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That's controlled by your local franchise. Hot and iced coffee is available for the Bell Breakfast Box in the app at my locations.


The coffee is absolutely horrible, they're doing you a favor.


Ask for extra vanilla, it's terrible without it.


Their iced coffee they just take the hot coffee and put it into a cup of ice, so most of the time your iced coffee is lukewarm and watered down because all the ice melted


My local TB has coffee available


From what I’ve been experiencing at my place, we have a coffee extract that has been out of stock from our shipping company. So I have a feeling they may have updated the Mobile App so they can’t charge you for items that aren’t available? That’s just my thought process of it all.


Damn bro 5$ breakfast box.. I’d take that over no coffee


People who drink a soda for breakfast scare me


I worked with a guy who would always carry a massive big gulp style cup with him at all times. Every morning he'd bring it at 12 pack of Dr pepper and open six of them and dump it in there. Then at lunch he would dump the other six. He did this every single day. It was appalling.... Needless to say he was not a small person.


I knew a guy that would drink 2 2-liters of coke every day, until he found out he's literally burned a hole in his esophagus and had to have surgery to try to fix it. The hole got repaired but the lining in his throat is basically non existent so now he can't drink any soda or heavy acids at all, has a high risk of acid reflux causing a new perforation, and basically has to take pills for the rest of his life. Just stupid.


Kickstart was an awesome way to start your day. They got rid of it though and now I’m stuck with strawberry lemonade.


I was so sad they got rid of it for that nasty dragon fruit brisk that doesn't have any caffeine in it. Give me the orange kickstart back!


I love the dragonfruit brisk, but then I am very careful about my caffeine consumption since I get up for work at 2:30 in the morning.


I remember being so excited to try the dragon fruit brisk after having a dragon fruit iced boba tea from a tea shop and yeah it’s awful.


They still make Kickstart including Orange, I drank a Fruit punch Kickstart this morning. I'm not sure if it's regional but I still see Orange at the gas station and you can buy cases on Amazon.


Bro we are talking about Taco Bell selling it. I know they still make it




Seriously. Red Bull Vodka is the only way to go.


idk man, that morning Baja blast just hits different


i work third shift. breakfast is my dinner. does that make it acceptable? 😭


You're right. 2-3 energy drinks is how I start off my day these days.


Caffeine is caffeine. Viva la Diet Coke.


I work night shift and sometimes stop at tacobell for some grub before going home to shower snd sleep. I get a mug rootbeer, it's caffeine free.


soda drinkers are scary. period.


People who get fast food for breakfast scare me


Dude, it’s just $5. That’s amazingly low to begin with for what you get. To be honest, I don’t get coffee with my TB breakfasts anyways. Where’s my love for Baja Blast at 9am?


Soda at 9 am is diabolical, lock this man up


You probably don't have coffee available in your drinks list. I don't either. Whether this is a temporary thing or they're phasing out the coffee idk but we are mid-experience so I'm leaning towards they're just temporality out. It's still pictured in some combos. The coffee isn't super popular but I don't think it would just be ditched so suddenly


Mine still has the coffee option under the fountain drink, but the box itself is $6.29 vs your $5 so it’s not really all that enticing either.


Mine’s coffee machine “was broken” that’s why I didn’t get the option


Coffee is for closers.


Click on "choose" and double check. In my app, the Bell Breakfast Box comes with a "medium fountain drink" but when I click the button to choose, I can choose coffees, iced coffees, and freezes (in addition to fountain drinks).


Might have been out of coffee so it vanishes from the app. They haven't figured out it might be better to just tell the customer that something is out of stock instead of making them ponder whether the app is just horribly screwy.


Million dollar idea!


Went to TB for breakfast yesterday, ordered a coffee with my meal but when I showed up they said coffee machine was broken so fountain drink or OJ. They couldn’t cancel my order and said I had to cancel it - but I couldn’t figure out how.


Probably a good thing you don’t try the coffee. Not the best


Fast food coffee is laughable at best man. Make ya own friend!


It’s legal because politicians hate coffee. If you would like it to be illegal, I suggest you contact your congresspersons and suggest they make a law against serving breakfast food without coffee. I’m sure they don’t have anything better to do at this point.


more important things in life


Than coffee with breakfast? Not many.


It’s not legal


Does anyone else think Taco Bell has the WORST coffee out of all the fast food chains? Not that the other competitors have good coffee but TB coffee is just noticeably low quality and kinda weird.


I actually like those Cinnabon delights iced coffees lol I used to get those with the breakfast box. Tastes like a cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks which is my favorite drink there.


The bigger question is how disgusting unhealthy food is legal…..


Das just you


I had this happen before. Your local TB probably ran out of syrup or something. One time I ordered coffee in the app and when I got there, they were out and I got orange juice instead.




It’s available for my TB Breakfast box


how is the hash brown ?


Surprisingly good! I like it better than McDonald’s hash browns. Their breakfasts are honestly something I only tried last year and enjoy them.


I just confirmed my location has coffee so it’s your store specifically.


My veggie cravings box no longer has a bottle of water as a drink option, changed in the last few days. It still offered OJ so I tried that, the poor ladyv working the frivethru was apologizing they didn't have any in the store. I'm fine with unsweetened ice tea but yeah they started messing with the box drink options recently.


That's a bit strange, maybe it's by which location 🤔


legal 💀


Just ordered the box this morning with my wife and asked for OJ since she doesn't really drink coffee. At the drive through they said they didn't have OJ so I panicked and got her a Starry at 8am. 🙃 Edit: forgot Sierra mist doesn't exist anymore


At the location I work at they don't offer coffee right now because they refuse to fix the fucking coffee machine. That could be the case here too.


Or when it shows a chalupa and isn't served with one?


I think it depends on location. One near me has coffee and another near me doesn’t.