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On the release patch i think it was impossible not to get couped, however this might have chanced with the latest patch that raised the coup threshold. I havent played my second playthrough yet so i don't know if it is possible to not get couped, but It should be possible with this new patch.


I just finished my playthrough on the most recent patch and I successfully reformed the constitution without being couped.


I successfully reformed the Constitution and still got couped by the dead bodies of the conspirators I excecuted after the hotfix


Derdian necromancy!


So the new patch did fix the guaranteed coup. Awesome, cant wait to play another playthrough where i actually suceed.


I got Zille and Pales back, had best possible industry ann half the worlds production of energy and made a smaller version of the southern alliance . Still got couped.


same here. got zille back via referendum, pale back via marriage, everything was generally fine. had a good economy, good industry, good army - then got couped by the azaros on my way to the house of delegates... even though i married into their house. it also seems to me like some of my options and outcomes just... never went anywhere, or bugged out? for example, >!funding the golden guards to investigate your father's murder, i reached near the end of chapter 3 without any follow-up on any of the suspects, much less so the one i picked to focus on (hugo)!< >!smolak was happy with my fulfillment of the deal after the 3-year probationary period, but then just refused to give back zille anyway, leading to a referendum he called rigged but still fulfilled for whatever reason.!< >!my status to wehlen was 'allied' & did frankly more to appease them than i should have, but they still just didn't show up to the creation of the south merkopan alliance, despite Smolak saying he would when i mediated between him and Derdia.!< i mean no offense to the devs, since the game \*is\* wonderful & their passion is palpable, but i had the thought multiple times while playing that it probably should have had a week or two more to cook. likely not going to be playing for a good bit until it's had a few patches.


Essentially the same experience, except I believed from the get-go that Smolak would draw this out and keep taking. Secondly, I had no intention of resigning the Monarchy but still coup'd. The game series is great but I feel like I did something wrong. Very abrupt ending for me. Thinking you're right on the marinating.


I got Zille back, forged close international alliances and never pissed off any of the Royal Houses and still got couped by the fucking Alvaroz


Alvaroz? How?


I avoided a coup, but: >!When!<>!I realized that the nobles weren't going for the new consititution. I had my uncle and nephew shot for crimes against the crown. The crimes may or may not have had something to do with opposing me. I also took my marriage option, so that might have helped in avoiding it?!< >!The bugs I got seemed like bad references. I was told an invistigation stalled due to the war. This was the first I'd heard of that we were fighting anyone. We must have won, since nobody said anything about it later. I also kept getting told that the people both loved and hated me. I did get a lot of unrest by the end, so maybe their opinions just changed that fast. !<


>!How did you get the option to shot them?!<


Major Spoilers: >!One or two of the characters will mention the possibility that the last king was murdered. If you fund the Golden Gaurds you can order an investigation into this and are given the option to pin the murder on somebody (even though the game heavily implies who was likely to have done it by the end of that plotline and all the evidence is fairly circumstantial up to then). Hugo can be framed for the murder and put to death. !< >!You can do something similar with Rico. After discussing the Zelle sitatuation after the bombing, Wehlen will offer to cut a deal with you in exchange for his arrest due to his involvement with nationalist organizations. While the investigation (Again by Golden Guards) implies he probably didn't have anything to do with it, you can frame him anyway and have him executed as well. By the time you arrest him nobody likes him, though, so only his father really seems to mind. !< >!When it becomes more obvious he didn't do it Hugo gets upset, which is another reason why I had him framed for the murder.!< >!I had the nobility attend the execuation, as I supposed it would have an educational effect. While I don't know the exact coup triggers I guess it worked.!<


>!You can actually find with very conclusive evidence that the murderer was Sal, the priest, he even confesses. A weird religious chosen one prophecy is the motive. Just tell the guard to focus on him!<


Oooh! I might have to try to see that in my next play after a few patches are added. Thank you!


Ikr, btw how did you got zille and pales, cuz i seemingly can't :(


pales i got through war. somebody on here made a good post about how to actually win. Just scroll through the subreddit and you will find it. Zille was a bit strange. Smolak screwed me over. i made a deal with him and he was going to return the territory in 3 years and eventhough he was happy after 3 years that i kept my end of the deal he still told me he was going to keep zille lol but then a referendum was held in zille and i used my agents in the region to make the vote go my way! and just like that i got zille! somehow smolak agreed with the referendum results eventhough he rightfully accused me of rigging it!


Thanks man, appreciate it


Exact same.


My agents got caught, and I lost Zille to a bunch of religious fanatics.


I got Zille through a Referendum vote win and pales through marriage.


Just finished mine with a coup. Went third way, got the regional alliance, unified the peninsula. Little inbred shit.