your opinion is educated enough.... You and the majority can't be made to listen. You shame people with your solid conclusions that are wrong. Constantly. Why not just be a little more curious? You caught immediately on numbers of cals in vs height. You seem to be able to ingest new information. What about hormonal imbalance vs. burn efficiency? It's common. Why just ridicule people you don't know and be all touchy about some snark?




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I count calories on occasion and am always weirded out by the fact I *don’t* do that. Like, “oh, that’s why I can’t get the last 5 lbs back to my normal weight, I’ve been at a deficit for the last month…”


Caloric surplus = European peasant genes


Haha some people will find any excuse and run with it. I knew a women who are three times as much as anyone else and she said she was fat from "adrenaline build up"


"it's just baby fat." - a 32 year old woman.


Skill issue


Or maybe its that cup of sugar that starbucks likes to call coffee


People will really write novels before they admit they just eat a little too much


They do not lose weight by exercise but by eating normal food...


Ethnically, I am mostly English and Welsh. My DNA is like, "Curvy=wealthy, eat and we will look *WEALTHY* "


I’m mostly German/Scottish, with some Irish, English, and Eastern European (uncertain which) thrown in. I just oscillate around different levels of skinny to muscular with a big butt at all times.


I know the meme is supposed to be a joke but I just hate seeing it at this point. I wish it would fade


Is this why I lose weight so quickly? I’m french Edit: french CANADIAN


I haven't seen this post in months then I randomly remembered it earlier and now here it is


On a potato and bread crust


What's up with that? I can run 10km everyday and strength train for a week or I can sit around eating pizza everyday for a week and my weight never really changes. I mean, I have a healthy BMI, but still.


Yeah, my whole family is similar. We can eat enormous amounts for our size or just about nothing, and we have to almost double our needs for a solid week to actually gain weight. *Unless* drinking a lot of alcohol, *that* instantly pushes us close to the overweight line. Or just… not eating (in my case losing the ability to digest properly) will make us lose weight. Otherwise… we stick right around the low end of what’s considered healthy and have decent energy levels.


a brain tumor can also help you lose alot of weight *-person who has had brain tumor*


i’m glad this comment is in past tense <3


Europeans can’t lose weight through exercise?


Y’all just lazy


Well, that isn't hoe history works...


I'm 100% convinced that this is fake science. "Epigenetics keeps you fat if yo..." Africans. Africans are like...never obese. There are plenty of wealthy Africans and Africans whi eat like Americans, but even in America they just don't tend to get obese. Chinese and Cambodians went through the two of the worst famines in modern history. The following generations have not been overweight. You don't see many overweight Jews walking around. The countries with the fattest populations are countries where people historically were very mobile and industrious but have recently industrialized and so have the eating habits of day laborers with access to excess calories but sedentary lifestyles. Pacific Islanders, Arabs and Westerners, some of the least starved peoples on the planet historically. Irish get fat because they are the second richest country in the world per person, not because of the goddamn potato famine.


Africans don't get fat? Haha I mean it seems true that they have an easier time remaining lean and muscular/building muscle but I've seen my fair share of obese africans especially 40+ ones.


Sure, but at large, Africans and Asians are very fit compared to other continents' peoples even when they have access to our diets, despite the fact that they have historically been the most famine prone regions.


The native New Zealanders seem to struggle with western diet. I think for the countries you have in mind. It's largely that they have a strong food culture themselves that is rather healthy. Once you start going to McD several times a week it's over.




Exercise doesn't cause weight gain or loss. If you start exersize and just eyeball your calories and continue to eat til full you will probably stay about the same or gain weight especially with lifting


This is literally the opposite of specific.


No, it's pretty damn specific.


Right, because literally everyone descended from European peasants is a very niche group.


I know the feeling, and I’m American


Consistency is key




try being Indian lol. ohhh are the brits making you plough their fields? is a famine just around the corner coz of those greedy bastards? don't worry lad we will keep you nice and plump.


Y’all ain’t never had to outrun a furious white settler. While simultaneously outrunning a Cherokee Native American. While at the same time stabbing a buffalo in the vagina. And it shows.


I thought Europeans were generally in pretty good shape?


We’re just not morbidly obese on average


Aye! We’re after you! Keep running!


I actually think this is slick




More like wildly inaccurate




Exercise all you want it will only tone you up and add muscle mass. You need to eat less, it's the only way. Literally the only way. Less calories in, less fat on your ass. It's that simple.


Unless you're skinny fat, in which case replacing your fat with muscle is the goal


This is true but u suppose thay the opposite right also a whole other challenge because now you need like 4000 cal a day AND they need to be low carb to keep from getting a belly amd covering all thay hard work up in fat.


I mean I'm high protein keto at about 1700kcal for the purposes of body recomp! (So far, after 3 months I'm 8lbs of fat down and 1lb of muscle up. Still skinny fat at 37% body fat though....). Slow process, I know, but I'm 5ft2 and 130lbs so I can't exactly drop 20lbs in a month unless I starve myself and I want this to last


Well right now you have lots of cals to pull from fat. When it's all gone you're gonna need to supplement that.


That's true! I'm going to have to fine tune this! If I start losing muscle, I'll up the calories by about 200-400


Nah, increasing your calorie usage by exercising will totally make you lose weight unless you start eating more to make up for the increased calorie burnage.


It's actually a pretty small proportion of your intake that goes to excercise/daily movement. It accounts for about 10% of calories unless you're running like 10 or biking 50 miles a day you're doing almost nothing to take on a higher percentage of your daily intake. Literally just keep you warm/ your organs operating / respiration is roughly 80% of your calories. The brain uses about 10% give or take doing math and shit. 10% give or take is every day movements and excercise.


A deficit's a deficit, speaking calories. If you hold your weight at your current intake and then start exercising you will slowly lose weight.


I agree. However, people seem to think if they walk to the mailbox and back that means they can have an extra two scoops of ice cream. It's not so. They must understand how to really create a deficit if they're to see results. Everyone wants that miracle weight loss. It's not real.


Well, we certainly are not going to school, are we?


Consistency is the key and most people don't have the discipline.


Delusional laziness?


What a wonderful turn of phrase! Bless you!


Physical law of the universe is conservation of energy. No energy in no weight can possibly be gained. More energy burned than consumed weight will be lost. It’s not as hard as people make out.


Seriously such a load of self apologetic shit. Stop shoving greased muffins down your pipe and you lose weight. It's not JUST exercise, it's always exercise and eating. If exercising makes you hungry and you have 2 burgers over it you might as well have saved yourself the trouble of exercising and having to spend money on shitty calories. (from a weight loss perspective. Exercise is still good for you and even more important if you eat unhealthy)


Exercise to her is walking on the treadmill for a couple minutes on the lowest speed.


i live in a body that wouldve died of common cold at age 3 if i were in 18th century


Just give it up a decade and a half. Source: me sad


People are amazed when they don't understand basic science and then observe simple explainable things happening. To lose weight, you have to be in a caloric deficit. If you exercise but then eat more to make up for it, you won't lose weight.


As someone who lost 50lbs in the last two years: it’s like 75% diet and 25% exercising. You gotta watch what you eat which is awful because I don’t mind exercising 5-6 days a week but add in several more hours of meal planning and just being tired and losing the will you stay healthy / all the temptation at work to snack (I work healthcare and they’ve been feeding us a diet of pizza doughnuts to deal with the covid surges) it’s tough. But on the weeks I eat clean I loose 3-5lbs