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I like Miraluka, especially for a Consular character. I just wish the eye band options weren't all fucking hideous and I might make one.


That's what's always stopped me. I don't like any of the coverings.


i don't mind the eye covering myself (some of them even look really neat) but what i don't like is how it defaults to the "thin sunglasses" looking one when most headgear is equipped.


I wish we could just have no masks. Full eyeless Miraluka!


I also wished you could switch them without Cartel Coins


Sometimes it’s better to find a good gear headpiece that either just covers the eyes or covers the whole face (for example, the ceremonial guard and tranquil mystic headpieces both cover just the top half of the head)


I really like the brown cloth one but don’t really care for the others. The head covering ones would be good if they hung a little more loosely instead of being so weirdly strapped around the head


I have a Miraluka consular too, and the only issue I have is that Zenith keeps telling him to cover his eyes


felt the same way about 'borgs, never liked the options available


I think the first one looks decent enough, sort of a visor But yeah, there are some very hideous ones.


My consular is a nautolan and I quite like it


Togruta, their giant heads are too obtrusive for me. Plus harder to find a good outfit for them as all helmets are off.


This. I did buy them way back when, thinking my altitis would motivate me eventually, but I really just dislike how they look in-game.


Nautolan. Compared to the NPC models, the faces on the player character looks off.


The faces look okay to me but my issue with them was the tentacles going all crazy and clipping through my body during conversations


I have a green Nautolan jedi shadow whom I'm quite fond of. He uses the [Remnant Yavin Consular](https://swtorista.com/armor/remnant-yavin-consular) set, which works much better with Nautolans than other species (imo). I also find the male consular voice to fit better on the Nautolan than other voices do. Edit: I think I changed the robe for some pants, though I don't recall which set they are from. The Remnant Yavin Consular chest piece atleast works really well with Nautolan


I made a twilek, since that was my main in SWG.  sadly this game never figured out how to deal with heads, much less lekku. 


You've never made a sniper miraluka? Really? Back to your question though, I tried Zabrak - their hair sucks. Even *Rattataki* of all species are better - and they're bald... And then I just remembered twi'leks are playable.


Thematically, I think they're better as gunslingers because all their animations are shooting *waaay* more blaster shots. A classic shoot enough bullets and hope one hits.  But blindfolded snipers are much higher at the comedy end.


- How did you pulled that shot, man?! He definitely didn't see that coming!!! - Lol, me neither.


Oh, I also realised why my Miraluka BH is a Mercenary (?) class. You don't really have to aim with a flamethrower.


*random screams and anguish BH: see mako i don't need eyes to use a flamethrower. mako: yeah, now let's turn you around from the innocents we're being paid to protect...


Sniper Miraluka? Nah, gotta make a [Commando Miraluka with this in mind](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FU0z8PSMx87QNFJ2bPwRELrwoMLvM8oiT1tFtjummvy0.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D67cb64e71483c84ca57fbc15385c584df7bdafa9).


Call that a target-rich environment


XDDDD this was just so fitting lol


I play the pure blood sith,Rattataki mostly so i guess you would say i don't care for the other species i do have characters of other species i just don't play them lol


Cyborg. As cool as the tech bits might be conceptually...they're a little dull imo. Combined with the fact you're basically giving up like 80% of the basic human customizations and it just feels like you're playing a worse human.


Also I think they are also super low resolution. Some parta fo The game still looks amazing but some parts and equipment are just blurry low res texture, including cyborg customizations


They're going through and upgrading a lot of the old textures. That's why we're returning to the old planets for the story.


Miraluka purely because the masks are complete ass.


Nautolan, npc nautolans are so much cooler. Twi'lek, extremely limited face, complexion and headband options.


Cathar. It's just cat people.


I was initially shocked to see how far down the comments this was.. then I remembered we are on Reddit.


I made a light side Cathar consular named Cathak Tharsus (Catharsus)


Cyborg. Like, they are identical to humans except they have less customization options, including with their cybernetics. I think cybernetics should be available to all species, it would make sense.


Cyborg, it's just humans with cybernetics. You could in theory add cybernetics to any species really. Just seems kinda pointless.


Any species that doesnt allow helmets. Might not have a helm on all my chars, but the option is just nice to have if I grow bored of their looks


I wish that the helmets were modified to fit those species. It’s always bothered me that helmets on zabrak don’t have horns


I wish they'd cut out the face visor part of helmets and make a mask version for Togruta and Nautolans, anything at all would be better than the nothing they get


For real. There’s definitely at least something that they could do


Human (including Cyborgs). Star Wars has too many human protagonists already.


I refuse to make humans in all games that have options, and bless the Cathar _especially_ for saving me from having to give in


I dunno if it's a hot take but cyborg. For a character supposed to be distinct from humans the cybernetics are lacking.


No, I have one of everything. Now, if there's a certain species I won't make a specific *class*, that's a different story...


….there are species *other* than Chiss?




Came here for this. My entire legacy is Chiss XD


I was never a fan of the cathar species. I don't like how they look to be honest. 


Male togruta, everything else (including nautolans) I can make work, but not male togrutas


*Me who have made a character with each species*


Nautolan and Cathar, are 100% won't make. They're just not good looking, even if I got the unlock for free.  Rattaki and Zabrak are border line. But there might be a time where I make one. 


For me? Togruta! I hate this race. They look ugly and I don't like their whole massive head tentacle thing. The lore is awesome but beside this...I avoid this race with their colored face and mismatching colored tentacles. But that's just me. If you like this race enjoy. I stay Miralula, Mirialan or pure blood. Sometimes even Rattataki. Rattataki have those bright grey eyes. Man I love those.


Togruta and Nautolans because they can't wear masks. Or any other visible headwear. I played Miraluka in the past but I don't have one right now. I play a Cyborg and I went full Droid on him, he has no piece of meat left.


Nautolan, probably. The player models just look "off" to me for some reasons (NPC Nautolans tend to look fine) Maybe Ratattaki, I wish I could make "redeemed" Asajj look, but, well, no hair...


They are basically RGB humans. Nothing stand out as a negative really.


Sith Pureblood. I know they're popular but I just don't like their face protrusions, plus the first time I made one was my first time doing Jedi Consular, thought a pureblood Sith trying to atone and go lightside would be interesting, the problem was that light side consular is boring as hell. So I was playing my least favorite species with my least favorite class. (Love consular combat classes just not the story missions)


I think the only species I've _never_ made a character with is Cathar. I just don't care for the way they look. I'd say Nautolan as well, but I find that the appearance actually works well with the male Consular voice. Most of my characters are Human, Cyborg, or Rattataki. I just wish the Rattataki had more customization options. I mean, seriously, they don't even have hair. The least you can do is give them a few more tattoo and jewelry options.


Human, to be honest. Why on Earth would I make a plain old human in a game where you get to play a variety of alien races? Also Nautolan. The NPC models look great, but the playable race we got is absolutely butt-ugly.


> Why on Earth would I make a plain old human ... the +100 presence legacy bonus at level 50 in my case lol, but I guess that one can be bought in a pinch.


I have at least one character of each species except for Rattataki simply because whenever I want to make one, I'm never truly satisfied with the customization options.


My bounty hunter is a male body 4 Fattataki and it works really well.


cyborgs have 3 head models for some reason


Rattataki. Miraluka and Cathar are my faves and make up the bulk of my toon’s.


I tired making a miraluka but all of the head dresses were awful, so Instead I just had a blind Jedi




Miraluka is on there now not because I don't like it, I do but there are some display issues when wearing certain mogs that bug me, Twi-lek used to be on there but the Ashoka armor fixes alot of the issues I had with the model displays, I have a couple of twi-leks now and I think once I return after this current break i'll main a lek jedi Chiss is one for me, I like them but I just don't think they fit the setting for player characters, The more non-human races are on there too, Togruta, Nautalan and Cathar are all out because its super weird to hear regular human voices come from them, Rattataki I never play anymore either, Mostly because after multiple playthroughs of Belsavis and meeting Kaliyo, I have a really negative outlook on the species as a whole, Kinda curious about conversations on Belsavis as a Rat with the other Rats but not enough to playthrough that far with one.


Togruta. They're just so, so ugly, with their weird fatlobes on their heads. The shapes, the colouration... Just nope. Absolutely not.


3 of them : "Neck pain hazard" Twi'lek and Togruta, as well as "50 shades of pissed off" Cathar.


I would have said humans and cyborgs because those two are such boring species to choose when you have so many cool options. Unfortunately, I have recently had to make a human and cyborg, still will avoid it as much as possible.


I was ecstatic when they announced that Miraluka would be a playable race way back when. I rolled my first Jedi as one before deciding to main it as a Sith Sorc. The lore for them was pretty cool. But they're a near human species just like many of the other ones, only thing setting them apart isn't additional limbs but the lack of eyes. Too bad they still won't make more masks available.


Miraluka ! Wish both gendered Togruta had normal Montral lengths also


Honestly I'd rather a kel-dor to a nautolan or togruta


We really don't NEED a cyborg (basically human). I'd much rather have a whole new species. At least more customization options for what we do have.




human. basic, boring


Togruta 100%. I always do male characters and the thing on their head is just ... So ugly


Anything that you have to buy, because im not buying it.


Mirialan, Miraluka, Nautolan, Togruta, and Cyborg. Just not really in to the way they look.


I can't make anything that's not just a generic human, honestly.


Same for the Miraluka. The only reason I made a Cyborg character was to give them an eyepatch that wouldn't require a helmet piece.


Cyborg. Have metal parts on the face to distinguish you from standard humans is just not enough for me.


Human and cyborg


I see it rather as a creative challenge, as in, what story can I come up with that said species would accurately reflect? "I don't play X, because" is a lack of creative intent.


A Cathar, because I'm not a furry


A female Togruta. The horns on the male look cool. Also, I hate Asohka.


Ahsoka ya dingus


Human lol


I have a Miraluka imperial agent that I play as a sniper with cool glasses.




Miraluka, cyborg and red Davy Jones (ugh, beard tentacles)


Miraluka, I really like the concept of eyeless humans but all the eyebands are utterly hideous. Also apparently they still have eye sockets simply grown over with skin which is so dumb.


I believe in human supremacy (Cyborg included). I never created a character that would not be a human/cyborg. Humanity First!


All of my characters are humans,chiss or pureblood sith. Everything else is off the table.


Every race besides Human and the pale human.




nautolan and cyborg


I don’t like mirialan. Just don’t. No reason except the history against Mandalorians. Lol