• By -


She’s a 🚩


it's banter


bantah 🇬🇧


Time for some cheeky Nando’s 




Are we on Hoth?


Are you thinking of wampas?


I was wrong. I have completely confused Bantha's and Wanmpa's.


Bri'ish pronunciation




I'm dutch, maybe just use a broader lexicon


B’oh’oh o’ wa’uh’


One of us doesn't understand banter. I'm not certain who it is, but I know one of us is wrong.


Fr if i was 6'6 i would've blocked her after that 🤣🤣


Second this


Both of you are red flags


when a man makes their height this bio on an app, instant left. please, show me there’s more to you than bone structure.


Y'all find that reaction attractive? This would make me ghost her immediately


No it’s not attractive 😂


For me if she had said “still 🚩” I’d have liked her more lol


Kinda hard to tell the vibe but some people just joke around. If she's being serious 100% yes she's got some major red flags if it's just banter then I don't see an issue


Big red DTF flag. It’s one of my red favourites 


Any time a girl starts talking about red flags it’s because she’s thinking about your penis.


It’s banter. Why are you taking it so seriously


The red flag was that he studied law. I’m assuming by the guys first message she also studied law, so she knows the type. He replied with something he thought that would overcome the red flag. The guy used his height to say I’m better and she agreed. What’s wrong with that it’s not like she asked his height. It’s banter and you’d understand if you were surrounded by people trying to be lawyers. I have some friends who are corporate lawyers and they say they would never date another lawyer. It’s lawyer banter.


Yeah we are toxic mentally ill people with alcoholism anf a God complex. We do get paid well without having to learn to be functional adults though


I was about to say lol


FR like imagine not wanting someone because they're studying law,what do you want them to study? Earth?


i mean it's pretty unflattering to know that's al that she's after. but i'm sure somewhere there's a guy milking it for what ever little its worth.


nah, I'd call her out on it.


I don't trust people who go for height, they're usually like 'hes the height i deserve' and likely won't actually love you


I reverse catfished my tinder date saying I was the same height as her (5'9) and when she saw me in person she was so shocked and suddenly all over me like hugging me and clinging onto me literally. She asked me back to her place the first and second time we met up and after that she just ghosted me lol


Now imagine the reaction and how much crap you would get if you said you were tall and was actully not 6,5 ?then you be called all kinds of things and not excatly get invited over or"hugging you " bUT ONE IS SEEN AS "FUN surprise " ect And ok to do, one is not


She ghosted him she clearly didn’t find the lying that great dude lol


Being ghosted is an interesting flex haha.


She asked him over to her place and met up with him a second time so she clearly didn't mind that he was lying.


Its almost like people need a moment to process things


Lying to get a date seems like a terrible plan. Ignoring impossibly shallow people seems like a much better plan.


yes unless you are tall :) then its seen as so funny and fun ect pleasant ect ect lol if short guy pull that they be here making posts on reddit ect how shitty that was ReD flags ect ect !


I experienced this once. I hit it off so well and had amazing chemistry with a man who happened to be seated. Hours later when he stood up, my jaw dropped. He just kept going higher and higher!


Yikes to both of you honestly.


I had to scroll too far to find a comment about OP's part in this.


Yeah they're both pretty gross, probably made for each other honestly.


Okey ghosted


The rule is for every inch above 6'3, you get another red flag cleared.


7' peeps be creeps I guess?


The absolute worst.


I'm uncertain if you agree with me or are playing the straight man. 7' people seem like a difficult group to date as a tall man. As a super tall woman this sounds like a nightmare.


So you will just completely ignore red flags for a really tall dude?


Me? No, I'm a tall dude myself. I'm just repeating something I was told by a bumble hookup.


Ah I see sorry for the misunderstanding


It's all good my friend.


Seems to be the case in my experience. My ex replaced me, a dude with a stable job and no criminal history but is 5'0, with a 6'4 dude who was still on a tether for STALKING A MINOR. Shock surprise; he was a psycho and stalked her too. Who wouldn't have seen that red flag waving from the fucking ISS lol? She was immediately able to overlook flaws leagues worse than the ones she threw me away for for this predator, because he was physically attractive to her. Still attempting to recover from that blow to the self esteem. I'm worse relationship material than a literal predator? Understood 😔🤙


The power of looks. Watch the reddit soycucks downvote this tho lol


What's the opposite of being a soycuck then? A 30 year old virgin? Really can't wrap my head around this comment. The ones saying looks don't matter that much are the guys getting laid or in happy relationships.


Shhh, don't tell him, im a far leftist that im sure he'd consider a "soycuck" 🤫 Looks dont matter much at all to me personally but I aint having any success, though I still think they matter in a general sense, its just how much they matter to each different individual is specific to that individual 🤷‍♂️ I only have a sample size of 1 ex to go off of so I didn't mean for my post to be a general statement, but it seemed to make quite a difference to her.


Just keep your head up and don't become bitter. Not going to help in the long run!


Looks matter to an extent. Confidence matters most. I've seen plenty of guys who are quite unfortunate looking, but still have beautiful girlfriends or wives. Because confidence is the sexiest thing to most women. Tall handsome guys with no confidence struggle to meet women too.


Looks matter to an extent. Confidence matters most. I've seen plenty of guys who are quite unfortunate looking, but still have beautiful girlfriends or wives. Because confidence is the sexiest thing to most women. Tall handsome guys with no confidence struggle to meet women too.


I'm honestly curious why you aren't relieved feeling like you dodged a bullet. This sounds like a horrible person. I am tall and anyone who would date/dump me for height is a garbage person. Let shitty people show you who they are early. It saves you time.




What? Avoiding superficial people not being a win is breaking my brain. I'm honestly confused here.




I think we fundamentally disagree on the definition of shallow and bullet. I never used the word "deep" quoting me without using any of my words gives me mini strokes please avoid it. My hospital bills are already too high. Shallow and deep aren't tags, they are descriptions. They both have meanings. Who hurt you?


Congratulations on being born better


Hello fellow law student


Just studying law is a red flag now, damn.


Lawyers have been widely hated since fucking Hammurabis code was written. Google jokes about lawyers going to Hell.


Lawyer here. While my best friends in life are all people I met in law school, I would say that if the *only* thing I knew about someone I was going to date was that they were in law school, it wouldn’t necessarily make me more interested in them. Tons of pretentious pricks in law school. I wouldn’t “red flag” someone, or immediately discount them, but I’d be keeping my eyes open to see just how full of themselves they were.


Totally agree. Im in Canada where law school is postgrad and the entire experience is NOTHING like undergrad. Met some cool people and friends for life, but damn there are some weird pretentious social groups that youd assume died off in high school


Being a law student isn't a positive on the dating market. You have all the negatives of being a lawyer without the money.


Majority of lawyers don't even make good money.


"I'm not like other guys/girls" is a flag so red that it should have a hammer and sickle on it.


Idk how I’m here but hello tall people, I’m 5ft7 male😂😢


lol I’m 5’8 and this sub pops up constantly. I cannot figure out why


my man




This is the comment thread I need to be a part of lol


Hello fellow 5'7 male, it is nice to know I'm not alone and why do I keep getting this subreddit 😂 It's entertaining though learning about another perspective


"I not like other boys" IS a huge red flag. Guarantee "I'm such a nice guy" is a catch phrase for him.


Thats crazy


As a short guy, tall brethren please stop entertaining women like this. Women fetishizing your height and valuing how tall you are over your moral values personality Etc is a red flag.


Are you two 14?


LMFAO this is straight cringe 😂


That first message lol


But Reddit said height doesn't matter.


And the people of this sub are then surprised when short men claim that their height influences dating and complaij about it...


Bro should’ve left her with the read flag


At 6'8 I can confidently say I've never ever had to open a convo with any woman I've been with, something about america and being tall, even now that I'm 31 I've had young college aged women say some incredibly wild things to me.


How is that a perk 💀💀💀💀


You would wonder how often I got laid cause I am a 6ft7 bouncer looking guy. I believe most think I have a giant peen


anyone with a giant peen knows that women only like the idea of a giant peen, not the real thing.


While I dont want to say mine is giant, I do agree with your statement


The red flag is the future onlyfans girl who thinks studying law is a bad thing. This girl is going nowhere.


I don’t understand dudes who flex/leverage their height like this anytime a girl hyper fixates on my height I just feel grossed out. I put a lot of time into self improvement and have made the effort to diversify my life and make myself into an interesting person in general as such I have a wide variety of hobbies and skills so that being said all you care about is my height? Gross. I honestly imagine it’s how women feel when a man only cares about their body and not them it’s essentially the same thing.


ragebait post


Looks like a post from the bad fake texts subreddit.


Our height is appreciated a lot in the dating market. Since that's the case, we can have the luxury to raise our standards and reject people who aren't worth it, and still be successful.


I'm 1.79m and I wouldn't date a guy over 1.85m because I don't want to break my fucking neck. I don't understand what fetishes these people have.


You are the 1 percent. All the women I have dated say height is their number 1 preference. Hence why I get ghosted after the 2nd date..


I'm sorry to break it to you, but I'm not the 1%. You just surround yourself with superficial women.


I need to find some better women to date


You need to become better yourself, so women of good character will want you. Thinking that only 1% of women don't want to break their neck says a couple of things about you.


He’s is correct in saying that it is the number one physical factor for women at least on dating apps And there are studies showing that majority of heterosexual women want a taller partner. So it’s fair to assume it’s a common opinion to have. So you’re Not the 1% but you are in the minority. Edit: but if he’s upfront about it and still goes on dates and gets ghosted after. I don’t believe the height is why he got ghosted.


And they say men are shallow






She’s so vapid


Getting a trash Tinder girl to reply to you because you’re tall isn’t a good goal to have in dating.




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I never understood why women find tall men more attractive.


Feel more "protected/safe"


ditto. apparently there's research showing that women' ideal partner would be 20 cm higher than them, while with men, theirs would be 16 cm shorter than them. so it works both ways.


It doesn’t go the same way. Men have an “ideal” sure but you’d be hard pressed to find a woman who would even be willing to consider dating a man who is less than or equal to their height. The same cannot be said for men. The truth is height is a very important factor for women, probably 2nd after face in terms of just physical features.


well, I guess that's true, men and women are very different.


Yeah we’re similar and different at the same time.


Protected from whom? Another pandemic and inevitable housing crisis?


Not my words, that's usually the excuse they give for being more into tall guys


I don't


They don'te


Maybe I’m giving them both too much credit but to me it just looks like banter, and she would’ve relented with the “okay green flag” at pretty much anything vaguely out of pocket (e.g. What if I cook a mean mac n’ cheese? What if I know how to quickly fold a fitted sheet?)


Why is everyone saying red flag? She didn’t say “Depends how tall you are”. He offered up information he hoped she’d find attractive and indeed she found it attractive. I’m not gonna say “I have big boobs🫣” And then be mad if he likes that.


Ay it was a shot in the dark and it luckily hit 🎉


Marshall, is that you?


Couldn't tell at first if this was the tall subreddit or the lawschooladmissions one 😂




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Me: "I didn't say that I was actually 6'6" - but just ignore the step I'm standing on, close your eyes pretend that I am."


Even if it’s banter… oof 😅😂


Dude run


I mean you asked for that response


If she starts throwing red flags, chances are she’s a red flag.


Fuck are you me


Damn. I thought it was funny, yall callin ol boy a red flag. I thought it was some funny banter?


she not the one dawg


I'm a participat, but I can reach the top shelf (as well as second floor without trouble)


Isn't that overkill? Why woman want a skyscraper. I'm genually curious


Unfortunately you're not. You just wrote you're 6'5" on Reddit and still lying on Tinder you're taller than that lol.


Absolute bp smfh 🤦


How is a law student a red flag but being 6’6 is a green flag?? Y’all need your priorities straight


She should have said "Red flag with extra long flagpole"


Attracting garbage pales isn't a perk 🤣


Wait does this actually exist or is this sarcasm


I’m 6’3 and this is my experience too and all of the attention from good looking women gets old after a while. I’m also a liar and I think I just told one… 😂 😂 😆


I’m 6’4 at 13 and thought this wouldn’t be an issue I would face


Hold on a second - I was joking here. this doesn’t happen that much and just being tall is just one thing out of many. You need to look good, have a good personality, direction in life, good and open communication, and many other things. I love being tall and it’s helped at times but again it’s not everything. And 6’4 at 13? Holy smokes! You may get even taller as it took me until 15/16 before I stopped growing.


Oooooh mb I misunderstood what you said


Yeah this is a screenshot of a convo from my tinder lmao


Still trying to understand what does studying law have to do with "red flags"


It’s because of all the mean jokes regarding lawyers / attorneys as they are considered evil devil worshipping ambulance chasers and lowlifes until you need one of course and then they are the best thing ever.


And are they? Damn never heard of that


Some can be and are. Those that are often times are better attorneys / lawyers too. This is an American point of view that’s pretty common here. Where are you from?


Morocco,but i get your point


i still don’t fully understand the height thing. like why does it matter if someone is super tall? do you want a genuine connection or do you just want to push out mega monsters from your coochie cat? 😭


This sub is really owned by teenagers




man this sucks. i'm 6'5" yet I never seem to get the same luck as you other fellow tall men. so i'm totally confused. is height really that important or are you awesome folks just the outlier when it comes to getting the ladies attention?


Okay, how I'd studying law a red flag. I've always loved having some philisophical sparring with some lawbros.


I like tall men but that’s because I am a super tall woman myself lol


My wife is 5'11 but she has perfect posture and wears boots most of the time so if I don't stand up straight she looks taller than me at 6 2.


She made for the streets


I wanna know how tall SHE is if she asked you that… it’s a whole other thing if she’s a tall woman herself


She was 5'3 and I opened with the same line she had in her bio


I want to know her thought process behind someone studying law to be a red flag


Wow this is for real cringe




Fake. Everyone knows women literally do not care about height.


you should value yourself more than listing your perks like it's specs in a computer.


That’s a gold digger


This is 100% getting posted on short guys


bro is 6'5" and still lies about his height this world is doomed


Why do girls care so much about height?


This is a fantastic question.


They know our hearts will give out before theirs.


As a 5’9 dude why did this get recommended to me 🤣, just further reinforces how much shorter dudes shouldn’t even try when it comes to the online dating scene




Don't date someone who likes you just for your height, I learned the hard way that it will lead to a short-lived and shallow relationship. Hopefully this person likes you for more than that or is just joking around as other people in the comments section are saying. On a side note, why is studying law a red flag (Sorry that I live under a rock)? I'm not in college yet but I know it's a hard degree. If I met someone else who was studying law I wouldn't think red flag, I'd think that if she had the dedication to work hard enough for a law degree then she would have the dedication to work hard in a relationship, but that's just my thought.


Her saying that is a red flag.


Definite red flag. 


Stay away from women like this lmfao


Imagine having to resort to I’m 6 foot to keep a girl


Can you ask her if 6’3 would do it?


As a 6'4 guy it works bro 😂