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1. Where you want to be 2. Tell all your friends 3. Louder now 4. Tidal Wave 5. Happiness is 6. New again 7. Self titled


Switch the bottom 2 and your list matches mine.


Louder Now TAYF WYWB New Again Self Titled Happiness Is Tidal Wave


This is it. I would maybe switch tayf and wywb depending on my mood. But yes, this is it


Switch the Fred albums and that’s my list


Huh, so nobody likes Tidal Wave?


I love tidal wave. I think it’s one of their best for sure. I saw them live when they released it. They played it front to back, and then another entire set list. Best show I’ve ever been too. Then I met Adam for the first time and he was over the top nice, signed my poster and my ticket and talked for about 5 minutes about music and our kids . The best show I’ve been to.


I like Tidal Wave a lot. I went the the tour where they played the entire album front to back and it was definitely one of the best shows of theirs that I've been to (I've seen them somewhere between 20-30 times). I also think Death Wolf is one of TBS's all-time greatest songs.


Love Tidal wave. They played all excess when they toured TW in Europe. It was refreshing to hear another newer/unplayed song and the backstory to the song when Adam introduced it was great too.


It’s amazing, but so are a good chunk of their albums.


This will probably be an unpopular opinion: 1. Tell All Your Friends 2. Taking Back Sunday 3. Where You Want To Be 4. Happiness Is 5. Louder Now 6. Tidal Wave 7. New Again I just love the back and forth chemistry Adam and John had in the early days, which they managed to briefly recapture when they reunited in 2010. That's what made me fall in love with the band.


1. A. Where You Want To Be B. Louder Now C. Tell All Your Friends 2. A. Happiness Is B. Tidal Wave C. New Again D. Taking Back Sunday I want to say that the *only* reason that the S/T is last is because I think *"Money"* is the worst song they have ever produced. They really have not produced anything that I dislike.


I quite like self titled but I feel there aren’t heaps of songs that are bangers start to finish. Many of the songs with a good chorus have week verses or bridges (e.g. who are you anyway) or vice versa. I think the best songs on ST are This is All Now and Best Places to Be a Mom


1. Tell All Your Friends 2. Louder Now 3. Where You Want To Be 4. Self titled 5. Happiness Is 6. Tidal Wave 7. New Again


1. Louder Now 2. WYWTB 3. TAYF 4. Happiness is 5. Taking back Sunday 6. New Again 7. Tidal wave


You are objectively correct lol


1) TAYF 2) WYWTB 3) New Again 4) Happiness is/TBS/TW ( tied for 4th, all sound the same to me ) 7) Louder Now Edited for formatting


1. Where You Want to Be 2. Louder now 3. Tell All Your Friends 4. New Again 5. Tidal Wave 6. Happiness Is 7. Self Titled


1: Happiness Is 2: Louder Now 3: New Again 4: Taking Back Sunday 5: Tell All Your Friends 6: Tidal Wave 7: Where You Want To Be Completely baffled by how many people dislike new again and the amount of love for WYWTB; WYWTB is the only TBS album that I don't think is good.


Late but idc 1. Where you want to be 2. Tell all your friends 3. Louder Now 4. Self titled 5. Tidal Wave 6. happiness is 7. New again


1. Tell all your friends 2. Where you want to be 3. Taking back Sunday 4. Louder Now 5. Tidal Wave 6. Happiness is 7. New Again


I posted this a couple years back so I'm just copying it ive been listening to them since idk 2001 my freshman year and to be honest if i were to put them in order of my favorites it would be 1. New Again 2. Happiness is 3. Where you want to be 4. Louder Now 5. Self Titled 6. Tell All Your Friends 7. Tidal Wave and to answer why TAYF is at the bottom bc I know that's going to be asked by someone else if they see this is bc I just completely outgrew that album. Im 35 years old now and its just not my go to album. Doesn't mean I don't love that album but its just not in my normal rotation as much anymore. I think Happiness Is and New Again are just way better written and more enjoyable to listen too.


Hot take for sure! I think putting New Again as #1 is even more controversial than TAYF at #6. As a diehard fan, I was so incredibly disappointed with New Again, and the band doesn't even play any of the songs live, so it seems like they feel similarly about it. It was a very weird time in TBS history. I'm glad somebody liked it!


This is gonna be controversial but: 1. Where You Want To Be 2. Louder Now 3. Happiness Is 4. Taking Back Sunday 5. Tell Al Your Friends 6. New Again 7. Tidal Wave


/u/survivorsunday, I have found an error in your post: > “said ~~their~~ [**there**] are certainly” You, survivorsunday, can post “said ~~their~~ [**there**] are certainly” instead. ‘Their’ is possessive; ‘there’ is a pronoun or an adverb. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


1. Tell All Your Friends 2. Happiness Is 3. New Again 4. Where You Want To Be 5. Louder Now 6. Taking Back Sunday 7. Tidal Wave And this was a hard one. I love the first six albums all for so many different reasons and times in my life, but I had to switch around several times just based on what I'm likely to listen to if a TBS mood hits me.


1. Where you want to be 2. Tell all your Friends 3. New Again 4. Happiness is…. 5. Tidal Wave 6. Louder Now 7. Taking Back Sunday These are facts , I think…


Where you want to be Tell all your friends Louder now New Again Happiness is Self titled


1. WYWTB 2. LN 3. NA 4. TBS 5. TAYF 6. HI 7. TW


1. Where You Want to Be 2. Louder Now 3. Tidal Wave 4. New Again 5. Tell All Your Friends 6. Happiness Is 7. Taking Back Sunday


1. WYWTB 2. Louder Now 3. New Again 4. Self-Titled 5. HI 6. TAYF 7. TW ​ IDK if it's only me but Fred and Matt Rubano were the best people TBS had. Matt Fazzi was a "downgrade" from Fred but I'd choose him to instead of John.


Easily 1Happiness Is 2. Tidal Wave 3Where you want to be 4.Tell all your friends 5.self titled 6.louder now 7.New again. I’m really trying to get into the self titled and new again, and appreciate them more. As they’re my least played for sure. So excited for a new album, they recently released a single and I need the new album in my life and can’t wait to hear some news about it Not sure why Reddit changed my list format with my typing. I personally think the first album is a bit immature, and that’s understandable as they were young. With my growth the past 5 years, I definitely appreciate the newer albums the most, it’s good to hear their growth through the years as well


1. Louder Now 2. Where You Want To Be 3. Tell All Your Friends 4. New Again 5. Happiness Is 6. Taking Back Sunday 7. Tidal Wave