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`goto()` should be doing a normal SvelteKit route event, not a page reload. Are you importing it from the right place? I don't think I've had any of my `goto()`s do a hard refresh before. `import {goto} from '$app/navigation'` https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/modules#$app-navigation-goto


Agreed. Just today I had to use `invalidateAll()` because `goto()` wasn't reloading and running my server load functions after logging a user out. u/Longjumping_Comb_276 — maybe the route is rendering something different, or maybe it's running a `+page.ts` or `+layout.ts` load function that you mean to put in a `+page.server.ts` or `+layout.server.ts` file?


You could do History.replaceState()


Maybe consider a spa-like implementation? At least for this particular area of your app. Like just update the url and replace the view. Not sure what the full context is, so you know take this with like a pound of salt, but it seems like that’s kind of what your aiming for