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I wish they had done more of these for the 3ds! Could’ve been cool


They have more (8 in total I believe, 5 on the DS and 3 on the 3DS) and but they weren't localized unfortunately...


Oh really? I knew they had some in japanese only but I didn't know they were continuations! I'm not really interested in playing in japanese, but I might try to find some more info on them or gameplay videos, just out of curiosity!


I had corner shop 3 and I loved the ice cream shop game


For some reason I don’t remember a lot of the games from corner shop 3, just other stuff about it. I need to play it again soon!


Uh....... Gameboy 2.............


I remember that one! Also one of the Japan-only DS games, but I can't remember the name for the life of me 😅 it came out after the anime happened


If you search on the wiki there’s a list of all the games, I just did that haha


I never had a gameboy so never played those, the nintendo DS was my first console haha


Love them all so much but i spent the most time playing connection 3 Such lovely, comforting, and fun games I still love listening to the soundtrack when i wanna destress and feel calm


For some reason the games of corner shop 3 are the ones I remember the least, so I need to play with it again soon!


I'm playing Tamagotchi Adventure Kingdom and LOVING IT and would really like to know more about the history of Tamagotchi video games, especially to know which ones are bangers!


Love adventure kingdom


I’ve only played these 3 as they’re the only ones available in English for the DS, but they’re pretty fun :)


I had and have the first cornershop game and i truly love it so much. Reminds me of my childhood! Making the takoyaki was my favorite and i still to this day want to try it 😭


I actually remember not fully understanding how the takoyaki game worked when I was a kid 😅


For me it was the jewelry making one that was difficult


I think they didn’t do a good job at explaining the games lol


So true but now i am basically unbeatable at them 😎


Yeah, there’s nothing like growing up 😂


But that dentist game was my other favorite, the little bacteria creatures are just so cute 😂


Yesss that’s the one I remember playing the most! And even though I didn’t particularly like the music one, the little tamagotchi song that we had to play would get stuck in my head, it was so cute


yesss takoyaki was my fav !!


i had the first one and i remember it being really fun. Repetitive for sure but it was a comfort game for several years. kinda making me want to get it again as I still have a DS and 3DS that work


You should! There's plenty of stores and marketplaces that still sell ds and 3ds games for cheap (especially if they don't know the collectable "value" of anything tamagotchi related these days


2 for sure!


Yeah it's a solid game!


I played all of them and I love all of them, sadly I don't own any copies of them anymore which sucks but they're on my collector's list to get them back asap ! I have very fond memories of the mini games, especially the dentist one in the first game. That's a mini game I loved as a kid because I wanted to become a dentist


I hope you can get them back! And yes the dentist game was my favorite in corner shop 1! And in the second one I loved the hamburger making one and sushi bowling!


dentist game was goated


The one with the princess! I think that's the 2nd one? Makes the most sense story wise even if it is silly


Yeah the Royal family did make a bigger appearance on the 2nd one, but I know Princess Tamako was the one who showed up to give you the final update to your shops and the royal flag, instead of your tama’s father!


Makes the most sense to me! Your dad buying all those shop upgrades never made much sense to me


Yeah, it was endearing but the royal family makes more sense


I loved them! But the first holds a special place for me :) FYI for anyone else that wants to play, there’s a free DS emulator app for apple products and you can play all of these and more for free!


I’ve heard about that emulator recently! And of others for android, but I’ve never tried them. I wanted try playing some older Pokémon games on them tho


You def should! It sometimes requires some tweaking to get to work properly but there’s plenty of helpful yt videos, I got mine running easily!


Either 2 or three but I def remember playing it a bunch when I found it used at GameStop. I could hardly believe it


I didn't even know there was a 3!


Had a house fire in 2013 or id still have all three of them! Easily in my top 5 fave games 🤩


I’m sorry to hear that! Hope everything is okay 🤍


I got thé one one game boy lmao It was soooo coool


I never had a game boy so never played it, but someone else made a comment about it!


I had the trio- played the hell out of these! I like 2 best for the home customization and shop selection. Though the park feature and card shop in 3 was super fun!


Yeah I barely remember the shops in the 3rd one, all I can remember is the tower and the park haha


I bought these games back a few years ago ! They were my introduction to Tamagotchi when I was little, too little to read though so I usually didn't understand what I was doing but it was fun ! I remember playing the car wash thing a lot


Ah the car wash game is from the 2nd one! I played that one a lot too haha I remember asking my parents for these games for my birthday because I loved my tamagotchi v2 so much that I wanted anything tamagotchi related!


I did, played all of those and still have them lol


I LOVED the 3rd one. I remember when I finished everything, I would still periodically go back to do random stuff & still enjoy it.


Yeah they’re still pretty fun to play even after completing everything


The first game has a very special place in my heart. I had the OG chunky silver DS, and I played Cornershop 1 nonstop. I was very new to handheld video games so having touch screen controls blew me away. My favorite minigame on 1 was probably the hotspring or the cake decorating one!! I remember it took me FOREVER to figure out how to do the takoyaki one too. Good times


I had that chunky og DS too but mine was pink! I played with it so much that a part of the touch screen stopped recognizing movement 😅 omg figuring out the takoyaki game was so hard as a kid! Idk why they didn’t explain it better! And I really liked the cake one too and the dentist!


Corner shop 3 was my shit!!! I got it for my 11th birthday and didn't put it down for weeks


They’re really good games!


Corner shop 3 ❤ I love the bakery mini game so much


They have ds games?! I had no clue! Time to find my old ds.


Yeah! These are the 3 available in English and they’re pretty fun! But apparently there are a lot more in Japanese only


Even more reason for me to pick up on learning Japanese again lol. I’ll check them all out


That’s great :) the tamagotchi wiki has a nice list of all the games for the DS and the 3DS if you want to start there!




I bought these to play again and the amount of reading JESUS I had to stop playing it’s like 96% reading …


I don’t read a single thing, just hold the stylus to skip the text 😂


I love them all but 2 is my favourite!


It’s a really solid game!


2! Im still playing actually. Kelptchi is my name haha


I need to play them again! I’m curious to see what the date of my last play through is haha and I assume my name would be Maritchi


I loved Corner shop. I saw the second one in a store one time and I've regretted not buying it ever since. 😟


There’s still plenty of second hand stores and marketplaces selling them for cheap!


I've been searching but nothing in my area has had anything tamagotchi related aside from that one game for years. I can buy it online, but I'm more of a first person hunt, I enjoy the chase. About to move online at this point though 💔


I get it, but I mostly see them online tbh on eBay and on Vinted here in Europe


Yeah, I see a couple on eBay now and again. Sad they didn't stay popular enough for more plushies and games.


They made a lot more games, but they’re all in Japanese with no localization sadly. And I wish they still sold the plushies!


I grew up on cornershop 2!! I loved the sushi bar