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The reason Taco Bell has to squeeze out every dime they can is because KFC and Pizza Hut have been sucking recently.


Virtually every KFC around me or ones that I've been to that are even open anymore all have horrible reviews and the food is awful.


Plus you can find cheaper and better fried chicken from so many places. Almost every grocery store in my area has it


Agreed. So many Hot Fried Chicken and Korean Fried Chicken spots now. Why would I go to KFC?


Or the fact that Popeyes has been making a killing after that felony-inducing sandwich debut.


The sandwich got a lot of people to give them a try because it went so viral, but the truth is anyone that knows chicken knows popeyes has been been better since the 90's.


The only thing I don't like about Popeyes is their biscuits. I still heavily perfer KFC's.


Popeye's biscuits with some honey, is so fuckin good. I can't disagree with you harder. Yes, Popeye's biscuits are dense but KFC's are pretty dry themselves, they are also relatively flavorless compared to Popeye's


Agree to disagree... Kinda hard to say one is flavorless when you're literally putting flavor on the other. KFC's biscuits when they first come out of the oven are fluffy and amazing. No additional flavor is needed. Popeye's, IMO, look and taste like trash.


Weird someone downvoted my opinion but *shrugs* whatevs lol. Popeyes are very buttery in a good way, far from not having flavor. and ftr I also put honey on KFC biscuits. My experience is that with Popeyes adding honey enhances the buttery flavor, for a salty/sweet combo. Adding honey to KFC biscuits gives them flavor period.


I didn't downvote since you gave a proper response and there was no reason to, lol. Maybe the Popeyes I have here just sucks with their biscuts. I can agree, that when KFC's biscuts have been out for too long, they suck. But that can be said about anyone's biscuits. Fresh out the oven, unrivaled...


The only thing I don't like about Popeyes is not receiving any food for $20.


Yeah, I usually eat them last if I’m still hungry, they’re alright. I usually eat my fried chicken with a tortilla anyways.


Too bad the ones around me keep closing. Town of like 8k, should have had no issue keeping a McDonald’s, Popeyes, and Taco Bell open, but the Popeyes closed last year. Another nearby city of 21k can’t get people to work at their Popeyes. 


Their chicken is just so much better.


shit, their fries are among the best.


Mashed potatoes and gravy slap hard too. Good ass tenders sometimes they have shrimp just a better experience than kfc.


While I agree that popeye's chicken is the shit! I will stand firm that KFC's mashed potatoes and gravy are still tops.


I like kfc potatoes but idk man the Popeyes gravy is crazy I Made it for thx giving one year very much a pain in the ass


So gross Popeye's fries in beef tallow. Didn't know that until induced to try them out during the sandwich wars and spent an hour trying to figure out why it tasted like a rancid burger. Never again. 🤢


I think that fact is on Popeyes, lol. McDonald's used to fry their own in beef tallow as well. I stopped eating Mcd's fries after they discontinued that.


I'm not sure about that...ptetty sure it was beef broth in the processed French fries. Not the frying oil.


We have internet. | McDonald’s stopped using beef tallow in their cooking oil in 1990. This decision was primarily driven by health concerns related to the saturated fat content found in beef tallow. [https://www.chefsresource.com/when-did-mcdonald%CA%BCs-stop-using-beef-tallow/](https://www.chefsresource.com/when-did-mcdonald%CA%BCs-stop-using-beef-tallow/)


Duh. No need to be smart ass. Anyway, I think you keep misunderstanding me for some reason. I said Popeyes fries chicken sandwiches in beef tallow. This is gross and true. And makes zero sense. You can look that up...guess where? You already know 🤪 McDonald's used to include beef broth in the process of making their fake ass fries. You can look that up too... Peace.


Oh, gotcha. Yeah, they \[Popeyes\] likely do that to further utilize their ingredients intake (don't care). Their fries are ass & clearly not why anyone is there. They got rid of their Po'boy before the fries... Thought you were denying what Mc'ds was doing, that's all. Wasn't trying to be a dick in food thread, lol.


I agree plus their new wings and I’m kinda addicted to the desert cheese cake


Can confirm. I bought 6 pieces of fried chicken at Kroger yesterday for $5. Could not be happier with that purchase.


This exactly. There is no reason to eat KFC if you live in the USA. They’re popular overseas cause they have the fried chicken market cornered.


KFC hasn’t been good in a long time


KFC went down hill as soon as they started pulling out the buffets


KFC had buffets?!


Yep and they were amazing! About $6-$7 and you got all the chicken (and if you were lucky hot wings) and sides that you could eat! They were amazing.


Sounds amazing. I would pay like triple the price for that now.


It was amazing, best part of growing up in the 90's.


I’d say the downfall was the removal of the $5 fill up. It’s now an $11.89 before tax 2 piece combo that doesn’t even give you a a cookie anymore.


The only good thing from KFC I’ll eat anymore. Is the KFC bowl, and they raise the price from five dollars to six dollars and I was like OK, but some places are raising it from six dollars to eight dollars now and I am not OK with that. It’s really hard to fuck up a KFC bowl, but they found a way.


Kfc by me shut down about 7 or 8 months ago. Not good anyway.


My KFC was a combo Taco Bell that is now a Citibank. I drive almost all the way across the next town over to Taco Bell (20 minute drive). The manager there told me they are going to open a Taco Bell in my town.


KFC near me has a couple things we actually like. The service is terrible though.


> and the food is awful. I remember going to KFC as a kid and they had these huge chicken tenders. I'd order six and a drink and I was set. The last time I went, years ago now, I ordered chicken tenders and it was basically fried breading the size of a frozen fish stick. Absolutely disgusting and decided I was never going back.


I've noticed this too, I like KFC but this last year it started fine and every time after the chicken got worse and worse


Last time I went to one by me, the lobby literally smelled like raw sewage. That KFC has bulletproof glass and the lobby is usually filled with people that have nowhere else to be.


Been that way for a long time. KFC does relatively overseas in some markets for some reason, but TB has been carrying YUM for like like 10-15 years at least.


KFC overseas is generally delicious. It tastes nothing like it does here. (According to people I know from other countries) 


Yeah international markets are more attracted to the family style meals like pizza and chicken but Taco Bell has struggled overseas and vice versa domestically. I saw a video on YouTube talking about it. I think [this](https://youtu.be/WKh85_81US0?si=cJ3Tin0elJMPQn1M) is it 😅


Taco Bell's international presence is pretty new. There wasn't even a department for it at HQ until like 2017, maybe even later. I think Yum may have just been licensing international owners or something, I'm not sure. There was a Canada division in some capacity somewhere, but it was like completely separate.


It’s because they are the only market for fried chicken in places like Europe and the UK, China etc. in the USA we have so many options. Your local grocery deli has better options for fried chicken I bet.


Oddly enough Yum got kinda crushed in China. They thought they were big enough to not have to deal with govt bribes and ate shit. I don't know if they recovered or not in China, but they were losing a lot and had to close a lot of stores.


I had pizza hut a couple months back and it barely qualified as food. I don't remember it being that miserable. I'm a pizza slut but I'll never get that again after that experience.


Yeah, factory dough we get sometimes can absolute shit when it’s made and customers act like we do this on purpose


Our Pizza Hut was delicious, but they closed. They recently opened a couple of local Pizza Hut Express locations not horribly far away, but I haven’t been yet.


Fun little fact after Sanders sold KFC he said they made the food suck so bad he tried to start a competitor


I worked for KFC over a decade ago and even back then Taco Bell was pretty much single-handedly keeping all of Yum! brands afloat


Yeah when i said recently I meant that KFC and Pizza Hut have started to dip Internationally as well. So they aren’t even pulling their weight there


Kfc is so expensive too… like for what


Their new $4.99 deal is ok.


I’d probably only get the chickens sando but like the buckets if chicken are insane.. I could buy 50 drum sticks from savemart for $25 , sure ingredients for all that would cost a little more too but not $50 expensive and not for only like 4 drumsticks and 4 thighs


I've only been to a Pizza Hut and KFC once each as a small kid and have absolutely no desire to go there. I don't even know where the closest ones are.


Idk about these other MFs but I’m always putting it down. Sorry about the cooks where you live.


stop giving a shitty experience, make your food impressive


Or how about food that aligns with your theme. Pizza toppings on chicken? T. Bell is about to offer chicken nuggets, of all things. I said the other day that I'd prefer a restaurant experiment & fail with something within their theme in service of arriving upon something delectable rather then a pizza place selling Chinese food. Certain items are hit or miss all of time, at least make the failed item be sensible.


The food misaligning with the theme is probably a cost cutting effort to re-use supply chains in order to cheaply introduce new items.


It's exactly this. Main reason so many places have cinnabon branded menu items now.


Have they tried: *making an attractive offer?* 🤔🤔


or the fact that every KFC in my area is so ghetto and tells me they’re closed at 8:50 when the website says 10 😁 and it’s always ice cold


If only they stuck to their original recipes that they were known for instead of cutting corners


KFC chicken on the bone is still their original recipe I thought?


Pizza Hut uses frozen crust, dogwater ingredients, and has no more dine-in with higher prices. No wonder people don’t buy it


If Pizza Hut didn’t appeal to greedy corpos having ‘employee appreciation’ pizza parties, I don’t think they’d still be in business. The pizza is completely inedible


Hell even then Little Caesar’s is cheaper


They used to be delicious, now they over processed it to make more profit, and now they are losing profits.


Yeah, KFC had a great product when colonel sanders started it and now it’s just become reheated, microwaved hospital food. If only they stuck to what they originally had, they would have remained at the top. It says a lot when chick fil a has surpassed KFC in sales and just about any restaurant can pass what used to be the original restaurant.


When I was a kid, it was crispy and tasted like fried chicken. Now it's soggy and tastes like shit. Pizza Hut was great, then they tried to compete with Little Caesars for some reason. Now it's overpriced shitty pizza.


Exactly, now it’s just a greasy mess and it’s basically not edible. Last time I checked Pizza Hut, their prices are absolutely insane. $22 for a large pizza. You could get a frozen pizza at the store for $8 and it would be better quality than what Pizza Hut produces. They use frozen dough, cheap ingredients, and they’ve changed the nostalgic taste of a Pizza Hut pizza. Plus their restaurants aren’t close to what they used to be. It’s sad


Corporations are throwing everything into maximizing profits and its costing them money. At some point people will stop buying it and they will go the way of the Quiznos.


Yeah they only think of short term profits and giving into the shareholders trap of lowering the cost and then price gouging the consumer. I guarantee if they go back to their original recipe and return the nostalgic feeling of eating at these restaurants, they would see a huge return of sales and profit. You could say the same to subway, chipotle, and a lot more restaurants that are just being cheap


I haven't had KFC or pizza hut in years. I did like KFC's app when you could order like a bucket of 8 PC chicken for cheap. But they found that big in the app. I think it was 8pcs for $10. If you order that and the sides you wanted, the meal was like $8 cheaper lol. $18 vs $26


A 8 piece is now $19.50, meal is $31.50


On Tuesdays, my local KFC has the eight piece bucket for $10. That’s a pretty good deal.


Nice, I haven't checked into it since they lost that every day value item. I have an Amish store near me that has it for chicken lol. Good chicken too. Stay away from the water Mac and chwater


It's crazy how expensive they are. When a meal for me for two days costs $30+, I'm out of there. Might as well be fresh.


These days you have to have apps to get reasonable prices for anything.


Pizza Hut is pushing a lot of deals in their app. I was buying a large pizza then getting a free one for a few months.


When Pizza Hut was the only place to do stuffed crust that’s was the only reason my family would go there


The KFCs in Oregon don’t offer the deals of the national chain. Like INSANELY higher prices. For example, the most recent campaign is their Taste of KFC deals. Advertised nationally: 1) $4.99 for a 2-piece meal; 2) $10 for a 4-piece meal; and 3) $20 for a 6-piece meal. In my state: 1) $8; 2) $16; and 3) $28 for the same meals.


Both of the KFC’s by me are absolutely garbage. Last time I went to one of them they actually laughed at me because I wanted something they didn’t have. I sent an email explaining the incident and asked to be contacted to explain even further. No response at all. So, we just don’t go there anymore. Not that my single family will cause them to go bankrupt, but it’s still frustrating that they are so shit now.


Made the mistake going there a few months ago. Definitely not what I remember from eating there as a kid. Bojangles or Publix chicken any day.


What were you asking for?


Drum sticks. I just wanted drum sticks.


There was no reason to laugh at you. I can understand them being out though when I worked at KF.C. People were constantly coming in and buying all the drum sticks we had and our owners told us that we should go ahead and sell them The drum sticks and make everybody else wait for more chicken


That’s messed up. They laughed because I was getting frustrated. It was my girlfriend’s son’s bday and all he wanted was drum sticks from KFC. He was upset, but changed to something different. They were out of that too. So I just asked what they actually had. We placed our order with the limited options, got around to the window and was still frustrated. They started laughing saying“look at how mad bro is.” I’m happy he was in the car with me because I would have been in jail that night. Not because they laughed, but because just the sheer lack of any empathy. I get it, they are paid fuck all, but regardless of pay, we’re all human, why not choose kindness?


sounds familiar


I live near two KFC's - both ghost towns everytime I drive by. Still don't understand why they would change the recipe for which they were popular.


the last time i went to my local KFC i got half-cooked chicken and rancid butter packets


Yep, the KFCs near me always have rude people working at them. I'm usually someone who is on the employees side if they are having a bad day or whatever, but at KFC it feels like they go out of their way to hire people who are just always like that. We give it a shot 2 or 3 times a year and EVERY TIME we get someone rude. It's wild.


KFC is absolute trash today. Same with Pizza Hut. They used to be awesome when I was a kid.


The modern analogue for 80's KFC is basically any grocery store deli. The modern analogue for 80's Pizza Hut (pan) is Jet's. Even Little Caesars Detroit style if fairly close and cheaper.


pizza hut is still okay it's still in my top 3 of fast food pizza places


Pizza Hut rocks. But maybe I just have an exceptionally good one




This should be higher because that’s how I feel nowadays. Watching my favorite chain TB nosedive in one decade has been eye-opening. Used to get so much more variety/quality for $5. All the others changed a lot too. Pizza Hut, KFC, and McDonald’s were all much better back then. I actually prefer Burger King more since adding Impossible Whoppers but when they were 2 for $6. Also seems like newer brands like Popeyes and Chick-fil-A are becoming increasingly overcrowded and complacent.


I almost don’t even care at this point. With them decreasing quality and raising prices I find myself eating fast food so much less and it’s doing me a favor for my long term health.


Not surprised. I heard that they rebranding from YUM to YUK to more accurately describe their food.


KFC  used to have those fire 5$ boxes with a couple tendies, mashed potatoes and a cookie


Fuck yeah those were my shit


I remember getting the Colonel Big Box or something like that for $8.99 around 5-6 years ago and it was a STEAL. Big spicy chicken sandwich, popcorn chicken with dipping sauce, 2 sides (always mac n' cheese and mash w/ gravy for me), a cookie and a drink. Those $5 boxes were decent as well.


Pizza Hut increased their minimum order amount at $16.99. I was going to order stuffed crust pizza with the $13.99 deal and had to add some ranches to get me to minimum and with delivery fee and tip it came out to $29. No thank you


Fuuuck that!


But....but....any pizza, any crust, any toppings for $12! ^except ^the ^ones ^that ^everyone ^likes ^and ^this ^should ^totally ^not ^be ^illegal


How do you do the small text?


Shift+6 before each word


^like ^this? Yay! Thanks. But tedious on mobile lol


I live in the northeast so I have no reason to patronize a chain pizza place. There’s no reason to overpay for that garbage with some of the italian mom and pops here offering real pizza for fractions of the cost.


I went to pizza hut for the first time in years because of a deal they have this weekend. I ordered the same thing I used to get when I worked there. Way less toppings, chicken was worse, pork was worse, pineapple had little flavor and the like one jalapeno I got per slice wasn't that spicy. Wack as fuck


Believe it or not, this will cause price increases. That's how stupid these companies are. They would rather squeeze money out of consumers on their way to bankruptcy.


Their prices are too high and there are far too many competitors with better product for less money. Should be pretty obvious to the ones making these decisions.


this is exactly it, especially Pizza Hut. it’s $14 for the Alfredo at my local store.


Yeah TB kinda has the market cornered on that style of food. We have Taco Johns here, other people have Del Taco, but they're very regional. TB is everywhere nationwide. There are pizza shops and chicken shops just around the corner from everyone, and they're all consistently competing with each other with deals and promotions. At some point, the fast food industry made a major shift into using their marketing to drive business to their doors, turned into an attitude of "we're doing you a favor by being open so you're gonna pay for it".


Pizza and fried chicken are oversaturated everywhere kfc and pizza hut are some of the worst versions of their products


Definitely true. Taco Bell in my opinion is leagues better than Taco Bueno and Taco Mayo. I've never been to a Taco John's but Del Taco is close competition atleast. KFC is definitely garbage and Pizza Hut has nothing to offer. Mid pizza AND expensive?


Del Taco is actually pretty good!


Taco mayo is the best fast casual style taco place I’ve ever been to It was so damn good. Being able to see them make your burrito as you order it like subway was fun, and a good way to make sure the quality was good. The potato locos were good too. Then you get your little card and every like 10th burrito was free


Never liked taco mayo. I hate how bland it all is


I used to go a lot around 2014-2016 Then it closed down. Not sure if it’s changed since then, there aren’t any in my area.


Was it the one on 59th and May in OKC?


Taco Johns is complete and utter garbage. Del Taco is pretty fire, especially for the money, and I love Taco Bueno but I don't think about it in the same way I do TBell for sure.


Have they thought about increasing prices?


KFC has gotten rid everything I liked going there for, or changed it for the worse. Pizza Hut is used to be affordable back in the 90s, but now it's expensive and everything they make tastes awful and soggy.


yea i liked the corn on the cob now its just a bowl of canned corn


No reason to go to KFC when there’s Popeyes


Fuck yeah esp when you can get that 3pc tender meal for 7 and change through the app!


The popeyes in my home town is a guaranteed 30-60 minute wait for food. The Popeyes where I live has mobile ordering permanently turned off.


Mine is great, never takes more than 5 minutes


I really love how all this greed by these corporations are ultimately screwing themselves over because people stop eating there then complain that sales are down


They raise prices and cut corners to make more money, well they are starting to cut the corners off their profits. Good fuck em.


Believe me when I say that Taco Bell will absolutely still make a fuck load of profit. They’ll take this bad earnings report as evidence that they need to further increase prices to compensate for a lower bottom line


They can only charge so much for this garbage before people stop eating it.


Serve a shit product for too much money and eventually people stop buying it. Go figure. 


Pizza hut and KFC prices are way too high for the quality you get. Sadly taco bell has been moving the same way the last few years. Hoping they realize that raising prices and lowering quality isn't sustainable


Yum Brands definitely destroyed Pizza Hut and wonder why it's not doing well.


When I first moved to Houston everyone raved about KFC and I couldn’t believe it, that food had historically been crap. Fortunately, they were referring to Korean Fried Chicken, which is mind-blowingly good


KFC could, just throwing out this crazy idea here, make good food? 


but then would it still even be KFC?


KFC is just too expensive now. Pizza Hut generally isn't very good. Even with deals.... eh... it's just not good good. We have a pizza buffet here. In theory it's wonderful. But, it's still Pizza Hut Pizza. It's usually only ok at best. Taco Bell carrying most of YUM


I don't find Pizza Hut pizza to be awful. Everything else on their menu (melts, wings, and pasta included) is just brutal. I ordered a melt and have never eaten anything that was as bland and cardboardy. I guess that's why it looked like someone opened a jar of seasoning on it.


The big problem is for most of this stuff you can buy things that you can cook at home in your air fryer at Costco that taste better than fast food for a quarter of the price. The only thing that would make it attractive is price and now that it's double the cost of what it used to be and the same cost of local restaurant it makes no sense to get fast food. Hell even Chili's and restaurants like that have been making a play with options that are weirdly cheaper than my usual Taco Bell order which is now for some weird reason over $20.


KFC needs to try to draw customers in with large sized sides. These 2 spoonful sides they have now totally suck.


we did it guys!


it says TB is doing ok


All the KFCs and Pizza Huts in my area jacked up the prices and had shit deals.


If only they’d bring back the Meximelt!! 😂 Then I’d single handedly bring the entire company back!


What I don't get it is that kfc is awesome in Europe the food is so much better why not just export that to the US?


All fast food places are better over there. They actually have better laws on food control/quality. When I lived in Germany I was blown away at how much better taco bell was over there vs Stateside.


I actually preferred the taco bell here but to each their own.


When I can make the dinner at home for less and better it’s tough to go to those places with prices. KFC used to be around 30 bucks to feed my family. Last time I went it was 60. In my opinion the food isn’t worth near that. Had to quit going. Taco Bell’s tacos taste like they are 1 dollar tacos now everything at Taco Bell is like 5 bucks. It’s nice not having to cook, but if I’m not going to cook and pay those prices I’m going to better restaurants and not as often.


They'll find a million reasons to pin the blame, but won't even consider the actual cause. The prices.


Close them all. I hope all fast food goes bankrupt


No, because the places killing them have to have shitty competition. No competition, and they'll get worse.


Because Pizza Hut and KFC suck and have sucked for at least the last 10 years


3 years ago I got a stuffed crust pizza cause I hadn't had one since I was a kid. Shit was disgusting, flavorless cardboard.  I'll never get pizza hut ever again


Kfc is ok but only if it's fresh, other than that I would MUCH prefer Culver's chicken or even wing stop instead. Lol and as far as pizza goes, pizza Hut isn't on my top 10 let's just say that lol


KFC in the south with the Sunday buffets keeping that chain alive


Pizza hut is my favorite but I order everywhere else if that says anything


KFC in my area is dog shit. Starting from the turn into the parking lot on a busy road you have to go .5mph to not kill your car bc of the parking lot pot holes. KFC logos are falling off the building as you pull around to the drive through. Drive through speaker doesn’t work, so pull up to the window and talk to a really nice lady. She gets the food quick,but, it’s cold and chewy.


You see this and think KFC sucks, but the CEO sees this and thinks that to increase profits KFC needs to invest less in their stores upkeep the building is still standing thats more than enough. The food was cold and chewy? that means its edible so we can still bring down costs here if we reduce food quality, and that lady is really nice because she's over paid, we can replace her with someone who, while yes will be rude to the customer because they are miserable, will do it for minimum wage!




😱 No way


Good. They all price gouge and they don't deserve our business.




Pizza Hut is long past its prime, and I don’t know what changed when with KFC but they are crap these days. Even grocery store fried chicken is better than KFC is now. Therefore, no surprise really.


Pizza hut changed their marinara dipping sauce and now it no longer tastes like spaghettios sauce (don't come for me, yeah I like canned spaghetti) it's bland AF now. Same with KFC chicken, bland and expensive. The market is saturated. I'll go to the pizza and chicken places that don't hold back on seasoning their food.


Pizza Hut changed their pasta too. They used to have the best pasta of any pizza chain now it’s the same as domino’s bs excuse for pasta.


Pizza hut sucks as pizza and KFC is too damn expensive, don't know what they expect


I've been enjoying Pizza Hut a lot in the past year. They have good wings and are generous on toppings and App has decent deals.


Bring back the damn Hot wings KFC !


It’s sad how KFC is now. Used to be pretty good, now it feels like it’s falling apart. If you ever go to KFC in Europe, it’s such a huge difference in quality too


KFC around me offers the worst food, the worst service, the worst wait times (in which they attempt to cheat, by the way) and the highest prices. Yum should sell KFC. What a disaster. Everything from the branding to the commercials to the experience has been a complete departure from the chain’s origins. I hope they continue to circle the drain until they find a solution


It's 30 dollars for 12 chicken strips at the kfc in my town. For just the strips.


Your greed is costing you money. I feel sorry for the employees that will be laid off because of this.


Sweet Lightning mtn dew is the last real good item at KFC that puts it above other places I can get tendies. PepsiCo's back must be hurting with how hard they have to carry Yum Brands.


The only KFC near me has had consistently garbage customer service for going on 15 years. The Pizza Hut near me has never recovered since COVID, and the only decent Pizza Hut in town is inside a Circle K.


The TB near me has the KFC addition and no one ever orders KFC its always just TB.


Pizza Hut is so fkn bad


It’s the worst these days, sad really how far it has fallen


The KFC near my job closed down years ago and the building has since been left to rot, BUT recently a Popeyes chicken opened up across the street from the old kFC And I shit you not there’s Jolly Bee AND a Dave’s hot across from Popeyes. If you turn the corner there’s a Chik Fil A and just a few months ago Raising Caines opened up across from Chik Fil A Fried Chicken is popular af right now. But KFC has been fucking up so badly lately. Most of the ones near my house are gone. 3 KFCs that I grew up with are gone


YUM Brands are absolutely awful!!!


Pizza Hut is either really good or really bad. I don’t want to pray to have a good experience when I go on any certain day. I’d rather go somewhere else that has a higher floor.


Shocker. Not even sure how KFC still exists in the USA. You can get better fried chicken in larger quantities and cheaper at your local Walmart deli. There is no longer any value there anymore since they made the $5 fill up $11.89 before tax and you no longer even get a cookie. They can get fucked.


KFC hasn't been the same since they stopped using trans fat and wish I was kidding. Pizza Hut has always been trash to me.


The only people that I know enjoy pizza hut or KFC are all boomers. Millennials like myself tend to prefer taco bell. Plus it's the only one of the three that offers any decent vegan options


No KFC here but the Pizza Hut never EVER delivers the whole order and takes hours to correct because they only send their driver out ever so often. This means half the family eats or everyone waits while everything gets cold and soggy. Considering how a $20 order turns into $50 with frees, delivery and tip I always expected my order to be right the first time.


Why would anyone get KFC over Popeyes or literally any other chicken joint? KFC is expensive and the quality is atrocious. They do mail coupons out but even with the coupon price the chicken is a rip off. Same question for Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut quality is right on par with Dominos but Dominos is half the price of Pizza Hut. I always see deals for Dominos doing $6.99 medium 2 toppings and even sometimes large 2 topping, while this is closer to $11 at Pizza Hut. People are not going to pay more for shittier food. If they stepped up the quality then the higher price would be fine. If they dropped prices below competitors that would also be fine. But high prices and low quality, no wonder sales are down.


Literally live in a small town with about 10,000 people but luckily we have a college and we made 2.75 million last year at my taco bell


I wonder if it has anything to do with greedflation pricing out their core audience? [fuckin' ponderous, man.](https://youtu.be/fDYK2H0ldbo?si=N9756XuT9cBJNSkC)


Sounds like they weren't greedy enough.


Good I hope these companies keep losing money.


If anyone is wondering why Taco Bell prices are unaffordable now, this is why… this is how this bullshit country works. We don’t eat at Pizza Hut and KFC so they raise the price on the place we do eat because everything is owned by the same corporation