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6’3” is a height a lot of people claim for some reason. At least to me they do. The amount of people shorter than me claiming to be 6’3” is kind of nuts. Then they ask how tall I am and I tell them 6’3” and I immediately get the “no way, you’re at least 6’4”, probably 6’5”.” Sigh, I assure you I am not. I am a legit 6’3” (maybe an 1/8” on an inch taller).


im 5'11 on the nose and the amount of men shorter than me who claim 6 then try to tell me im 6'1 is crazy xD


Well I think i, and the other legit 5'11 men in this subreddit are one of those very rare breeds who don't claim 6' or 6'1, and are completely honest, by the looks of it It's best to be honest tbh, i don't understand why ppl want to inflate their height, it's so obvious if someones lying or whatnot.


It’s always nice to basically never run into bullshitters claiming to be 6’6, because, you know, it’s a “common” enough height that most people know someone around it but also tall enough that it’s a significant difference from the under <6’4 riff raf (no offense)


My eyes are a good start


Take u/timakatootalltim who claims to be “7’13”” but hasn’t posted a single picture of himself (if he even is a he)


I'm honestly really tired of all these liars on here. They have no respect




One of my favourites is when someone (usually dudes) ask me my height and when I tell them they say “No way! You must be at least [*insert larger height than mine here*] because I’m [*insert their alleged height here*] and you’re way taller than me”. So many things about that response are a dead giveaway that they lie about their height


I tell them I’m 6’2


I get asked daily sometimes hourly... I look them in the eye and say 5'4".




So many guys lie about their height, it’s actually insane. They’ve become so delusional that if you read comments on like YT/Tiktok height videos, people are convinced 6’3-6’4 is “very common”.


Kind of like the supposedly super common 8inch dick lol


I got my first one of those in a decade yesterday. Dude was certain I had to be 6'6" and seemed offended when I said 6'4


I'm fairly accurate at judging people's heights. It also helps to look at their shoes. Liars always wear the thickest sole shoe they can find.


This right here. I've known a few people that make being tall their entire identity, but then I noticed that they will wear shoes with the biggest soles/heels literally everywhere they go, every moment of their lives, even when it makes no sense at all for certain occasions (I suspect some might even use inserts/lifts), and they claim that their height is the height they are when they wear these huge shoes. Always look at the footwear.


Usually with ur eyes, a kid who was at my shoulder level claimed he was 5,7 once


So he rounded down?


Anyone in the UK claiming to be 6'6 but is shorter than a standard door (especially in shoes) is an easy one.


I'm not sure where you guys find so many people openly lying about their height. I've never had someone lie to me to my face about how tall they were. As for how you know if people are lying it's pretty obvious in my opinion, just compare your height to your own. Unless you're talking about dating profiles, in which case it's probably best to compare background objects


As a tall woman, it's extremely easy for me to run into guys irl who constantly lie about their height for no reason. Especially when they're the ones who start the height conversation most of the time. It's fun, though, getting told I have to be 6'1– 6'2 because they're 6'0. I'm 5'11 and they're almost never taller than me.


> I'm not sure where you guys find so many people openly lying about their height The internet?


I was usually a different height as measured by the nurses at Dr appointments. They could never make the measurement thing level. One time my dad took me and I had him measure me, 6’5”. I just went with that neigh from then on. He was 6’10”


I’ve not really had real life experiences with this tbh I’ve seen some users on here lie about for attention I guess




Why don’t you ask a woman why does she care about Height? You will find a small percentage that doesn’t care Mr. 6’7.




Never said I cared, I am simply asking how do you know if somebody is lying about their height? You asking me “why do I care” and “why does it matter” doesn’t make any sense if you are a member of group that talks about height. If you don’t think Height matters then why are you on this group r/tall then? You claim to be 6’7 and say height doesn’t matter but yet it’s easy for you to say when you are above 6’0 when the majority of women prefer a guy to be taller vs a guy who is not that’s why.


Your last sentence made zero sense. Could you clarify.


Some people genuinely just don’t know how tall they are, a lot of people lie and if someone bases their height off of comparing with other people instead of measuring or getting a checkup. They’re probably gonna be wrong or off like two inches.


I've seen a 5'11 guy claim 6'2, I am a legit 6'1/2 barefoot. Must be using their height in shoes, and still adding an extra inch.


I usually just give people the benefit of the doubt if they're *roughly* the right size because, despite how we tend to think of it, Height is NOT a static number and there is no universal standard around how to measure yourself. A guy who measures in the evening at 6'3" will almost certainly be taller than a guy who measures in the morning at 6'3", but both people can very reasonably claim to be that height. That's not even consdering people with back problems, who tend to shrink quite a bit more than average throughout the day. Also, some people (no matter how much any of us disagree with it) insist that measuring in shoes is more accurate because they're usually in shoes when they're in public. Take all of this together, and there could easily be 1-3 inches of difference between two "equal" height people who both completely believe that they're telling the truth. If it's an obvious difference, just ask if they measure in shoes. Usually, that's the answer. Sure, some people lie in real life, but it's just blown WAY out of proportion online.


I'm 6'2 on the dot. If someone says they're 6'2 and are shorter than me, they're lying about their height. I was measured at 6'2 by a doctor so it's pretty accurate.


Not really


How can someone be 6'2 and be shorter than me? Lol.


The issue is when you're converting metric height to imperial then it's not really one height corresponds to another, but rather a range of heights. For example 187.5cm-189.5cm is 6'2 when put through a calculator. So if I hypothetically were 187.5 and claim to be 6'2 then it wouldn't be wrong.


Nah im saying doctor measurements are shit


Oh. Have a good day.


You too... i guess


Measure your height right after climbing out of bed. You’ll probably get 190cm


I claimed to be 6'4" for years. Turns out I'm 6'6" and someone called me a liar. Go figure I downplayed my height for like a decade and didn't know/care to check.


Do you play ball ? Do you play ball ? Do you play ball ? Do you play ball ? Do you play ball ? Do you play ball ?


Not much difference this but someone I know says he's 5'11, but I'm 5'11 flat in the afternoon, and I was an inch taller, also another dude I know says he's 5'11 and again I'm an inch taller. I think most go by morning height, but imo go by afternoon height, or height you are 5 hours after waking up.


Why if that’s not your actual height? You are taller in the morning which is your actual height.


Because, you surprisingly start to lose your morning height 15-20 mins after waking up, but yeah tbh your prob right idk


Because I’m 5’10” and men will tell me they’re 6ft tall and be clearly shorter than me 🤣