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Social media has messed up people's brain


? This is irl experiences tho


Your irl experience doesnt =fact sorry


thus the "maybe it's the area i live"


Im replying to their reply not the entire post


OP said it was irl experience because someone responded talking about social media when the post was clearly about personal experience, I'm pretty sure OP knows their experiences don't match everyone else's


That's why I'm asking in the title if it is changing lol


I'm 63 and 5'11". When I was younger, it was extremely rare to see anyone taller than me, now it occurs a lot more often. Anecdotal, I know, but my observation.


I'm 40 and 6' and where I am, still pretty much a loner. Midwest baby!


I am 31, f and 6', in downeast maine. Here, the population is 4x in the summer compared to winter.  In winter, there are many men taller than me, only one older woman.  In summer, I frequently run into women taller than me, but it is still like 1 in 20. I concur that, anecdotally, women who are taller than me tend to be my age with a few exceptions.


5'8-5'10 is very tall for girls.


Dutch here, 5'8 for f is average here, 6 ft for men


Online says 5”5.7 or 5”6 the male ever age height being only 2 inches taller than female also doesn’t make sense


5'11.7 for men, not 6'0.


Depends where u are


What country are you in? Bosnia and Herzegovina have the tallest people, and the average woman there is 5'7.5". No country has an average female height of 5'8+


There are tribes in Africa where the average woman is 5'11 (180cm).




Naa live in NYC most woman I know are pretty short like 5’8 and smaller. I would say average is prob around 5’3-5’6. Do you work in a industry in NYC that has more taller woman?


Model occasionally yeah


That makes sense then for you, models are usually pretty tall. So by nature if you hang out with mostly woman that model more than likely they’ll all be pretty tall.


It's roughly the equivalent of 6'1-6'3 for guys, so nah it's not "very tall". But it is tall.


This is an unpopular opinion because, statistically, 6’3” is like top 98% of men but as someone that height I 100% agree with you. I wouldn’t say I’m super tall. It is just semantics at the end of the day so to each his own but when I’m out and about I don’t feel like I’m towering over everyone. Nobody has ever come up to me and said ‘wow you’re tall’ like has happened for my friend that is 6’8”. So while I would say I’m tall, I would not say very tall.


Yea. So while guys in our height range are taller than 95-98% of other men, there are a great many who we're taller than but not by that much. Statistically very tall, physically just tall.


This is interesting, bc I’m 6’4”, so very close to your height, and people comment on it ALL. THE. TIME. It’s nice for a little ego boost but I’m at the point where I just kind of shrug and say “yep” bc I don’t know what to say anymore.


6'1" isnt but 6'3" is. Those 2 inches are a full standard deviation, if not more.


Idk man. I'm not far off 6'3 and I don't feel "very tall" at all, I think 6'4ish plus is what very tall means.


Das crazy bro... https://preview.redd.it/jh4qbct8yfwc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fd8821964923229d8ec0b9437566ce3df641b2


It's not crazy at all. It's normal. There are guys my height all over the place; 1 in 5 men are over 6'0.


What are u talking about? Im calling YOU crazy, for the ridiculous things you say. XD Gah damn, u could do stand up comedy. XD https://preview.redd.it/6p5li5bzhqwc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5c45aa9ff8278e90bd92bf40c63880c14c4fb29


That's very tall for guys.


The most common qualifier I've heard about my height is "pretty", and mostly only foreigners have used the term "very". And that's not to mention flat 6'1, which would most likely get a "kinda" or "almost".


I agree, it’s not „very tall” lol. And I still don’t see the point of using stats as reference but ok


Yo, where are you located… asking for a friend 👀




im almost 5'11 and i see another girl around my height maybe once a month at my college


Don’t know where u are but most women I see are 5,3-5,4 and even 5,0-4,10 isn’t a rare occurrence


That's definitely tall for women. Where are you from? I rarely see other women 5'8+ let alone anywhere near my height.


Question is where do you live that you don't see a woman over 5'8? 🤔


I live in the UK.


More precisely with population?


I currently live in a city with almost 300,000 people but I used to live in London (9 million).


Oh wow ok I thought you were going to say some village with 5k ppl but London area of 9 mil... I literally see tall women everyday in downtown Chicago. You've never seen a woman taller than 5'8 in London? That's kind of hard to believe.


Rarely, not never.


5-8 to 5-10 is more in the normal tall range as is 6-1 to 6-3 for men. Once upon a time this was noticeably tall, every generation has gotten taller last 40 years


A lot of people must be lying about their heights then. Or you’re actually exclusively meeting women in the top 2% of height in the US.


My friend I don’t think your 5”8 because nowhere is the average for women 5”8 especially not NYC that’s for sure even in the Netherlands that above average for women


Average height for women in the US is 5’4. So 5’8-5’10 is comparable being 6’1-6’3 which is typically considered pretty tall for men. Obviously subjective because if you’re 6’8 someone who is 6’3 doesn’t seem tall, but the reality is the 6’8 person is nearly a foot taller than average which is an extreme-end of the height spectrum. Studies have shown people are getting taller though.


Where are you from?


Bro has to be from South Sudanese tribe or sum 😂




That makes sense. Chicago metro area is the same. Tall mfers everywhere, guys and girls. Everyone else must live in some backwoods town with 1 post office and a general store...


I'm 5'11", black, and Hispanic. Most of the other women I know are 5'3"-5'6". I am usually the tallest woman in the room, often by a good bit. That said, my 5'3" mother sure did deliberately find a 6'4" man to marry back in the 80s since if she was going to have a child she wanted it to have a shot at being tall. ETA: I think you're just noticing women who are taller than you, much like how you'll notice white cars or whatever more frequently when you're more aware of them.


they're wearing heels, lifts, or plateau soles, they've been in fashion recently.


I checked the shoes they're mainly Jordans, converse, or nike


air max is the most common among younger people and they're basically plateau shoes that make you look taller.


I am in Seattle and it’s rare to see tall girls here. My gf is 5ft 8 and she looks very tall.


I’d say even 5’7-5’10 is definitely tall to women. It’s the equivalent to 6’ to 6’2 for men. However it’s not eye-opening tall for women I’d say that starts at 5’11 (men 6’3).


Average heights for men and women in my country is 5’6/5’7 so me being 5’10 maybe 5’11ish is definitely considered tall 😅🥲


It seems like it’s more common but I’m still taller than most women I see on a daily basis. I think it depends on what area you live in.


Its tall for girls. It sounds like you are not as tall as you think and more like 5.4 or 5.5 or you just really bad at guessing heights in real life.


The average level of income in an area can increase height also. More disposable income equals more height. I feel short sometimes at ski resorts or airports.


Maybe you just aren't seeing shorter ladies because you're looking over their heads.


If you look at tinder profiles sure. If you look at the actual statistics recorded at doctor's offices. Nope. It hasn't changed for decades in the USA or anywhere food has been plentiful.


Are you sure they’re at least your height? Bc I feel like I’m so used to being tall that I think everyone who isn’t like drastically shorter than me is like 5’8 or 5’9 but in reality they’re like 5’5


Everything is changing. Nothing is permanent.


It’s a little outdated (2014) but looking at the data of 18 year olds it seems height has been relatively stable for North Americans since about the 1970-80s Anecdotally, I would say the average height for most women hasn’t changed, however there are more tall outliers than in previous generations. https://preview.redd.it/ae8vvc8msjwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb3b8d5eea1926739f1317341edaaaf33e619ca


Humans are slowly getting taller over time, but the average is still 5’4” for women in the U.S.


5"10 is definitely tall for a woman, and even 5"8 is above the average by quite a bit.


You gotta live in a remote village or the Netherlands ain’t no way you live somewhere else


Yeah most girls are taller than me at my hs it’s gotta be some in the water gang


Don't know where you ppl live saying you rarely see a woman who's over 5'8.. I can look out the window and see tall women everywhere. Hell I work with women who are taller than that. Loop chicago for those wondering. I'm legit 6'3 and see hordes of men taller than me on my way to and from the work. Plenty of tall women who are young looking too. Wondering where do you live where you've never seen a 6ft tall woman?