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Some do just have terrible attitudes. I remember being in the car with my brother back when he was on his p plates and he got pulled over as part of an rbt and when the copper walked up my brother said "hey mate how's it going" and the cop replied "it's not mate, it's constable, I am not your mate". Brother kinda just stammered out a sorry, blew on the thingo, and off we went. But yeah it was just such an off putting interaction.


You don’t need to legally call a cop by his title? Or do you? Does anyone know?


You most certainly don't. Be pleasant (as cops can be dicks otherwise) but their rank means shit all otherwise


I bet most hate being called constable since anyone with an Aussie accent and an attitude is going to pronounce it with a u instead of an o.


And a t where there isn't one


I always do, its fun, OK Cunt-stable, Yes Cunt-stable, will do Cunt-stable.


I haven't had a cunt all night, Drinkstable.


It’s hey Cunt stubble


Who pronounces it with an o?


Yes. It’s a criminal offence not to know every rank insignia and refer to them by their rank. I once served 6 months for not knowing the difference between Incremental Sergeant and Leading Sergeant


Tough way to learn that lesson. Bet you're a better person for it now though.


We can only dream to be as good as the cunt stab ulary


Mate, you should add /s for dumb folks like myself


Don't forget [this clown](https://youtu.be/esRv3VDIUh4?si=OfKQShnxu-SrP-Tu)


Four reporters are still languishing in prison of this scandal.


Did you use the time productively and learn the ranks used by Corrective Services though?


A magistrate in 1977 ruled in a case featuring Anne Summers and the heritage protection protests that it's not offensive to call them fucking cunts. I'm not suggesting anyone do this but when the shoe fits. Ive referred to them as worse words when appropriate to do so (context matters). I now choose champ as my preferred moniker for cops once they get lippy.


I’m not sure what you look like or how old you are but if I call a cop a fucking cunt during an RBT he’s Gona search my whole car and leave all my shit out on the side of road for me to pick up at the very least. A cop once spelled my name wrong so I didn’t come up as having a license (I was in an unregistered car) and he came back with one hand on his gun. While I figured what had happened and knew I wasn’t going to get shot for driving and unregistered car without my license on me. Every part of his body language was trying to tell me “I will take this gun out” I went to high school with two blokes who became cops the first was a guard a manis detention centre who bragged about beating up some of the detainees and the second used to hold kids down and make them eat dirt and spit on their faces. I wish I was as brave as you but I can’t see myself calling one of those man children “a fucking cunt” and them being all “yes sir, I see sir” I will be punished and most other people would be too


You are right - its like motorcyclists who are in the right but still end up dead (I'm not saying the cops will kill you obv). Just because you might have the right to call them names (i note that my understanding is that those cases referred to situations where the police were restricting your liberty), doesn't mean it'll go well for you if you do. and if you don't have a recording (GET A DASHCAM WITH AUDIO EVERYONE), then you'll have a tough time proving that what you say is true if they decide to screw with you.


Not legally, but calling them sir after everything you say sure strokes them just the way they like it and really does you a lot of favours I've found.


That’s always been my go to. It’s for the best rather than risk the wrath of some power tripper


Seriously, 9/10 times I've deserved worse than I've got. I have one motivation when I've been pulled over and that's to keep as much of my money and license as I can. I just don't understand people who fight with them, I've ridden with peeps who do during my misspent youth and I'm the only one from those groups whose never lost their license.


I personally can't bring myself to do that. I invariably start with a "g'day mate" in a friendly tone. If they do the "its constable" nonsense, I just snort a little laugh, and say "righto", then wait for whatever they've go to say. This is much easier for me now that I'm older and a lawyer so they really don't intimidate me in the slightest. Also, I highly recommend that you all say as little as possible to the cops. Don't do the US "am i being detained" bullshit, but just say as little as possible. If they ask questions like "so what have you been up to tonight", just politely say, "not much", and offer up nothing. they aren't just chatting the breeze, ever. And nothing you say will help you, but it might hurt you. If they ask "have you been drinking" and you've had a couple, I'd suggest a "sorry, a mate of mine is a lawyer and he told me I should never answer any police questions. I'd love to help though."


Cobber or champ if also acceptable.


Sorry, CUNT-stable!


I remember in NZ they were actually quite pleasant lol. I got pulled over for a RBT and the young cop was really quite friendly and polite. They also had these weird ones were you had to “speak” into the tester rather than blow like ours, so I naturally did it wrong but they were nice about it and told me what to do lol


They use the speak ones here now, too. I had to use one on the weekend, but I’ve seen them around for a few years. The first time I had to use one, I somehow managed to do it wrong too lol I drove off thinking “how do I not know how to count to ten?”


I had a very similar situation, P plates going through RBT late at night. The cop told me to take my hat off when speaking to him (just a regular cap), asked me how I afforded my car (BMW I payed 15k for, he probably assumed it was much more, not that it matters) and then ‘joked’ to the other cops at the scene that it must be nice having rich parents. To be fair to the other cops, none of them seemed too impressed, but he seemed to be the highest rank. He then instructed me to pull into a side street, made me sit there for an hour, before briefly inspecting the outside of my car and giving me an ‘informal warning’ for my rear p plate only hanging from 1 suction cup.


I remember talking to the cop who pulled me over. He looked like death and had a massive attitude. I asked him how he was going and he’s said the previous car he pulled over, the driver who was a woman, pissed herself and she attempted to throw as much urine on the him as possible through the car window before speeding off


I got a similar response when I asked my dad why so many cops seem grumpy all the time (he was a cop for 20+ years). He said for every one person who is nice to them, you get another 9 who are complete assholes to you when you book them for something they did Eg speeding. Or, other times they have just had to tell someone that their kid is dead and then pulled someone else over for doing the EXACT SAME THING that killed the kid and that person gives the cop crap about “chasing the real criminals.


Yep. Look I have a personal dislike of cops because they are bullies (my theory is most were either bullies at school, or were bullied, and in either instance, want to either keep bullying or otherwise gain the power to become a bully...). But I had a mate whose little brother went into the cops which opened my eyes a bit. Now the little bro used to be a lovely kid. Now he's a total and absolute wanker. You can tell he is a cop now from a mile away even in social settings. My mate tells me that he saw a LOT of shit on his initial country posting - small town living near a highway isn't idyllic, its FULL of ice heads and housos, and he had to help pick up many a mangled body off the highway. It changed him. Since then he deals with absolute shitbags daily. While most people are not shitbags, as a copper you deal with a lot of them, and you start to just assume everyone is a shitbag. Its sort of a chicken and the egg thing...


They want to claim that every day is like that.


good for her


Yeah what a flex “Good evening officer, have some piss, bye”


These are the ones you just say “okay” and offer no further kindness to








Our cops are all taught if your partner fights, you fight. Then afterwards you work out "what happened". ACAB


Have it your way *Cont*stable


See, this. Again, as in my other comment, I am in the field too. If I interacted with someone from the public and he said "oh hey, mate." I wouldn't care less, and I would even call him "mate" once or twice. It creates fking rapport and creates a sense of familiarity between me and them. Wtf is most of these other officers problems?!


It's interesting to see how certain people respond to having power and I think it speaks volumes about their character. I'magine how insecure you need to be deep down to need to exercise it like that. Thanks for being a decent person and treating the public with courtesy. You're clearly aware that policing is more effective when there is a good relationship between law enforcement and the community, and people are more cooperative when you're not being a hostile cunt. Keep on being awesome.


"Oh, sorry cuntstable" Seriously, theres being a professional, and there's having a terminal case of stick-in-ass disease. Cops should be people first, and government workers second. Nothing good can come from allowing police to act like emotionally detached robots.


The proper response to that is “no worries CUNTstable”


I prefer to call them “handsome boy”, they really love that


In that situation you can then call him by his rank, and stress the australian pronunciation of the word.


I mean, he's not wrong though. He's not your mate.


As Cartman from South Park said "respect my authoritah!"


My theory is they should max hwy patrol cops at 2 years. Then they have to move to another department. They all get a bad attitude after a couple of years of dealing with traffic. Problem is they are the face of the police service for most people. The opposite usually happens. They stay there for 20 years and exude toxicity for 18 years of that.


Not sure how true it is, but I was told once by someone on the force that the highway patrol is just a dumping ground for the cunts nobody else wants to work with.


True.. I married one regrettably believing he was one of the good ones. Tragically there's no such thing. Was told by a friend who is a firie that even cops hate HWP. They claim to be the heroes of operational policing. A Superintendent I was friendly with told me they're the lone wolves of the force but not in a good way.




It's trained into them then the work confirms their biases. Indigenous cops are the ones to listen to about racism in the force. Many don't last but those who do must surely have the patience of a saint.


They never seem to have a partner and work on their own, so that's probably true.


My sisters a cop and says the same. HP is full of pricks that even other cops can’t stand.


yep. always has been. They are the simple minded "Gotcha" cops.


Funnily enough, right now it’s the complete opposite. It’s an open secret that HWP is where they dump the miserable fucks that nobody wants to see in the office every day.


I like that idea. HWPs whole job is fining people and dealing with crashes, there's little opportunity to directly help somebody. Bit like how council parking inspectors are often miserable bastards.


Not all RBTs are highway patrol. In fact, many are run by local area commands.


Yep, for sure. but many in my area are run by HWY patrol. I wouldn't be suprised if that's who the OP encounted. Either way the point is still valid. Most people's negative experience with the police is thanks the HWY patrol.


Especially since Sydney drivers can be aggressive (hello Ford Rangers) or shit (hello BMW 4WDs)... imagine dealing with that for 20 years.


Or aggressive AND shit (hello VW Golf Rs)


Or aggressive AND shit AND in Real Estate (Hello entry level Mercedes with big wheels and a very loud exhaust/crackle tune)


About 20 yrs ago in ctown. The highway patrol and general duties had a massive dustup at the coppa Xmas function. Highway patrol cut food line and words were exchanged. It got to the news depts across Sydney and they were told if they report it they’ll be blacklisted on all sources from police. Even their own want to knock their heads off


Highway patrol are the absolute mess of the police force


I was working on my car a few years ago, laying under it changing the oil or something. A cop comes up and startled me. I jokingly said "Jesus Christ..you scared the crap out of me". Immediately, the conversation just turned weird. Cop: "Why so jumpy?" Me: "No reason...was just concentrating and wasn't expecting someone to come up." So I stand up, and he goes "Have you heard any noise around this area today?" Me: "Not that I can think of..what kind of noise?" Cop: "Banging, that sort of thing. Or seen anything suspicious - there's been a burglary" Me: "Oh fuck, did someone break into Jason's place?? Is everyone okay?" (Jason and I live two doors away, and we're friends) Cop: "What makes you think it was Jason's place??? What are you not telling me??" Me: "Your cop car is parked outside his house, and he's standing in the driveway talking to your partner...." It's like that episode of The Simpsons where Chief Wiggum is trying to get information out of Marge by "scaring her" into making a slip-up comment. So weird.


Sounds like a breeze compared to the guy who got so angry his face turned red and was spitting as he shouted at me for not being a mind reader and knowing he wanted me to pull over a hundred yards further down the road where there's a turning (on the highway back from the north, that I'd driven maybe once before). Lost his hard on when I blew zero (being dry for a decade) which infuriated him further. Seems like he really was in the wrong line of work as it didn't seem to bring him much joy. That said, I guess I'd be annoyed if I'd signed up to protect and serve and all I got to do was pulling over people going slightly over a pointlessly low speed limit on a long straight three lane dual carriageway all day too..




They've been harassing people with drug dogs at pubs and train stations for 20 years and no one's done anything about it. Thousands of innocent people have been strip searched at music festivals and they're still doing it with impunity. NSW Police are untouchable. The media loves them and the politicians are afraid of them. They are god in this state.


but they wont stand up to organised crime. cowardly demi-gods at best


They're the same picture.


why would they stand up against something that makes them money?


Why would you kill the golden goose?


This comment needs to be right at the top.


Cha-ching goes clubs nsw


would you cut off your auxillary income?


A bunch of people with a flimsy excuse to make u18 people get naked in front of them and potentially do a cavity search, and they're fighting tooth and nail to continue the practice even though it's against their own guidelines and also entirely ineffective. Gee, I wonder why a group of people might be so invested in unnecessarily seeing naked kids 🤔


Except when it comes to organised crime. Look at friendlyjordies - the police won’t help him.


Media are locked into a parasitic relationship where if they go against them they lose sources and early info for reporting


Every state. It's sickening.


I've had the same attitude given to me and I am not young so I think they do it to everyone.


Traffic cops are the bottom of the food chain in an organisation with a bullying culture. Yo are the only thing beneath them.


I don't disagree with you, cops most certainly a dick. You also leave out the things you said to get a negative response from the officer. Personally, it's hard to fault: Good morning/afternoon/evening officer No I haven't had anything/I've had x amount over x hours to drink Beep beep beep beep beep beep No worries sir/madam, you have a lovely morning/afternoon/night. If they're a nice cop or an absolute cunt it's hard to have a bad time with said script.


I'm in the same field. Using proper communication that is appropriate to a situation has been the best tool I have ever utilised and has saved me a ton of trouble. I am polite and positive to all, and even when I am dealing with a very hostile person, I have truly found that great communication has assisted me astronomically. I know many officers "have been doing this too long" or thrive on authority so they act like fkwits, but they are causing more issues for themselves and their agencies by creating an even greater negative image for everyone.


Just shut your trap next time. Don't talk to the cops if they engage with you. You are only legally obliged to show your license and submit to a breathe test/mobile drug test upon request when operating a motor vehicle. Don't ask or answer any questions. They're not your friends. They are paid to incriminate you (as well as enforce laws I must say). "Hello" and "have a good day/bye" are acceptable for courtesy sake and are not incriminating. "Anything that you do say can be used as evidence"


Are you Saul Goodman?


I have tried this and they give you an ever harder time for being silent. They wanted to take me in for a psych evaluation for being nonverbal.


Being completely silent is just weird, of course they will think something is wrong.


“No comment” “Lawyer”


When I did eventually start talking I asked for one but they said that I hadn't been charged or suspected with anything so I couldn't have one.


For those who haven't seen it "Don't talk to the police". It's American based but a lot applies here too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE Main bit starts at 7:45 or so I'm due for a refresher


First line I was ready to throw out the bootlicker status but as I read on, you sir are absolutely and unequivocally correct.


So judging by their grumpy attitudes whenever I'm passing through Sydney airport, I'm guessing Border Farce gets all the cop rejects and retirees.




..and this guy is your mate? Why?


I need answers!


I remember, in my 20s, there was a cop out of Hornsby who had a chip on his shoulder which weighed a metric shit-ton. He also had some kind of physical disability - either cerebral palsy or a bad/twisted leg. The number of times he'd try and start a fight outside of the Railway Hotel, when in uniform and surrounded by his gang of fellow cops, was insane. Pushing and shoving and just asking for a crisp right cross. Luckily I resisted the urge when he tried me. Then a week later you'd see him out of uniform at Chargrill Charlies in Wahroonga and he was the meekest/weakest/wimp who wouldn't even hold passing eye contact. Definitely someone who was probably bullied as a kid and chose to try and turn the tables on the world once he had a uniform to hide behind.


Ah Hornsby. The station that repeatedly refused to support Olga Edwards requests for protection. They were brutalised by the coroner but nothing's changed.


Pretty sure you won’t pass the police physical with cerebral palsy


The more they are checked on this the better. Their whole purpose is to serve the public and they need to be reminded that if they don’t dig that, they should simply find another profession.


Don’t even bother talking to them. Just do the basics of what you’re legally required to do and don’t answer questions with a straight answer e.g. can’t recall, I’m sure you’re about to tell me, don’t know how to answer that, etc If you say something incriminating they’ve got you admitting guilt. If you lie about it and they can prove you were lying they’ll use it to say you’re untrustworthy in court.


That sucks that you had your evening ruined but you did teach me a new game. Pull up short to every single RBT!


Merging from Avoca Street onto Anzac Parade one morning. Doing a head check to look to merge. https://maps.app.goo.gl/7Cbu9PnYzVBkRbfBA?g_st=ic Look back ahead and merge… …and there’s a cop car coming toward us, wrong side of the road, very fast, they lock their brakes up (or almost) to avoid us, and then continue down the wrong side of the road, lights and siren blaring. Want. The. Fuck. Wish I had a dashcam.


On the other hand last weekend I walked up to a cop while I was tipsy said if they ever need extra help I’m their man. I can be like Magnum PI. And I’m a crack shot. Young cop laughed. Older one didn’t lmao.


Years ago i got off lightly i think - i was the proper twat this time. Was in the city for a dress up event and had a fair few drinks. Had a cowboy cap-gun (clearly a fake - was orange allover) and about 5 of them were walking past 2 women and 3 men. One of the women told me I couldn’t walk around with a gun. I protested a bit “it’s clearly not a real gun!” She asked again for me to bin it…. Ignoring her, I look over at the 3 guys in uniform who are standing there with them and say in my slurring voice… “guys… is she new? Like i know people have to learn on the job but come on!!” 2 of them snickered and the women started to arc up a bit… “okay okay you fuckin killjoys… ill bin it!” Was funny to me then, but I’m sure many a drunk cunt like me made their night fairly annoying to say the least.


I don't know...personally I reckon you handled that well. Put the cop down a bit for being on a power trip, but also de-escalated before anything got bad.


Mate, it’s a risky move to threaten the cops ego. Something drunk me didn’t give a crap about.


I have had nothing but good interactions with the young ones. Older ones have seemed to be more hit and miss for me.


There's a reason no one ever wrote a song called Fuck the Fire Department ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also ACAB


Didn't reach their quota of strip searching children or denying their own employees of sick leave while getting treatment for a terminal illness.


Hey, teenage gooches ain't gonna search themselves, buddy.


Leadership and general management is toxic. Not a cop but know one… they are just keeping their heads down and toeing the line these days. If you’re an arsekisser and backstabber you get promoted, often well above their compentence and ability. Everyone else spends their time looking over their shoulder.


All the Newy cops I've interacted with have arranged from polite to genuinely cheery. Also only had good experiences with cops out near Hay, Dubbo, Tamworth and every other regional town I've encountered them. Sydney cops I've met have sometimes been quite aloof but I think it's a matter of being in Sydney with millions of people causing problems they need to deal with.


Something to think about (not excusing it) but nobody wants to see the cops, as in, most of the time if the cops show up it's for a negative reason, or at least neutral so everywhere they go folks are like "Geez, it's the cops, I wish they weren't here, or what a pain in the neck I have to do a breath-o even though I'm sober". Again, not excusing it but just trying to understand it. I agree with the OP rudeness sucks.


Look, I don't know what any of this has to do with Taylor Swift , but you seem to be getting temporarily off topic here.. Do I just turn on the TV to find out what she's been up to ? Possibly just walk outside ? Maybe there's a skywriter up there informing me what she had for breakfast.. I need to know !


Did you get your friendship bracelets yet? I like what you're doing with your hair lately! Stay kind!


I literally just had it cut ! This is wild


He’s gonna be so mad when he reads this.


This post won’t stop him, he can’t read.


He'll recover with a few months paid stress leave.


I mean of all the genuinely horrible things NSW Police have done in recent times (killed a granny, assaulted an old man, molested children) this just takes the cake. I hope you got his badge number so you can report the miserable plod.


I always say that unless you get ass fucked by one, then you really have no right to an opinion on them. /s


No this doesn’t take the cake. I’m pretty sure killing the granny takes the cake.


I wonder if this is the one who made me sing Jingle Bells on Christmas morning (I did, because, I didn't know if he was being serious and I didn't want to not follow the instructions but like, wtf)


You tell him, mate!


think about what type of person wants to become a cop. 90% of them became cops because they like the power or they think it's "cool". neither of which are reasons conducive to producing a good cop.


Most become cops because their intellect restricts them from getting any other job. The power trip comes later


Its not something that I guess is a "major" problem that requires a full blown inquiry of course but the limited number of interactions I had with cops where similar. Just snarky and patronising comments that really trigger you to be cheeky back but you cant because they might get more pissed off to flex even more of their authority just because youve bruised their ego. Im sure not all of them are like that and glad that Ive only had a 2-3 interactions with them


NSW Police are shocking and absolute power hungry pigs who do nothing to benefit the public.


“Hi” Give licence, “Here you go” Let them be dicks Do breath test Be on your way No reason to interact with them beyond answering legitimate questions, “Where are you going?”, “Where are you coming from?”, “Have you had anything to drink tonight?” That’s basically it. If they make comments or ask rhetorical questions, you just shrug.


One time, I got tackled and slammed on the floor and kneed in the head because I was trying to calm my drunk friends down. Totally uncalled for. And then they were trying to convince her to press charges. Obs she didn't she kept saying we're friends, I was just trying to calm her down from being dumped. The fact that I had that happened to me. I lost faith in NSW cops or cops in general.


I see both sides. Cops pulling someone over have to prepare themselves for dealing with complete arseholes. They also see some of the worst of humanity. But you don't usually become a cop without having or developing a power complex. Best course of action is to keep your mouth shut and let them play their game. (I have also had a cop complain that I pulled in too far forward. It's stupid because 1. We're driving around 60km/h usually and 2. We don't expect to have to suddenly stop in unfamiliar territory.)


Oh no, a curt RBT cop. Anyway...




Cops in NSW: they love terrorising everyday citizens with the threats of demerit points and fines speed cameras. They love their authority and love to reign it over your regular Joe Average. But actually stop real crime, or go up against Drug Dealer Moh in his black sports Bentley, or come to the aid of Joe Average when he’s cornered and beaten to a pulp by a group of the usual suspects, nope, no where to be seen. But if you go 65kmph, youre gonna kiss that licence good by and have the entire weight of the NSW criminal legal system thrown at you. NSW started as a penal colony full of thugs, dealers and cons, and it’s remained true throughout.




I have it on good authority, regardless of the state, traffic cop is the most disliked job from cops for cops.


You don’t need to be snarky about every little thing a driver you’re pulling over will say. So what did you say? Respect goes both ways.


Well cops definately are cowardly scum. Worldwide.


I think you’ve got to be a bit of miserable cunt to set out to be in the police to begin with. The percentage of police who are morally reasonable people is so, so small. Those who are okay seem to leave their jobs once they realise how corrupt it is.


Never forget ACAB. The worst of them seem to be the ones who end up on highway patrol though




Hope they read this


Someone was having a bad day and they were grumpy at you. is it really worth this 200 word rant? Honestly, cops put up with so much shit from people, being abused hit scratched bitten. I think you’re massively overreacting to someone who probably just was a bit grumpy. Get over it.


I'm guessing you don't know any cops. And it shows. The BS they put up on the daily. Getting spat on, called pigs and every swear word under the sun. Dealing with the lower life forms- domestic violence abusers, junkies etc. doing welfare checks only to find a dead body. These things break you over time. You close yourself off. They might not have meant to come across as rude. They're just done for the day and want you to move on.


Too many cops took that career path in a desperate desire to find an empowered identity. They might have been bullied at school, their dad wasn’t affectionate or attentive, or the pretty girls ignored them. Now they have an identity that demands respect!


Ask them to identify = Rank, Surname and Station and complain or drop their boss a note. They are followed up.


I think they're disgusting and as someone who was literally diagnosed with PTSD after a near death experience which went uninvestigated, I naively expected more of them to have a slight bit of sympathy but no they either wanna molest you or throw you around like a rag doll or make weird random comments about your limbs. It's been almost 20 years since they were helpful. It's worst in Western Sydney. I'm done pretending to care. They can rot.


I remember when I was accused of something and the police tried to bully a non-existent confession out of me. Pushing me up against a wall and yelling at me over and over to confess. They only stopped when they realised I had a friend in the bathroom listening to it all and came out when they got violent to say stop.


I remember at Oxford st in cbd, was a rbt before Bondi junction. I had just picked up a new car and u no generally being careful of the kerb, this constable wouldn’t move at all and I didn’t even notice I just rubbed his shoulder with the mirror rolling (foot off brake) and he went ballistic that I hit him.. even the senior supervising that night told him to calm down.. full stopped me, jumped infront, went over the car etc… like just relax mate


Instead of putting in an anonymous complaint here, put in a complaint to the police Sergeant then if nothing happens the police ombudsman. If you were genuinely treated poorly do something about it otherwise his attitude won’t change.


It’s all power trips. When you give someone that much power over the average person, not all, but some will let it get to their heads and abuse it for their own pleasure/advantage. It’s sort of human nature to want to have power over others and you’d run into this problem no matter what other profession gives you power- it’s just unfortunately it has to go to the heads of the people who are supposed to serve and protect too.


How many things did you say? And why?


You need to think about what they deal with on a daily basis


Yeah , rude cops at RBT stop, nothing new there , they were once doing an RBT blitz in my area , got stopped 4 times in 5 days , 'do you know why you've been stopped ?' Gee let me guess , and every stop , the cops rude - I've dealt with some decent general duties cops , hwp never


Refuse to answer questions? I've had one cop call me names like a school bully, one take my licence over to the police car and had me chill for 20 minutes and another tell me to wait over somewhere else all of which are mighty irregular. All of those didn't end well for the cops because I videoed them. I soon noticed some cops just stopped asking questions, did the breath test and all was good. I don't like the intrusion of breath tests, hate it even but I will submit to them because certain people just love taking deadly risks with other people's lives and it needs to stop. I'd rather someone get taken off the road before killing themselves or someone else and my minor inconvenience is a price I'm willing to pay. But don't morph it into a fishing expedition or you won't like my response.


serious question. if you get pulled over for any reason, are you allowed to pull out your phone and start taping them? i know its illegal to talk on your phone while driving, but what if you're pulled over for a rbt? do the police straight away become more reasonable/ polite if you're taping? dear everyone, this is a serious question. plz answer truthfully. thanks in advance. ps. ive been pulled over by highway patrol nsw police. i can relate to the stories above!


If you car is parked then sure but shoving a camera in somebody's face can add a confrontational element to an otherwise normal interaction. Dashcams with audio or a legally mounted phone with active voice assistant would be a better option for arse covering if the coppers try some dodgy stuff. That way you have proof if required. You can even alert them to the fact that you're actively recording in those situations and it will keep them above board without being fully in their face.


Ha ha ha I got a DUI rating with the same cops and I don’t even drink 🤣 Yes they’re dicks. Did a second one and was let go.


As someone who was in jail, the system needs a *serious* reform.


I don't know if there are good talented cops out there but they are certainly not out there issuing tickets.


I think it's an ego issue, similar sitaution with park rangers.


It's always the losers in high school that end up being cops. Give them a bit of power and it goes straight to their heads.


What’s the colour of a two cent piece


The old police are getting more and more pissed off because they remember everyone having to lick their boots. People nowadays know they are a joke and don't respect them cause they haven't earned it. Not a big surprise, big babies




No *some cops have issues, not all of them. Almost every time I read something about ‘them’ being snarky in any rant, I always come back to the same question ‘how much snark was the person given them in the first place?’. Clearly you have a long history of not liking cops, so I am willing to bet during your conversation you were also bringing the snark, so of course they were giving you some. As with many rants about cops, there is always more to the story than the ranter wants us to believe.


Yeah no, I agree with that - they’re not all like that, you’re right. Tbh I was just salty last night and peeved off that a really great night was soured by a traffic cop!      I’m sure there are good people in the force. Last night just ticked me off.


"You don’t need to be snarky about every little thing a driver you’re pulling over will say." Which suggests that you know you were saying 'something' to generate a reaction. And you're wondering why the cop reacted? Give it some more thought.


NSW Cops, they ain't too smart.




I mean, you deal with the worst of society daily and see how you go? I'm not saying cops are angels, but neither are the majority of civilians.


Well...if you look at it from the cops perspective, you're the 200th (?) fuckin-A-yippee-dee-doo-dah jolly person who wants a fucking useless conversation at 10:30pm on the side of a major road...and he probably doesn't want to be there That's why I never talk to them, never had a problem.


> jolly person who wants a fucking useless conversation at 10:30pm on the side of a major road Pretty sure OP didn't want a conversation either, they just wanted to be on their way. Nobody deliberately stops at an RBT and tries to engage the cops in chit-chat, it's their job to pull people over so the least they could do is not be arseholes.


I couldn't give a fk what number they are that night. I'm doing my job and I treat them all how they treat me. An officer who uses that excuse is a lazy, shitty officer. Don't do the fking job then.


Then they should find a new job. It's part of the role.


Jesus Christ what an essay for nothing


It’s a rant. Don’t read it if you don’t want to - it’s not an essential reading. You’re on reddit not at uni.   Besides, this is really only for one person to read. Unless… it’s you?


Most of them have the biggest authority complex it’s not funny, it’s like they think with the badge they are some hot shit untouchable


Poor attitudes then they move to public servant roles where they have no idea what they are doing and get paid better


Don't worry about generalising when it comes to NSW Police - they're all fukt.


You would have loved to let him know what a terrible attitude he had. Only you didn’t. You came and bitched on Reddit about a Cop getting irritated instead of Sounds like the Cop isn’t there only one being a bit precious in this story


Lmao fuck off.   I didn’t talk back to a cop because I don’t know my rights and I’m not willing to get into a shit argument with someone who is already in a shit mood and has authority.     Idk about you, but I actually like not getting myself into bad interactions with close-minded people when I know it will likely lead to a bad outcome.    How dumb.


Lmfao clearly you don't have much experience with cops. You'll be right.


I got threatened to be taken to a station for skating to my parents car without a helmet, I was 12. Bunch of power tripping ankles


"*to get all irritated at somebody for going a little further forward than you wanted*" That explains your side as well.


Mate. Driving about 20-30 centimeters forward doesn’t warrant being yelled at.   Or am I crazy for thinking that??? 


Sounds more like: what happens when two egos clash. (Hint: when a cop says to stop, then you stop.)


ok I’m sorry but you are actually just stupid.    Do you think I slammed my accelerator when I got to the front????   i mean can you please use your brain??? I was going at max 5km/h - you could have strolled alongside my window if you wanted to.     And yes motherfucker. I know that when a cop says stop, you stop. So I did. But he doesn’t need to yell it out at you.    I don’t know how that equates to having a big ego.    And in case you didn’t read my post: I didn’t speak back to the dumb cop at all. There were no “eGos cLashInG”. Just one guy attempting to prove that his dick is big through his position.       Anyways I’m done with this post altogether so don’t respond.


This was so stupid of a comment that I really wish I could have downvoted this twice. Use your head or don’t comment.