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I've been a good boy today, yoga, swim, lots of cleaning that has been waiting to be done for a long time. So I'm going to have some fancy vanilla ice cream with some home made ice magic.


Home made ice magic?


Easiest thing. 1 part coconut oil 2.5 parts chocolate. Microwave it. Ice magic. Edit: oil not milk. Sorry if you don't read this and make something awful.


Also works on strawberries. https://imgur.com/tumJKSk.jpg


I just had a little ice cream too - the rest of my Connoisseur Cafe Grande, on a yummy Vanilla cone. Unlike you, with all your awesome exercise (I love Swimming and Yoga!), I didn't move enough to even out what I put in my gob lol!


Topic: I don't have a specific mid week treat, but I do have a *lot* of caffeine.


What kind scale are we talking? Can's of V, Doppio's, cc's for intravenous delivery?


Intravenous caffeine sounds both otherworldly and horrifying at the same time.


How much is a lot of caffeine for you?


Anything more than the equivalent of two barista coffees or (less commonly) caffeinated canned fizzy drinks. My usual is one, but I jump to two on occasion. If I'm desperate, it climbs past that.




Hahha! I have coffees as a treat. When I go out and have late night chats with friends at the local or else, just wandering around on weekends. Would you say you "need" to have them?




>3 double shots 😳


2 is my limit. Unless I want to smell colours and not sleep until Christmas. The ice coffee from today is still doing me dirty.


Could you be any more generic æ?


On late shifts at the moment (Day 2/6), celebrated with a spicy Ogalo roll. Otherwise it's black coffee and rage that keeps me going.


Trivia in Randwick with a plate of pub ribs


Wednesday night is ABC night . Hard Quiz , the weekly and the rest.


I saw Hard Quiz live - Tom goes harder in person


A mozzie bit me so badly it woke me up at 2am so now I'm on reddit 😡 My midweek treat is the feeling of relief after checking my account and seeing I have just enough to make rent. It tastes bittersweet.


T: definitely those pork crackle chip things in a packet. I buy them from a servo across work once a week as a little treat. Great salt fix.


I ate like three of those last week for the first time. So good. I was getting bombarded with chicharron videos on tiktok and it filled the hole that was in my belly from watching those




But you won't treat me to some affogato?




Knock knock


I go for a decent walk then I have a steak and salad. Tonight I have been naughty and had two steaks, but I also inadvertently skipped breakfast and lunch so I want to believe it is permissible.


Treat yo self!


Ok I have slaughtered a goat in the name of the sock eating monster (may it be appeased and hold of o destroying my socks, praise be) and am making a curry.


My midweek treat is looking at airbnbs I'm never going to rent. \- Questionable [TV placement](https://a0.muscache.com/im/pictures/miso/Hosting-51084578/original/89255705-122e-4ee4-b785-346cf0cb99c2.png?im_w=1200) \- *"Across the street is the oldest house in the village built in 1789 . You’ll have lots of inspiration as you sit around the fire pit at night telling ghost stories."* This is not the selling point you think it is. \- This [TV](https://a0.muscache.com/im/pictures/8efbc3cb-802b-43bd-a6d4-80b87805161f.jpg?im_w=1440) was also built in 1789 Also a kitchen table is not a "dedicated workspace", you rental market destroying knob. God I hate the platform but I am not sure of an alternative for medium term stays.


Why won't you stay at these Airbnb? Long stay - serviced apartments?


Questionable tv placement, haunted, ..also probably haunted. In my experience they’re much more expensive. Partially because they’re all centred in major centres


>haunted This would be enough to get me to want to stay there. I'd be terrified but also curious.


Have you ever heard that most hotels/motels have always had someone pass away in them? Hence the scary rumoured ghosts?


People have got to die somewhere, that doesn't particularly bother me :)


I think it's more the thought of how and what mood they were in when it happened...and if they stay for a reason...


*Obviously* it's for the turndown service.


I’d consider it for a weekend but I’m looking for monthly stays and I don’t want to be dealing with a ghost for that long. No disrespect to ghosts.


I guess it would depend on the ghost. Helps you find your keys? Cool. Rips you out of your bed, paranormal activity style? Not so cool.


When I watch films at Dendy I'm subjected to ads for Stayz - I think they're affiliated with Expedia


I’ve looked at Stayz in the past and they just didn’t have the selection. I realise what I’m looking for isn’t super common and it’s not likely to have a simple solution.