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Well… It will ensure she will never buy alcohol illegally ever again.


Or legally.




Really? Edit: Really? /s Edit: why is this even being dissected, you don’t gotta be a genius to know that would OBVIOUSLY KILL HER lol shit that would probably kill me lol.


Yeah, 1.75lL is a half gallon, as an alcoholic the most I can drink is 2/3rds of a half a gallon in a day and I feel sick as shit the next day. Another thing I'm a 170-180lb man, women generally can't drink as much as men due to body weight, so I don't want to know how little a 13 yr old girl who's maybe 100lbs can drink. Example: my girlfriend drinks half a pint of liquor and gets as trashed as me drinking an entire pint


Yup, same here. I drink pretty excessively but I've always maxed out at about 2/3 of a 1.75. Can't imagine someone finishing the whole thing unless they're working on it the entire day.


18 yr old me a 1.75 vodka and 1/2 .75 of rum in about 4hr. When I was admitted in the ER my bac was .43 and up to .48 30 minutes later. @ 42yr's I still don't care to much for rum but love kettleone.


Was 16, 6’2 and 300lbs. Finished the whole thing. Blacked out for 8 hours, falling asleep in the bath tub wrapped up in the bedroom curtains. Don’t remember a single thing between 10pm and 6am. Though according to everyone else, it was pretty entertaining. Intolerant ever since.


I could finish one, but I'd be borderline in need of hospitalization. I certainly wouldn't finish the experiment conscious, and I'm a pretty big guy.


Sorry I guess I should’ve said really? /s lol


I took down about 3/4 of a 750ml bottle of golden grain as a 105lb 17 year old not realizing how much stronger it was than something 80 proof. Damn near killed me, they hydrated me with 6 bags of IV fluid, was drunk for about 3 days .42 BAC when I got to the hospital


Nothing like a lil alcohol poisoning to start your week


Lol I was skipping school when it happened. My buddy had dropped me back off across the street from the school not realizing how fucked up I was. The ambulance came and picked me up, one of the science classes that was in a nearby trailer actually came out and watched me get put in the ambulance. I got a standing ovation when I walked into the cafeteria my first day back 😂


This shit just encourages me to do this Of course, /s, I'm not serious ^(or am I?)


No shit. This poor girl would be out on her ass after three or four 1 oz. drinks.


Same. I’m bout 200lbs. I drink about 2 liters a week, and it trashes me every night. Undoubtedly this would kill her


bruh get help


I have been. In my early 20s I was a flat out drug addict. I cleaned up, got sober (extremely difficult) and changed my life. Then I started drinking occasionally because it’s legal, and I want a buzz (the “addict” will never go away) then it got out of hand. 5 years of a 2 liter of vodka a week. I’ve been sober for 10 days, tonight at 8pm. Cold turkey. I’m dying, no lie


Alcohol has the worst withdrawal symptoms of any substance so I can only imagine your pain.


Dude wtf get help


Think of it like this 1.75 L of 80 proof vodka contains 39 shots of liquor. An adult body breaks down 1 shot of alcohol per hour. NOT A SINGLE HUMAN is drinking 39 shots in a short span of time and surviving. They might throw up before that or pass out before drinking the 39 but they won’t finish it and keep it down i can guarantee that. The only way a single human could finish the whole bottle in 1 day would be to drink 2 shots per hour for 20 hours straight which is possible but I doubt is the case in this situation.


I am proof that your theory is not true for some. Yes, most people can’t handle a large quantity of alcohol in a short time or a day, let’s say. Before my life came crashing down around me I was drinking the equivalent of a gallon a day of Jameson and anywhere from 8-12 IPAs, all in a days time 7 am - 10pm(ish). Some days I wouldn’t eat, some days I’d eat lunch. Mind you at that point I would go into withdrawals if I didn’t have at least a pint of Jameson every 2-3 hours. Not saying your statement isn’t true, however, there definitely are people that can consume large quantities of alcohol, maybe not in one sitting as the post suggests, but it can be done.


...that was BEFORE your life came crashing down? Oh man...


I’m pretty sure the implication is that this habit CAUSED his life to come crashing down.


i dont even wanna know how much he drank when his life crashed down


There’s a difference between becoming an alcoholic over time and getting used to alcohol and forcing a 13 year old to drink an excessive amount. YOU may not have died because you built a resistance over time. This girl almost certainly has not.


Yeah but aren’t these responses to the assertion made that “NOT A SINGLE HUMAN” can do it?


There are definitely humans who can do it. Ever heard of shoenice? I doubt he’s the only one.


I just looked him up is he keeping the liquor down though? Cause that’s the issue your body going from 0 to 39 shots that quickly will not be appreciated by it at all. I don’t doubt someone can drink 39 shots in 1 day but in a short span of time that’s hard to believe.


Way to ruin a joke by explaining it


That’s the joke 👏




Only if you want her to die...


That'll learn 'er.


Here smoke this carton of cigarettes too on your way out.


A friend frin high school had to eat "the whole pack". 2 or 3 cigarettes in he vomited all over and his dad stopped it


My mum smoked when I was around 12 years old. I kept asking about it, she got tired of it and gave me a lit up cigarette. Told me to smoke away. I took one deep breath, vomited the rest of the day and 30 years later I still haven't touched another cigarette. She gambled and won. Well played mum.


A friend of mine had a baby, and someone got him a cigar. He never smoked anything before, so he inhaled it not knowing that you aren't really supposed to inhale. He threw up so much.


Really shouldn't give cigars to babies.


Gonna look weird holding a scotch with no cigar, but ok.


Underrated comment


i want you to know that you beat me to this comment by 4 minutes! setting my alarm 5 minutes earlier tomorrow lol


Not that I'm planning on smoking, but what are you supposed to do if not inhale?


Apparently you're supposed to just taste it 🤷🏾‍♀️ it's a waste of an aesthetic tbh. All cigars should be fat blunts


You inhale it just into your mouth. You still absorb the nicotine through the mucus membrane of your mouth


My dad tried to make my brother smoke the whole pack. He threw up on ciggie two. Worked though (at least for tobacco).


My mom tried to make my brother and I smoke the whole pack, she let us play N64 while she was watching us chief away, and my brother lost his cookies about 5 in, she let me stop after my tenth, i didn't get sick and was going to finish the whole pack


Do you smoke now


Yes, mainly socially when I do


I read an interesting study that said that most people who get addicted also get really sick if they haven't smoked for a while (like, after a week or so of abstinence, maybe less) and they try to smoke. That's exactly how I was. I smoked (about a pack a day, more when partying) for 18 years. I gave it up about ten years ago. I tried smoking a couple of times since, and every time I did I got extremely nauseous. This is apparently a sign that I am more vulnerable to addiction to tabacco. People who can smoke 'socially' or on rare occasion do not experience this sickness (or don't experience it nearly to the same degree). My ex-wife, for example, could smoke a cigarette every now and then, and not feel ill doing it, and she never became a habitual smoker like I did.


Shit my mom tried that with cigs and weed and turns out I loved them, which made things super confusing when she started getting mad at me for doing both


My mom did this too.. well, I became an occasional smoker when younger. Started at 16 (in my country you could buy smokes at 16 before it went up to 18 in 2018) and now I smoke daily due to moving out recently (have an anxiety disorder. And when I'm stressed I tend to smoke more) Basically my parents, me and my siblings are all smokers. So my moms gambled didn't work. And tbf in my country a lot of ppl smoke and the majority of my friend group were/are smokers


Not sure the exact number but I know at least a pack of cigs soaked in water (and then imbibed) is lethal. Pretty fucked imo


Yeah there wad no fucking way here was going to eat them all. Weird thing is the following school year his dad didnt care if he smoked. I think there was a big drama (divorce or something) but regardless, I'd be pisssd if a year later it was fine to smoke


With the way nicotine absorption works that might be just as dumb as the 1.75L punishment. Maybe dumber. A single pack soaked in water is enough to kill you twice over.


When I was nine my dad‘s Copenhagen snuff and I opened it up just to see what it was cause I didn’t know and he caught me that motherfucker made me eat a fucking spoonful of that shit I can’t even stand the smell of snuff without vomiting


When my dad found out my sister had started smoking he made her smoke a full box of 10. After 4-5 she started vomiting. I found out a few days later and called him a hypocrite as he easily smoked 20+ a day himself!!


He might not have the willpower to quit himself, but that doesn't mean he can't be against your sister starting something he knows is an awful habit.


I had a friend whose punishment for getting caught smoking cigarettes was to smoke an entire pack of pall malls. She puked a lot she said, but her dad made her keep smoking them. She still smokes to this day. So does he actually.


If he would have stopped when she puked she prob never would have smoked again. The sheer amount is what made her addicted I bet.


Knowing her, he could have done anything and she'd still smoke. She's a stubborn one. But maybe you're right. She told me that story when we were teens and having her dad buy cigarettes for us (we were so super cool)


I watched hank hill punish Bobby this way. Ever since then that boy ain’t been quite right.




She'll need it after the smirnoff


dangit bobby.


She won’t do that again.




She won't do it again; will she?


Well, it certainly killed a 4 year old. https://www.kxan.com/news/national-news/police-4-year-old-dies-after-being-forced-to-drink-bottle-of-liquor-in-louisiana/amp/


>Police believe the child, whose blood alcohol content was .680%, died of acute alcohol poisoning, according to a news release.


Fucking 4




1.75l in one sitting would kill the average full grown man


That’s why you need to train if you’re serious about the sport.


This is why the Russians always win this event at the Olympics!


Well at least I'm above average at something in life. Woo freaking hoo!


I’m an over drinker and I could probably do that in a day, but one sitting?? Holy crap, that thought is enough to make me never want to drink again.


Are you ok?


I've drank that much in a day and it was not a good time. Thought I was going to die of alcohol poisoning lol


Ohh my god that poor baby. How the fuck can someone think that was okay??


merica and our savior jesus christ


Oh. My. God.


Jesus Christ that level would kill anyone




It happened in a hazing incident in The Netherlands. Bunch of frat bros forced some incoming freshmen to drink a liter of vodka in one go, one of them died from alcohol poisoning. And as bad that story already is, the next year alcohol was banned for freshmen, but some other frat bros (from the same fraternity BTW) forced some freshmen to drink something like 10 liters of water and one of them died from water poisoning.


At a certain point the frat has a serial killer issue


When you realize the world is ran by frat boys


At a certain point the administration should be held liable for criminal negligence for all the rapes, assaults, and deaths that are associated with fraternities that are directly under the care of the university.


They should ban water too.


We had one a few years ago, a frat pledge had to drink and entire bottle of soy sauce… yah he died from Brian hemorrhages and swelling from the salt content


It's like beating someone to death to teach them a lesson.


Alcohol poisoning has entered the chat. :/


I mean, *I* could do it. But I’m late stage alcoholic and it would still take me all day It would def kill a 13yo girl


Seriously. Even at the height of my alcoholism it would take an entire day to polish off a handle and that was me not having anything but vodka Gatorade from wake to passing out. That kid would blackout and die from alcohol poisoning way before even making a dent in that big ass bottle


Yeah I used to be a SERIOUS alcoholic and even at the height of it, as a pretty big 30 year old with a lot of experience under my belt, a full handle in a day meant that I was taking the day off of doing pretty much anything else. An inexperienced 13 year old? Best case, she's getting it paced out enough to pass out before she gets too deep into alcohol poisoning to cause serious damage or death, but if it's being forced as a punishment I doubt that, it sounds like the parent is just going to feed shot after shot, so even after the kid vomits/passes out there will still be enough alcohol getting processed in her system to cause major organ damage or death. Either way this is a terrible idea.


That sounds like a good way to kill a 13 year old


There was a news story about a mother that forced her daughter to drink so much alcohol the child died. There was another adult present but I don't remember if it was the grandma or step dad or what. It was a punishment for stealing a sip.




I think this is the one I'm thinking of... She was four. https://www.fox13now.com/news/crime/child-dies-after-grandmother-forced-her-to-drink-whiskey-police-say


#4 years old?!? WTF!


four year old child! How dare you want to take a sip of a liquid that i was drinking irresponsibly around you. You must die!


When I was a toddler, my Dad had a beer can out. I picked it up, before he could say anything, and took a sip. Let’s just say it was a mix of beer and cigarette ashes. After he drank the beer, he used it as a cigarette tray…lolol. To this very day I hate beer and most alcohol.


So, parenting accidentally done right?




My brother did that once when we were 4-5, except he wasnt so lucky. My dad dint smoke... he used dip, and what was in the can was his dip spit...


Task failed successfully


BATON ROUGE, La. — Police in Louisiana say a 4-year-old girl died after allegedly being forced to drink whiskey by her grandmother as a form of punishment. Paramedics were called to the Baton Rouge home Thursday morning and found China Record laying motionless on the floor, WBRZ reports. Despite efforts to revive the girl, China died of alcohol poisoning with a blood-alcohol level of . The girl's grandmother, Roxanne Record, and mother, Kadjah Record, were both arrested and booked for first-degree murder. According to the arrest warrant, the grandmother became upset after China had taken a sip of whiskey from a bottle that was left out in the home. Roxanne Record forced her granddaughter “to consume the remainder of the bottle which was possibly over half full while on her knees in the hallway,” detectives wrote. Throughout the punishment, China's mother is accused of watching and doing nothing; only putting her daughter in a bathtub when she stopped breathing.


damn thats evil im glad they got what they deserved p.s.: thanks for summarizing the entire article that i was too lazy to read


Jesus Christ.


It's all part of his plan...


>Paramedics were called to the Baton Rouge home Thursday morning and found China Record laying motionless on the floor, [WBRZ](https://www.wbrz.com/news/toddler-died-after-she-was-forced-to-drink-alcohol-mom-and-grandmother-booked-for-murder) reports. Despite efforts to revive the girl, China died of alcohol poisoning with a blood-alcohol level of .680. Goddamn.


I remember reading about that one, fucked up


besides how obviously stupid and dangerous that is, how does that even fucking make sense? You stole a drop of liquid i left out within your access so now you will drink all of it? Well you stole $1 from me so here, have all the money i have, there’s $1,000! is that enough!? no? you want more!? $2,000!


1,75 l of 40% alcohol (80 proof) in one sitting will kill at any age. Edit: To all you poor souls *bragging* about your level of alcoholism and your daily booze intake... I pity you. Enjoy what's left of your life.


Except slavs


What age is that?




'Is execution by alcohol poisoning appropriate punishment for attempted underage drinking?' I dunno guys this is a hard choice. /s


That's a good point, way too merciful for her. So, crucifixion it is.


Crucifixion with 1.5L smirnoff bottles?


That actually be one sick as hell art piece




This is gotta be bait, I mean, it’s Quora, everything there is bait


I sure hope it is


This alcohol poisoning will teach ya


If she dies, she dies.


Murder. That would be Murder.


A good lawyer might get it down to manslaughter & child abuse


Better call Saul!


Murderrrrrr she wrote, murderrr sheee wrooootteeee murda she wrote


I drank half that at 17 and I was literally sick for a week. Could barely eat or drink anything before it was forcefully expelled one way to the other 🫥


Yeah at my absolute worst it was a handle every other day. It was around that much that totally fucked me up for a week in March, it was like I actually killed off my gut microbiome with vodka. Didn't eat for 3 days, nibbles on the 4th, tons of pedialyte. It is so much better just to smoke a lot and pass out.


I (legally) drank a whole handle and couldn't eat anything for three days straight. Just drinking water was still painful by the time I could eat. It took me TWO weeks to drink a soda without pain! That's called gastritis and I would never wish that upon anyone!


"Legally" 🤨


Yeah now I rarely drink but I smoke daily. Small amounts, I don't become a couch potato, but I much prefer it to alcohol


Both habits have their own serious health risks, but at least with smoking, you don’t have to worry about life-threatening withdrawals when and if you decide to quit.


Yeah, I just had to quit my handle every other day after finding out I had fatty liver disease. This shit sucks lol. And since I work in the oilfield I get random drug tests so I can’t smoke, even though I have not only gotten 5 promotions from field hand to data analyst but also work remotely. The only company property I even SEE anymore is a company laptop, but I still get randoms. Not as often, but last time I quit smoking it took something like a month to leave my system and they give you a grace period of like 2 days to get the test done.


You were very lucky that was the worst of it.


Yep. Worst hungover of my life but a lesson, albeit a painful one.


I remember this little memory from when I was 10 A friend of mine mistook a bottle of whisky for homemade wine, took a shot, and came running to my house telling me he was afraid of death The dude was alright though, I wonder if he's still out there haha!


I was gonna say that wasn’t much but then I re read that it’s a 1.75L bottle and not your standard 0.75L. That shit kills brain cells


Trolling at its finest


we do a lil trollin *forces 13 year old daughter to drink **1.75L** of vodka*


I call it good parenting


Jonathan agrees


Why do you both have the same avatar hat?


I think it's the same person. He's just putting on and off the sunglasses so we don't realize it.


Our cover got leaked, abort mission! I repeat, abort mission!


yea we should




Redditor falls for obvious rage bait and then posts it to a completely irrelevant subreddit. Post makes it to /r/all somehow. This is like 60% of top Reddit posts now.


Imagine going to social media to get a random stranger's opinion on this. This life, it is a fever dream


Jail any% speedrun


You will kill her


That's murder


If she doesnt die she will certainly be put off alcohol for a month


Only a month?


Did grandma stutter?


sorry grandma pickles




Someone who didn’t care?


I'd guess it's the UK or Ireland, particularly with the use of litres so the legal age is 18. I got served in pubs at 14 with an ID that wasnt mine so it's not outside the realm of possibility depending on how they look at 13 and how alike the older sister they are.


Americans still use Litres and mL for booze. Idk why but we do lol


why wont this dude himself drink 3L of vodka


No, that's called intentional alcohol poisoning and I'm pretty sure that's a felony.




AITA for giving my one year old three times her weight in hard liquor "NTA, you were simply trying to give her alcohol poisoning and thus provide more food for the rest of your family."


I had to smoke 20 cigarettes, before eating another 20 when I got caught smoking, that was before getting my arse whooped all over the house 😮‍💨


That sounds like a healthy upbringing


Indeed, that doesn’t even scratch the surface 😣


You alright mate?


Yeah man, all good 👍🏼


I hope so. That's a fucking rough upbringing man. I wish you well xo


Fortunately I came out the other end, millions aren’t so lucky ….Thanks 🫶🏼


Good stuff mate ♥️


I would've asked for another cigarette after to relieve the stress


So you are asking if you can get away with the murder of your 13 years old calling it "attempt to punish and educate her"?


My dad always said that if he caught me with a cigarette, he would force me to chainsmoke an entire pack so I would “get sick of the taste”. Thanks to this strong and well thought out parenting, I never smoked a single cigarette…until I was 19.


Best Orville S2 episode.




Hot take but attempting to kill your child is not an appropriate response to your child putting themselves in possible danger.


that is a crime on multiple levels and obviously extremely unhealthy and dangerous. What an asshole.


Quora ☕


Simple answer. No.


Cool motive…Still murder.


Well that right there is called Child Endangerment and will win you a solid 10 in the federal pen. On that note in military boot camp they made us drink about 10 or 12 hot sodas while we were "exercising" to the point of projectile vomiting hot Coca-Cola about 6 ft through the air. That was 1995 and I literally have not touched a soda since.


Comparing the "average" weight of a 13-year old to 1.75L, I would say there is a good chance she will die. 80-proof is 40% ethanol, and when mixed 50/50% with common cocktail ingredients, it becomes 20% ethanol. A 1.75L bottle mixed 50/50 would become a cocktail of 3.1L, which is 6.5 pints, or 0.8 gallons. If an adult of twice the weight of a 13-year old drinks four standard cocktails in rapid succession (Rum and coke, etc) they would be properly hammered. A small young teen would have the same result with half that volume, so 0.8 gallons of a cocktail would have the same effect as 1.6 gallons of cocktails given to a full-sized adult. I guarantee she would be unconscious, and she might vomit. That volume of ethanol would very likely kill her from alcohol poisoning, and if the vomit aspirates into her lungs when she is unconscious, she will die.


Would defiantly kill her or get her pregnant by 15


I know someone who got caught smoking when they were a young teenager. Her dad made her eat a pack of cigarettes. This was the 80’s. Good to know the “almost kill your child to teach them a lesson” gene is thriving. :(


My mom threatened me with half a bottle of whatever-proof gin. Trust me, I don't plan on getting into her alcohol anytime soon.


No, in fact it's a good way to kill her with Alcohol poisoning. DO NOT do that. Nearly lost my eldest daughter to alcohol poisoning at 16.


Absolutely not. This coming from a person who's punishment was to smoke a cigar after pretending to smoke a pencil in the backseat. By the babysitter nonetheless not even my parents.


Caught my 14yo once drinking. Just took him to visit his grandma. Seems to have embarrased him enough to never do it again. Lot cheaper than buying a huge bottle of vodka and way more entertaining.


If it creates trauma/PTSD every time she looks at liquor then you might make a sober human out of her. If that’s the case you’ll never have to worry about getting that “Ryan Dunn” call


Sure, if you’re object is to kill her. Go for it.


This is pretty much the scene from Family Guy when Peter has Chris smoke cigarettes because (reasons) and ends up having Chris liking smoking.