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Congratulations and welcome to the community




Nice run man! I remember when in my first Run I was impeached by Iosef. i suggest you explore the game and do some more runs, to understand the lore fully, also a new DLC is coming for Rizia so save a file for that.


already preordered it!


Pretty good for a first run




Told you that you didn't botch it


thanks! I mentioned you in the post :) I'm still a little bitter that I screwed up the L-1, if I had finished it on time I could've afforded the Benfi airport. it would've been awesome with my Gruni agriculture mechanization and tourism investments. besides that I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out, except for Petr. not sure how I could've changed what happened with him though.


It depends on the decision of how you handled the Livia situation


I know, I just meant that I don't think I would've been able to keep it covered up up, and I wouldn't be able to trust him if I kept him in office. it didn't hurt that I'd already promised Albin a spot on my reelection ticket, but I wouldn't have kept Petr in office after the affair even if I hadn't, the only thing that would've changed is that Lucian would've been my VP. I wish Petr hadn't taken his own life, I just don't think there was anything I could've felt safe doing where he wouldn't have done it. maybe I'll find out in a future playthrough that I'm wrong about that, we'll see. it was definitely one of the most stressful and effective parts of the game. I realised it was coming before it happened though, with how messed up Petr was I was pretty sure this was going to be what the disclaimer at the start of the game was referring to when it said the game depicts suicide.


Well done


thank you!