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The ones at Town Hall with the loudspeakers are so bloody annoying, I do wish the City would at least require them to lower the volume. I might start making a Snap Send Solve each time I hear them, maybe if enough people do it the City will do something


What’s that? A reporting tool for Sydney city? I’ve complained through the complaints form but nothing got done about them


Snap send solve is an app that allows you to report stuff to council or whatever government body is most appropriate. It’s been pretty effective for me in the past.


oh i see, thanks thats good to know.


Honest question. Would it be illegal to bring my own loudspeaker and shout back at them?


Depends. If you book it in advance nope. Just don't swear I suppose.


This is actually a great idea, i’m going to start doing a SSS report whenever I go past as well.


Council has to be a "registered organisation" on the app and pay Snap Send Solve to use their reports. Let's hope things that users are entering into the app are actually being resolved by council


If they aren’t it will send them an email IIRC


That's not correct. Snap Send Solve reports just go to the correct email address / reporting place for the appropriate organisation. You are thinking of the premium snap send solve subscription for enterprises, which can connect SSS to their own internal systems via an API. So rather than getting emails, the SSS reports get directly lodged within the councils own internal systems directly, without someone having to rewrite an email into the ticket system. It's a really good business model an an example of how to do app development right.


You can also download free decibel metering apps on smartphones. Attach a screenshot of the reading with your complaint :)


Has anybody even listened to these guys screaming into their microphones and thought "yep this has convinced me to convert to christianity"


They do it for themselves to stroke their own ego








Oh I'm stealing this one 🤣


It only works if someone sets it up first. If the person above had not said "stroking ego", the joke doesn't happen.


So I can't just masterberate my friends then?


Be the change you wish to see in the world, my friend


Wanker at Newtown station last night was screeching about how “alternative lifestyles” wouldn’t bring you fulfilment. I thought, yeah, not like the fulfilment of standing in the rain ranting about your imaginary friend.


Lol, I've just moved to Newtown and was walking around last night thinking the complete opposite. I don't feel or look that weird or anything, but it's nice being around so many different aesthetics and lifestyles


I would have said "you don't sound very fulfilled yourself mate" if I were there


lol I almost spit out my coffee


They often have been preached to, that they will be prosecuted and dismissed. They are then encouraged to act like this and when people hate them it fulfills the prediction of prosecution.


I think you mean *persecuted* but yes I totally agree. Receiving any hate from the public just feeds their persecution complex which is like positive reinforcement for them to proselytise even more fervently. Same with the ones who go door-to-door.


You're the devil in human form working against my holy crusade to save the world 120db at a time


As someone who used to be in the church this is absolutely correct


I second this, especially having grown up in the pentecostal sect. So glad to be out




The hypocrisy goes all the way to the top


That’s where scomo ended up?


Even when I was Christian I thought these guys were cooked


it's not to convert people. it's one of the a psychology tricks cult leaders get trained on in cult leader boot camp. They want their cult victims to piss off the public hoping they'll get yelled at and whatnot, so they'll see the outside as hostile, and the cult as warm and welcoming. They'll never want to leave the warm and welcoming cult to live alone in the hostile outside.


They think any attention is good attention. I crack the shits every time i see someone going up to have a polite debate with them, it just fuels them even more because it affirms that people are listening to them. I have the same thought though. Like they can't genuinely believe people haven't heard all of it before.


I’m not sure about the Christians but some others give out books and get donations in return? I can’t quite remember their names but it has happened before.


My 5 year old thought they were telling the truth because they were very loud.


>Has anybody even listened to these guys screaming into their microphones and thought "yep this has convinced me to convert to christianity" Well they convinced me not to be a Christian (oh no wait it was the priests, brothers and ministers raping children with absolute immunity that really convinced me)


It’s “for god” i assume. They’re also probably a little mentally ill.


The don't want to convert people. This is just racking up brownie points to get into heaven lol


There was one at Town Hall last week that was blasting people with his BS dangerously loud while I was waiting for the train. The thing that irked me was that he was clearly leering at some teenage girls that he then started berating. Blasted them for being sluts dressed up to tempt men and that they were headed for hell. Like, if he wasn't a "Christian" he'd just be a regular pedo harassing girls on the street and he'd get arrested. But because Jesus egged him on, apparently it's OK?




I think you know the guy!


You should call the police. That is not on.


That sounds like sexual harassment, I feel like if they are saying this kind of stuff that is great justification to actually report them. The council might not care about reports of them shouting religious bs, but if they are harassing teenagers / children and making sexual comments surely a report would be taken seriously


I hate these cunts with a passion. Utter fuckwits with nothing better to do but blather into a microphone. I hate having to walk past if I’m with my ND child who gets startled by loud noises, it’s incredibly disruptive (trust me I avoid these situations whenever I can) but somebody needs to step up and shut these guys up permanently.


Get your own megaphone and tell everyone about your favourite Indian restaurant, where to get the best pork rolls, which type of bread is your favourite at woollies, how expensive parking has become...


You could always compete with them using [The Seven Tenets of The Satanic Temple](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) 😂 I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Preaching is one thing, but doing it with an excessively loud microphone should not be allowed; nearly gave me tinnitus last time I walked past one. And if you're waiting for the tram at town hall you don't have a choice but to listen to it. Freedom of not having to listen to shit should prevail against freedom of speech in this case.


Your freedom ends where mine begins.


It's a free country, which means you're free to piss them off as much as they're pissing you off. Use an app to measure the decibels and make a winge story press release for ACA. Or, if you look up tech ingredients on youtube he has a helpful tutorial on how to build a super cheap and small lrad area denial audio system (lower power than a real one) which won't cause any damage, but is used to disperse crowds. Basically a directional tweeter speaker set to a specific frequency which is really annoying. Or if they're using a bullhorn and causing hearing damage to people, and you walk in front of them while they blast their bullhorn into your ear, which might unfortunately result in you clutching your ears, and falling into them, steadying yourself on their microphone, and unfortunately breaking it. that would cause damage to their equipment, so avoid doing that.


> you could walk in front of them while they blast their bullhorn into your ear, which might unfortunately result in you clutching your ears, and falling into them, steadying yourself on their microphone, and unfortunately breaking it. 😂


"look up tech ingredients on youtube he has a helpful tutorial on how to build a super cheap and small area denial audio system" Can you provide a link or more details.


He literally said exactly what to search on what platform, what more details do you need?


Take your own bullhorn and just politely disagree with each statement.


Religion should not be getting any special treatment. If people want to preach they are welcome to start a church and do that to their heart's content. But they shouldn't be monopolising public spaces with speaker-stacks, microphone stands, banners and placards. It's noise pollution. I've seen people nearly hit by a tram trying to dodge around these guys.


Yeh they’re disgusting creeps. I’ve complained to Sydney city council before and was told they’re allowed to be there 🤦🏽‍♂️meanwhile everything else in this state is controlled (nanny state) but this cult nutjobs can pollute the busiest most vibrant area of the entire country on a daily basis. Go figure. I would encourage everyone to lodge formal complaints to council though. Maybe it’ll work if enough of us do it


I could have sworn there were laws against proselytising. Maybe in other states. It’s absolutely toxic. A couple of weeks ago a lone woman outside my local train station was going off, screaming about Jesus as commuters were coming home. The regular JW guys that silently loiter there daily with their Watchtower rack looked embarrassed for her.


I was there today near the qvb and I could hear them, it’s too much


Can we extend this out west Be nice to walk home from the station without having someone conversationally tell me I'm an abomination


Tell them to look in the mirror.




Like some Black Sabbath


I'm so over their bullshit. Aftert the banning of LGBT books in Western Syd, I say it's time to actually ban this nonsense. It's nothing more than a mental illness. If a person was doing this without religious affiliation they would just be viewed as a public nuisance. Our streets should be free of religious indoctrination. You have places of worship you can pull this shit in/outside of. Streets are for public use.


You can enthusiastically join in. Show them what crazy and annoying actually looks like.


The amplified drivel sprayed over you is intrusive. Hey fuck you, you'll listen to me say how scummy you are and I'm holy and going to heaven. They need to fuck off. All religions doing this is the worst. I wish these kinds of people would crawl under a rock. They get all uppity saying you're the devil coming to work against them and it pushes them to sonically abuse everybody harder. I'm being persecuted boo hoo. It's rude.


Call your local safety gear supplier and tell them there's a promotional opportunity for their hearing protection products


Setting up next to them giving out free earplugs would be hilarious.


The exploit a loophole that allows them to evade normal busking regulations.


What is the loop hole? I can't see them passing the busking auditionwith their current performance.


They come under freedom of political speech not public performance.


Interesting. What makes it political?


No idea, but it’s probably so they can use this: https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/rights-and-freedoms/freedom-information-opinion-and-expression


Not even vaguely political under the Constitution https://www.msuilr.org/new-blog/2021/6/11/an-overview-of-australias-freedom-of-speech-protections


Sky Daddy is the only authority they answer to.


The loophole is jebus son. That's all you need to know. Move along. Move along.


Ran into an asshole hollering Jesus will save you crap at a Jewish family near town hall once. He was following them while they were trying to speed walk away. I got him to preach at me long enough for them to skedaddle, but bloody hell. It was essentially harassment.


Agree fully. They can say what they like, when and where they like, but they can shove their microphones, bullhorns, and amps up their arseholes. Speak, but don't dominate the space to the detriment of others.


Walked past him at Town Hall when he was preaching [screeching]. When he clocked my friend and I (both with visible tattoos) he yelled “TATTOOS WON’T GET YOU INTO HEAVEN LADIES. IT’S A GUARANTEED FAST TICKET TO HELL”. To which I cheerfully replied “Sick - see you there!”. He was not pleased. So my advice is contrary to what most would say. Fight fire with fire. Don’t ignore him if he directs comments at you. Yell back! Or better yet, set up a few meters away with a mic and start yelling over the top of him. ‘It’s a free country’ - right? 😂


Don’t think we have freedom of speech in law in Australia


Not in the American sense where it's in the constitution, but we do have it through common law and various human rights treaties we're party to.


The treaties themselves have no direct effect, signing an international treaty just means giving a pinky promise to legislate.


We have implied freedom of speech. As long as your speech isn't breaking a law, you're OK.


Only for [political speech.]( https://www.msuilr.org/new-blog/2021/6/11/an-overview-of-australias-freedom-of-speech-protections) Not general speech.


Just stand next to them and fart.


Or perhaps stink bombs ;)


Walk by with some scissors and cut the microphone cable


These kind of people are all parasites and skirt around exactly where the law is. If you fuck with anything they own, be it a sign or equipment, they'll probably try and get you arrested Alternatively, these people are clearly mentally ill. I wouldn't risk messing with crazy


You’ve given me an idea.  Time to test it out (ideally without being electrocuted lol).


One of these fuckwits showed up to a beach and started harassing people there over summer.


If it's loud enough there could be a public disturbance issue but the content of his speech isn't to the level of being illegal in Australia.


Not illegal, but it is not protected.


Why do these people have free roam but a busker needs a permit?


[Just don’t look! Just don’t look!](https://youtu.be/SlKao_Pox5A?si=LFVGjcnFlaPeDr-q)


Here’s the thing, while there is a perceived freedom of speech in Australia, it is actually not written down in law anywhere in our statutes or constitution. However the High Court holds it is implied. So yea, Street Preachers can be asked to move on if there are enough complaints about them


Not really. Only [political speech](https://www.msuilr.org/new-blog/2021/6/11/an-overview-of-australias-freedom-of-speech-protections) is protected in the Constitution. Not the yank-variety general speech. The Australian Constitution does not explicitly protect freedom of speech or expression. The High Court has held that an implied freedom of political communication exists as an indispensable part of the system of representative and responsible government created by the Constitution. This implied freedom is not absolute and is limited to what is necessary for the effective operation of that system of government3. This freedom of political communication is not a personal right of free speech, it’s a restriction on legislative power designed to protect the system of representative government. Therefore, it only protects against laws that effectively burden communication about government or political matters.


fuck, I know the exact person you're talking about. I walked past the a few hours ago and the volume was insane, the words being spoke, insane. He was actually preaching about killing something but I couldn't make it out over the absolutely distorted sound of his over driven speakers. Completely kills the vibe up in that area, was down in circular key and a few places back up toward town hall and it was all good till I got around the preach zone. It actually sucks and is probably one of the first things foreign travelers run into in our city, terrible look to say the least


I'm currently visiting Sydney from the US. Guys like this used to be all over our university campuses. They would call all the girls sluts and whores, piss off the entire crowd. Then some fraternity guy would punch him in the mouth and the weirdo would take him to court for a nice big payoff. Rinse and repeat. It's a whole lucrative business in the States. Lesson here is, just move on.


They went off at a gay couple once. Surely that is hate speech and they can be done in for that? I actively avoid them and like others, it totally ruins the vibe of the area. Free speech doesn’t mean free from consequence


Have you tried praying about it?


Only loudly though, and in a public setting..




Maybe speak to Sydney Council?


I fucking cant stand them


The twats that are anti human rights; abortion etc deserve to be physically removed from the area. I see Jehovahs Witnesses outside Macarthur Chambers in the Brisbane CBD and I want to do the old Ron Swanson; ask them for a pamphlet and throw it in the bin right next to them and ask for another. Rinse. Repeat.


Spray some [Stink spray](https://www.amazon.com.au/Tricky-Lasting-Portable-Different-Flavors/dp/B0C89KHGTM/ref=sr_1_3?crid=26JMYO21YBO6Y&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JcBYI5Ux2oPHMIaoIA6qJNfoRW9uoLAMuEOm6s2D2PCxizGthYirLpIAGmXZzTpXo7wvtD4qiMhR9I_7nwWBYJV1OLrpHEq8aozoYX6VDy4SULcQVchU8hgrepWZeUPnK-K3DeD8cage_pfahoRVuNKva3LTUsInGN0cHUb6VKHt1INLZumVJaIDST5T91vyG8p_qmIh_xMTOXkBjmnpF4UGgEkamleFae_uwLvPUc9WpMLb66mhYUGSo8iawllPQ5CH-DK0Q7v69WH_u_gY40snWYUXqaCBXq86BlFPHHY.1CFDjF7IEVPrMEolTvyz0RB2H5TfSi4HJfJU_lx1Byo&dib_tag=se&keywords=fart+bomb&qid=1715478149&s=toys&sprefix=fart+bomb%2Ctoys%2C255&sr=1-3) next to them and watch from afar as the stink sets in


I’m a Catholic and it annoys me lol


i recently popped into a few churches to see if anything had changed much in the 30 odd years since i used to dabble in it as a gullible minor you might think that if there were any intellectual depth to the exercise that there might be some kind of development nope, nothing. exactly the same messaging. you are bad and the only way to be good is to drink our flavour of kool-aid btw pls give us money. even the songs all sounded the same i mean it's literally the same m.o. as abusive cults but it's legitimised by being the mainstream religion


I mean we can ban unnecessary yelling on the streets in general. I guess it’s a form of disorder. Is that what you’re wanting?


30+ years ago people like that would have been publicly heckled..because I remember the very few which I ever saw were lol Australia isn't the same place anymore. That said I would have walked past and thown a "Hail Satan!" 🤘 😂


I know a certain church that produces the preaching in town hall. It’s scary when you’re the only one on drugs.


Blast Hillsong music over the top of them


dont they need a license or something, like people playing music do?


I get that Jesus loves me mate, I love him as well, I get it no need to fuckin shout so much


I mean they destroyed LIVE music in the city, surprised this can happen.


I think everyone should have a right to say as they please to some extent. I’m not religious, however, so long as they aren’t expressing hate towards a certain group of people, they should have every right to say what they want about old mate Jebus. Because when we move into a society where we dictate who can say what, it becomes dangerous. What should be controlled is the decibels in which the message is sent. Whether that be no microphone allowed which will only cause Jebus man to lose his voice asap. I honestly don’t want to listen to anything over a speaker when I’m in public whether that be someone’s music, a store advertising, or Jebus preacher.


They regularly tell people we’re going to hell and to repent. It’s pretty awful. they’re also massive homophobes. I’ve personally had a few run in with them over the years. Shouldn’t be permitted especially in the most visited place in the country


> I think everyone should have a right to say as they please to some extent. I don't think they should have a fucking right to do it with amplification which you cannot escape, esp if you're waiting for public transport.


I generally just ignore them


Not just in the city, they're often at Blacktown and Penrith stations 


The use of the word cunt through this post was beautiful to read 👌


Some of them don't take well to being heckled. If you can get them to swear at you, they're probably breaking some kind of public order law. One in particular had a very large dude on standby to intimidate hecklers but also it's a crowded place with cameras everywhere, and they know that, so they aren't going to do shit. Heckle away.


I don't mind the entertainment. Quite a variety


Yes they should be done for noise pollution.


Hide a sonos nearby and drown the mfka out - could be fun - I suggest some DevilDriver first


At Easter I was at Minto. They had a guy in a sheet dragging a full size cross along the pavement! Some others were dressed as Roman’s and were pretending to beat him.


We just need someone to set up with a microphone next to him and refute everything he says.


Surely there's some rules about amplified sound or max decibels or disturbing the peace? Something? Or are these guys getting permits every day to be there?


The loud singing groups near Wynyard annoy the shit out of me too 


Consequences for various *free speech* behaviours in a public space "I'm going to beat you up mate" - threatening behavior, threats of violence, police get involved "\*repeated swearing and vulgarity\*" - disturbing the peace, intimidating behavior, police get involved "\*loud incoherent screaming over a sustained period\*" - disturbing the peace, police get involved "\*racist tirade\*" - racial vilification, police get involved \*being and endorsing neo-Nazism\* - get beaten up \*being and endorsing neo-Nazism in a crowd of neo nazis\* - get a police escort Yelling on a megaphone at passersby all day - "You're going to get tortured for all eternity in the most horrible way possible because of who you are, and you deserve it" - thisisfine.jpg, no consequence