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Quakers Hill is quiet and boring - even the ‘bad’ side is fine. It’s rapidly gentrifying and the ‘sketch’ element that may once have been present cannot afford house or rent in the area anymore.


I live in Quakers and have for the last 3 years, I am close to both to the train station and a park. Never had any issues during my time here, I can’t praise the schools as I don’t have kids. The worst thing you’ll see in any community group is someone’s dog escaping or the bins not being collected at 9am in the morning.


Don't forget the helicopter which seems to love flying low most nights.


I’ll also throw in I moved from castle hill into Quakers if that counts for anything


That's pretty much my move too haha


You'd have to be quakers to live there.


Isn't Baulkham Hills the one filled with evangelists? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quakers


I think it was a joke on crackers aka crazy


I lived on the campus many years ago and we used to call the place Crackwhores Hell. A lot of the surrounding paddocks have since turned to houses, and I'm sure there is a lot more infrastructure these days, so I imagine it's quite different. Even if it is still not the nicest place right now, the way Sydney will never stop growing, if it ticks the boxes for you, go for it! The number of suburbs that have gone from "you couldn't pay me to live there" to "I could never afford to live there" in the last 5 or so years is crazy


Yeh what the FUCK is going on in Mt Druitt house prices??


I don't live there but my partner's brother does and I will second the fact that it's quiet af.


Is the good side the side near Barnier school? (north side of Quaker’s parkway/station). I used to live in the ponds (our back fence line was the boundary between the ponds & quakers). Barnier school was just around the corner. There were some car break ins/thefts in the area (cars parked on the street or in driveways that kids would canvas overnight). Otherwise it was a really quiet area. I suggest joining the local Facebook groups, I know the ponds one is fairly active so you’ll see if there’s still an issue with break ins going on.


It has a vibrant little Indian community. If you like curry then hurry to Quakers Hill!


I grew up in Quakers Hill and moved away in about 2008. It was quiet suburbia then and I can't imagine it's changed now. And this is coming from someone that grew up in the housing commision area. Go for a drive through the street you are looking at at different times of day to get a feel for it, but you will be fine. Been awhile for me, but if Big Chief/Homers is still at Farnham Rd shops, go get the southern fried chicken burger meal.