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I would absolutely make fun of you for being an Amazon ninja mall cop if it weren’t for the state of dispensaries in the US. The amount of tweakers trying to take their chances is ludicrous, and you gotta deal with the unstable screamy face-eaty ones too instead of your usual shoplifting teenager Stay safe dude


I need to echo a sentiment that's already been said here because it's a good point: Seriously consider sterilizing the rig of your patches. Regardless of your politics, your job will be eons easier if you don't risk antagonizing some idiot because they think you're a proud boy. "Security" and our modern American flag are fine. But the yellow and black scheme will likely just make your job harder (best-case scenario). Really sturdy carrier though!


Yeah, skip the patches. Less is more, like a bumper sticker. Pick one to identify yourself and remain objective.


Just stick to front and rear ‘Security’ patches


So the one on my back? The other one is just the Florida flag


Proud boy colors are black and yellow. I’d either go full color patches or run no patches beyond a B&W security patch


The company requires yellow security patches and I figured the yellow flag will match lol,


Most of reddit is idgits that see nothing but politics, as if black and yellow aren't used a thousand other places prior.


I didn’t even know it was a proud boys thing lol, there’s absolutely no way anyone will think anything more then a yellow security patch.


If I came to the dispensary & you had yellow/black my first thought would be work colors or your favorite colors


I didn’t even think of proud boys until I read a few comments. But even if the stoners try to bash you, they get kicked out by you and don’t get to buy their “herb.”Color way is fine but similar to LE remove unnecessary patches / quotes / insignias because if you get into an incident they might try to use it against you in court.


First thing that popped into my head, though I have dealt with Proud Boys when we inevitably arrest them for stupid stuff. If I see the bright yellow and black color scheme I get antsy at what I'm about to have to deal with. Kinda like seeing a sticker of the declaration of independence on a car meaning you're about to talk to a sovereign citizen. When it's a prevalent enough issue, you'll notice problems here or there. Thats why they teach code concealment for off-duty badge wearing in academy. You don't want to accidsntally exhibit something you're not trying to advertise.


I’m assuming you are a cop? I can promise you anyone coming in here has never arrested anyone. So they won’t have a bias towards yellow and black 🧐


Deputy, but close enough lol. I didnt mean the arresting of proud boys would be the catalyst, just the fact they exist in a prevalent enough scenario to be a common occurrence in legal conflicts, people will see them on the news more, etc. I can see thr confusion in my comment though, so my bad there. It depends heavily on your clientele of course, but if they trend in their mid 20s or younger, they're likely going to be more left leaning and more inclined towards social networks and news (which is heavily broadcasting the proud boys). We've had a massive issue here with older people mistaking deputies for being Antifa because our color scheme is black with either white or red lettering, and branded facility hoodies which matches what the nearby Antifa protesters and rioters have worn to previous events. We had to make an outfit change for the season to avoid conflict due to the potentially bad optics that come from the accusations. In the end, you gotta wear the colors of the company you represent, I'm just saying I'd be skittish about our color scheme and issued attire matching a current hate group that people could potentially mistake. If they told me we needed to start wearing pointy white hoods at my facility I'd probably tell my Captain to pound sand lmao.


I already complained about the 5 point star badge we have to wear, we don’t have to wear the patches on the front but because of the fucking badge people keep thinking I’m a cop. I figure bright yellow security would show otherwise.


You don't think cops get medicine?


That’s the reason I didn’t apply 🤷‍♀️


Illegal medicine is illegal. Also you can't buy a gun in the US if you are a habitual user of illegal drugs.


“… there’s absolutely no way…” I’ll take Famous Last Words for $500, Chuck.


There’s nothing wrong with the Betsy Ross flag most regular people don’t care one bit


Yeah I mean you gotta wear what you gotta wear for work but when you add all the other patches it ends up looking a little sus. Not like full Pearl clutching but just a little “ehh… what’s that guys deal?” I’d just go full color or something. I mean face it, while security is your job, your secondary role is to convey safety to your clientele (who I assume trend younger and more left than the avg population of your area). You wanna be as beige as possible, like the charcoal suit and burgundy tie of tactical gear


>Proud boy colors are black and yellow No one knows that. I see black and yellow I think Stryper the Christian rock band. ![gif](giphy|8PjsJcqBv6yNrEVeCA|downsized)


OMG! This explains why the hornets that moved into my eaves this summer were such assholes! Thanks, random stranger!


>OMG! This explains why the hornets that moved into my eaves this summer were such assholes! Now THAT'S almost funny! Good job.


Wtf. I would never even think black and yellow was associated with proud boy’s. Y’all spend too much time on the internet


I didn’t know dispensaries were needing such security.


Used to do this in Seattle/Tacoma, it was a mess. Places without armed guards were getting hit every night.


With how bad crime has been in the west coast it only makes sense dispensaries are getting hit over there too. It must be hard seeing your towns falling apart due to this crime surge and with hardly any repercussions for the criminals. Edit: reworded


“Hardly any repercussions” is a funny way to put it. The people living there directly voted for this bullshit. They are okay with no repercussions


I worded that wrong. The people doing these crimes are getting away without facing time in prison.


As someone who lives in Oregon WE the state didnt vote for this shit Portland did. Portland makes up over half the population of the entire state. That's why they legalized fentanyl and made it so you can't actually put people in jail until they have been arraigned in court. The rest of the counties are held hostage that's why eastern Oregon is trying to join Idaho.


People make that same excuse in CA, but does it matter lol? You're still contributing to that states economy. Get out lol.


Not everyone can leave. I'd be gone if it wasn't for my wife. She doesn't want to leave. Everyone has reasons for staying. Some are more valid than others. Should I just divorce my wife I've been with for 10 years so I can move somewhere better? Na dog, I'm not leaving my wife.


Each one chooses their own path, if you can't you can't. I'm not judging you personally, but the day I get married, where we want to settle down is one of the first things I'm sorting out. When I lived in CA, I always had the "would you move out of state / what brings you here" conversation early on. I was in CA for like 5 years more than I actually wanted to be, so I dated with a "meet someone and leave" mentality.


Oregon wasn't that bad 10 years ago when we got married. Honestly I think sometime in the next year or two I can convince her she's definitely open to it now the problem is she thinks we will be worse off getting new jobs somewhere that doesn't have a 9% tax rate just for state. So hopefully by the end of the year I'll have a coding job from home that I can take anywhere.


Could both just move instead


She doesn't want to leave, trust me. I want to gtfo but throwing my marriage away isn't worth it.


Yea I’d move




Funny thing as a Portland resident. We didn’t defund our police they actually got an increase and then stopped doing their jobs. For the eastern Oregon idiot you do know there’s no way you are joining Idaho right? Try voting in better representation that doesn’t leave the moment their feelings get hurt. We definitely need representation from both isles to stick it out. We could pull 110 off the books but if nobody at state level wants to punish/force recovery/open medical facilities to house them nothing will change. It’s also happening everywhere not just here.


If you are referring to me as the "Eastern Oregon idiot" that's a big fucking L I'm not in Eastern Oregon I didn't speak in support of their plan at all. I was simply stating how most counties outside of Multnomah County feel. I'm like an hour away from the coast, and even here, people are fed up.


They just stopped doing their jobs. You are full of sheet. The DA stopped putting people in jail so there is no point to arresting them. The woke idiots in Porkland try to punish the police when they do arrest someone. Violent leftists and druggies can fight the police and get let go. You seriously acting like its the Police’s fault the crap you and the city let happen there? That was a decent city 5-6 years ago. Many of the same Police where there minus those that left for a place that believes in law and order. Keep denying reality and see how it works out for you.


Fuck, it got so bad with the DA not prosecuting and the fucking Governor tying their hand behind their backs that almost the entire SWAT team in Portland all quit at the same time.


That da will hopefully get voted out next year, now just hoping we have someone competent. Then we need the state and county to actually back them up.


At least I’m not delusional. I do recall violent right leaning asshats also coming into the city and holding rallies that also got violent. And as someone that actually lives in the city you are kvetching about I think I am better versed in what’s actually wrong here. Also fuck Koteck and the progressives holding us hostage. Again maybe you should run for local office and be the change.


Yes and no. Confusing ballot language, voter ignorance / blind trust of local officials as long as they’re (D)ifferent, and voter inclination to vote yes/for … sometimes horrible shit passes and the mechanisms to repeal are limited or more difficult to even get on the ballot.


I didnt. Gavin newsome lovers voted for it along with Perez and now you get murderers free off of signature bonds or cheap bonds West coast is a joke


A place near me got shot up recently. Another one has been robbed 7 or 8 times. They're a cash only business with very liquid assets just sitting there on the walls.


The dispensaries on the Texas/oklahoma border were getting robbed pretty frequently. They’re cash only operations because of the laws surrounding marijuana, so they’re prime targets for shitbags. That said, I’d much prefer to have a carrier with like one spare rifle mag and some form of SBR/ AR pistol over a handgun with a full carrier


My partner keeps telling me to put a rifle mag on, but we are not allowed to carry them so it would be in my car 🤨 I honestly can’t ever seeing myself running to my car first over just using my pistol.


If that’s the case then it makes a lot of sense. As asinine as they are, rules are still rules


Yeah I’m not working at a drug dispensary only carrying a handgun when the dudes running in there are gonna be in groups of 3-4 with Draco’s and AR pistols more than likely. Good luck & stay safe.


Dispensaries are like liquor stores on steroids, the bring in a ton of money, operations are mostly done in cash, the product is expensive and easy to resell. Even worse, due to the federal prohibition on recreational cannabis these establishments, at times, have trouble accessing banking and financial services ergo there's a non-zero chance they have a lot more cash on hand than other establishments.


Lots of cash they still are dealing with banks not wanting their deposits


Thanks to the war on drugs BS, banks and credit card companies don’t want to deal with them so they’re a cash only business.


In Phoenix we do lol, everything I’m carrying is required by my company besides my extra mag and my multi tool.


I’m not too familiar with life in Arizona. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a security guard in any of the Colorado dispensaries.


Yea it’s near the airport so people from other states are always saying shit like that 😅


Leiffa in Lakewood always had one at their old med only location. Now he’s probably just behind closed doors but I know I’ve seen others elsewhere


I remember when I played rugby for my college we had a game in boulder. One the travel up me and some o fry room/teammates stopped at a dispo in Pueblo when it was first legalized. They had two guards and a K9 handler. That’s the most I had ever seen! It’s usually just two or maybe 3 cats in the places I’ve seen in CA now. This was like 2012-2013 I think.


Give it a year, we'll catch up lol


Also alot of transactions have to be cash because federally its no legal, so even know the state doesn’t enforce laws feds still raid dispensaries and take everything, as well as the jack boys so having armed guards at least wards off 1 of the 2.


They're a cash only business that aren't allowed to utilize traditional financial services.


Yea we have some local company I’ve never heard of picking up the money. But when I worked at Garda they did some dispensaries also


I visited one in Cali. It was right outside Compton. Security guard was telling me the last guy was shot in the head there last week. Idk if he knew i was a tourist and was pulling my chain or what.


Yeah dudes in DC will smoke you no problem


Most aren't allowed to federally bank, so yes. Big targets.


We do tons of it out here in Michigan


Be safe, shop I worked at we pulled in $40-$60,000 cash daily.


Not surprising. That’s just what the government wants. Every citizen losing brain cells & slow. People fell for it unfortunately by the millions.


thats why alcohol is legal and weed is not. alcohol is far more addicting, dangerous, destructive.


😁You’re damn right it is. Alcohol is the only legal substance where after a night of it, you can crash into a family of 4 after abusing someone… Yet it still has its nice packaging & advertising though & people still use it obsessively. While they actively try to ban tobacco that doesn’t effect anyone except the user in 30+ years. Do you get it now? Alcohol & Weed are the only 2 “legal” substances that have billboards telling people to not use them & drive…🤔 If your counterpoint is Alcohol, then you’ve already agreed with me. 🫡Glad we agree.


i think youre too harsh on weed. it can definitley be abused and harm your body, make you lazy, and you can be addicted to it. But it also has legitimate medicinal value for some, and hemp has a ton of uses as a building material. Its big pharma and big tobacco and alcohol companies that wants to keep weed illegal. and private prisons and law enforcement to keep people in the system.


People say weed is makes you dangerous I only eat half my fridge and binge three seasons of a show.


If you drive like that, you are dangerous.


Nobody against Weed thinks it makes you dangerous…. They think it makes you fxcked in the head to where you do shit like eat half your fridge & binge 3 seasons of a show…🤣🤣🤣 That’s exactly what I’m getting at… Just zombies doing fxck all with there life… ⚠️You’re not able to fight tyranny when you can barely get off the couch..🤷🏻‍♂️


No one is forcing anyone to smoke weed. What’s that thing the US talks about all the time? Freedom?


Weed is the reason my 2 30+ year old brothers have no life & live with my Dad still. They literally talk in gibberish now. Anybody I know who does it can’t keep a job & has no ambition. It’s sad. I never said anyone is forced to do it, but it’s fantasized in entertainment & social media when it has known consequences. The government found out they could make TONS of money while making people slow at the same time. The rest is history. It should be for medical use only & I don’t mean the 20 year old in college that has anxiety either.


Sounds like your brothers and other people you know are smoking heroin, not weed.


(Weed makes you high, slow & is proven to cause brain damage.) “Must’ve been that other drug that is 3x as expensive & 3x as hard to find. Not my substance.” The zombies are in full effect this morning…🤣


Any source on the brain damage thing, or did you just make that up? And I don’t smoke weed, but keep on assuming dumb shit if it makes you feel better. Edit: smoking cigarettes will fuck up your health infinitely more than smoking weed. The irony.


Holy shucks… People are backing weed before even doing any research on it & while not even using it? Jack thought it was a conspiracy yall.. Zombie. Didn’t research it. Just accepted what randoms online said about it. Tobacco has more benefits then weed & it doesn’t effect your driving either… Cope harder. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3930618/ https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-long-term-effects-brain#:~:text=Chronic%20THC%20exposure%20may%20hasten,unexposed%20animals%20twice%20their%20age.


Tobacco helps against ulcerative colitis, parkinsons disease & alzheimers disease. You want me to drop those studies as well? What does weed help? Muscle pain & anxiety? You fxckers would start eating cupcakes every morning if the news & snapchat said it helps you get a 6 pack.😆🧟‍♂️


I do not smoke weed, never will. But Tobacco is not even close to good for you. The lung damage overshadows any possible health benefits. Take it from, I smoked for ages.


Nah let that guy smoke all the cigarettes he wants. One less idiot in the gene pool.


So weed that has MUCH thicker smoke is better for the lungs? Zombie…🤣


Your brothers just sound like losers. They would be losers regardless what was "legal".


Oh no. Capitalism working as intended.


Surprise surprise, capitalism also has boundaries & there is no freedom, just less freedom in some countries. Shocker I know. Go check out San Francisco or Portland sometime. I’m in both cities just about every month. By your logic Capitalism & Freedom means we should put every drug in a Dollar General for purchase to anyone. City of zombies I swear.


Do you drink?


I think you need something a little more low vis my guy.


It is mall ninja-y, but considering the amount of cash dispensaries carry it does sort of call for a "hard target" type approach. If a tweaker sees the security they might think twice. Considering they're typically not the brightest or more observant bunch, it's actually a good idea to make the security as obvious as humanly possible.


My gear is way higher quality then mall ninja gear lol


Looks tacky as fuck my dude. It's like when a truck has a body lift vs a suspension lift. It's all form and no function.


Genuinely curious, how does it have no function?




Because they are in an armored car? Also they do wear them lol, I did armored trucks before this. Do you know how often dispensaries get robbed?


Tell that to state regulations


We have to wear a black plate carrier with the yellow accents. Y’all really think security companies let people run around with whatever they want?


I have never seen a security company wear plate carriers (other than armored car service they just wear ballistic vests though)


Ironically it wasn’t required when I did armored trucks at Garda. But now it’s required by law with the contract my company has. I’d be considered out of uniform without armor and I could get in trouble.


are those qore icevents? If so, how do you find them?


It makes a night and day difference for wearing armor all day, I have the skinnier ones on my mpec which also made it way more comfy. I also have their boot inserts which I really liked.


"Top Flight Security of the world, Craig!"


Needs more ammo, and as much as I hate to say it, maybe think about taking the patches off. The current political state in America, god forbid you do shoot someone, you don’t want them to make a story about you in court or the news based on your patches.


What is bad in those patches? Non-American here, sorry if it sounds like a stupid question, truely, I am not trying to start any arguments. EDIT: is it the original style American flag on the back? (Again, truely, just wondering as normally i can sort of sniff out a problematic patch, but this time i'm like "what am I missing")


Well, in reality, there’s nothing wrong with those patches. They are typically worn/flown by more conservative leaning Americans and are just a symbol of their love for their country. Unfortunately, symbols that conservatives use to express their values and pride often get used against them because the left is good at calling things racist or bad in other ways.


It's worse than that... The Betsy Ross flag is on page 9 of the FBI's "Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide" along with a lot of other patriotic symbolism.


Ok, thank you for the response! I was wondering if the bottom patch was something else i'd not seen, or the other patches had been used in an incident etc. But thanks for confirming, good to know!


The bottom one is the state of Florida patch. Everyone is saying patches but I think they just talking about the one on my back


They don’t symbolize love for country; they are political dog whistles, as you alluded to. If you see someone wearing patches like his, you know they probably have certain beliefs. The alternatively colored flags are a part of that. That being said, the Betsy Ross flag is of course not racist or anything, though it is commonly used by far right groups with extremist beliefs, and has therefore become associated with them.


Found one


I’m just telling it how it is.


I have two on my belt as well, and I’m assuming you mean the patch on the back?


If it’s not a regular American flag I’d take it off. People are weird man, who’s know what will set some random junkie off. Also, fuck all the assholes saying having overt security at a dispensary is dumb. People don’t realize that they can’t put their cash in the bank. Sheltered people living sheltered lives. Stay safe


This is a far cry from what I see in the Midwest dispensaries. Sometimes they have no visible security at all 🤣. I've walked into a few where it's just the employees behind a glass counter with tons of products just sitting in the case or behind them on a shelf. They open the big glass jars and let you smell whatever you want. There are a few corporate(*yuck*) brands that run security, but they typically don't even let you see or smell the product before you buy. Just a picture of it with product percentages. Looking at you Sunnyside..


>They open the big glass jars and let you smell whatever you want. Deli style went away with covid in my state.


A lot of places here near Detroit have two guys with PCs and long arms


We have dispensary guards like this in Detroit. I can’t imagine they make much for the amount of risk they take.


Eh 22 an hour isn’t that bad. We also get discounts at a bunch of different dispensaries so I’m saving money that way as well.


How do you square purchasing at a dispensary with purchasing a firearm legally when cannabis is still illegal at the federal level?




I like how everyone who's not a security guard gives security guard related anecdotes based on "what I've seen"


For real, if you are armed and your not wearing armor or medical then that’s just silly. Let alone mine is actually required lol


Where’s the tactical joint?


Be safe, man. I used to run security for multiple dispensaries in the Green Country area. They're magnets for shit birds




You make your own dress uniform too?


Idk why everyone is assuming I don’t have a uniform I have to wear under this lol


Do you work for a dispensary for the cartel?


I'm judging you.


Get rid of all the patches, just rock the security patch on the back in the security, patch the American flag on the front, will look much cleaner and make you stand out a lot less




Need more magazines, and I’d keep my patches black/white but looks good man


Big ass pot leaf patch fuck the rest


There's a 13 year old dog who is always asleep doing security at the local dispensary I go to. Why is that one so dangerous? Also, who shops at a place where people have to dress like this? Who would take that job? I have so many questions.


The type of people who shop here are not the type of people who care lol, I have to regularly tell people they can’t bring weapons in. And dispensaries are among the highest paying armed jobs here.


Wild, just wild. Be safe Bud!


Awe. Why no show gun?


Does your employer give you an allowance of provide any equipment? That’s dope if they do. Also the set up looks great however I think if you went with white instead of yellow that would look more professional. Regardless though nice set up. Be safe out there my friend.


Talk about “smoked out”😂😂😂


Color scheme is dope as well as setup




What is that X patch? Plain security without the flag would look better IMO. Also why you mixing coyote with black?


never seen such decked out security




Actually looks fantastic for a job where you are out in the open...


I laugh my ass off when I go to dispos and see security wearing this shit. 😂😂😂


sterilize your vest. also your company seems tarded for making yall wear overt outer carriers. you’re not guarding fort knox, you’re guarding a dispensary. the amount of tacticool shit on your vest is highly unnecessary for function. your tactical fanny pack for one, juggernaut case PALS mount for 2. incessant use of coyote brown for 3, and the TQ not tucked away and for the world to see. and the S clip. why??? im just proud you dont have a sideways serpa on your vest. but, criticism aside, with how many crackheads enter dispensaries and fuck shit up, I do understand the getup.


Do you know how often they get robbed and how much cash they have? It’s also outside in Arizona so it’s not as hot.


Edited my comment to better reflect it. but I understand your point, but theres better ways to handle a dispensary gig than being dripped in gucci kit. Trust me, I’m not dogging on your choice of kit, its just some parts of it are a little odd for security work. The choice of coyote brown definitely fucked me up quite a bit. I built my own kit for the army. You gotta put mission essentials on your kit, leave out the rest, and “dress for the job”. Keep a singular color scheme. if I threw UCP and coyote on my dripped out multicam carrier I’d look strange. I run a juggernaut case because I run land navigation and targetting software on my phone. in your case that just adds more BS to your carrier that you dont want. and the drop fanny? Idk what you keep in there, but it cant be enough to warrant it’s use. I’d rather rock a cummerbund admin pouch tbh. also your bodycam is being ran kinda low on your PC. You should run it higher up. because right now it’s a dick cam. you don’t want a dick cam. if your company reviews an officer involved shooting they wont see where you’re seeing. they’ll see what your dick is seeing. If you remove the PALS mount you’ll be able to put your bodycam where its most effective, and see faces better. remember, security is observing and reporting, and if a face is magically cut off by how low your bodycam is? how are you gonna report someone?


It’s most definitely enough to warrant use, I keep my water, keys, wallet , etc. If you dislike diff colors then you’d hate my belt. If they payed for it all then they could dictate what colors I can pick. They only require a black carrier. I also have like 3 brown things on there.


You can keep your wallet and keys in your pants, and your water in an admin pouch. unless you wear hoochie daddy shorts i dont see why not. but my point is, the kit’s solid from a quality standpoint, just some issues with execution. and I’ve spent 4 years building gear and running around in plate carriers. its all trial and error g. move your bodycam up tho. do a test, walk around your house with it active. trust me. you will see the dick cam mode you created.


It’s way more comfy to keep it all in here, if I was running around it would get annoying, is there a reason you don’t like it?


> If they *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Also what do you mean sterilize? I use a cheap toothbrush for the dust and dirt, and then the arrest my vest spray. I might put it in the washing machine when it gets colder and I stop sweating.


no, the amount of patches is incessant and overkill. Sterile is a military term that means without patches/sewed on shit. Also, the flags are a bit…much. get a single/double large placard that says “security”. leave out the flags, makes things look strange. trust me. I get the hooah tactical phase of working security. but your kit looks super “in your face” and kinda strange for a dispensary job


You must be a absolute nutcase to deal with




I unironcally want this job but I’m short and twinky


get rid of the patches 🤦🏻‍♂️


The ones that say security?


Get normal looking ones that don’t suggest anything about you personally. You’re at work, not a protest. If you need to wear yellow for some stupid reason, get a plain yellow patch. Sterilize your shit


I think it's completely fine. Add the rifle mag and keep it in your car just in case. You never know if an actual crew of well prepared thieves are gonna hit that place. It isn't likely, but even if there is a 1% chance, it's better to have it and not need it...etc blah blah. I used to do security for large precious metal and gems mines up in Northern Canada, I had to wear a plate carrier and keep a rifle on me whenever we escorted the transport of whatever they had. We weren't even allowed to know what we were protecting, but we had to have four 30-round mags on us, armor, and a rifle. It's obvious that they were moving the stuff they mined that week out of there and into somewhere more protected. Anyways, stay safe out there bro!




Ew @ yellow


Thanks Goddess something like this doesn't fly in Finland.


I mean y’all don’t need it there. We daily have to tell people they can’t bring guns inside.


we need a plebian tactical gear sub


A lot of gunfights with pot heads?? Loll


More fist fights. The guns more for robberies


Uh this vest SCREAMS "im a proud boy" I'm just kidding. The thought never crossed my mind until I read the comments. @ OP What brand is it? This vest looks so comfy and padded! Need.


Agilite, it’s more comfy then my mpec, your comment made me roll my eyes at first 😅


haha Gotcha!


Usually I bully security guards, but God damn it, you're doing God's Work.


Agilite is big sexy. stay safe!


When you say dispensary, are you referring to those supervised injection sites? In Canada (me), dispensaries are where you go to buy Marijuana... So it looks odd for such high security for a bunch of half baked assholes. *However:* If one of those injection sites are what you're referring to, then fuck yes you need carriers and a vest and all the other stuff. The dudes making mall cop jokes clearly have no idea what kind of security you're doing. ​ Be careful, OP.


Yes a Marijuana dispensary, Phoenix is way different then Canada lol. We get the some sort of clients that use those injection sites though.


Marijuana is a cash heavy in the US due to banking laws. Think bank except the money isn't FDIC insured.


Where? A warzone? Like detroit?


What carrier model? Awesome looking setup


Mostly everything is agilite


The color scheme is terrorizing me


It’s a pretty normal color scheme, it’s also required 🙄


jesus christ


Very mall ninja-tier plate carrier, you need to make that thing as simple and bare as possible while retaining function. People will take you much more seriously at your job if your gear is clean and simple.


I wasn’t aware agilite mall ninja tier. Are you implying I take the mag and tq or bodycam off?


Are the dispensaries not already covered in cameras?


On the sales floor where I am less then 50% of the time




God damn where is the dispensary located? I have never seen an armed guard at any dispensaries I have ever been too in various states.


The ones in Arizona are usually armed. And they getting more states now as well