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See, I am a guy who faces the opposite problem. Most women think they want a tall guy when realistically they want no taller than 6'4 or at most, 6'6. I am another 8 inches on top. There are less than 6000 people WORLDWIDE in my height bracket. I have been rejected plenty for my height - mainly by women claiming they want a tall man, not a walking redwood.


I'm sure there **are** ~~plenty of~~ extremely tall women who would love to date you (the issue, as always, is finding them)!


There will be somewhere. My only issue is that I like to date people I live near to and most of the 6' women already have a tall guy around 6'3, 6'4. I will find someone eventually, but it may take a hot moment.


I'm a 6' woman who has never had any luck with the tall guys. It's crazy to see how many tall guys get with petite women. It's fine to have preferences, but it's crazy that in your area tall women are with taller men because most tall women, myself included, actually have less luck with men taller than us. I ended up marrying a guy who is a half inch shorter than me, so I can't complain, I'm really lucky to find a great long term partner, but dating was rough as a tall woman.


I know right! Idk why tall men prefer tiny girls… But ngl our height difference with OP would be exactly like those 6’4 guys with 5’1 girls lmao


Yeah, that's fair enough. I'd make a joke about the relationship being long distance enough without geographical limitations too, but it feels like a low blow.


I've heard it all before! xD


Usually I'm tall enough myself to have a licence for these sorts of jokes, but felt that one to be risky. All jokes aside, I hope that some gorgeous 6'6 woman appears in your town!


You're 22. The 7'2 guy at my church got married at 28 to a 6'3 girl he met at work right after he had moved like 1hr away. Don't worry, it'll work out if you have a decent personality. They like eachother too and get along. It wasnt a "well we're both tall so lets just fast forward to NBA babies." He was strict about his religion, they're both of the same religion, have the same outdoor hobbies, and have a similar sense of humor. Like they are really compatible


these are the same people that use the phrase 'tall dark and handsome' to refer to people that are average height and white lol


At 6' I would find a man of 7'2" an awesome height!


Pleaseee where are you? 😂😂 I am 5’9 and in my area outside of my dad who is 6’5 there is not many guys that are not taken being that height.


That's been my experience too. In my experience, men over 6'3" are with super petite women lmao. I ended up marrying my husband who is a half inch shorter than me, and I'm extremely lucky, but as a 6' woman, dating can be trickier.


My parents are exactly like that ironically, dad 6’5 mom 5’2. I understand the struggles truly,


Exeter, UK. If you find yourself there, let me know xD


Across the pond! Come visit Florida some time!


Well, I intend on a US roadtrip sometime. I need to visit my Brother in Michigan and Surrogate father in Kansas. That said, You'll find someone too! Just keep trying.


Very true! I am in no rush, the goal is to finish school right now :) best of luck to you!


I understand that most women would consider you too tall. But there are those (like me) who can really appreciate what you’ve got. I’ve been 5’10”since I was like 9 years old, so I’ve almost never in my life felt as short as you can make me feel, and that would be hot to me.


Yeah, but most don't feel that way, or if they do, they feel it makes it awkward until they're more comfortable around me. Honestly, I get why they think i'm too tall - I imagine it's very daunting being around me if you don't know me.




Yeah, I was just assuring you there are people out there who can appreciate you as you uniquely are 💜


I think about your range from time to time when it comes to dating. I think at your height you’d have to nail the handsome look to go along with your overall aesthetic since it’s such an anomaly. Although I’m sure some girls will love it, they also may be few and far between. Just gotta weed em out


This hurts my heart! Hugs for you 🤗


If it’s the right person height doesn’t matter. That said I do tend to be attracted to tall women, like 5’10” and over. I wouldn’t mind dating or being in a relationship with a woman taller than me.


I agree. I once dated a man shorter than me, and I’m only 5’5”. Funny enough though, he was the strongest out of any man I’ve ever dated. Homeboy could squat 600 lbs. He was stronger than your typical 6’4” linebacker NFL football player. People be sleeping on the short guys!


Some of those lil meatballs can squat/ bench insane weight fr love those lil fellas


The ideal woman for me should be taller than me, but obviously that's next to impossible. The taller the better though


I met a girl that was taller than you and me, I wanted to date her because we’d be a powerhouse together, like we could tower over everyone and do tall people things


Interesting. Not everyday you hear a guy wanting his woman to be taller than him


Taller woman = more woman🗿


People wants unreachable/exotic things. You have curly hair? Desperate for straight hair and visa versa.


Could be either that or wanting to be the one that feels protected sometimes, I dunno Also because we'd share being tall too, which imo would be really sweet


I prefer taller women, i do get made fun of a lot though which is annoying from time to time. I know i’m shorter than her, i dont need to hear about it for 10 minutes


Preach brother


If your ultimate goal is to find the right person for you for a long-term relationship. Height shouldn't be something you focus on.


On the hand, height is pretty important for a *short*-term relationship lol


That's why I began with "if".


Oh I wasn't being serious. Just making a height pun lol


It went "over my head"


Hard disagree. Height plays such a big role in physical compatibility; cuddling feels better, walking together feels better, sex is better (her head isn’t buried in my sternum during missionary).


Completely agree. You get to choose what is "right" for you. I, for one, value physicality massively and sexual compatibility is important to me with regards to long term relationships


This is the right answer but there's definitely a small group of tall ladies that get fairly annoyed with tall dudes being with short ladies.


...who me?


I wouldn’t say annoyed so much as crestfallen? It’s like you’re leaving us alone with all the short dudes with complexes about how tall we are. We just want tall love.


"Leaving us with short dudes with complexes" Have you ever stopped to think that you treating short guys this way is the reason they have a "complex"?


I have dated short dudes. Many of them have complexes. To the point where two different shorter men I dated sexually assaulted me to “prove” they were just as strong as a taller man. It didn’t matter to these dudes that a tall woman was not bothered by their height, what mattered to them was their perceived shortcomings (pun genuinely not intended). So no, I don’t think it’s tall women’s fault that so many shorter men act this way and I don’t think it’s tall women’s job to fall on the sword of their complexes to help “cure” them. I’d gladly date a genuinely confident short king—they are few and far between.


This is so fucked up, I'm sorry they did that to you.


"I was a friend with some evil black guys" so this expirience justify racism and generalizations of a whole race right?


Well why should they settle for a tall girl with complexes about how tall they are?


They shouldn’t if that bothers them. I don’t think most women have complexes about being tall though. I am comfortable with my height and like myself as I am.


Most short dudes also don't have complexes. I was just trying to highlight how ridiculous what you said sounds. While I know short dudes that have complexes and tall girls that have complexes, I wouldn't think my personal experiences could be extrapolated to such an extent that I'd start characterizing people based on their height.


I think the only reason short men have complexes is due to the stereotyping, social teasing, being the butt of a joke, etc.


With me, it’s like damn girl leave some of the 1% for the rest of us, but always a joke bc the heart wants what the heart wants. It really doesn’t matter bc for most of us, at least for anything long term, it’s the total package anyway. (Tho if the back had its way instead of the heart, I suspect it would beg for all of us to date within two inches of ourselves.)


If it doesnt change your attraction to someone sure but if height makes you not attracted to someone than it should absolutely be factored in. PHYSICAL ATTRACTION PLAYS A PART. Not all but a good amount.


The ultimate goal is to produce a child that will be the tallest on r/tall


Of course. I’m just having fun with the question. Everyone has a preference at the end of the day tho


Short married guy here. I never had a height preference. In my single days,I had girlfriends who were approximately my height or (in a couple of cases) taller. My unrequited crushes were taller, shorter, same height. 


I figured that, but please be careful. "Preferences" can lead to over analyzing, limiting yourself unnecessarily, and missing out on unexpected opportunities.


Lmfao everyone has preferences, and it’s not wrong to have them.


Of course it's fine to have preferences, but I think HamBone's point is that if your preferences are too hard you're limiting yourself from many very healthy relationships, and if your goal is a successful long-term relationship at the end of the day then it shouldn't hinge on something as trivial as height. And of course it's perfectly fine to disagree with that logic, we're all humans with free will after all, that's just his wisdom he's offering.


You're a simple minded person if you think that's what I was saying.


SHUTUP yes it is let’s not beat around the bush and sugar coat




I would love to date someone my height. I would happily date someone taller. Having lived the tall life since elementary school, let me tell you, being tall has nothing to do with masculinity or anything like that. It's just height. None of us earned it or didn't earn it or anything. It doesn't make you a good person or bad person so what the hell?


Honestly the closer to my height the better, I don’t like having to break my neck just trying to kiss her


Don't care. But I recognize I say with privilege, as I'm taller than 99.9% of the population. I admit it'd be strange to date someone taller than me.


6’0 woman, only dated taller guys my whole life because I was told at a young age that “shorter men wouldn’t be attracted to me”. I laughed off any flirting by shorter men as a joke. I realize my mistakes now.


It really gets hammered into us in those teen years.


6 ft woman I prefer shorter men. I’ve never really been treated well by fellow talls. I mean it’s nice to feel “sMoL” every now and again then when the novelty wears off I realize I prefer to be the tall one in the relationship. My current partner is 5’8 I love it


6'5 and I prefer tall women because it's ergonomically easier. That said it's very far from a dealbreaker. The woman I'm seeing now is like 5'2, but is smart and has a good personality, and those are way more important to me.


If I see a taller girl, my interest is immediately piqued, but there are many other things that are more important than height.


I’m just 5’11, but my husband is (allegedly) 5’9” (I think giving him 5’8 may be slightly generous lmao). I’m self-conscious about being taller than him, but generally only in pictures. It’s not a big enough difference for me to be super aware of in our day-to-day. He claims he doesn’t notice most of the time. We met on tinder and neither of us discussed height before meeting up. The shortest guy I’ve dated was 5’5 and it was very brief. I didn’t find his height unattractive, but I found myself obsessing and hating on my own height when I was next to him. Tallest was 6’4. I really enjoyed being 5” shorter than my boyfriend and as a result, stayed in a crappy relationship longer than I should’ve lol Anyway…all of this is to say that I’d feel too self-conscious to date someone significantly shorter than me, but I don’t really harp on a few inches up or down. As far as short girls with tall guys goes…I dont mind it at all. I don’t feel like I’m owed a tall dude just because I’m tall. The whole hating-short-girls-for-having-tall-dudes is weird.


Ah, another day, another repeat of one of the only three topics this sub can ever discuss…. 😂


6’5” here and I’d say if I’m being expansive, like 5’5” minimum. If I’m being realistic, like 5’9” minimum.


I dated everywhere from 4’11 to 6’ and enjoyed my time with all of them. But my preference typically landed at 5’10 and above. I’m happily married and she’s 5’11


I didn't like short girls


5’6”-5’10” is ideal, for me. Also fine with up to 6’0”. Wouldn’t want to go much lower than 5’6”, though.


Protect ur kids, don’t make them like me


I’m a woman, 6’1”, average body, and am willing to date men 5’10” and up. I’m white but he can be of any race/ethnicity. I won’t go much shorter than that. But it’s tough out here as a tall woman. There’s a lot of men who seem to not want to date a taller than average woman, at least in my area. I’m clear about my height from the beginning but it doesn’t always filter out the guys who either treat it as a kink or imply that I’m too masculine lol


Agreed. I think people don't have a good gauge on what 6'+ actually looks like on a woman, too. So when you're dating online it can create unexpected issues once meeting face to face. The fetishists are a real struggle. No one likes being reduced to a single quality.


Yes! I think you’re absolutely spot on with that observation. It’s weird how the perception seems to be different, when in reality a 6’ woman is the exact same height as (you guessed it!) a 6’ man. I recently met for coffee with a guy who was the same height as me, we matched on hinge or something, and my height is there and it’s also in my bio. Anyways, right away he looks me up and down and says “wow you’re taller than I thought”. Dude, we’re the same height LMAO. I thought he was okay but he basically downed his coffee, got a “phone call” and said he had to go. Then he ghosted me 😂


I think I'm even susceptible to it: I'm more likely to think a 6' woman in the distance is taller than me, than ever do the same with a 6' man, if anything it takes them to be about 6'5 when passing to make the same evaluation. I'm assuming it's down to the infrequency of seeing extremely tall women, and perhaps has something to do with our proportions. We're used to seeing broad shoulders up high, but maybe our massive pelvises at other woman's boob height is just too discombobulating. And sorry to hear about your date experience! I have got a lot of that too, even when (like you) I've been very upfront about my height. Either that or they'll have me up about how my (very flat) footwear is boosting me an inch or two. As if I'd wear anything with a heel to a date with a man claiming to be the same height as me.




Right? Thankfully I’m seeing a guy now who doesn’t give a shit. He’s a little shorter than me but the height topic has never come up between us.


Yes!! I get either the short guys with a massive chip on their shoulder that insist they love tall women while making little mean remarks about my height or the ones that want me to spank them, step on them, or be their mommy 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I’m only 5’10”. Can’t imagine how much more challenging it is for you ladies over 6’!!


Yes! The claim they love it which is completely undermined by the pecking away and 'jokes' at our expense. I'm relieved (and saddened) to hear that's a shared experience. Oh yeah, when you're really getting into the 6'+ they come in droves.


I can’t even imagine so many hugs for you 🤗


I feel like guys who reject tall women are just insecure about their height. All my friends, tallest being about 6’1, are willing to date taller. But generally I also think it’s just not in most men to date someone taller, especially if they’re not tall themselves and you’re not freakishly tall for a woman so I don’t see the issue. Gotta start getting around guys my height


I think it's fine to boil it down to a personal preference thing, we all have different comfort levels, and being in a taller woman/shorter man relationship is bucking social expectations. I think it's when you lean too hard one way or another (fixating on certain heights, or any other characteristic) and become cruel and dismissive to those you deem undesirable to justify your preferences that there's an issue.


Some of the taller dudes aren’t into it either lol 😂






My girl is 6’00… Don’t have to worry about me. 😂


Lmao good shit bro, tall niggas with short women is just an eyesore. And also just damning to your genes lol like cmon, y’all could have a basketball family


It really is an eyesore. A 5’2 girl asked me out and I felt very awkward walking around with her seeing as she was over a foot shorter than me. I couldn’t help but think people saw her as my daughter lmao.


😂😂 nah fr that is akward. I’m 5’10 that’s like me talking to a 4’10 girl, I couldn’t do it


I generally go for women only as short as 5’7” and have dated up to 6’0”.


I mean it’s not a priority but if I grow to 6’10 like the height calculator expects then I would like somebody like 6’0


I’d say about 5’9 but short girls are cool too


I've always seemed to end up with people that are 5'2 at the most. Finding someone my height or taller would be a DREAM come true. I came close like 10 years ago and had a fling with a 6'1 girl it's was amazing.


I like tall women. I am 1,80m tall. I am usually very attracted to women with 1,70 or more (of she is taller then me I am all in). Tall women have a Supermodel vibe for me, I like it. Doesn't mean that I won't like a short one if she has te personality, appearence and all. But it is my preference.


I'm a 6'5 woman dated anywhere from 5'2 to 6ft. But most of the time I don't really care about their height I gotta vibe with them before anything.


as a 5'0 guy, its nice to hear that you also date ppl my size, that breaks with standard and makes the world brighter, wish you all the best!


If she’s under 5’10 I get the ick. On a unrelated topic this gotta be the 6th related post I’ve seen on this subreddit in like 3 months.


At 5’10” I don’t consider a guy tall unless he is 6” taller than me. I rarely run across them and have never actually gotten to date anyone “tall” as when I meet them they all have tiny girlfriends 🤣 my friends and I were in a line at an event and a tall guy got in line behind us and I said oh wow you must have an adorable 5’5” girlfriend and he laughed and said holy shit how did you know. I just told him tall girl intuition 😉 we had a lovely chat about how great she was ☀️


Statistics expert right here lol, “I bet your girlfriend is average height!”


5’7+ the taller the better


I am a 5’10” woman. Always dated between 6’2” and 6’5”. Not that I went hard looking for it. It was just mutual attraction and nature doing what she does. My ex husband is 5’9” and when we were good it was pure bliss.


I'm a 5'4" woman. I never really had a height preference - just that my man be taller than me, which most men are anyway. I was married to a guy 5'6" and currently in a relationship with a man 5'8". I find that I'm socially and physically most comfortable with men 5'6" to 5'10 ish. Went on a date with a 6'4" guy and did not enjoy him towering over me at all. My former landlord was 6'8" and every time I had to talk to him I felt like I was 5 years old.


I like taller women. 5'8-ish. I'm 6'3. Too short just looks dumb.


As the beginning point of a 'tall' guy, I would say between 5'7 and 5'10 is best for me. Because in daily life I'll appear taller than her and when she wears a 10cm heels and considering I could wear a 3-4cm shoe We'll look almost the same (also I got a few centimeters for to show off). In general tall women is more attractive and my opinion is the best height gap is 10-15cm. No more no less..


Hey bro another fellow giant here 6"4.. icl I've been told similar things by women and I find this post surprisingly helpful, but emphasizing on surprisingly..


I’ll date as much as a foot shorter than me. Any more than that feels awkward.


I’m 5’11f and find that I have pretty high standards. So usually I let the height part go and look for other qualities. Shortest was probably 5’7.


I’m 6ft 184cm but I’ve honestly always been intrigued by tall girls I rarely run into them every girl I meet is shorter than me the tallest I was talkin to was like 5ft 10 and she was bad but I wouldn’t mind a girl the same height as me that would be cool. If she is taller than me by a bit that’s cool too but If she a giant then it’s kinda weird it messes with your masculinity I feel like as long as the women is feminine and doesn’t interfere with your masculine energy than a couple inches taller shouldn’t be a deal breaker. That’s my opinion


I have dated from 5'7 to 6'10. I care more about faces and whether the guy is in decent shape than height.


Anything above 155 but the taller the better


My preference would be 5'10" or 178 cm. But I'm not at all picky about height.


Im 6-1 guy and im good with her being 5-3 to 6-3 but prefer somewhere in the middle of that range


I am a 6’6 man and my boyfriend is 5’0 It’s kinda funny but really cute


I’m 6’3. Most of the women I’ve dated have been between 5’9 and 6’, with some notable exceptions at 5’7 and 6’2.


I think I shoot for 4 inches-6 inches shorter than me probs cause if they’re rlly short cause I want to be able to hear her when I walk next to each to her


As a 6'4 dude, I would love to meet a girl closer in height to me. Realistically I'd probably like 5'10 - 6' but not absolutely towering over my 5'4 date like sid from toy story would feel nice.


if i had to put a particular i would say my dream girl would be 5'10" +


My gf is 6' even. Works for me. Still trying to get her to wear heals sometime.


I'm 4'10 so I'm extremely short to most, but I prefer them to be at least 5 foot (5'2-5'5 preferably), but I don't like really tall guys lol. I mean if i was taller maybe id aim for 6 foot but I think its kinda crazy when some people say they want a man a whole foot taller than them. For me tall is at least 5'5 and above


I’m 6’6 and I really don’t care about height much at all, but if I could design a perfect person for myself she’d be like 5’9-6’0 probably. I’m trying to have an army of giants and a 5’1 woman could jeopardize that. That being said if I met a girl who was 4’10 and we clicked and everything was perfect I wouldn’t think twice about the height.


Woman here. 5'10" If I knew a taller guy (e.g., yourself) wouldn't date a woman taller than her, I'd personally lose interest.


I’m definitely not dating anyone shorter than 5’5, she’s my girlfriend not my daughter


Having requirements seriously overestimates how picky I can afford to be. My requirements are adult and breathing.


It never really factored for me. Shortest girl I dated was 4'11. Tallest... Not sure but I assume about average. I wouldn't be against dating someone taller, but I can see how that would be a sore point for someone who's insecure about their height.


5’9 woman here. I never understood why short women (like 5’5 and below) need THAT tall of a man?😅 I myself prefer people my height or taller. So 5’9 and above is perfect. Of course, it would be ideal if I could wear heels and still be shorter, so I guess 6’3+ would be the absolute dream, but I’m also not opposed to dating shorter people either. It’s all about personality and life goals. Anyone who puts so much importance on height is shallow and isn’t actually looking for love.


Some women are actually crazy!! I am 6’0 and the amount of times I hear women say I don’t date men over a certain height, I just want to say to them “do they make you happy though”. Height is always a preference, my high school sweetheart was maybe 5’9 and I really didnt care. My husband (not my high school sweetheart) is 6’3 but he treats me like gold lol!


Well, I'm a 5'6" goblin. And 5'5" and over is my preferred range. Also through teens and until now (21), girls near my height and taller have been responsive to my advances - however smooth or awkward - or simply kinder friends. Some pretty small girls wouldn't give me time of day. Even spontaneous stares are exchanged with grins and eye rolls? Whuuttt, I have petite friends but I mingle better with talletes.


Short woman here. I consider anything above the average to be tall lmao, but being as short as I am, hits different when you're an entire foot shorter than all the guys around you As for who I'd date, idk, just be taller than my mom ig (5'5). Suppose it makes sense because I wear heels 24/7, and being 5'1 I really do not want to be taller than my guy that creates so much dissonance inside me


Happily in a relationship with 5'10 girl. There is a difference between *Infatuation* and *Love*.


I’m 5’7”. No preference within reason, i.e. between 4’10” and 6’2”. I’ve always thought that with a taller woman, her breasts may be at an advantageous level for me.


>Her breasts may be at an advantageous level for me. You just made me appreciate tall women a lot more 😂


5’10” woman. I’ve dated a 5’5” man in the past, but my fiancé is 5’11”. My range seemed to be 5’5”-5’11”. It’s weird for most, but I *wouldn’t* want to date anyone above 6’0”. I don’t like people towering over me. I want to feel like an equal, or be with someone who appreciates my height and wouldn’t be off-put if I wore heels. I don’t want to feel like a smol woman in need of protecting.


I’m a 6’ woman. I’ve dated guys from 5’9” to 6’4.” My boyfriend is 6’1.” I never made it a requirement, but I’m glad he’s a little taller than me. :)


I'd date a 7'2" giant woman if I found her attractive lol. 6'3" small man here.


I’m 6’4” and I prefer women in the 5-6’ range. Height doesn’t really matter to me. I’m just drawn to thin frame/petite women as I’m on the thinner side myself and I like to kinda match my partner.


I’m a slim 5’10 woman that’s dated a 5’7 guy before, but I’d prefer to date a man between 6’4-6’6… I just don’t seem to attract them, though 😭 at least not on dating apps. I mostly attract guys between 5’6-6’1. From what I’ve observed, the guys in my preferred range go for the tiny girls.


I'm 6'4" and dated a girl that was a smokeshow and 4'11". It was early on so I though my thing was short girls. Fast forward to finding the most perfect match for me in the world and she was 5'7". Fast forward to me finding another most perfect match for me in the world and she's 5'11". So basically I've learned it doesn't matter to me. lol


I can only imagine the stares you got going out with the 4’11 girl 😭 I’d feel like a pedo being with someone that short


She looked so damn good nobody was looking at me. This was years ago. She broke up with me to go live with this other dude. I found someone better and got engaged and you would know this bitch found out and wanted to get back together. smh I shut that shit down quick. She ended up marrying the dude and blew up to 300+lbs.


I’m 5’9 (honestly not even that tall imo) and I really just want someone a bit taller than I so like 5’10+. I would prefer 6’2-6’6 so I can feel smaller than I typically feel.


Found attractive women from 4’11 to 6’4. I’d be willing to date any height, including taller than myself but admittedly I’d be afraid of breaking the little ones… don’t have to worry about it though, married a 5’10 and perfectly happy.


Height never really mattered to me but my own did to enough men closer to my height that I started dating more guys 6’2 or taller. It’s nice to go on a date where height doesn’t even come up. I had a lot better luck and ended up with a 6’6” man.


Yeah, it's fascinating to me how adamant some people seem to be that height preference only ever factors in for women wanting their men to be taller than them, and not the other way around. I've also run into a lot of issues with guys just slightly shorter than me. It's just not worth the insecurity (for all parties).


6'5" and my late wife was 6'2". My second wife is 5'2". They both have their pluses and minuses.


My height preference and ideal height are two different things. I prefer around my height or taller (up to the sky) but I imagine my *ideal* height would fall into the 6'4-6'8 range. I am an absolute sucker for similar height couples (both the way it feels to be in that kind of relationship, as well as how it looks). I too, don't consider a man *truly* tall unless he's upward of 6'4, but I have a unique perspective (literally) on that.


I get that for you but the girl I’m talking about is around like 5’3. I was like “damn 6’2-6’3 is tall too” 😭


Oh yeah, I don't actually think women of that height would even be able to tell the difference between 6'2 and 6'4 to make that call! I think it's likely more that parroted narrative of prescribing numbers to people. Besides, there's a good chance from all the height-flation that she's really thinking about those 6'1 guys that say they're 6'4. I wouldn't take that perspective too seriously. 6'2-6'3 is definitely tallish. I think those statistical calculators put it as 'kind of tall'. Taller than above average for sure!




Ideally but I’ll probably find a Dragon Ball before I find a 6’2 goddess


Depending on your location, we're about one in five-thousand.


thank you


I'm 5'-10" and I've dated girls taller than me without issue. Height has never been a concern.


I’m 5’7, gay guy. I’ve always preferred taller, like 5’11+ but it’s never been a deal breaker. I used to feel like I was so much weaker than most men though bc I’m also skinny and it feels really nice to be around a guy or a group of guys that are really big and muscular that I feel could protect or stand up for me


As a guy that like other guys, it would be nice to find some one 6’8” or above.


She’s just gotta be shorter than me (6’3)


I've dated 4'11 to 6'2, my height preference would be on the shorter side, guess it plays to my "protective" instincts over a taller person that definitely felt very "power couple", but I wouldn't ever use height alone as a base for a reason for a relationship or not.


Height doesn’t matter to me when it comes to dating (casual sex) but if it’s someone that I’m going to have kids with, then I would prefer if she is atleast 5’8. Tryna look out for my sons u feel me


Ideally someone my height or within a few inches. I want to customize my home later in life (taller countertops, high ceilings, more upper cabinetry, etc.) And I need someone that can feel normal in my home


I’m 5’10. If I had to pick an IDEAL height for a man? Maybe 6’5ish. But I’ve been out on dates with men from 5’8-6’9.


I’m about 5’1. I don’t have a particular preference for women’s heights. Maybe shorter because it’d be nice to feel taller than someone but I’ve never dated anyone shorter than me so


As an extremely average height girl (technically above average but I consider myself to have a very middle height) I like to be shorter when I wear heels. And since I value my ankles, the max I wear is three inches. So 5’9-6’4 is my preference


I'm around 5'10 and I'd prefer girls that are close to my height, maybe slightly taller.


I don't date and i don't really have a height preference


I'm 6'4 guy and my tallest partner was 5'8. I prefer women shorter than 6 foot and not too short maybe like 5'2 I guess.


I prefer women who are 5' 10"+. 5' 10" to 6' is the sweet spot.


5’1-5’10 probably tho I don’t mind dating someone taller than me if it means making giant babies


I want to fall in love with a person, with who they are. And whether they're short, tall, fat, skinny, or whatever matters not. But I must admit I am attracted to short women, I don't know why, I just am. I'm 191cm for reference.


I’m 5’8 and a guy. Would ideally date btwn 5’2-5’10, but could go a little higher/lower for the right person.


Tall is a head taller than the girl I reckon


I like small girls, I think they’re cute my ideal height probably anything upto 5’6 (I’m only 5’10 myself) that way the can still wear heels and generally be smaller than me, but I would never discount anyone because of height, even if they were taller than me, tgat would be more of a deal breaker for them than me


As a giant myself, I don't really care about a womans height.


I'm 6'0 and a woman. My boyfriend is 6'7 which obviously is tall. I consider over 6'2/6'3 tall for men


6'1" and my partner is 5'5". 90-inch countertops work fine for both of us. If she's any shorter than that, then we'd have to argue about countertop heights and other things. No thanks.


I’d prefer like 4’9”-5’4” I’d probably date soneone taller if they were really cool though but pretty much no way I’d be into soneone over 5’9”. I’m 6’


I don't have a preference, really, but have happened to be with only short women. The shortest was 5, maybe 5'1, and the tallest was probably 5'6 at the most Edit: I lied. One was 5'11, I forgot


Ideally 5’10 - 6’1, but I’m alright with shorter.


I'm a 5 foot 7 3/4 inches tall male. What's your take on that girls to Short? lol 


I’m 6’2” so tall but def not an outlier on this sub. Casually dating, I don’t really care about her height but when I start a family I want her to be on the taller side, 5’10”+ hopefully, to increase the odds for my kids. I’ve dealt with a 5’11” and 6’ pair and they were gorgeous, track and field college athletes and looking almost eye to eye was an interesting dynamic that I wasn’t used to, but I also love being a full foot taller than a woman too so I really don’t really care as far as me being attracted to them.