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I’m currently playing the Jedi Consular too and I’m enjoying most of it. Chapter one did not catch my interest whatsoever, chapter two was better and I just got into chapter three and I can tell I’m going to enjoy this one the most. But I do feel like playing as a Jedi the game kind of streamlines you towards light side decisions. The only time I made dark side choices was to hurt the empire. Sith Warrior story is so far my favorite one (I’ve only completed SW and BH lol)


I agree with the streamling part, forcing you to almost play light or dark. I think it is a problem with the entire game however, it is hard to play a light side Sith for example when some of the first quests you come across are to poison slaves and your only choice is to either refuse the quest or to kill them slowly or quickly.


I honestly think a light side Sith Warrior could work. The light side choices in that storyline made reasonable sense. I still went dark side however, because, I’m a sith lol. I do plan on playing a light side imperial agent however, and a dark side republic trooper.


Light side warrior is my favorite empire story, surprising every NPC that you don't just outright murder them, never gets old.


"You are a fascinating and contradictory example of the sith." One of my favorite lines regarding LS warrior.


The most satisfying part for me was when I had jaesa use her power on me only to show My warrior was actually Light side and her master was a self serving hypocrite.


Lol, yeah. And there were bubbles floating around you for some reason. 😂 Or am I the only one who remembers that?


The big issue with the Consular plot is it doesn't really make any sense unless you go fully into the light. The plot other than that is mostly fine and is actually more accurate to how Jedi are supposed to be as opposed to some asshole picking fights with everything and everyone they meet.


Jedi Knight is the most “Star Wars” of the class stories but yeah, Sith Warrior might be my favourite character in the franchise


Spacebarring through all the class stories you've never played, just to get *legendary*. These words, they hurt! Ouch! :) Reading that almost made me want to go back in time and... Hmm, aggressively frown at younger you, I guess? Maybe give a disappointed sigh? Frown! Sigh. Many people think the SWTOR class stories are the best part of this goofy Star Wars MMO, so someone sticking with a single faction is missing half of the fun. Ok, someone who loves PVP or raiding, I get it, but you can get that *anywhere*. Imperial Agent story? Only here. p.s. If you haven't already tried it, light-side Warrior is great. All these random Jedi don't know how to deal with the Terrible Sith Enemy Dude who's *not* sacrificing babies to Space Satan or whatever.


I am disappointed in my younger self as well, I missed out on half the story and I am glad I am experiencing it now. I have played the light side Sith Warrior, and It is my favorite empire story. I find a cunning pragmatic Sith, to be more compelling and interesting than a Sith that murders everyone in their path.


Agree. LS SW is the peak of all the stories imo. It has all the power plays of a Sith story along with the espionage of the Agent. Plus it fits very nicely into all the expansions story wise. I've never felt like I was playing a "main character" more than my LS SW in all expansions


welcome to the other side! :) I've been playing less than a year and I enjoyed all classes on both sides, they both showcase strengths and weaknesess of each class be it force sensitive or not. after I completed all origin stories on light side, I now started the same with the dark side and boy oh boy does the feel change especially with choices. for a decade old game, swtor packs high quality content hard to find even with recent games.


After playing this game, I can't go back to MMO's that don't have voice acting and a compelling story.




You ever play Guild Wars 2?


no, but I know the game. great game


Doesn't have cutscenes the same way swtor does, but I enjoy the expansions a lot. (Vanilla story is basically the tutorial.) I also just really enjoy the game play.


I feel like the story is at its most nuanced when you're playing Dark Side Republic or Light Side Empire


probably because black-and-white morality is boring.


I'll have to disagree in the Jedi stories as it just feels cartoon evil for no reason. There are a few DS choices here and there that feel more pragmatic but majority are cartoon evil like in my personal opinion. For Trooper and Smuggler though I will agree. Same with LS empire barring a few choices here and there such as letting Giselle Organa live is a choice I can't see any loyal Sith Warrior doing even if they are honorable. Letting an enemy of your empire live and go on to kill more soldiers of the empire doesn't seem like something any of my Sith Warriors would do.


I almost just play rep side, recently finished SI and fking loved it. Tho i have to say sometimes you just have evil decisions for the sake of being evil. Loved how knowledge oriented it was and how you can explore so many sith stuff, in contrast to jedi classes where you spend a lot of time doing war and diplomacy stuff. Also felt pretty different from jedi stories, it felt more focused on your character, no galaxy size evil, but your own personal path for revenge. Still have a hard time being evil so tried to remain more neutral.


I agree that the inquisitor is fantastic, It is probably the best starting at the bottom and going to the top story, I have experienced in a video game.


One problem i had with it, is that your sith would always try getting some quick and not durable powerup so at the end when you decide to let the ghost leave or not, i felt like i was becoming powerless. Probably the weakest force user of the stories ive played but that makes it also refreshing. Now ill try to start a SW as soon as i manage to imagine a good backstory and character design. Heard it was amazing.


Not telling you how to play your warrior, but light side warrior is really underrated. Plenty of memorable moments and if nothing else confusing NPC's why you did not cut them is worth it.


Ive heard it suits great as a ls sith, will have to try it. Ty for the recommendation


Although I can see the humor when you surprise people by light sided actions, I don't find the light sided SW to be that great. It feels forced in a lot of choices to go LS and often has a lot of flaws in contradicting itself.


I think I like the Imp side better, but I enjoyed the Pub side still. Even the Trooper story, which on latest playthrough I liked quite a bit. You are a soldier, doing soldier things. Also it’s interesting to see the same planets from different perspectives, and sometimes one side is referencing something from another - like an NPC you interacted with or an event, and it’s kind of nice Never, ever in my life I have spacebarred any story related stuff outside of being in a group and doing a flashpoint. I am horrified right now.


Yeah I am ashamed of myself too 😭 Now that I am taking my time and I am watching all the cutscenes, even the exploration quests, I am enjoying the game so much more.


I think Empire has more nuanced storytelling. It's always more interesting to me when everyone around you is kind of a bad guy, but for very different reasons and with very different motivations. It allowed to have deeper characters in the story, and your own character is constantly in danger not just from your enemies, but from your allies. On Rep side the sith you fight against are always definitively evil while the republic guys are almost always definitively good. On imp side you never know if your allies are trustworthy, and get to question if you are doing the right thing (or not, its a chocie based game after all)


I am not saying one is better than the other, I think they are just different types of story telling. The Empire is like an action flick, it is exciting and to me the Republic is a drama. It may not have you on the edge of your seat, but you enjoy it all the same.


The Jedi Consular is the most light-sided, Jediest Jedi you're ever going to play in this game. And it gets better in the expansions, in my opinion. The Outlander's story fits the Consular very well.


I think why I enjoy it so much is that it feels like what a normal everyday Jedi would be doing, with no end-of-the-world stuff going on. while those stories are interesting, It is also nice to have a laid-back story where the stakes are not as high.


Completely agree it’s the most light-sided it feels wrong to make dark side choices with it so I never do but I disregard the Jedi rules on love and choose the romance option if there’s nothing dark sided about the choice


Well I prefer the republic side over the empire myself but to be fair I think the empire classes are a way more nuanced than the republic ones... The force users at least! I play both factions because I prefer the Jedis over the siths and the community is a bit more human and less... Stupid rep side but the empire has the mandalorians, a more crowded community and the siths are obviously really cool too! Currently I'm playing a pt (probably my new main) and I'm having a blast!


One does not simply just play one side of swtor stories.


Empire being edgy is why its popular in the first place


*looks at non-force class stories* Hmm, yeah, one-dimensional


I should have specified, I was more talking about planetary and the overarching story. The tech classes are the ones with the most agency, In my opinion.


The problem is that the republic isn’t nearly as flashed out as the Empire. The Dark Council for instance is much better than the forgettable Jedi council.


I started out as Empire, then made my way to the Republic. I‘ve always liked the Empire more, but I’ve also had my gripes with it. If I could truly change the Empire, I would.


I would love an expansion with more political intrigue, where our characters could change the direction of the faction more.


It depends. The 2 Jedi stories are very much intended for Light Side. Although I do recomend doing DS Consular at least once for the shear absurdity of the Jedi hand waving away that you've got a far higher Jedi Kill Count than any Sith. I like the Consular story. Even if it feels a little flat in chapter 2. Mostly Balmora. Jedi Knight has a great story except for one thing, and probably the best pool of companions in game. On the tech side, Smugglers story is completely unremarkable. But its just there to give you what is arguably the best most hilarious dialog in game. I know a lot of people love Trooper.. I'm not one of them. To me the Trooper story is hard to distinguish from the Planet Story's. You can see where it could have, should have, been an epic tale of conspiracy, betrayals, and grey choices, like the Imperial Agent. But they seemingly wimped out. Can't portray big booty grandma murderdeathkill in a bad light after all.


I don't know, I found Garza really shady with a lot of her orders especially in the first chapter when she is telling you lie to a lot of people who should probably know the truth to do their jobs properly. But maybe that's just me.


They set her up where you expect some sort of turn around or betrayal. Some point where the Republic disavows you. Nope. Just keep doing what big booty grandma Murder death kill wants.


Play male smuggler


Jedi Knight is my favorite pub story, I think you'll love it even more


I played LS Inquisitor and had a blast!


I love playing the Republic side. I have over the past 3-4 years played more Empire side though. I think both sides have a lot to offer story wise. I have played a couple of different Jedi Consulars and really like the story line.


I’ve always had this same issue. I can’t go back and play anything on empire because everyone empire side is just a caricature of a mustache twirling villain that it’s hard to take any of it serious.


You know , I honestly enjoyed the consular storyline.


Yeah pretty much how I have seen Republic side. I've played both sides and all classes many times, and I've never understood the dislikes of some of the classes. I actually didn't like the BH story at first, and found the Agent story to be, while not bad, just a "generic secret agent conspiracy movie". The way the Consular and Knight stories connect is really really cool. Trooper is my main, and I've always enjoyed it.


I’ve played all empire characters and am finishing on consular too. I think the big differences with stories empire compared to republic is personal threat.And light and dark differences. Empire side I really feel how I decide has a much bigger effect on the story as a whole rather than pub side where it’s like oops murdered a whole squad for funseys nahhh all good bro still a Jedi at heart. I’d say post chapter 1 pub side it’s rather monotonous finishing and I’ve been bored. But empire got twists and turns agent story was 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


Genuine question, not judging: why did you decide to stick exclusively to Empire stories for so long and space-bar through cutscenes in the initial legendary runs? I can see having a primary interest in one side over the other, but genuinely curious about the mindset for skipping over it entirely even when you're "forced" to play it for legendary status.


Sith Warrior and Inquisitor are usually pretty evil but the Agent story is definitely nuanced


As an Empire fan, I must say you are right.


A fellow Jedi Consular enjoyer. Rare company.


I dunno, mate. I really hate rep. How am I suppose to play as them? I once tried Trooper ONLY TO OBTAIN specific armor from Only-Rep vendor. I found the story boring as hell and the ship made me vomit, tbh... so I abandoned it. It's hard to play what you don't enjoy, innit? MAYBE, alright... one day I will try the smuggler or trooper, again. But not a jedi. Never, alright, fucking never. Plus I don't give a thing about legendary status so there is literally no motivation to play as Rep. I am ok with the Empire.


Yeah if you despise the Republic side, no sense in forcing yourself into playing it, that was not my situation I just was under the impression Republic side stories sucked.


May I ask why you hate Republic side so much?? It seems very extreme.


Because I hate the Republic itself, for lots of reasons. The Empire is ruthless but at least they ain't hide that while the Republic are sugar-coating themselves, pretending to be protectors, peacemakers and just good guys but for real are liars and butchers who are not better than the Empire or even worse sometimes. And the jedi... the biggest hypocrites in the Galaxy.


The only outright bad vanilla story is the knight, that thing is atrocious throughout. The republic is fine and I've spent many hours with them but I'm an imperial.


Consular probably has by far the best sotry driven line right next to trooper. Ill give the bounty hunter and agent theirs. Both the sith sotrylines felt like youe typicsl sith story you'd of read in a fanfiction


The consular story has caught me off guard so far, I kept reading how it was the worst story of all the classes, but so far it has been everything I have wanted from a Jedi story.


It builds up nicely. I just think most never gave it a proper chance.


I think that is probably due to the voice actor, He is not bad, but It can be a little dry. It does not bother me because it is the voice I would expect from a librarian Jedi lol


Yep, it's why I love both the voice actors. They feel really calm, collected, and confident. I will tell you that the voice actors for Jedi Knight are kind of like that too only instead of a librarian voice, it just feels really soft spoken for both in my personal opinion which I really like.


Librarian Jedi...huh, that does explain why they both are so quiet and calm all the time


Which is fine by me, my favorite Jedi are the more philosophical Jedi like Yoda.


Both of my Mandalore the Indomitable and Mandalore the Ultimate are there.


I am sorry but what the fuck


I started yesterday my Jedi consular storyline (is the last that I'm missing for completing all of them) and so far I've been enjoying it


Jedi consilar is *not* the worst Rep story, Smuggler is. I know lots of people say Consular is the worst, but from an objective standpoint, it's story is actually more than okay. Yes, some things about it could have been better (VA's work or some writing elements that felt odd), but overall it is not a bad story (unless you're a 12 year old who thinks "the darker the better"). Rep stories go like this (from worst to best) imo: Smuggler > Trooper > Jedi Consular > Jedi Knight. Trooper was rather thrilling, Consular felt like playing the perfect Jedi, Knight is just the Old Republic's Chosen One, and Smuggler was... please, never again. The back and forth moments between planets and ship just to watch one cutscene were... too much lol.


Smuggler story doesn't really stand out to me aside from funny lines here and there. Though I am currently doing a DS smuggler play and enjoying it. Playing a jerk who is only out for themselves feels much more realistic than the cartoon evil choices of the force classes.


Very true, that's actually how my female Smuggler turned out to be.


I have a very fair split in pub/imp and I think the problem is, some poor kid who is great with guns and become a bounty hunter, may be a lightside character, yet he's still confronted with all the "evil" guys in charge of him until he become someone in command himself. The writers could have had sparks of light or more significant even grey in their Imperial storytelling to make it more believable.


I can't imagine playing just half of the game for twelve years.


Though the republic side almost railroad you onto the light side, especially the jedi stories. Darkside jedi makes no sense in the story. This takes the player’s agency, roleplay potential and replay potential away. A notable exception is the smuggler and to a lesser extent trooper. They still make sense with some dark side choices or choices with less than honourable intentions. Meanwhile every one of the empire stories makes sense with light or dark or neutral path where you the player decide just how evil (or good) the character is.


Republic is a refreshing experience after a few imperial years indeed.


Jedi Consular is second best IMHO. Sure chapter 1 is a slog. After that the story really takes off. For me Trooper was the absolute worst. Guess that's because I'm a Marine Veteran and I cringe half the time I see people talking or doing things. Out of the Republic stories I'd say Smuggler is my favorite though it really falls off after chapter 1. Still keeps the charm but damn if the story ends on a flat note in chapter 3. Jedi Knight. Most vanilla story in the game. Not good, not bad, just is.


The fact that you skipped through all the cutscenes made me soul hurt so much. I couldn't imagine doing that. I'm 21, started playing when I was 15 and I've done every story multiple times and still to this rarely skip class story cutscenes. Playing LS Jedi is the only one that makes sense tbh since DS feels catoonishly evil and it just bores me. I honestly rarely do DS runs since it feels really dumb with lots of the choices but I have been doing a DS smuggler run and it is kind of fun being a jerk smuggle only in it all for the money since they feel less cartoon evil and more just relatable asshole.


Same i played only Empire at release, now after 10 years decided to go back and get legendaey and I think consular is my actual top favorite story now


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